How would Conquest fare in DC? Would he be a candidate to wield a Yellow Lantern Power Ring...

How would Conquest fare in DC? Would he be a candidate to wield a Yellow Lantern Power Ring? Would he be a Earth villain or Cosmic villain?

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>Any of Invincible's villains in a cosmology where Good is an inherent universal force
Superman would do such terrible things to Conquest that he'd stop having fun when he fought stuff. He might make a good Guy Gardner villain though.

Conquest is more powerful than Nolan, a Superman analog that possess power rivaling that of a Shazam analog and another Superman analog. Conquest would be more powerful than Superman.

There's a problem with your comparison, user. And forgive me for getting a little Morrison with it, but: a Superman analogue ain't fucking Superman.

It isn't just about who is more "powerful", Superman embodies the narrative concept of the good guy always defeating the villain.

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Since when does this loser ever do anything important anymore?

I'd be more interested in full power Monster Girl. Conquest was pissing himself when she was unleashed.

Superman is Demonbane. Meanwhile there is a Demonbane that can kill every other Demonbane.

I like his name and design. Menacing.

Is there even any good Superman comic

Sure, the one written by Bendis.

So in such a big universe as DC's why isn't there an "opposite" Kryptonian-like race that gets powered up by different colored Suns and conquers worlds and galaxies?

Is Invincible a more properly edgy cape comic than The Boys? Would Invincible make for a good mini-series?

You basically described the Daxamites. They're also racist.

>power rivaling that of a Shazam analog
Did he fight Mighty Man or another Shazam expy?

>why isn't there an "opposite" Kryptonian-like race that...and conquers worlds and galaxies?
You mean pre-Rao going red sun Kryptonians?

It’s going about a good 9-10yrs worth of good/decent content.

That last 5-6yrs of the books life is so drastically awful it should never be brought up ever again in life

>The two Alan Moore stories of Silver Age Superman.
>All Star Superman
>What's so funny about truth justice & the american way.
it's a controversial story because a lot of people just can't understand the meaning of it, eadgelors, for the most, but it's an important story.
>Superman for all season
Loab at his best.
>Secret Identity (pic related)
>Morrison Justice league it's not about Superman alone, but he's great there anyway.
>kingdom Come

This is just ME, but i think Superman : Son of Superman and Superman: Lois and Clark were two excellent ongoing runs with post Crisis Superman who tries to adapt to his life as in the new universe while another Superman exists. The birth of Jon and Clark dealing with the responsibilities of a father.

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Secret Identity is pretty cucked desu and what’s the deal with those shitty chicken scratch drawings?


Do the World a favor and kill yourself.

Wait Invincible lasted 15 years?

fuck where does the time go

There was a mention of Nolan teaming up with 2 other Superman analogs to repel an alien invasion. Dynamo and someone else, not Immortal.

Besides what the other guy said, there was one which basically starred luthor vs. Braniac, and ended with a fistfight between luthor and superman that I thought was excellent. Forgot what it was called though

It has its moments of edge but unlike The Boys it doesn't really seem to revel in it for it's own sake
The edgiest thing about it is Mark getting raped and showing how bloody a fight with super strength would probably be

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Invincible would be excellent adapted, but a lot of it is so brutal and over the top power=wise I can't imagine the budget required.

Invincible is already getting a show due out 2020 and it's actually going to be animated.

This is literally the first time I have seen a "How would [character] fare in Marvel/DC" thread where the character was actually Yea Forums related.

Good job, OP

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How strong are Viltrumites compare to Kryptonians? Both more or less got the same powerset. Viltrumite gets stronger with training and age and Kryptonians get stronger with more solar energy. Both are capable of surviving in space unaided by simply holding their breathe. Both vulnerable to sonic attacks that target their ears.

Their evil Superman expy was redem by the power of love and family

Well mark and Tang were getting fucked by the surface of the sun in their final fight

They don't have super Senses or laser eyes but have some desent healing factor

>Well mark and Tang were getting fucked by the surface of the sun in their final fight
Which doesn't make sense when Mark was shown capable of surviving nukes.

The two most powerful we see are Thragg and Mark himself and they were able to fight in the Sun, although only briefly and suffered massive amounts of damage in the process

Nolan, Mark and Thaedus flew through a planet to destroy it but it took all three of them and a shot from Space Racer's gun

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Would Dinosaurus team up with Lex in order to get rid off Superman, the greatest contaminated litter on Earth?

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I just see Superman going "lolno" and throwing Conquest into the Sun. Like, no big fight or anything. Nothing about Conquest was particularly impressive. I always considered him Raditz tier. As it is, he's the Vultrimite equivalent of a cranky old man. Mark turns out to be an immortal ageless God who apparently can no longer be physically harmed. Was that due to Mark's super special royal blood or something?

Eve debuffed Conquest with her transmutation powers which made him more vulnerable to Mark's attacks.

No he isn't, because he has lost before. Hate when Supefags act like he's an infallible character BECAUSE he's Superman, he has no more plot armor than most heroes.
Squirrel Girl does though.

Flies in front of significant other and kills her. Nothing personal kid.

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>Conquest would be more powerful than Superman
So he's still less powerful than Martian Manhunter, then

Except for the fact that J'onn is weaker than Superman. J'onn also got one punched by Zod and was knocked out.

>J'onn is weaker than Superman
Superman has gone on record that he's terrified of what would happen if MM lost it.

That's Pre-Flashpoint which is no longer canon. Thanks Barry!

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What about their second fight?

Why did the thread continue past this post?

Mark became more powerful via training by the time they had their rematch.

Threads begin when you will, but they do not end when you please.

Is it modern or old?

Sure but that post was the right fucking answer. A Superman proxy may be as strong on paper but it lacks the identity of fucking Superman that would influence a writer to find a way for him to win.

None of this implies he’s stronger than Superman. I’ve yet to see a good feat regarding him that compares to even something like Superman tanking black holes and the like

assuming this is a "how would this character fare in marvel/dc" thread
How would he fare in Marvel or DC?

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Realistically DIO could efficiently kill basically anyone in Marvel or DC that isn't the Spectre or some shit, but he's such a fucking retard about combat that he'll usually prolong the fight in such a way as to lose his advantage and get killed.

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Classic Defenders villain. Namor matches him then gets fucked up by time stop. Dr. Strange figures out how his time and vampirism works and attempts to kill him with artificial sunlight but gets Za Warudo'd as well because he cannot harm The World on his own. It falls to Hulk, who it turns out works on somewhat similar properties to a Stand and can harm The World. Strange gives Banner the Eye of Agamotto, so he can move within stopped time and kicks DIO's ass.

Can Superman defeat The Fury. a universal killer machine that is capable of adapting to any situation and powerful enough to kill a being that is capable of killing a universe with a mere thought?

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Don't forget
>Superman: Strength
And Casey's run on Adventures of Superman

no, definitely not more edgy than the boys. People accuse Invincible of being edgy, but honestly the only way it's consistently "edgy" is that the gore is over-the-top, which for Image is basically required. Aside from that, a protagonist gets raped, someone has an abortion, and one of the main heroes cheats on her boyfriend with another main hero. That's literally everything that is "edgy" about it.

would be a great mini-series, but it would need a really good director to make it work, and it would need a channel/streaming service like AS or Netflix that lets creators be a bit more risque with what they make

Yes, but not in a fight. He'd trick it into believing he had a device that could completely eradicate all active machinery on the planet, so the robot would adapt by creating an off switch and deactivating itself. And while it was off and unable to react Superman would toss it into the Phantom Zone.

A LOT of edgy baby's-first-gore shit happens to Mark's love interest.

for example? she gets killed like twice, that's all. WHat other gore happened to her?
Honestly I think his brother was worse off

Well there was that time her leg got ripped off for no raisin

>Dr. Strange figures out how his time and vampirism works and attempts to kill him with artificial sunlight but gets Za Warudo'd as well because he cannot harm The World on his own

If DIO is dead then his stand is dead. If Strange is bathed in artificial sunlight and DIO steps into it he dies.

All this makes me think about is Jon and Terra meeting up.

Watching Superman's head flying around a room before being tossed in a goldfish bowl never made me laugh so hard.

But Strange can't land a decisive blow if he can't affect The World wailing on him

Gets tossed into the phantom zone by superman.
Fuck outta here with your stupid scaling. Shit doesn't stack up when Thragg was being cooked alive by a star.

Weak bait.

A Kryptonian being capable of withstanding the sun because its their power source ain't that impressive. High tier Viltrumites are capable of tanking a hydrogen bomb. Make no senses why the surface of the sun could hurt them.

Tanking, or surviving? This is an important distinction.

That's nice. Does Conquest have a dozen other abilities and the backing of several hundred superheroes? Otherwise it goes down the same as all other "this guy is stronger than Superman" characters.

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Why are you saying this like it's impressive when fucking SUPERMAN has kicked the asses of dozens of Superman analogues?

What ever happened to the retcon into existence America's secret Superman before Superman character?

The "edgiest" thing about Invincible is that when the heroes fight something outside their power level they actually get hurt. In DC/Marvel comics if Green Arrow accidentally runs into Darksied, he'd get knocked into a brick wall and pass out, maybe end up in a hospital bed with some bandages for the next 5 issues. If it were in the Invincible universe, the moment Darksied's hand makes contact with Green Arrows skin it's going to tear through it like wet tissue paper creating a swath of blood and organs.

A big part of the appeal of the book is just how crazy strong Viltrumites are compared to everyone else.

The Legendary Super Sentry Black will kick all their asses.

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Retconned back out of existence. Probably exists in limbo state of being canon or not being canon and just depends on if anyone ever intends to pick it back up. And by anyone I mean Snyder.