Can we talk about this show?

Can we talk about this show?

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only read the first story arc. Now that panda is gone where can I read the rest.

only if you don't post the lewd scenes. also new page when?

the piss fetish arc? Or is that the second arc

Panda ain't gone

that one was made by someone else, is not part of the comic

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It's truely amazing how long this project has gone on

Nowhere. Western cartoon porn is dead. Panda was the only real aggregator.

Jab Archives has it up to date.

When is Juniper gonna ride her brother like the teacups at Disneyland???

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The Jab Archives

Hopefully never

story time it user, you just have to censor the porn

that'd take longer than drawing the comic has so far

this. tfw you will never keep up with stuff like this because panda was so convenient.

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also i wish to express my disgust that misterd dropped the Trixie & Lor lesbian tension storyline

the orgy part & Juniper lee getting fem-dommed was pretty good though

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>Trixie & Lor lesbian tension storyline
that was never storyline, is was just another small piece of Trixie closet gayness

I mean HAS it been dropped?
Just feels like the story is in a different spot not focusing on it at the moment. and the story moves sloooooooow

Trixie and Timantha are about to scissor until they fucking bleed and then scissor some fucking more

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Honestly I'm pretty sure the Panda hadn't updated it in a long while....

Panda isn't gone. Just paywalled.

>thinking Veronica isn't going to Aloha Snackbar their hangout session and set them at odds all over again

is not coming back thou, and EH is going down too

A week or two before the pandapocolypse.
We were waiting for Trixie to come meet Timantha behind some cabins while Juniper was going to meet Grim.

nah it was updating on time

Best off model brit

yeah i guess that since MD barley updates it just feels like stuff gets forgotten because that stuff happened literally 2 years ago. also the fact that this comic has been going for like the past 4 years dosent help

but user i really dont want to see trixie and Timantha scissor, hell i really dont like timantha in this at all. tootie and Goo are better in that regard

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>Mabel and Lincoln in the background
He's got to be the only one they sent, I mean, do you know how fucking expensive Summer Camp is for one kid, let alone nearly a dozen?

>tfw you recognize Frankie by her chest

Wrong. E-H is fine.

Anyone know where I can find a download of the entire thing?

I mean one of the Kanker sisters is there so it can't be that bad, besides given the age I think Lynn, Lucy and maybe Luann would be the only ones that go with him

For the next six months at most, Tenboro said he's washing his hands of the whole thing.

telling you man, EH not gonna stay around
read the thread

I really liked that comic until the original creator dropped it. The people that have picked up for them have been varying level of suck.

>charlie brown has hair

He came back in 2014

When did that happen?

Ha. Shows how closely I’ve been following the whole thing.


>Mr. D starts Camp Sherwood, goes missing

>Yea Forums creates a followup nicknamed "The Rape Pages"

>7chan creates a new followup, promising start but fell to shit. Nicknamed the Piss pages.

Mr. D came back and has made HUNDREDS of pages since then. It's slow, but it's going.

a lot of urine

>The Rape Pages
where do I find those?

Follow the link in the 8ch thread to the one older than it, they will be there.

in which board?

who's the boy who is looking directly at us?


Kind of looks like Stan from south park

Stan Marsh

thank you very much user

Panda's gone, dude. Zombie-panda is left, with almost nothing on it.