Hey Peter Parker, got something for me?

Hey Peter Parker, got something for me?

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Why do people on this website pretend Captain Marvel sucks? She's charming and cute as fuck in the movies.

Deez nuts nigga

You’ll have the infinity gauntlet WHEN YOU FIX THIS DAMN DOOR

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3 words: Brie Larsons feet.
her feet is why shes the most feared avenger.

Her character when viewed in a vacuum is alright, but the actress projects the aura of "fuck all white males" and that is offputting

I hate white people so much it's unreal.

>her character is objectively okay, the actress just hurt my feelings

Who gives a shit about that? Kevin Spacey molested little boys, but he's a great actor and I love his movies. Learn to separate art from artist.

yer an ugly dyke

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Her character actually seemed kind off bland in the movies, not necessarily unlikable

I enjoyed her movie more than I thought I would, and didn't think she was terrible. But I didn't think her acting was all that good during the more dramatic, emotional moments her character had.

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Anyone have that panda link of the Ms. Marvel/Spiderman /ss/ comic?


Looks like some gator shit. No thanks

jesus christ I don't even know which one of those is the most embarrasing

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>Inceltube REEing
So it's actually great, then.

God I wish I could make money off idiots the way these tubers do

oh no...


Shad has a wife, four kids, two houses and a published book. I wish I was this kind of an incel.

Attached: Shad - back scabbard.webm (1280x720, 1.51M)

>panda link

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This is good shit.
*unzips dick*

Are you expecting me to take this seriously?

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there's literally no better reviewer on Youtube than Mauler, also his voice makes me cum

She's exactly like in the comics 1 for 1, in other words, shes shit and a mary sue cunt.

I can't imagine being so pathetic that you watch enough Youtube "reviewers" that you have a favorite.

What happened? I went to see panda and theres a new gate with girls bowing, Are they down for maintenance? When will they be back? Or is this a new lock for the secret club?
Would have preferred the panda link but thanks user

Exhentai got shut down a few days ago. It's currently accessible to those that pay.

damn what a shame. Any news on when they will be back?

How do these losers even know who these nobodies are

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Pizza Time.

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Your pic is cringe.

lol marvel sucks, you manchildren.

Do the people that watch this shit know they're getting scammed?

The toxic brood DABS on Carolfags!

>Hey Penny Parker, got something for me?

I love her.
Please stop hating on her.


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“Leave Britney alone!”

yes, my ding-dong diddly dick.

Is Peter in the habit of revealing his secret identity to people he has just met.

I refuse to believe this is real, even in this board.

every fucking time, little fucker has no idea how to keep his mask on

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Excellent taste my fellow intellectual
+1 for you

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How did Raimi sneak that in?

She’s not awful but there’s work that needs to be done. She seems very standoffish and has bad social skills except with people she’s already friends with.

I think she could be fine with some character development. Teach her to ease up and be less coarse towards unfamiliar people.

then why did her movie not do so great?

gr8 b8 m8

She's not even interesting enough to suck. She's painfully bland and yet every movie she's in or referenced in try's to sell her as the hypest shit ever.

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Dude, the creator did this to avoid getting VANNED.

It’s permanently. The whole of the anime porn boards lost their collective shit. Where have you been?