Doing a contrast and comparison of all ninja in western comics, who would you say is the most skilled and powerful?
Doing a contrast and comparison of all ninja in western comics, who would you say is the most skilled and powerful?
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Batman, probably?
dr mcninja
Yeah, McNinja. I mean, if you want to expand it to "people who aren't known for being ninja but are probably trained in that shit" then Karate Kid, but just for raw "this character is clearly stated to be a ninja" it's Dr. McNinja.
He's cool, but no.
Easier to list some of the most skilled.
> Lady Shiva
> Deathstroke
> Master Splinter
> Batgirl (Cassandra Cain)
> Iron Fist
> Psylocke
> David Cain
> Elektra (Sometimes)
> Bullseye (Probably Lady Bullseye too.)
> Black Widow (In all but name.)
All good, but not as good as Dr. McNinja.
He beats up giants.
He punches ghosts.
He curbstomps dinosaurs.
He can survive shit that would definitely kill all those characters.
Unparalleled balance, able to spot weakpoints at a glance, literally outsmarted Death multiple-lifetimes worth of knowledge in a multitude of disciplines, etc. etc. etc.
i vomite
El Temerario negro
If you count comics based on shows; Jack.
Even if only a few of his levels are in ninja.
Perhaps, but still canon.
ur fagut
There's also this.
pure ninja K I N O episodes back to back
thanks Genddy
I don't have any pictures of her being an actual ninja, so here's this wildly non-canonical art of her wearing a venom symbiote. But the ninjas in Empowered are pretty badass. And ninjette kills a whole clan of 'em.
A stiff breeze can kill a ninja village. You gotta watch out for the one motherfucker who was out of town for that weekend. That guy's a death machine.
Yah the inverse ninja law, well, she's the motherfucker in this case. A whole volume of Empowered is her getting choppy with a rival clan
Subzero would freeze half these food. Hes got mad feats
He would, but it's too bad he's not a ninja. So therefore he is disqualified.
Lady Shiva and Karate Kid
No fair, he has super strength because he is a doctor!
I guess she could be added.