Would you want to be a mutant?
Would you want to be a mutant?
Only if everyone, including the writers, forgot I was a mutant.
>a good chunk of the world and its governments hate Mutants and discriminate against them
>yet are perfectly fine with people like the Hulk and Spider-Man
This user is smart.
They're just mad because they can't have qts like jubilee
its been how many fucking years and they still haven't done like a Mutant civil rights movement?
It depends on my powers. If I could use my powers to terrorize and control normal humans, then sure! If my powers are underwhelming and don't give me any cool but unfair advantages, then I probably try to hide my powers if possible just live normally.
Only if I could (mostly) control my powers and had no drawbacks like being disfigured, inhuman, or Chinese
People hate Hulk and Spider-man though.
People in Marvel Universe hate Hulk and Spider-Man too. Hulk is seen as a monster and Spider-Man gets bad press from the Daily Bugle.
Its been a central fucking theme of the god damn comics since the godamn fucking beginning.
Xavier and the X-Men wanted legislation and intergration.
Magneto wanted Dominance.
How can you dumbfucks be so stupid?
user you really don't have to keep spamming jubilee threads.
Yes but only if I can hop over to DC after getting powers
What said.
Theres also the whole if House of M thing hadn't happened then Mutants were going to *replace* Homo Sapians within 100 years, theres a very large "us and them" force facing mutantkind that the I-ate-the-power one offs don't get.
Only if I have Legion/Franklin level powers.
Else it’s not worth the hassle of being a mutant in the marvel universe.
>Perfectly fine with Hulk and Spider-man
Hulk is the worst you could've picked.
The Government is constantly on his ass, and even his friends shot him into space despite ultimately being a really big fucking nuisance that's occasionally really useful.
Spidey has the most fickle fanbase and a civilian is basically allowed to house WMDs expressly made to hunt and kill him.
One of which he apparently keeps in his attic and another his office.
Mutants get it the worst but ultimately it's a shit to be in Marvel at all.
Idk. Do I get a cool power or lame power?
Depends on which mutant. A nice concealable power that doesn't affect my appearance would be fine. I wouldn't want to be Glob Herman.
As long I maintain my human appearance with no physical deformities, and they don't decide to turn me black for the quota, sure.
how so?
lol, so what would even be the point of being a mutant then? How would it be any different than being a regular superhero?
>What would be the point of not having any of the actual downsides of being a mutant?
I meant it more in a way of how would you be distinguishable from any other cape at that point?
what a based retard
Worst choices although I'd say people like Spider-Man but it's New York so everyone is a jerk about it half the time. But there really is a ridiculous gap in logic even if you were to say it's racist logic. You have those with just the slightest hint of power that is a mutant and civilians can sniff it out and go into a frothing rage. And yet when there are those that have the power to destroy the world with their fists they're celebrated. Even though the Dark Avengers pretended to be the actual ones, surely people know about Ares, God of War.
It is logical, people like to be around their own kind and don't like people who aren't like them, humans are by nature very tribal.
na, most mutants are just ugly like morlocks or have shitty stupid powers,really powerfull mutatns are rare, and even in the case you are one of them you could end with a double edge power like forget me not,poor guy
>people like to be around their kind!!!
Except the standards for what counts as "their kind" are ultimately arbitrary so it's still illogical. You can argue it's a base instinct, but so is shitting on the floor instead of going in the toilet.
Only if I get to choose my powerset
Theres a reason why X-Men was the only Marvel Kirby book that got canceled for awhile. They should be in their own universe, and normies are gonna be echoing your sentiments when the MCU brings in mutants.