Who will it be Yea Forums?
Who will it be Yea Forums?
yikes my dude
This pic should be captioned "Carol/10, would not bang."
8 is perhaps the only one that I wouldn't feel bad looking at.
Fuck you, I'mma do it.
4 looks like a man LMAO
Enjoy tranny Carol, m8
Katsucon 2019, eh?
This user can have my roll.
6 isn't that bad and is skinnier than all but the crossplayer.
dubs is perhaps the laziest closet cosplay I have ever seen.
I know some of these hoes irl. Don't be pervert.
6 or 8 get.
My condolences.
you got it son
Eh, Not bad.
>Badass stockings
Also pretty quick turnaround on the post-apoc cosplay
Please 6
9's got that acceptably plump going on so her
Haha holy shit, I know #1
6, 8 and 9 but 8 dresses up like Spider-Woman
Jesus I think I know dubs.
God save me
Most of these probably bought ther costumes at Amazon and put some makeup and a wig on.
Here I go!
2, 7 and 8 at least look like they have skill
6 and 9 are just wearing bought costumes
I feel like this is russian roulette with bullets in all chambers. Aiming for 6, though.
4 looks like they really don't want to be there
6 is cute. 8 might be cute with a different wig.
>no loli
6 get
8 is the best of the bunch, but would still bang any of them.
5 or 8, kill me if I get any other
How low are your standards
I'll take all of them except for that creature in the middle
Dubs or bust.
>How low are your standards
>on Yea Forums(nel)
Just remember if you enjoy the MCU this is the level of humanity you're associating yourself with.
I want 5
As opposed to associating yourself with Yea Forums?
>You beat me to it. We already associate ourselves with Yea Forums.
Ha, you've finally lost one, Yugi.
Now, watch as I unironically roll for dubs.
Please be 4
1. best face
3. best costume
6. best figure
4. most likely to let you ejaculate on her face
Am I the only one that likes 5?
why is it that only 7, 8 and 9 look happy to be in the picture?
yep, and now you and i have to spitroast dubs
I could live with 5. She's got a punk look that isn't half bad. She also looks dominant in the sack, which is giving me a semi-chub just thinking about. 6 is cute in an approachable way. 8 looks like a sweetheart. The rest are a mix of forgettable and horrible.
That's the one I like the most of this group.
Fuck no, the only one I would hulk smash
Jesus, the cringe...
Lady Luck don’t fail me now...
>>Most of these costume look exactly the same
5 or 9 baby!
7 get