>"Everything he does from now on is YOUR fault"
>"It's a high price, but it's better than the alternative"
Who was in the wrong here?
>"Everything he does from now on is YOUR fault"
>"It's a high price, but it's better than the alternative"
Who was in the wrong here?
Regular Superman
How does he keep his cape so white?
I can't remember. Did they send the Justice Lords back to their dimension?
Regular Superman and the JL. Some bad guys need to be put down.
Depends on your personal belief. Justice Lord Superman took control to reduce crime by instilling fear. The Lords were basically Sinestro's dream team. Regular Superman took the hard way and allowed the imperfections of society to continue so that people could make their own mistakes. Aligning with Luthor allowed him to be a greater threat in the future, which he did. But after defeating him the world continued as it always did rather than being controlled by a regime of gods that had no equal. Although a Justice Lords Beyond would be interesting to see, as many superheros would likely oppose them.
White Cape supes, they're just facists.
Superman should just rape Luthor.
Superman didn’t want to rule mankind or protect them from themselves. He just wanted to inspire them to be the best they can be, since that’s what humans taught him.
And also protect humanity from threats they couldn’t ever hope to stop on their own.
After depowering them, yes. One thing that always bugged me though:
>Luthor built depowering device himself, gave it to Superman as part of the deal
>proven later that Luthor has photographic memory after he built his own AMAZO after only skimming the original schematics
>Luthor never once thought to just build another instant win device
I know there's the needs of plot and all, but it seems to out of character that he would never use an actual ace up his sleeve
Regular Superman, obviously. Supervillains who casually escape confinement need to be killed, assuming they commit serious crimes like murder each time they escape. Unless you think no crime should be punished in any way.
Heat vision
Just like how he keeps his asshole hairless
Superman. Justice Lord Superman is just stressed and pretty bitter.
And give up all the big dick jack off energy from walking around with an ace up your sleeve. Plus he'd be the most 'Goku' about beating his enemy by overpowering his enemy not de-powering his enemy. Unless the de powering was somehow self empowering.
Luthor in the DCAU is different in that he cares more about getting power and pissing off Superman than having an instant win button.
>discover an alternate universe and a way to travel to said universe
>fuck with it and imprison your alternate selves for no reason
Fuck the Justice Lords.
He probably had more faith in his god body and we saw that Brainiac was influencing him.
I can't tell them apart the evil one should have a mustache.
The society that doesn't know how to handle people like him.
neither, Regular Superman is too lenient and Justice Lords Superman went too far
Kryptonian robot nannies
If the Justice Lords were a "live and let live" kind of group, they wouldn't have become dictators.
>If the Justice Lords were a "live and let live" kind of group, they wouldn't have become dictators.
But they have an entire universe to themselves. Why piss around with another one?
Luthor really doesn't like repeating himself.
Because they found a universe where Flash was still alive, and that universe's version of the Justice League were headed towards making the same mistakes that killed the Justice Lords Flash.
They saw it as having a chance to prevent a tragedy that happened to them from occuring again
You never know though, the Joker could cure cancer next week
Turns out the cure is Arsenic, and no one will believe him.
Sounds about right. I always wondered why he never attempted to build another Amazo body for himself just because the first attempt failed
This. Can you imagine how badly that would break Luthor.
That's what the shin rings do
>Although a Justice Lords Beyond would be interesting to see, as many superheros would likely oppose them.
This actually is explored in the Batman Beyond comics.
Justice Lord Superman. Everything he does is not Superman's fault.
I mean JL Superman may be bad but he didn't murder someone basically on live television and use a yellow lantern ring fuelled by earth crapping their pants
Superman, of course.
Yes, yes.
They’re superhuman, who gives a shit what the ants think? Half-measures only creates Jokers.
i was always waiting for him to use the depowering ray on darkseid.
>you can not hope to take away that which is absolute.
>the farm boy from Kansas grows up to be an unmerciful overlord
I still don’t see why this became a cliche.
tries to remove infinite power with a finite battery.
>There's zero middle ground between not harming vicious murderers who've killed thousands and being a god complex maniac who snaps peoples necks for parking violations
The writers
ancient Kryptonian secret
It is explored poorly.
Justice Lord Superman tried to kill the Flash. He crossed the line from totalitarian "heroism" to genuine villainy.
This. We've had plenty of good fiction involving heroes that know how to kill and show mercy, and yet capefags and capeshit writers want to push vigilante pacifists because they want squeeze money out of their villains for as long as possible.
You have to remember that DCAU Supes knows about an alternate Fascist version of himself from Lois and dealt with everyone hating him thanks to Darkseid’s brainwashing. So seeing Lords Superman is admitting that he could go down that dark path easily.
I do wonder how the citizens of Lords Earth reacted to the League version of their heroes depowering their cape overlords?
But in-universe, when is it absolutely justified for a cape to kill a violent super villain? Say Spider-Man accidentally killed Osborn with a blow to the head because the psycho tried to heave a pumpkin bomb at a kindergarten class? Or Batman was near death from a fight and had to hurl a batarang that mortally wounds Joker whose about to drop acid on pedestrians?
The authorities would start to question why should these capes and masks kill without being members of law enforcement? And what’s to stop them from killing someone else because it’s the easier option? Once you kill, it becomes a slippery slope.
Say what you will, but he does the job.
mr clean
>Once you kill, it becomes a slippery slope.
Not really. Big difference between killing a petty theft vs a repeat mass murderer.
Also Americans can kill someone in defense of themselves and the public.
Cape heroes mostly have a no kill rule so they can recycle villains
That one of the uses that Justice Lord Superman has for his Batman.
I'm getting suicide!Jack vibes from that image.
>Superman kills Lex Luthor
>Batman: It had to be done.
If he had this attitude towards the Joker Injustice would've been a much shorter comic.
That is exactly why capes generally just stop criminals and leave them for the cops to find+arrest. They don't go all the way specifically because it's not their place.
And generally when something like what you describe happens, the hero either turns themself in out of guilt or go through a mental BSoD phase. Also if the writer is shit, they'll try to drum up some drama by having them arrested for murder despite it being manslaughter at best.
> Also Americans can kill someone in defense of themselves and the public.
Self-defense is a defensive argument used DURING the trial, not pre-emptively shutting it down. There is always a chance there is a DA who is mad that a cape killed someone no matter the circumstance and would drag them into court. Cops and DAs don't bother in general because they would probably lose in a normal case but a high profile case with maybe a lot of witnesses or zero witnesses, and signs of funny business would get the authorities to consider throwing the book.
>Not really. Big difference between killing a petty theft vs a repeat mass murderer.
The thing though is if Joker or any other criminal is judged mentally insane, that means that they are fucking bonkers. They are incapable of not acting the way they do because of their brains. Sociopaths, assholes, normal people, they all can commit crimes and be guilty but they can also stop if they actually try. Mentally ill people can't help it. That's one of the problems with just killing somebody like the Joker. It's basically like shooting a retarded 5yo in the middle of a Target. Writers do retarded things like let Joker have outside contact and run a criminal organisation from inside Arkham, etc. so that he can make a bullshit escape again, etc. but in real life, that's not a thing that generally happens unless it's some underfunded hicktown dollar store institution in the middle of nowhere, not Gotham's biggest institution that Batman / Bruce Wayne keeps an eye on.
By that logic Batman should be in court all the time for brutally assaulting people, breaking and entering etc. They are VIGILANTES, operating beyond the law. If you were to stop an armed bank robbery by shooting the robbers, you would not be convicted. Not unless you did something like shoot fleeing criminals in the back.
And yes in real life someone like the joker would be put in solitary confinement and there's no real way he could break out repeatedly. But comics are not real life and he and other villains break out constantly. Any reasonable judge would have him executed after the second or third breakout and kill spree.
>That's one of the problems with just killing somebody like the Joker. It's basically like shooting a retarded 5yo in the middle of a Target
The fuck? So you should just let insane people murder without consequences because they don't know it's wrong? That's retarded. You are killing him to prevent further loss of innocent life.
>if you kill you will just be like them
>if you kill the police will be after your ass
Bullfuckingshit, the police are already on your ass BECAUSE you are doing vigilantism, you already broke the law but does that make batman or spider-man criminals who go and commit mass-genocide and crimes? Slippery slop my ass, and that's the same with killing villains. Some are horribly irreparable and are better to be put down, specially by how corrupt and weak the judicial system in Gotham city is. Sure if you kill it will be demoralizing, but it's not like you can't go "I'll try and do my best next time/time for a training arc so I can actually accomplish my goal of no-kill" instead of going "HURR DURR I KILLED ONCE NOW EVERYONE WHO DOESN'T DO AS I SAID WILL BE DED"
Fuck off
Border control and eugenics.
>By that logic Batman should be in court all the time for brutally assaulting people, breaking and entering etc.
Yes, exactly. That's real life.
>They are VIGILANTES, operating beyond the law.
Being a vigilante isn't a good thing. That is specifically why they would always get into trouble.
>If you were to stop an armed bank robbery by shooting the robbers, you would not be convicted. Not unless you did something like shoot fleeing criminals in the back.
Like hell you wouldn't.
The moment you start a fucking shoot-out in public, you just dug yourself a bigass legal hole in the ground that you have to climb out of.
(a) If anybody gets hurt after you start shooting that isn't a robber, you are fucked.
(b) If you fail to stop them because there was an extra guy with a gun you didn't see, you are fucked.
(c) If you aren't white, you are fucked.
(d) You don't have legal immunity like a cop so all damages that are involved will go to you and every insurance company with an axe to grind will be on you like seagulls outside a McDonald's. If you break a chair to stop the Joker, you still owe a replacement chair. If you smash a few windows, get bullets and blood everywhere, you owe for fixing all that shit even if you were the good guy trying to do the good thing. The cop scene from the start of Incredibles 2 is a good example of real-life expectations. Hell, what are you going to do if it's an op? You just fucked up the cops' / feds' day.
>The fuck? So you should just let insane people murder without consequences because they don't know it's wrong? That's retarded. You are killing him to prevent further loss of innocent life.
You can kill them if you think somebody's life is in danger at that PRECISE moment but that doesn't automatically keep you out of court, and the system will prefer to keep them behind bars or getting treatment instead of murdering every bad guy they see. Outside of the US, countries go for rehabilitation more than rotting in a cell.
State-dependent. Here in Florida you can pretty much just shoot anybody. There was a big thing where a guy shot another guy who was unarmed, but attacking him, got off without charges because the whole thing was on video. Other states, he'd be in prison for murder one because he had an opportunity to retreat.
He made a gay science baby without his consent, Luthor would love it.
Gotham is more based off of NYC like Metropolis, and they're all next to each other.
Also your example is an interpersonal conflict where the shooter had a stake in not dying, not Batman swooping in with an AK to gun down bank robbers in a bank robbery in progress. I'm sure Florida will still not care to prosecute that situation but my point is that there's a difference between an involved party shooting the other in a conflict, and a non-LEO third-party swooping in to start or join a shoot-out, and making a career out of it.
Alternate Superman
The act of executing isn't terrible, persei (though it's honestly bullshit how OFTEN those villains get out.) It's the fact that the JL are walking doomsday weapons that are purposely limiting themselves.
You can't get rid of them, because people like them will just show up further.
You can't let them loose, because then they just become dictator nuclear tyrants.
The Justice League sets a culture of limiting themselves and doing good, but not becoming gods.
That said... why the fuck haven't the Justice League just build a super-prison beneath the earth's fucking crust, lined it with super materials, and sent all the REAL villains in there?
Or, better yet, make a prison in space only accessible via Boom Tube that connects straight to a big defensible position for the JL, have other nations man it, and have JL liasons help maintain it incase of any emergencies? That'd keep a lot of fucks from busting out.
I ran out of space in my first post but I also wanted to mention that there's a reason that the "real life superheroes" you heard about weren't all wannabe Bruce Waynes / Frank Castles / Matt Murdorcks. It's because street-level crime isn't just some black/white scenario of good vs evil. A lot people commit crimes because they are poor, or hungry, or down in the addiction gutter, and beating them up doesn't stop that. Throwing them in jail repeatedly doesn't stop that. Helping them fix their life stops that. Joker can be a homicidal maniac all he wants but if he's properly cared for in an institution, the chances of him getting out and doing it again are very slim.
The other reason is also because there is no such thing as a superpowered human capable of doing capeshit but that's beside the point. Those heroes go around patrols to make people feel safe, break up fights, call the cops, and do community outreach because that is what works. Not picking up some mall ninja gear and a few guns. And this is also why they mostly stopped or gave up or burned out like Phoenix Jones. Because people are also shitty. Even if you try to help them, they don't want help. This is why solving their problems for them doesn't automatically make things better. The battered wife keeps bailing her abuser out of jail, the drug addict goes back to drugs, the gang member goes back to their gang, the priest gets to go to a different state to rape new kids, etc.
I think this is why Injustice Superman or Justice Lords Superman is wrong, and regular Supes has the right idea. Forcing this stuff on people won't stop them from being poor / hungry / shitty and the moment Supes, the driving force, is gone, it goes back to the way it was or worse (see: Death Note). Society as a whole has to become better to stop crime, to not want to commit crimes. Even if you had a million Supermen working 24/7, nothing will change if society doesn't choose to be better.
>if I can clench my asshole at just the right time I'll be able to harvest a fresh kryptonian semen sample
Also this also makes you ask "Why does the system let people get shit on to the point of being so poor / addicted that they turn to crime?" and "Why does the system not try to rehabilitate people?" and that is a whole different can of worms to address. And most comic book writers are out of their depth when they try to write about political and economic factors that lead to systems like this. So you end up with stupid stories that nobody likes because they don't make sense, don't go anywhere, and can't be solved by Superman punching some criminal white-collar old fuck and calling it a day.
The authorities better shut the fuck up for allowing some major loons run amok. Fucking bunch of self-righteous, good-for-nothing leeches.
Why did Luthor want to kill Flash so much?
Because Capitalism is a fucking spook also the new christianity and we've been trying to tell you guys for decades
Luthor didn't build the device, he was stealing it at the start of the episode.
The IDEA is showing restraint means the hero is of a higher moral authority than who he pursues.
Like remember when Batman cornered the Sewer King and he was like “I would punch your brains into next week but that isn’t my place”? Such an act is supposed to portray him as someone who still wants justice to be done, even in spite of one’s instinctual reaction. Everyone is entitled to it, even those who richly deserve death when no one but you would ever know. Being able to suppress the first reaction and think before acting is heroic willpower.
>Implying Superman wouldn't powerbottom rape Luthor, using his minute muscle control to completely milk him off, forcing Luthor to give all of his stored up incel sperm to an alien
Luthor didn't build Amazo, Ivo did
dumb shit, but..........
why does GL still have his ring?
wouldn't the guardians have taken it away by now?
why the fuck would you even try to hold a protest in that world? its just BS to think about it when the cops are on super alert all the time and even then, all your decisions are probably gonna go through the league anyway, which they will say no for your "safety".
did Jlord batman forget how flash's powers work or that he could possibly do that? prep time my ass.
The Guardians doesn't care about that kind of shit.
>lex has been this paranoid for years
>lined the inside of his ass with kryptonite
>gets literal ass cancer for it
I had this thought too but apparently the Guardians have no interest in policing their force, hence why people like Sinestro can exist.
Someone shouldn’t tolerate their apathy and do something about it
Luthor made a deal with Superman to get rid of the weapon and not make another. He's too egotistical to reduce himself to going back on a deal with his arch nemesis.
Wouldn't it be funny if some superhero finally snapped and killed the Joker for the hundredth time, but Joker left a message explaining that Joker Gas in small doses is the cure for cancer? Then the whole world goes apeshit against the hero who killed the only person who knew how to make the stuff.
Nearly every incarnation of Batman is shown trying to rehabilitate people. Just look at the sheer number of times he's found a job for some petty criminal or acquired some dying business to help keep it going. Hell, The Batman had an entire season arc about how Batman frequently checks in with Arkham to make sure the rehabilitation programs for its inmates is going okay (which is as close to drug rehab as you'll get in a cartoon like this).
It's believable because Justice Lord Superman takes things very personally.
I never noticed that tiny detail, is this why his schemes always seem fresh?
this. sometimes the price is too high and thats why people get death penalty or are imprisoned forever
Justice Lords Supes is right. Lex's pardon he gets for helping defeat the Justice Lords is what puts him in the position to run for president in JLU and use his knowledge of the Justice Lord universe to start project Cadmus and get the US government concerned. So in a way the whole plot of JLU goes back to this one episode, if you think about it.
How many cakes did the Luthor of the Justice Lords's earth stole?
Calm down Parallax
because, however they did it, they were motivated by what they thought was the good of humanity, so when you see a humanity headed towards what you think is chaos, whether it's your universe or not you do the right thing. The League would have done the same thing in the Lord's universe
>why does GL still have his ring?
>wouldn't the guardians have taken it away by now?
The Guardians honestly dont give a shit and they let their Lanterns police their sectors how they see fit. Now if John was outright making the people of Earth worship him as their God-Emperor or something, then they'd probably step in. But if he's just suppressing some college kids from holding a picket line they don't care
Superman spends most of Justice League resisting the temptation to go a dark path and act as a dictator. Justice Lord Superman is just the third devil on his shoulder trying to tempt him.
>Luther free for all of a year till he launches some scheme that Superman foils and puts him in jail again
Choices. Choices.
Sinestro got away with it for years on his own world.
Said scheme almost saw Luthor putting his mind into an unstoppable god-machine body, so......
good one
this so much
>that moment where he walks into the room with the device and has Superman dead to rights
>"This would be so sweet...."
>moment of tense silence as everyone just looks at Luthor
>"......but, a deal's a deal." *gives the device to Supes*
DCAU Luthor was always the most baller guy in the room, hands down
So Netherrealms saw this episode and decided to make 2 games from it huh?
>build super prison
Ant-man tried that already and made ultrons with tony to guard the place
Still got fucked over
>wouldn't it be funny
"Superman is an evil dictator" isn't exactly a novel idea, and the DCAU definitely didn't come up with it first.
Don't forget that time Reed Richards and Tony Stark built a super prison in an alternate dimension which led to Annihilus discovering our dimension. Really, Stark should just stop financing mad scientists' prison projects.
I feel like Justice Lords still has potential for another DCAU thing or maybe a game written by same people
Injustice just isn't the same and too tryhard imo
When was that again?
The First Civil War event. Tony, Hank, and Reed built Prison 42 (named after the item line in their list to improve the world) in the Neagtive Zone to house unregistared heroes and supervillains indefiniety without trial. Affectionally called "Gitmo in the Suicide Dimention" for amping up negative emotions.
My god, the only way to fix current Stark is to pretend civil war didn't happen
Injustice is retard concept.
Hurr durr you killed Joker how come!
Hurr durr I snapped on Joker so I must kill Shazam and other my friends.
Garbage. Only good thing that came out of it is Injustice 2 Mobile
What did Bruce Timm mean by that?
>Only good thing that came out of it is Injustice 2 Mobile
He-Man vs Injustice was good, and I won't hear it slandered
if anything, he knows that it would have been the opportune time, but knows also that the future is another day.
and that he probably could build another one.
Usually the "put the whole word in a bottle" dictator hated by the populace
Both. League is too soft, Lords are too hard. Death penalty for those irredeemable, not some brainwash bullshit, and leave normal criminals to regular society.
Death penalty already exists in the DCAU verse though.
They sentenced that one dirty cop to it in Superman TAS
And you think conspiring with an alien computer to become the new god-king of all creation wouldn't also justify it?
Wasn't he executed for double homicide?
I think the justify-o-meter lies in the hands of the justice system, not in superheroes' hands.
>The alien computer was influencing my mind, possibly for years. Hell, I didn't even know I was building it a new body until I saw the thing. Near the end, I was a prisoner in my own body. It was even talking in my voice for some reason. I can really only thank the Justice League for freeing me from that waking nightmare.
Throw enough money in defense lawyers to support the argument and I'm sure he could wiggle out of a criminal case if he needed to.
Yeah, sure did suck when Luthor managed to permanently save the universe from Darkseid... admittedly, after accidentally reviving him.
>makes the Clark Kent=Superman connection literally the second before they flip the switch for the gas
Best part of the episode
Nips have no souls or any sense of justice
Actually Gotham is Newark. Gotham is set in New Jersey and Newark is WAY more shittier than NYC is. Even during the 70's and 80's when Manhattan was infested with crime and unemployment, it was leagues ahead of Newark.
I'm more willing to agree with alt superman, but I never actually got upset about heroes refusing to kill because I realize it's actually just not a realistic option for them and the internal reasons they present are post hoc justifications they have to come up with.
I love how very anime he looks.
>was worse than 1970's Manhattan
..........man, Jersey SUCKS
Batman TAS and Superman TAS had Japs working on it
In Batman's case it can be justified in certain runs because it's often shown that the state/feds are one wrong move away from essentially invading Gotham, and Gordon keeps them at bay by proving Batman is working as an enforcer of lawful justice and not just violent vigilantism. If Batman starts killing the crooks he apprehends Gordon has nothing to keep the feds out, who will then make life MUCH harder for Bats and get untold hundreds of innocent people killed in the long run by interfering in his work.
Luthor does his laundry?
What I'd like to know is just how in the HELL did Luthor make a single device capable of permanently removing the superpowers of
>a Kryptonian
>an Amazon
>a Martian
>a Thanagarian
>and a freaking Green Power Ring
>Do you know how much power I'd have to give up being President?
pretty much exactly this
“Slippery slope” is an oversimplification but there is an air of killing people from behind a mask that probably wouldn’t sit well with people after awhile.
It’d be like the Phantasm. People are dying and if they think Batman is behind it he’ll lose his connection with the citizens. It would spread fear, not hope, which isn’t his objective. He wants Gotham to be a better place for his actions, not paranoid.
Let me just pull an explanation out of my ass here. Let's see...Uh...DNA alteration?
Turn them into ordinary humans by replacing known anomolous or alien genetic markers with ordinary human ones. DNA alteration would also lock Green Lantern out of his ring, I think.
over the line
Why don't the feds just kill the Joker?
>Guard-san:Omaera wa mo shindeiru
Because they haven't tried to contain him on their own and just think of him as a criminal element common to any city. To them, Batman is the real threat because he subverts government authority, regardless of the fact that he's saving lives while they're ignoring actual criminals in an attempt to take him down. It's essentially bureaucracy and petty career-motivated agencies getting in the way of justice.
yeah, I only recently discovered it when payed attention to directors. Always thought it was good ol' Americans, but turns out yellow outsource began already back then.
Difference is now they all from Worst Korea
Still, this particular detective had destinctive face with shade that made it more 3D compared to rest "blank" flat faces of TASes.
Oh yeah, now I get what it reminds me. It looks like as if guy escaped MiB-Godzilla TASes
The feds came closer to killing the Joker in Batman The Animated Series when he didn't pay his taxes. In DCAU, he simply uses a special brand of gas made by him, but can't be traced back to him by Feds.
This, so much this. I really like the way you phrased this. Superlord is essentially Superinjustice except that instead of being forced by rage to murder villains, he does it by choice.
That's the real reason behind all of this. For all the moralizing in the comics, truth is any mildly popular comic character is actually immortal. If joker died then you couldn't print any more cool joker stories. So the joker isn't ever going to be killed. Not by batman, not by the police, not by other villains, nor will he ever be permanently imprisoned or rehabilitated. Same holds true of all the villains.
so does that ALSO mean that everything that happens is his fault? INCLUDING A DEPOWERED JLORDS WHICH WOULD PRETTY MUCH KILL THEIR WORLD?!
he fucking was right........
You say that but there are 20 billion elseworlds, alternate timelines, and universe reboots.
I don't think it actually matters anymore whether or not a character lives or dies in any arc. They'll either bring them back or just write an alternate universe story.
To piss of Superman, why is this even a question?
That's why they had Stark wipe his brain and use a backup of his brain from before Civil War.
Who is the most effective dictator? Regime or Justice Lords Superman?
Red Son Superman
Over there winning the fight makes you just.
Years of peace.
Bringing them back, yes. Alternate universe, no.
An alternate universe version is a different character entirely. Take into the spiderverse, Spiderman still died and stayed dead, the Spiderman from the other Earth doesn’t change that.
>all this was sparked by Flash dying
>entire Justice League becomes fascist dictators because Wally West died
I mean, Supes knew the moment he killed the president he would become a fugitive, so why bother with all that crap?
Batman outright says he didnt know Flash was able to speed up his heartbeats like that. He was also probably worried about losing another Flash too.
It doesn’t even make sense cause Superman is willing to kill if he absolutely has too and he’s done it before.
There’s nothing morally wrong about killing a literal monster.
This sound like people just want Lex to be Superman’s husband
Simple, Batman was still in the equation..
OG Supes of course.
Wally was the conscience of the team. When he died there was no one around to reel in thier more darker ideas anymore so they just ran rampant
>If something happened to Lois/The Kents Superman would become a dictator!
>If Batman killed the Joker he'd become a serial killer!
>If Wonder Woman was feeling horny for either one of them she'd join in!
>The rest of the League are sheep who go along with this!
unfortunately DNA alteration wouldn't actually work for the green lantern ring, and wonder woman's abilities are not actually related to her genetics (those just help, but she's magic).
I think a more likely answer would be along the lines of an illusion. if they believe they're de-powered than they can essentially be treated as such. while it's normally written as being flimsy as hell, the truth is that "belief" really is the strongest metal in existence. if you don't believe that you can do something, then you can't do it.
oooo so a psychic imprint brain lock thing. i like it.
didn't the justice lords come back in the dcau comic? it was temporary more than anything
My question is if the played hard con of not letting their own world know that they lost their powers?
>faking most of their powers with tech, magic, and training
It was stated that the depower was temporary and that Justice Lord Batman would take care of them before they could regain their abilities.
I'm sure GL could just recharge/recreate his ring from his power battery, Wonder Woman could probably use magic artifacts to recreate most of her powers and Hawkgirl just needs to find another mace since all of her powers come from the Nth metal, but how would Superman fake his powers? The moment someone shot a bullet at his face (which, let's face it, happens all the time even when he's invulnerable), he'd just die
Kryptonians are still built for 10G. Weakass Superman is still impressive
Nevermind his mound of Kryptonian tech.
Nevermind Booster Gold tries his hardest every day to be a Superman clone, only subsisting on tech he borrows
Some shitty hijinx where he tries to copy what his villan gallery already do every day
If Sinestro can find alternatives to Willpower, so can Hal.
>Wonder Woman
Okay so technically she has 3 power sources:
1. Divinity(demigod or merely blessed)
2. Magical clay sculpting
3. Amazon training
Even just Amazon training is pretty good. Its not that hard to regain any of those sources either.
>Martian Manhunter
Only one that is actually fucked.
Still has his royal title and Atlantean tech
Yes and Bats locked them up.
No. This isn’t what happens in real life, why the fuck should it happen here?
Reminder that Luthor's "Get rid of everyones superpowers" gun is the probably the most poorly written idea in the entire DCAU
Superman yes
Call me crazy, but Lord Superman was completely right that Superman is to blame for everything Luthor does from now on. Yes we call agree that the Justice Lords going around murdering or lobotmizing their villains is a little extreme, but literally what is the alternative? Letting clowns like Luthor go on destroying the world in an endless cycle of "get caught, break out, get caught again"?
regular Superman. A lot of people just need killing.
Why didn't they just send Luthor to the Phant Zone?
fun fact: merely typing 'Frodo Eagles' into Google served up the reason they didn't just fly in Google's pre-search-results box
Sacrificing freedom and choice for the common man. The world is shit because the people allow it to be but it's their choice. But if you took away all their freedom and laid down law that no one can go against then you would achieve what the Justice Lords had done.
Why doesn't Batman just invent another persona for executing the really bad criminals? Nobody would know it was Batman killing them then.
That powergirl pose
I feel like a lot of people tend to forget that Lord Superman is just Clark who's just tired of people like Luthor, Darkseid, and villains getting away scot free. That what makes him a cut above all the other evil Superman. He knows from personal experience that villains won't reform and wants a permanent solution so he can have peace of mind.
Superman just learned to ignore Luthor because he's nothing without his wealth or gadgets.
>simple answer: literally Jason
>better answer: it goes too far and the persona goes on a spree while Bruce/Batman can't figure it out because the persona knows how to cover all their tracks