Well, I know I'm late as fuck to the party, but I only just saw this

Well, I know I'm late as fuck to the party, but I only just saw this.
I gotta say, this has to be the coolest way they could have made Darkwing "real" to the story, and it's a based af origin for Negaduck.
Not really a fan of nu-Ducktales in general, but this was amazing, and a rebooted DW stand alone cartoon can't come soon enough.

I need a DW thread, stat

Attached: Negaduck.jpg (1280x720, 72K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I really love how Jim Starling has most of DW's negative traits from the old cartoon while Drake has his positive ones

I know, right? And the shared origin gives him a better reason to be the archenemy other than "I'm palette swapped you from another dimension"

>25 episodes left to watch of Ducktales reboot
Season 1 has been hit and miss every other episode, but I'm looking forward to the 2nd that Yea Forums claims improves.

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good attitude

OG Darkwing’s huge ego was endearing though. He was a generally good guy, just a little up his own ass

It's a brilliant nod to the original Negaduck episode.

The Tron-Splitter Negaduck, you mean? It is kinda neat how it parallels that.

The DT showrunner is a huge DWD fan so it’ll be neat to see more references like this in the future

Yeah, that and Drake's backstory being lifted from the time travel episode with the criminal Elvis impersonator were excellent touches. They hit that perfect sweet spot where they're references that older fans would pick up on, but clearly stand on their own enough that you don't have to have seen the original series to appreciate them.

I'm going to miss Darkwing's massive ego. It made for some great episodes. And fueled his hatred of teaming up with other superheroes.

He'll definitely still have an ego. It might not be quite as huge as OG Darkwing, but little things like Drake's line about how he's better than Gizmoduck show that he might end up with the same attitude once he really gets into the superheroing groove

Yeah, it shows up in the SDCC trailer, too.

>"I'm Gizmoduck! When there's trouble, they call me! What's your name?"
>Darkwing just glares and grumbles

Who'd win Gosalyn or NuTales Webby?

We know nothing about her except what kind of clothes she wears
She might be a bitch nigga for all the info we have right now

OG Gosalyn is at least as formidable as Webby, likely moreso because Webby has a lifetime of Beakley training while Gosalyn basically improvises nearly all the time.

Drake's still got some of them though. A little bit of arrogance and jealousy.

Geese are violent motherfuckers and will murder you in an instant if you give them an opening.

>dresses like a hoodrat
Gosalyn looks like she'd shank a bitch, fuck the no kill rule.

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>Vicious little shit around anyone but her dad
I'll take it

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Don't watch the Ducktales reboot. What's going on with it and Darkwing?

you should just watch it and find out

They’ve worked him into the show in an interesting way, it’s worth a watch. DT17 is controversial around here but the DWD arc has been done well so far

>a rebooted DW

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Megavolt best villain

I do wonder how they'll handle the other villains. Keith Ferguson's Megavolt was too pitch-perfect to use only once.

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I saw someone theorize that the actors who portrayed the villains in the DWD movies will become villains the way Jim became Negaduck but my personal (autistic) theory is that they’ll be random civilians, making Bane-Megavolt thicc in the in universe DWD canon seems like a way to make him visually different so you can tell him apart from Elmo Sputterspark when/if they eventually introduce him

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Looks like Taurus Bulba is in season 3.

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>When there's trouble, they call me!
And people wonder why this Drake already hates him

Didn’t OG Drake hate him too?

OG Drake kind of hated everybody.

GD is annoying, I don’t blame him

>Webby thinks she's badass because of her training
>Gosalyn has actual experience cracking skulls
Sounds cool.

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That is fucking hilarious. I bet the guy didn't hear the end of it for a bit.

Season 1:

Escape to/from Atlantis
Daytrip of Doom
The Great Dime Chase
The House of the Lucky Gander
The Spear of Selene
Beware the B.U.D.D.Y. System
The Missing Links of Moorshire
From the Confidential Case Files of Agent 22
Who is Gizmoduck
The Other Bin of Scrooge McDuck
The Secret(s) of Castle McDuck


The Beagle Birthday Massacre
Terror of the Terra-firmians
The Infernal Internship of Mark Beaks
The Living Mummies of Toth-Ra
The Impossible Summit of Mt. Neverrest
McMystery at McDuck McManor
The Golden Lagoon of White Agony Plains
Day of the Only Child
Sky Pirates...In the Sky
The Last Crash of the Sunchaser
The Shadow War

>The Last Crash of the Suncrasher

Awkward and forced "family betrayal" drama. It happened too fast.

I really can't agree with many of those

i thought it was very realistic how they handled it. i cried so damn much. too many parallels to my own family...

Do share your own list.

Gosalyn at least failed on occasion. Too many times she picked a fight and lost. Made her a little more normal than the weirdly superstrong new Webby

As someone who dropped this after season 1 I agree with this list. Might say something about my expectations. The “Good episodes” are what I found fun and relaxing, while the “Bad episodes” are the ones I was disappointed in because they seemed to promise more seriousness and complexity that always went undelivered.

I've watched enough nu-DuckTales to know that Darkwing was a fictional hero that only had small cameos until recently. What are the relevant episodes to see Darkwing;s proper debut?

Eh... negative traits are what contrast the positive. Take out the negative and leave only positive you are going to have a really flat character.

I really wish they tone down the seriousness. I mean we dont want kingdom hearts to happen here.

It was the Darkwing Duck Movie reboot episode.

Anyone else find it weird that Kit and Darkwing got a revamped design but Goofy and the RRs are exactly like their 90s selves. Seems a bit odd to me.

With DW in the show, I wonder if they'll expand upon F.O.W.L and bring back Steelbeak

>bitch nigga
Black, mulato or anyone whose at least one parent is of african descent doesn't have red hair.

Rest of DW villains (except for Steelbeak and Taurus Bulba) will come straight from the TV land, calling it here. Negaduck pulls them out somehow, needing help defeating the new Darkwing Duck. Que Fearsome Five.
First season of the DW reboot (it's coming I know it, you know it) deals with more mundane villains, starting off with Taurus Bulba/Gosalyn's origin. Negaduck will make appearences but isn't relevant to the season 1 plot. It will also introduce characters like Morgana. Second season is Justice Ducks vs Fearsome Five.

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>Liquidator, Bushroot, Megavolt and Quackerjack are all former actors from the tv show

No, they are the characters, pulled out from the tv show.

I meant that I could actually see them all as the former co stars of Jim Starling and roped into his schemes

Honestly, that might suck.
With OG Fearsone Five, everyone had a great origin except Negaduck
Inverting it so that Negaduck has a great origin but the rest are literally plugged from another dimension kinda cheapens them a little imo, and might hinder their utility as stand alone villains, if they get saddled with being a team from the getgo

I think it's a better origin to share than all of them being their old actors. But I got an even better idea.

Maybe Negaduck sets up "accidents" that turn the former actors into the characters they played? With the exception of Quackerjack, all the members of the Fearsome Five gained their powers from an accident.
Making Negaduck essentially the Chief and the Fearsome Five into his Doom Patrol.


Now, see, that works much better.
It doesn't even necessarily need to be the actors who played them either. They could freshen the characters up a little with new designs and VAs if they wanted.

That actually has me worried.
Drake's ego and arrogance is what made him so engaging. There's been tiny hints of it so far but I hope they make a full comeback when he puts on the Cape & Cowl.

>Maybe Negaduck sets up "accidents" that turn the former actors into the characters they played?
Meh, making Negaduck responsible for everyone else kind of steals their agency as villains.

>tfw reboot DW is kinda hot

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I'm leaning towards them all being established criminals or supervillains beforehand who Negaduck tracks down and invites to join his gang based on their similair, but not necessarily the same power-sets to the villains on his old show, on the condition they also take up the Supervillain names of those characters.

The only character I'm not sure about is Megavolt because his OG personality is Classic and a shame to not bring back.

>With OG Fearsone Five, everyone had a great origin except Negaduck
What was the original Negaduck's backstory anyway?

There were two Negaducks, actually. One was made from DW's dark side because of the plot do-hickey of the week, but he was gone by the end of the episode. The regular Negaduck came later and he was just the Mirrorverse version of DW from an alternate dimension

Honestly, all of them had pretty classic personalities.

I'm not gonna say that I would "not muh" to them having new personalities, the writers might be able to come up with really good ones, but off the top of my head, I dont see how you could improve on buy-my-shit Liquidator, please-love-me Bushroot, or lets-play-a-game Quacker Jack

But why does Negaduck have Kaa eyes?

Quackerjack they could go with either the Whacky personality from the old series or the Joker type personality that Stone first envisioned and Boom Studios went with.

Liquadator and Bushroot, they haven't established their personalities in flashbacks so I suppose they could still stick to their old ones.
I hope so.

>DW reboot never ever because Jim Cummings wouldn't be able to reprise his role as Negaduck.

Is that a DKR Bane reference?

Why not? He just did Negaduck this year.

Tell me about Megavolt
Why does he wear the plug?

You know what they could do, in a sort of tongue-in-cheek way?
Bring back the Fearsome Five, but bring them back as parodies of modern updates of classic villains (particularly ones that get hated on).
They already did DKR Bane Megavolt.
They could do a genderswap for one of them.
Maybe one of them goes tacticool.
One could be a parody of a political strawman or mouthpiece (for some kind of in-universe politics, not real world politics, don't want to open a kettle of worms)
I'd add "needlessly edgy" to the list, but Negaduck himself has always been a parody of needlessly edgy characters

Not a big fan of how they did this, but then again I dont really like the entire show to begin with.

She inherited her granny's swole genes.

No, it's a reference to Triumph of the Will. Of course it's a fucking DKR reference.

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Darkwing is a fictional character from an old TV show, but when they try to make a "gritty reboot" the old lead actor Jim Starling goes insane and becomes Negaduck, prompting the new lead to become Darkwing for real


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the whole ep is on youtube

no I mean all the episodes

With them having F.O.W.L. I'm really hoping Steelbeak will make an appearance.

>too stupid to check the archives

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the majority of links have either expired or are for the comics

Requesting a Ducktales CIA

It should be Agent Grizzlikof

>Dr. Bushroot? I'm S.H.U.S.H.

To show just how batshit nuts he's become. Dude's legitimately going through a psychotic break atm

It's kinda sad...if not for that explosion, Launchpad had just managed to talk Starling down, and Starling basically saved Launchpad and Drake.

He could have come out of that incident looking like a hero, and getting the kind of accolades he wanted.

>All it takes is one bad day.....and an ego twice the size of Texas

I could live with them switching out designs, powers, even species or even genders.

But every DW character has the perfect characterisation and relationship dynamics for the maximum amount of humour.

Do you think Tim Curry still has it in him to provide the voice of Bulba one last time?

Bane-Megavolt was "reboot" only, the in-universe original show had him pretty spot on to his original.

Which leaves me nervous that they'll change any new version. You can't top perfection.

>even species or even genders

It's funny...I COULD live with them swapping genders, but not species.
You wanna make Bushroot a girl, fine, but she better still be a duck.

Question for you guys:
The Fearsome Five and Steelbeak are obviously on everyone's wishlist to see come back, but are there any lesser known characters you hope to see?

I'd actually love for Rubber Chicken to join the Justice Ducks.
And Bugmaster was a neat villainess who I think had a lot of reappearance potential

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Did we get any new episodes after this DW reboot one?

Not until September.

>"I'm better than Gizmoduck"
It's still kinda there. It'll be nice to see them team up.

Nah, the stroke finished his career. Still, nothing would make me happier. Tim's a treasure.

Wouldn't mind this magnificent ham to return.

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he never did voice work

You, sir, are an idiot.

When did he ever do voice work?

Will Candi Milo voice her?

I dunno, user. Maybe you should hit up IMDB or Wikipedia


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So, is this Darkwing going to have any type of civilian life/secret identity considering Launchpad, Scrooge, and a whole film making crew worth of people know who he is?

any digital rips of these yet??


I have literally never heard this guy speak before

You must be deaf, then.

There's no way at this point, and with this being a whole new ongoing series, they'd have to swap him out basically immediately. Rare time where I'm all for a totally new person to do their spin on it.

They most likely thought he died in an explosion at the studio, so he doesn't need a civilian life/secret identity.

Oh, you said DW. In that case, he'll probably work for SHUSH like he did in the original show and be the adoptive father of black Gosalyn.

>They most likely thought he died in an explosion at the studio, so he doesn't need a civilian life/secret identity.

That's true for Starling, anyone could see Drake was right there with Launchpad when all was said and done.

It probably means they have plans for Tale Spin and obviously Darkwing Duck, while Rescue Rangers are just a cameo/reference.

"We live in a society" Quackerjack

He literally voiced him last month, the controversy blew over, and hes voicing a villain anyway.

>Girl Bushroot
Fanartists better be giving her thick pubic hair or else

He was already is Jim Starling/Nega Duck in the show.

Anyone else not a fan of a Joker-esque Quacker Jack? I didn't like the edge they tried to give him in the comic

He's Toyman, if anything.


That's why Gosalyn worked. She had a tendency to hit above her weight class and get thrashed from time to time. She wasn't prefect at everything, barely anything really. She was a kid with kid traits not a mini adult.

Wrong thread?

I'm still bothered by the thick red eyebrows they gave gosalyn

You can see how they tried to give Webby flaws with her social ineptitude, but all it does is make her annoying on top of super talented.

You’re right, I completely forgot about that
I’m glad she’s going to be in the series but it seems like they’re aging her up and I wish they wouldn’t. I’m really curious who will voice her

Ammonia Pine for sure. Love the concept of a literal "cleaner" working for a spy agency.

Underated villain

I don't mind too much either way.

I did like the idea of him undermining or being the Starscream to Negaduck

As far as the public knows, the Darkwing Duck movie was cancelled and very litle of the project is probably known after Scrooge shut it all down. (If Drake was known to have been casted for playing the role. Jim Starling would have flipped his lid off way before reaching the studio, so one can guess most production was made in secrecy)

So there's still a way for DW to have a civilian side as Drake and the people not really knowing about him being a superhero.

Best thing about Darkwing Duck was that NO ONE was above being knocked down a peg and everyone was fairgame for slapstick, no matter how competent or threatening they could be.

I'm wary that a reboot could try and "fix" that.

I could see them finally implementing Wereduck from the NES game

I think Drake was an unknown actor. IIRC the Darkwing movie was his big break.

Female Liquidator could do things to me...

A saleswoman doubling as her own booth babe.

Uh huh.
Though I feel female Quackerjack is more likely. For Harley Quinn memes.

It's expressive.

I was thinking that too.
And I'm ok with that
Imagine the fanart of girl quacker Jack playing mr. Banana brain...knowhatimsayin?

>She was a kid with kid traits not a mini adult.
April, May, and June were much the same way in Lot3C. They outsmarted Shellgoose and tricked the guard dogs, but still managed to make mistakes with the dragon and relied on Xandra to beat up the guards when they met again.

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Hoping for Steelbeak. I’m surprised there aren’t more roosters on the show other than those ottoman brothers. Roosters are so odd looking, they make perfect cartoon characters.

I'd like them to do something High Command.
I feel like there was mystery there that the writers of the old show never had interest in exploring or solving

I wonder how he could "create" the Fearsome Five in this series.

The same way the original Negaduck did it
>Find four super criminals
>"Do what I say, or I'll KILL YA!"
>Everyone to chickenshit to disobey because Negaduck is crazy as fuck

Shadow war was great because of ridiculously hard-core Donald.

>I am the storm.

Wouldn’t want to fuck with that duck

I fapped to him don't worry

Darkwing being a smug idiot was kind of the charm though; just making his original personality the 'evil' version and having a mostly goodie-goodie version be the new hero is just kinda boring when you think about it

Actually there is a third nega duck too... but none of them are the true nega.

He was always hot.

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W-What? Half his career was doing voices in cartoons.

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Ok I finally watched it and why does it look like it's doing a better job rebooting Darking than the original Ducktales?

That's what you get when your show is all references and cameos.

The showrunner is a huge Darkwing fan and probably joined the reboot solely to bring back DWD.
Can’t blame him, I’d do the same thing

>smug duck loli

Instead of bushroot being the ugly scientist, the scientist woman he loved could be the one who gets plantified.
She had a plant based name too, so it would work.

His Captain Hook from Fox Peter Pan and the Pirates was top shelf.