Which videogame series could be a good cartoon show

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TF2 would have been a great answer 5 years ago, now it would just feel scummy.

Hollow Knight maybe

Left 4 Dead

Crash Bandicoot

Wonderful 101.

Overwatch desperately needs some kind of ongoing show or comic at this point to revitalize interest in the franchise. They keep introducing characters and "lore" but nothing ever goes anywhere.

It wants to be GI Joe with more chicks. Just let it do that and roll in waifubux.

Zombie craze is over for now I think.

shovel knight

Kingdom Hearts, but instead of revisiting the movie plots, just set the episodes slightly after them. It would be like giving all the franchises the "Disney TV series" treatment

Pic related, of course.
>inb4 like Samurai Jack
Well, yeah sure. But Metroid really does lend itself to episodic adventures.

This. Overwatch is so frustrating because it has all this interesting lore and fun characters, but actively refuses to do anything with them. The """plot""" such as it is is essentially getting the band back together. Overwatch wage their battle to destroy the evil forces of Talon. Is it really so much to ask for a fucking campaign mode? Fuck off, Actiblizz, and shove your predatory mtx right up your fuckin ass.

The funny thing is you don't even need a campaign mode per-say. People would honestly just be satisfied with the bare minimum of forward progress.

Like, take the prequel missions like Uprising. Once a year, do that but set it in the 'present' of the storyline. "Talon is hutning old Overwatch members, we have to get in and save [this character]" would be a perfectly fine excuse for a mission with minimal setup. Or trying to evade government troops after Talon leaks the location of your clubhouse to the authorities because Overwatch is technically illegal at this point. That sort of thing.

It wouldn't have to be much, but even just a once a year thing would be enough to string a lot of players along.

Zelda windwaker or Majoras mask. The rest are better off staying as games

I wonder if there's some specific reason for why they're avoiding plot advancement. They put out 3 missions for prequel stuff so far (and next year's event will probably be another Archive thing too that contributes fuckall with the status quo)

The funny thing is that if they gave Ridley his personality from the manga he'd fit in really well as the series's Aku.

Aku and Manga Ridley are both charmingly cruel in a way that few characters can pull off.

>Ridley orders his Kraid EXTRA THICK


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>mfw it almost could have been a reality

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Right? Fuckin' SOMETHING. A bunch of missions with some basic flavor text detailing Overwatch foiling some Talon scheme would suffice.
>Widowmaker plans to assassinate the President of Whateverstan! Tracer is sent in to stop her!

I'm convinced it's straight up apathy. They've got their live service gravy train rolling, so why bother putting any more effort into it? No need to make a story when you've got loot boxes.


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I want Sammy to shove my face into her puffy vulva until I die

Oh absolutely. The Pirates in general make for fun antagonists, with their goofy SCIENCE!!! bullshit.

Everyone harps on the Morph Ball experiments, but I just can't get over how Thardus was made.
>gather pile of rocks
>literally dump phazon on it
>rocks turn into a monster with ice powers
And this was the actual plan!


MOTHER, the entire trilogy

it would be such an incredible cartoon

Nobody wants to watch a cartoon that’s only plot is a bunch of cryptic bullshit that you have to watch some YouTube video to understand.

Nintendo is really missing out not making a Paper Metroid RPG starring Ridley and the Pirates.

Fuckin tubes, yo. This is why Mother Brain doesn't give them access to any of the good Chozo tech, cause she knows full well they'll do something stupid with it.

In fact.
>reverse engineer the Hunter's beam weapons
>none of them have the actual effects of the originals, and seem suspiciously like normal ass beams
>armor makes user vulnerable to the same beam type

>it’s a Metroid fans pretend to like the games for it’s story and characters episode
Why do you people continue to lie to your selves? Just admit you just want to fap to Samus.

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Tomb Raider would be great adventure show but only if you used classic Lara.

>Ridley's Inside Story


You can be a fan of both the games and the manga, user.

>easy to adapt

>good adaptations if done by the right hands
Hotline miami
Brutal Legend

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I feel like some games are so dependant on being video games, that they're almost not worth adapting at all. Undertale, for example. The fuck would you even do with that as a cartoon? For fucks sake, the person playing the fucking game is a character in the narrative.

That's part of the reason why video game movies end up being shit. The medium transfer is much more extreme, and you lose so much be removing the interactive element.

An undertale cartoon could take place after the game, with Frisk trying to help the monsters, and Chara being a side character who is still possessing Frisk
And every 5 episode we get a meme filled visit from SaNs UnDeRtAlE

Valid point user, I can definitely see where you're coming from with those.

I can give a pass to splatoon since I felt it's world enough was a vibrant enough character in it's own way to incorporate ideas from. I always did get a KNDish kind of vibe from it.

Celeste can probably be axed, it'd be a style over substance type of show if it did get adapted.

Don't be absurd user
I like Metroid because it's the only video game I had as a kid and I obsessed over all the details in monster design.
And I fap to samus

Follow up? I guess that could work, and I always severely doubted that the acclimation process would be that easy.

Splatoon could be screwball comedy shenanigans.

Celeste, and all the other "emotional platformers" would be devastated by losing interactivity. Like, imagine Gris, or Limbo as a cartoon? It would suck. MAYBE J.J Macfield, but that's pushing it.

Jokes on you. I fap to SCIENCE and tubes.

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>Metroid would be a good cartoon, right?

Someone didn't learn from Other M.

Samus needs to be a silent protag in moody exploration action games.

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Dark Souls. I imagine it similar to Samurai Jack, where there's very little dialogue or overarching plot and each episode is just about visiting a certain location, meeting other NPCs or traversing a level or whatnot

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You are the cancer that killed the series.

Xcom has potential for a cartoon, it has ample opportunity to get you all attached to characters with depth and genuine humanity only to get unceremoniously by a thin man on a 5% success rate dice roll

I'd watch a twisted metal cartoon.

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I look forward to the episode where a viper falls in love with a main character and defects to the human side.

There must be at least one instance of a main character shooting an enemy point blank in the face, and somehow missing.

Yeah, that would happen. Snek.

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I would love one by Genndy Tartakovsky.

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Absolutely not, Zero Suit Samus was a fucking mistake
I want the armor to stay on

Fuck, Genndy would be great for that.

>zero suit was a fucking mistake
>the armor to stay on

Ah, I see you're a fellow man of taste.

Mah nigga peacock is the only reason I want to play Skull girls.

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>crash bandicoot

people only think it's cryptic cause they all 'Press B to Skip'

>He thinks the blonde thot is what makes samus appeaing
>literally 98% of time is played as full armored samus in the original games
I sometimes wish she never revealed identity desu

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Call me a retarded, but I haven't noticed Samus was a girl several years after I knew about Metroid. The badass space suit is the appealing, fag.

Battletoads as former intergalactic pro-wrestling champs that get enlisted by their government or something to have to work as a special ops group.

Zelda, with Genndy Tartakovsky as director


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Golden Axe. classic sword and sorcery adventure.

battletoads. Lik tmnt with more edginess. and classic dark queen.

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metal slug. 10 minute episodes, each episode being a level. non stop action, like the first season of superjail.

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>man these people like something I don’t like
>so there HAS to be a dumb reason for them to like it

I think this would work as a political thriller and as a starship troopers-esque show..

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Legacy of Kain

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We even have a snappy opener that works for western cartoon format.


Don't think it would work well, but I'm really saddened Ubisoft never expanded on the story by commissioning a comicbook run like they've done with their AC series.

Heck, I would be totally down with a For Honor comic series that was just a series of short stories focusing on each type of hero.

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Shantae could easily get a cartoon even higher now that Trigger did an opening animation

But I would say Star Fox if you did thee 64 story line with the easy route being season 1 each stage is a different episode and season 2 being the harder route.

Zelda with the Toon artstyle
>That episode where the market crashed

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>classic dark queen.
even if picked up
DQ classic will never ever happen

>Episode 1
>Melting trips over a rock and Fish and the gang have to find him a medkit before he succumbs to his fatal injuries

Legacy of Kain, Prince of Persia Warrior Within, Tomb Raider, Hitman, and S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

A metroid cartoon would probably suck because Samus rarely interacts with other people in the games. Every episode can't just be her shooting space pirates in the tubes.

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Considering it's designed to be a wacky Saturday morning cartoon, absolutely. It's even got a great theme song and everything.

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