Overwatch has writers?
Overwatch has writers?
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hiring SJW was such a good move
Someone being called "a racist" has absolutely no meaning in the social media era as it's just a way of saying you don't like a person. Almost always the person isn't actually racist
Marvel Comics called him a racist, or Alyssa Wong did?
Of course, who else would be coming up with and keeping track of all that deep lore that they're constantly making up on the fly?
>Call somebody a racist
>he hires you
I wish I was a woman. Things would be much easier.
>Overwatch has writers?
Not very good ones.
but why she called him a racist?
Change your gender user
You know how easy it would be then
He used to pretend to be a Japanese dude.
for the pseudonym thing? i doubt she got hired for that, fucking everyone jumped on the wagon of callining him a racist when that was revealed.
She didn't get hired because she called him racist, she got hired despite calling him racist
Usually trashing on your boss is a bad career move.
Well, he wasn't her boss back then.
>think this is not real
>search for it online
>not only is it real, but she claims in her MFA course was racist because a lack of minorities in there
Overwatch writers dropped the ball on that game why did she get hired at Marvel
I mean if you're a man you can break into the industry using a minority pseudonym and eventually become EiC
>>not only is it real, but she claims in her MFA course was racist because a lack of minorities in there
thats why he's racist? and not because he pretended to be japanese to write comics set in japan?
next time i'm at a con i'm just gonna call every comic book artist a racist for not hiring me
Overwatch has a story?
No, English Major, if you actually read what you're replying to, that is why her MFA Course was racist, not "Akira Yoshida "
Why yes it has a story, it's about uh...robots bad, but not all robots bad...uh...did you know Tracer and Soldier are gay? And...uh...this guy Baptiste and his friend went adventuring and...please buy our merchandise!
3 fucking years in the making, the lore has potential to be great but so far we've been getting nothing but meaningless bullshit
What exactly did she write? I think the writing for Overwatch is actually good, specifically the shorts. I've read some of the comics and they were decent.
Overwatch is only half decent as a way to spend time with friends, but it’s got some decent waifus so whatever.
Overwatch has writers?
>Rip off the X-Men for a video game.
>Get hired by Marvel.
>Call main Marvel guy a racist, despite him pretending to be Japanese and a manga artist to get on at Marvel as a writer.
Exactly my thought.
So every asian people using a anglo name is rascist too?
Jacky Chans birth name is Chén Gǎngshēng, so he made it more western to make profit?
It has scapegoats that Blizz can eject guilt free when the game fails.
Marvel has writers?
Its called worldbuilding.....
Lets be real, its fanfiction for all to slick and masturbate too
He might have westernized his name, but he didn't try to pass himself off as anything except for Asian.
You're like the people who drum on Drumpf for his family ditching that awful name. No one would have put a Drumpf on TV let alone into the white house.
They should say Marvel was rascist for letting him do that.
But it seems this is a hire perk.
He lied to appear asian to legit his story, good marketing move
She later jumps on it, call it rascist, suddenly she is known, good maeketing move
Its not as if they kept Stan the man years for his name on Marvel property. Marvel seems to reward marketing tricks.
I think it's more like a power move from Marvel.
>Oh, you talk shit to us? Let us give you a bigger salary to work for us, see if you have any dignity to refuse.
They don't care about giving a story. Just sick epic gamer momentz at da tourneyz.
Hell, their newest "character" was hastily written together to cover a movelist they thought was cool.
It'll be hilarious to see what an Overwatch writer does when they're actually expected to finish something. but who cares, this is modern Marvel where the names are more important than their work.
Wait...it's racist to be a weeb?
I know its quite common for singers to westernize their name.
But Jacky, or Bruce "Lǐ Xiǎolóng" Lee, did this to appeal to westerner, its nothing more than make it more marketable.
They wanted to look like asian that grew up in the west. Its not like C.B. trying to pass as asian, stil its not rascist just a typical marketing move like your cows on a green field on your milk package from cows who never left the farm building.
>Its not like C.B. trying to pass as asian,
That's all you had to say
Yet, she has a white first name.
You mean editors.
Overwatch wanted its comics and shorts to be as well recieved as TF2's were.
As of now, they've failed at that.
None of the shorts are as memorable as the "Meet the" series.
>paying better than Blizzard
>they only care about sick epic gamer momentz at da tourneyz.
Then why did Briggetta happen? They introduced a character to make the OWL players shut the fuck up about Tracer and ruined what little fun there was in the game FOR A WHOLE FUCKING YEAR
>Hell, their newest "character" was hastily written together to cover a movelist they thought was cool.
If that were the case he would have much more cooler moves than Defense Matrix v2.0 and THROWING FUCKING ROCKS
His character introduction video was fucking awesome I'll give them that
>It'll be hilarious to see what an Overwatch writer does when they're actually expected to finish something
They did finish up a Baptiste story but nobody cared. Imagine what'll happen with a Marvel story
>blizzard giving a fuck about world building
>Overwatch has writers?
Sure does! And they're always writing tons and tons of great lore that the players will never ever see until they need to reveal one of the characters as gay to divert attention from a scandal.
Tenure at Marvel seems better. Just look at all the cancer that are still there.
While I much prefer the TF2 shorts, you're delusional if you think Overwatch's aren't a thousand times more well-known and better remembered at this point. TF2 shorts are something a few nerds on the internet remember, Overwatch's shorts are beloved by millions of people, many of who literally do not play games and just think the cinematics are cool.
Hell, most people don't even know what TF2 is. Overwatch, on the other hand, is something average people have seen through the shorts. There are vasts swathes of people with no interest in gaming who legitimately want an Overwatch movie.
this lady won a nebula award for something
They literally said they were going to use that for some character they were working on, but the character was "too dumb" to have a moveset like that so they just whipped up old astrophysicist guy. I dig him a lot, from the intro video to the playstyle, even if he was a total afterthought.
>They did finish up a Baptiste story but nobody cared.
People generally liked the Baptiste story. Which is funny, because Baptiste himself didn't seem that interesting on release. I'm willing to bet Sigma will be the opposite - a slick as fuck concept and design that goes nowhere.
hello alyssa
How much you want to bet this bitch has a white boyfriend?
>two out of some odd 34 characters in the lore are gay
Why are you people so pathetic?
Why are you quoting a post that is critical of Blizzard here? Are you retarded?
I know. Why do they cry if there aren't enough gays?
Why do they cry if there is one gay? Morons gonna moron.
They decided not to bother writing a story when they made all the money in the world without one.
Who else would she date? Other asians are too effeminate, and blacks and mexicans are too "unsafe"
>Which is funny, because Baptiste himself didn't seem that interesting on release
Baptiste is just a dude who was bad but now he really wants to help people. His trailer is 4 months old or so, and has 4.4 million views
Compare that to THE UNIVERSE IS SINGING TO ME, who got 4.1 million views in just a couple of days
You may not like it, but Overwatch is a media sensation beyond just the games. Fucking forty year olds who have never touched a WASD want an Overwatch series or film or whatever, somehow. Blizzard has succeeded at making a bunch of really thin archetypes they can fill in later as needed do a fuckton of media work.
It's impressively diabolical.
>There are vasts swathes of people with no interest in gaming who legitimately want an Overwatch movie.
No, there are people that want 90 minutes of McCree and Hanzo being gay with each other. Not a single fucking one of them gives a shit about the lore, and I guarantee you that 85% of them don't have any clue what the fuck the Omnic Crisis is.
And even if we DID get an Overwatch movie, it'd be centered entirely on one of their boring marketable faces like Tracer instead of an actually interesting character, like Moira or Doomfist or fucking Winston.
This guy.
literally looks like an Asian FtM
face it, Asians can't be masculine
I wonder what Michael Chu actually does.
He is employed full-time, yes?
>some comics that are made by another team, AFAIK
>some shorts that come out once in several months and have the barest minimum of story
>some once-per-year-events that have only a bit of lore
Imagine if all the lore about X-men was Jean "You`re gay" moment, 90th cartoon opening and some tweet from lead writer that Logan prefers craft IPAs.
Oh shut up.
Guys like him are uncommon. It's the equivalent of posting an attractive black girl, as if that proves 90% of them aren't sheboons
Fuck off racist.
Marvel and Overwatch have writers???
>85% of them don't have any clue what the fuck the Omnic Crisis is
To be fair, we still do not know that beyond "omniums went full terminator, some still do
>mexicans are too unsafe
*blocks your path*
Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan would like a word with you
>chinks and japs tamed their women while the west let theirs get out of control
>"asians aren't masculine" says the pussywhipped white boi as he cooks dinner for his wife's son
He gets paid to do lowkey shipping where he self-inserts as Genji wooing Angela despite the fact that Genji no longer has a penis (which maybe says something about the size of Chu's dick).
>giving a fuck about videogame lore
You're basically posting this.
Thanks for taming them, bro. We'll be taking over from here on.
Overwatch lore is the dictionary definition of wasted potential. It could've been a hodgepodge of different pulp style characters or something in tone with the Incredibles but they lack any imagination and vision. Lucio's back story has changed at least twice and we barely know much about half of the character's backstories that well
Don't be a stupid cunt. The tumblr side of any major fanbase is very small.
Overwatch has achieved fame and mass appeal over virtually every demogrpahic below the age of 50. Yes, their content may not be all that deep, and I'm sure any bigger media project would end up focusing on the least interesting elements of It, but this doesn't mean it isn't outrageously popular. I'm not making a statement on its quality, I'm making a statement on its success. If Blizzard made that cookie cutter movie you describe about muh cockney pixie dream girl it would make gangbusters, which is why they're clearly leading up to something like this.
>Overwatch has achieved fame and mass appeal over virtually every demogrpahic below the age of 50.
[citation needed]
Japan's population spiral is deepening because their women are increasingly less willing to marry or even date Japanese men, as they hate what these men will often expect of them.
Because the Shogun knows there is a time for mercy
>I guarantee you that 85% of them don't have any clue what the fuck the Omnic Crisis is.
Considering how much Overwatch tried to sell itself on its premise early on, the actual story is strangely absent from the game itself. Hell, I didn't even realize some of the characters were supposed to be bad guys for the first month I had the game, since everyone seemed to be on speaking terms with each other. I just figured the edgier members of the group didn't really get along with the others.
Just look at the kind of 'content creators' (ugh, fuck this hell of an existence) making stuff about Overwatch and expressing their adoration for it. It's people of all types, and there's more of them than games like TF2 had in terms of overall playerbase at their height.
Shit, if you have EVER played the game, YouTube's cancerous algorithm will decide to recommend this stuff to you whenever they release something new. And it will clog your entire feed because there's millions of these fuckers.
Blizzard is making a legion of normies that to watch their Overwatch movie when they inevitably make it.
I wish what said wasn't true. But it unfortunately is.
This is why Trump had been virtually unstoppable. Sure he's a racist and a protofascist, but people have been throwing around the terms "racist" and "fascist" for so long that they don't mean anything anymore.
If eating a burrito or wearing a sombrero is racist against Mexicans because "muh cultural appropriation," then by the time we have to accuse Trump of ACTUAL racism against Mexicans, it's about as severe as accusing him of wearing a funny hat.
Overwatch was really more trying to sell you on characters and charm rather than plot. The story stuff was the same kind of shit you see in western cartoons, where dropping tidbits of lore at time is used to whip up speculation and interest, making it feel as though viewers are participating in something.
He wrote under a Japanese pseudonym
That's literally it
>Sure he's a racist and a protofascist
>but people have been throwing around the terms "racist" and "fascist" for so long that they don't mean anything anymore.
The only "content creators" I've ever seen are shippers, and using YouTube's cancerous algorithm as proof of anything is blatant retardation. You're not actually providing anything to back your claims, man.
>Sure he's a racist and a protofascist
This is why you faggots are losing, you can't see past your own nose.
You really decided to go with "Foolish white man! Our women know to stay in the kitchen!"
As much as I love TF2 they completely dropped the ball when it comes to releasing content. Overwatch might be bland as lukewarm milk and the story never moves forward but at least it releases content at a steady pace. Valve Time™ pretty much killed TF2 since all they release is hats nowadays.
>The only "content creators" I've ever seen are shippers
Then you are either blind or retarded. Content creator isn't even a term generally used for fanartists in this context, which is I assume what you're referring to.
>using YouTube's cancerous algorithm as proof of anything is blatant retardation
It isn't when it simply acts as a gateway to reveal just how many people don't play the games and yet eagerly await the lore shit. YouTube's algorithm can chuck videos at you but it can't create millions of vids of random normies gushing about how "Its better than Pixar man,they just need to make a movie man." The interest has to be there for that to happen.
I cannot imagine what kind of rock you'd have to be living under not to understand how popular this shit is. Did you miss the Fortnite mania too?
no one cares about TF outside of Yea Forums
How is he a racist tho? What has he actually done to prove he's racist? And before you say it, no, shut up, detaining people at the border or securing funds for the wall he promised on the campaign trail or empowering ICE to arrest illegal immigrants is not racist.
Racist? Marvel??
This bitch even open up one of their books these days?
>that stubble
muh DICK
She personally.
read further down
Holy shit whatever happened to that kid?
Beats me. The comics that he does write for seem like first drafts that nobody bothered disputing because he's the head writer.
So, the way to get hired at Marvel is to attack the upper management?
Did Cebulski have angry racist sex with this Wong lady and give her a job? That would be pretty sweet.
>They did finish up a Baptiste story but nobody cared.
Because he's so milquetoast and inoffensive. Mauga seems like he was developed almost as an apology for ever putting Baptiste out in the first place. He came out and within a week or so I had forgotten he was the new character. That's how generic he is. Oh, he's got some sassy dialogue but that's about it.
That silly rock move was originally meant to be Doomfist's but you can see how that wouldn't fit his playstyle in the slightest.
either way
Jesus Christ that reads like a parody. I don't know if that makes it sad or hilarious but I'm laughing my ass off.
>3 phds
>heir to a multi-million company
still not good enough, asian women are awfully self hating
she's cute
>>chinks and japs tamed their women
asian women date out more than any other race
>If eating a burrito or wearing a sombrero is racist against Mexicans because "muh cultural appropriation,"
I guarantee you have never met anyone who actually tried to get mad about that. you're acting like internet people are real people and them bitching online should be treated the same as the bitching in person
The shogun loves gooks though. He pretended to be one for long enough.
I wouldn't if the game had actually engaging gameplay, but it's Overwatch, sooo...
inb4 blah blah liberal media
>Overwatch has achieved fame and mass appeal over virtually every demogrpahic below the age of 50.
Do white people actually believe this silly shit or do you think your uni campus is an accurate representation of the real world.
Overwatch is fucking irrelevant, Fortnite has been the new hotness for almost 2 years now.
Good thing TF2 has these great things called mod tools that allow players to create and host their own content.
No one can prove he actually issued the orders that resulted in that suit. He doesn't personally oversee every aspect of his businesses
>While I much prefer the TF2 shorts, you're delusional if you think Overwatch's aren't a thousand times more well-known and better remembered at this point.
Meanwhile, in reality.
>people regularly quote TF2 videos to this day, including fan videos
>can't even be bothered to remember lines from any of the Overwatch cast
Overwatch doesn't have much of a story, but what it has isn't hard to miss. So how did you manage to miss it?
Ironically it's usually white people getting the most vocally upset about that kind of stuff.
And heads up, I consider spics white.
>It's an Overwatch vs TF2 thread
Wow, it's like seeing a starving hobo fighting a crackhead.
Also wtf, Cbeluski is actually doing a decent job at Marvel, firing Bendis was literally a company-wide quality boost
So disappointing to see Blizzard as they are now from where they were before.
>people regularly quote TF2 videos to this day, including fan videos
Like what?
>Jacky Chans birth name is Chén Gǎngshēng, so he made it more western to make profit?
No opinion on whatever you're arguing with the other user, but your example is bad. It's common for people in Hong Kong to have both a Chinese name and a Western name, for the benefit of the British who were in control until 1997.
>>can't even be bothered to remember lines from any of the Overwatch cast
Is there even anything interesting said by any of the characters outside of (some of) their ult quotes?
Whoopi Goldberg changed her name to sound more Jewish so she would have it easier to get a job in the movie industry
I can't really miss what is practically non-existent.
off the top of my head: "I've been doing nothing but teleporting bread for the past three days", "Everything you just said was completely insane", "I'm a black, scottish cyclops!", are all pretty memorable lines. Maybe not super applicable, but still.
Overwatch's problem is that it became the king of a Shit Mountain that died when Battle Royale took over
TF2's problem is that it's run by Valve and runs on a weird modded version of the Quake 3 engine so any patch will lead to 10 bugs and a disastrous glitch.
There both your games are shit, now go play an actual good game like literally anything else
> are all pretty memorable lines. Maybe not super applicable, but still.
How is he a protofascist? Where is he trying to establish a single socialist state where class warfare is removed through loyalty to a single ethnogroup and where industry is commanded from a central ministry with huge swathes of it nationalised if it doesn't obey production quotas, where external trade, ie goods and material from within the US sold overseas, is banned due to the shrinking markets theory and where plans for expansion of territory are being made?
So...that comic is going to be released any year now right? I mean apparently, the writers were "done" with it so...any day now, right?
Lost all his gains and lives as a normie.
Just from the game alone.
>oy, yer bleedin gravy fatso
>i merely finished what your liver started!
>consider yourself dominated you scot son of a bitch
>that's a right pretty bra washer you got there, ya big ugly girl
>sorry nurse, I mistook you for an actual threat!
>I hear someone building diaper changing station!
yeah, just tweet angry SJW stuff at them and if you're the right race, they give you a job. easy peezy.
it's why most of their modern comics are so bad.
>Calls you racists
>Hires them
>Puts them on the Asian books
Hell, I made a hobby out of whipping up a better story in my spare time. More just a side thing of one of the minor character going off on his own adventure and discovering how much of a shitbird he is as a person. It's still shit tier, but at least I put some effort into it, can't say the same for the team this chick was on.
Seems like the opposite of a power move. Someone accuses you of being a racist. So you hire them in a show of solidarity, thus lending legitimacy to their accusation against you.
"W-we're not racist! See! We hired you!"
Pathetic c uck
Lol how can chinaman even compete?
A Jap cutie I know just married a Mexican bro.
This is legitimately the dumbest thing I've seen since giving LW a dumb story in one of their shitty girl power comics nobody will read. Why would you fucking hire somebody who not only openly badmouthed you in public but said you were a racist? She's already proven herself to be a combative, toxic personality and thus not someone you'd want working for you.
It's as if you don't know Marvel is the greatest cuck company.
Yeah but you should still look at shit like "wow, this chick called me a racist and ranted about how I was a racist and contributing to the historical oppression of all Asians because of a pseudonym I took to skirt around the rules regarding not being able to write while editing since I really wanted to write" and think that's probably not the type of person you want working for you even if it's just for those shitty "gotta appeal to the Chinamen/Coreans" heroes.
Wow this really sounds like the type of person I'd love having work for me.
this would never fly over at DC
Overwatch women face is the same
Yeah, I dare ya, rage quit. C'mon, make us both happy!
>he's never been to college
Amanat really needs to go.
oh MAN
my FAVORITE website
blank white space with an image near the headline thats always made for screenshots in bait threads dot com
I like the cut of your jib, you're hired
I'm a black person and I think I could probably join Marvel if I wanted to since I'm sure they're still looking for black writers, but I definitely wouldn't want to since they actually like to stick black people onto comics with black characters.
I might be able to trick them though if I just tell them I wanna write an X-men comic with Storm as the leader. They'd probably eat that shit up.
Cry some more.
A DC artist sent via Twitter a picture of his anus to a former DC artist. Nothing happened.
user, fucking do it. find a black marvel character written by some white guy and complain and take that job. reparations.
make sure to tweet Cebulski.
Or were you referring to arena_biebertower.bsp?
You keep going on with this meme that Overwatch is a worldwide sensation to match even the most popular bands and movie releases, but I'm yet to meet a single person who knows anything about Overwatch other than what they've seen at cosplay conventions.
If you talked to most overwatch players, most of them wouldn't even be aware that Overwatch had shorts. Or that the guy they're playing as is even gay. TF2 was the same way, most people avoided them except a very small core base of players.
I actually don't know who you think you're fooling with this "OVERWATCH IS THE MOST POPULAR VIDEO GAME EVER!" shtick. Overwatch doesn't even have modern warfare numbers at this point. It completely killed itself as a game concept when it failed to evolve and relied on lootboxes and """deep lore""" to maintain interest.
There are more people who know more about Fortnite's lore than Overwatch at this point.
>Do white people actually believe this silly shit or do you think your uni campus is an accurate representation of the real world.
They actually believe this silly shit. They think the thing that was popular 3+ years ago (when they were still cool and with it) is still the worldwide phenomenon it was when they enjoyed it.
Basically, you're looking at the mentality of a caveman who had thawed from the ice of his glacier.
Literally the only content creators I see making content for overwatch is porn.
Source Filmmaker has been the #1 content creation platform for Overwatch since its inception because no one wants to make shitty 'films' with the cardboard cutouts that millennials 3 years ago thought were cool.
You shouldn't hold a grudge against someone because they called you a racist if you pretended to be Japanese for profit in the first place. Just saying.
Not him but that's exactly a reason to hold a grudge against someone. Calling someone a racist is a call to end their professional career, now. I would rather be called a drug dealer than a racist at this point simply because you can quit being a drug dealer.
Someone trying to ruin your career because you took creative liberties to write stories is as spiteful as it can get.
As if he'll listen. They'll call people racist to destroy people's careers but when someone stands up to them they go "I'm just calling you names, man. Why do you have to be so mean?" As if they didn't know that calling someone racist holds very serious connotations and not just venting for the sake of it.
The Mott and Bailey behaviour is cancerous and I don't know how you can really shut it down when it happens.
Hell, it happened here when some posters here thinks we should be ashamed of ourselves for bad mouthing Cancel Culture when the thread was discussing about a scandal where Tumblr users accuse the creators of Amphibia of being pedophiles because the animators draw lewd in their own free time.
If he were talking about Fortnite, then yeah that'd be true. And that game doesn't even HAVE characters except for the singleplayer mode, which you have to buy.
white guys aren't allowed to write black characters anymore.
*heavy's voice* NO!
>accuse the creators of Amphibia of being pedophiles because the animators draw lewd in their own free time.
It wasn't even lewd.
>Marvel is a bunch of betas
News at 11.
dude that solo mode is totally gonna be AMAZING OK
>"Oh you put your feet on my table? Well fuck you, I'll give you the keys to my house, that will teach you a lesson!"
Was she the one who made Soldier gay for no reason or was that Chu?
So this is how CB picks up girls?
Oh so this is the chick that's doing those Future Fight One-Shots.
>many think they can outsmart me
>I've yet to meet one that can outsmart bullet
It's true for Cebulski though.
The fact that you're aware of the internet controversy makes it real.
The internet does not exist in a vacuum.
never heard of this
>>can't even be bothered to remember lines from any of the Overwatch cast
Because your brain instinctively remembers humor over drama. Overwatch is so overly dramatic for no reason despite having a cast of huge fucking jokes. Overwatch will never have a fun story because the entire universe takes itself too seriously whereas TF2 didn't fucking care and was actually entertaining.
You're either purposefully ignorant or too young to be on this site.
prove it.
>he doesn't remember award winning performances such as DIEDIEDIEDIE
PUP HEADSHOT, but actually I remember that for FPS Doug
The only time Overwatch is trying to be funny is when it's not trying to be. The Junkertown trailer was "funny" but it wasn't given nearly as much effort put into it as "TEEN ANGST IN A FUTURISTIC UTOPIA" game like Overwatch is.
Reality has done that for me.
Wew literally rewarded for whining. Tell me about that white privilege again.
Yeah but there's no story mode. It mostly comes from the trailers, some comics, and dialogue in the game, as well as the official character bios.
>Tell me about that white privilege again.
Probably not the best idea to get uppity like that in a Cebulski thread.
Asian males are not a protected class. You are not black, or brown, or anything that would entitle you to claim a POC experience in America. Your own women despise and belittle you even as they prance around flaunting progressive credentials and claiming minority status while basking in attention from thirsty weeaboo virgins. They openly exhibit this preference in front of you.
No one likes you or is going to stick up for you. Not even Progressives will take up your cause. You are nothing but an effeminate joke to them at worst, at best you are invisible. Only the Asian American female experience is of any relevance.
White privilege is participating in literary yellowface, writing under an Asian pseudonym to lend ~authenticity~ to your fake Asian stories & advance your career, while getting to dodge the racism & discrimination that Asian folks face every day.
Have you seen the direction the Internet is going? It's becoming more sanitized for ad agencies and normies all over. People are treatig it like an extension of real life as opposed to this weird otherworldly platform. It's fucking awful and it's sucking the fun out of it.
This is what you wanted.
Why would asian cares when like half their girls have French first names in the west.
Shogun is forgiving and merciful.
Dude, as a tranny companies would be fucking BEGGING you to join them for the virtue points.
That's not how real life works user.
So now all the spoiled women who cant write get jobs as writers? What the fuck?
Prove it.
>>people regularly quote TF2 videos to this day, including fan videos
Yeah, about twelve people total.
me too. imagine being supported by the media for your own failure. whenever women do worse then men in anything the media blames "sexist" and "the patriarchy" and pressure the government to change everything and spent billions to give women unfair advantages. meanwhile when boys do worse then girls in anything the media always says that boys need to try harder and get ride of their "toxic masculinity".
that's the main reason why nothing get's accomplished anymore. we are denying 50% of the population to reach their full potential will giving the other 50% one chance after another to fail
OH NO NO NO, it was Japanese. You chinks don't get to appropriate our culture into your communist conglomerate.
Oh no no no. The absolute state of comics.
I know OW only from porn.
I guarantee you that
>It's high noon
has been quoted and memed on than all of this combined. Hell, most people don't even know the last day on Earth TF2 short even exists.
Overwatch (comics), Korra, and SU are the three biggest wastes of Yea Forums potential in the modern era. If they had competent writers from start to finish they'd all have been at least 8/10
>Overwatch has writers?
Why not? They've outright said that nothing in Overwatch is canon, least of all anything they write.
It has a simple story that is hardly ever allowed to progress forward and simply regresses and fill in more and more backstory that hardly at all translate to the actual game
the basic story is the world needs heroes to help out against the many calamities that are being built up against the world the ai robots the huge storm whatever talon wants to do but hardly anything has been written to progress that story, the real funny thing is that tf2 was not only able to have their story be included with the gameplay but also progress it forward
Nothing in overwatch is especially good nor promising. that artstyle/character archetypes they have isn't even special, it's like tails get trolled but with free to play korean mmos nobody played. They also have that anoying fake deep robot politics shit going on that just never goes nowhere. Like a teenager fanfic.
Fortnite has lore?
Two separate puddles of lore for the two separate game modes, yes.
I think everyone is ignoring the important aspect of this she qt
>anyofne who's not Hitler is not a protofascist
Nice one trumptard
>hey guys stop disliking my side politic, did I talk you about MUHDICK? It's really important that you now cease all intellectual activity to talk about MUHDICK instead.
>to be facist you have to LITERALLY be hitler and nothing else qualifies
based retarded conservacuck
dont you have more kidnapped brown children who are taken by ice despite being passport holding us citizens to jerk off over
>intellectual activity
>intellectual activity
So your answer is no, he's not advocating any fascist policies, and he's merely enforcing the existing law of the US. Thank you.
Forgot Fortnite started as a single player tower defense game.
But the battle royal has lore too?
>he's not advocating any fascist policies
Not him, but "if you don't love it, leave it" is the quintessence of Fascism. It means you are not allowed to criticise the state or you are out. the very basis of democracy and free speech is that you can not only criticize your country, point out what you do'nt like about it, but even change it.
"if you don't love it, leave it" is and always will be a fascist statement, where you put the state above all else, even critics.
>to lend ~authenticity~ to your fake Asian stories & advance your career
>while getting to dodge the racism & discrimination that Asian folks face every day
Its quite funny that it helps to be asian to sell stuff while the same time it brings you rascism.
Normally i would say, how is this possible that you get rascism and get carrer promotion at the same time? But i know that this means reaction from different people.
But did Marvel really promote and outright lied that the author is asian or did C.B. just took tha name without explicit pointing towards it.
Because if its the later, than its no rascism from Marvel but from the reader. They expect that manga must have an asian artist, if someone has an asian sounding name he must be asian.
So when does it become rascist with stereotype thinking and not just learned expectations with category thinking?
"If you don't love it, leave it" was in the context of coming into the country and being an ungrateful fuck that spit on it. If you've lived in the country for decades of course you can criticize it, but if you came from a shithole and just came in and say "lol it's shit give me free stuff tho" you're not going to get taken seriously.
>and always will be a fascist statement
No its not. Its an insult, its rude and a low blow. And i think the statement they made will hunt them. Now it looks like if you criticise them, no matter what or how, they will always call it rascist. This is contrary to people who dont blindly follow them.
I dont know if this was intended to be their loudest and strongest argument, but most social and liberal media took this as a story hook.
So now it will be the narrative and Trump, thats were his cleverness lies, can point to his ambigious text and convince neutral citizin that they cry wolf.
>no argument
Marvel told him to scout and hire asian creators for their manga line of comics, he was an editor. He then pretended to be japanese(so, yellowface) and took the paycheck that would normally have gone to a japanese creator. The actual worst aspect is that it's all a breaching of contract since you can't write the books you edit.
So, yeah, in comics if you're a mediocre white man you can get away with anything.
As long as noone uncovers that you cheat, like any cheater.
Its not really a white man problem, its cheating where the cheater happens to be white.
Slightly different.
And what if he couldnt find one and Marvel said, than write it yourself with a sidderent name? They put for a decade Stans name under every comic, like a mascot and paid him to keep saying "i created Spiderman" because its cheaper to pay one man you still need than various artist. And if they went with a bad taste they would even try to get the whole pie.
Every country in Asia belongs to China, barbarian.
Is that all I need to do now to get hired? Shame a company's higher up as a racist?
I hate that Cebulski got hit with the MUHRACISM shit, when when you get right down to it, the Akira Yoshida was a scam that allowed him to steal money and he should be shitcanned for that.
But nobody brings that up because retards go MUHRACISM and other retards defend him just to go against the previous whiners.
>As long as noone uncovers that
Except... y'know...
Except what? You cant get away with it because you are white.
>giving money to anyone other than high management
Yeah but at least you're rich, and will inherit everything.
That's just capitalism, baby.
>the Akira Yoshida was a scam that allowed him to steal money and he should be shitcanned for that.
It was a scam but it didn't enable theft. He still had to work for his second income. It's not like he had people ghostwrite for pennies.
Except Cebulski did.
Whatd he do
>I hate that Cebulski got hit with the MUHRACISM shit
No he didn't, it's all jokes. Here's the thing, imagine he used the pen name "LaMarkus Johnson", do you think he'd be in the same position he is in now?
What does capitalism have to do with all of Blizzard's original developers leaving post-Activision purchase causing longstanding franchises to sharply decline in quality and garner ire from fans?
Maybe read the thread? See
Where's the racism???
should we execute cebulski for his crimes or force him to never make more than $30k a year for the rest of his life? what would satisfy his detractors? certainly the quality of marvel comics doesn't matter to them at all
Because that has nothing to do with (((Jews))). Blizzard focusing on games over profits is an abnormality. Activision trying to scrape every last cent of profit to everyone's detriment is just capitalism. This is the end fate of every publisher, and by extension, every non-indie developer.
Being told to scout asian creators but hiring old white men instead.
Non existant, ok
>nothing in Overwatch is canon
Damn, she should be working at DC then. Missed opportunity.
>what is the cost of lies
the way that overwatch was promoted I thought it was going to have this grand lore, with in depth characters and all that.
In the end it has less writing and shollower characters than tf2
That copypasta was from the article.
Yeah, but not because he is white, but he now is an editor and has connections.
Its all about connections, how you can talk (outweasel) yourself out of the situation and how much money you got.
>dint find any or some that are willingly do it
>say "fuck it, i do it myself"
Its not really rascism, just scam or cheating.
>and has connections
because he's white.
>dint find any
Must be because there are so few of them in the world. And what do you think a scam is? it's a fraud.
>say "fuck it, i do it myself"
What part of HE CANNOT WRITE THE BOOKS HE EDITS do you find hard to understand?
Its quite funny to talk about its hard to be asian and facing rascism, while someone can pretend to be asian and benefit from it.
A little bit more differentiation in the text would help, because it seems that an old white man knows how be asian can bring profits while asians dont!
I hope you're not a native english speaker...
He wasnt writing the books he was editing. At Marvel, you cannot write and edit at the same time at all, even if they're totally separate series.
He was an editor and he wanted to do some writing without giving up his job.
Not really
Still no rascism. And still you need to find one that will work for marvel, maybe relocate to america or is seen as good enough for capes. Remember back than they didnt hired whos from thumbler.
I am not, should have used more punctuation or quotion marks. I make too complicated sentences and rewrite it afterwards.
That way i put too much hickups into them.
But its Yea Forums, its not that important, since you can understand what i meant.
I hope "not native speak" is an arguement you want to use now.
How can Yoshida-san be racist?
>needs to change name to sound more Jewish
>or is seen as good enough for capes
Jackie was born in a British colony. It was common to give your kid a western name. His was Paul. He got the nickname Jackie working construction in Australia.
>since you can understand what i meant.
Not really.
He would've gotten fired on the spot and blacklisted from the industry. Heh, blacklisted.
That's not being racist that's being greedy.
>In 2003, Cebulski created the pseudonym Akira Yoshida, under which he began soliciting work from other companies. His work on the Dark Horse Comics books Conan and Hellboy impressed another Marvel editor who, unaware of Yoshida’s real identity, asked Cebulski to pitch as well
And his pseudonym started on DC than Marvel hired him.
Besides in his 20 he lived sometimes in japan. Even his family seems to live there.
My bad than. At least its only on Yea Forums. So i can live with that.
>Besides in his 20 he lived sometimes in japan
Clearly that makes him honorary nipponease.
He wasnt supposed to give himself work. To get around this, he used a fake name. When marvel found out, it was too late since he knew too mich dirt on others and was in clique with broovert and others. So he was promoted from the asian offices and brought to main marvel.
It wasnt racist despite what sjws say, but it was abuse of power to give himself choice writing assignments and abuse his position to ignore eic and company orders.
>write fujo and romance shit
>cant write action
you know there is a difference and a big portion of mangas are not from the action genre.
And the good action might not want to work for marvel because they have their own ip to produce.
>good action
Now I know you're pulling my leg.
Dont know, but wikipedia sounds as if his family lives in japan, so he grew up in japan till his 20s?
Why? There are some manga writers that write hood action. If you than compare them with your normal manga action series, you can say they write good action mangas.
>Dont know
But you keep talking.
Because the standard for capeshit is Greg Land, you don't get to tell someone he isn't good enough while allowing that turd to steal a living for over a decade. Furthermore, action in capeshit is mostly crap, most artists suck at it.
>talk about writer
>user start to talk about artist
At least i dont try to frame "his family lives in japan, he lives there from time to time" as a honorary nipponese as a joke.
You were talking about action. That's the artist's job, dumbass.
You're seriously trying to imply that just because some white guy lived in Japan for a few years he is now allowed to pretend to be japanese and get hired for a position that requires a japanese person?
Oh yeah, white privilege isn't a thing. Please, tell me more, mr. racist.
I will fix your post and get your point across, no trolling. I wish you well in getting better at English writing.
>It's quite funny to complain how it's hard to be Asian due to racism, while also saying that someone can pretend to be Asian and benefit from it.
>That quote needs clarification because it seems to say that an old white man knows how to make money off of marketing themselves as Asian while actual Asians don't!
OW2 apparently won't be an arena shooter and will be more of an L4D2 clone, so I guess you guys will finally be getting a story mode there.
A lot of writers, especially the big ones like Bendis, dictate page space. The artist is stuck dancing to their tune.
Action is up to the artists. Writer just puts in "big action scene" in the script or something like that.
And artist draw what the writer wrote.
The best is when the artist also writes the story, still they are writers. But Greg draws, dont ever heard he wrote it.
And you still compare gregs drawing with writing which are different.
Stil wrong. More like pic related. The best is if the writer and artist work together. Thats when they become Co-author.
I say that, like Jacky Chan, he might changes his name because he lived there for very long. So its plausible that he didnt hesitated to lie to solve a problem for him.
Or why should Jacky change his name, HongKong was only a british Colony with chinese heritage. Chinese citizin where the mayority. But he felt he needed to sound more western. it really helped him to get popular in the west and shows he doesnt come from continental china but colony HongKong.
>So how did you manage to miss it?
Constant retcons and plot holes thats why.
You call that action? That's just posing.
Imagine, just IMAGINE being a woman in 2019
>get into any college you want
>get a billion scholarships because you have a vagina
>if you're smart, you score a comp sci degree where you have betas just feed you the homework
>get a 250k job at some place like Salesforce as a diversity hire
>if you get some shitty liberal degree, just call everyone a racist and sexist
>get hired as a column writer at some progressive magazine or website
>get hired to work on a big show or big movie because they needed women on the team to be more inclusive
>don't want to work at all, just fucking whisper into a mic and rake in big ASMR bucks through a patreon
Jackie Chan didn't change his name to Adam Smith, he didn't pretend he was american with his name or in his work, he just changed it so people can pronounce and remember his name, people change their names all the time, like Nicolas Cage, it's rare to see someone actually see someone in a serious entertainment business actually claim he's a different ethnicity just because he changed his name. You are a retard.
Action comics means lot than just a panel with 2 guys fighting. At best its 2 pages long.
Besides it doesnt chang the fact that every comic, when artist =/= writer, works this way.
Cool whining, bro. Thing is, I looked this girl up and she's far more qualified than 90% of the writers currently at Marvel but I bet you're mad because she talked shit about a mediocre old and fat white dude. Bet you weren't this mad when Chelsea Cain or Zoe Quinn got hired because at least they're "good females" that know they're place and got hired for being personal friends with mediocre old fat white dudes that work in the industry. And also they're white, white power!
Still his name is "Chéng Lóng" which doesnt resemblance Jack Chan that much.
Cool, but what you posted is still not action. It's just posing.
Still, your point does not still stand.
And he did it to appeal better to moviegoers. Like Cebulski changed it to a pseudonym and than to solve the problem to work as an editor and writer.
I dont say Both are scam, but the mentality why people do that is understandable.
You dont understand, analysing stuff and name what it really is, the arguers thinks, doesnt mean i give it absolution. You might have missed that i called it scam, cheating or lying the whole conversation.
Just not rascist. The problem with the kind like you is, because somewhere black or asian appeared, you will name it rascism. Resulting that you will always get contradicted in an argument.
So did they buy her away from Overwatch?
Fair point.
Yeah, but paradoxically you could never be happy...
Sure it does, both tried to appeal to their possible target group by changing or alter their name.
The only difference is that Jacky is Jacky and Cebulski used a pseudonym to hide his origin.
Same habitus, different morality, but both not rascist.
Fucking retard third worlder, stop talking. You're still going on about how changing you're name and pretending to be something you're not is the same thing as changing your name so it's more marketable and easier to pronounce. It's a scam, but he also stole a possible job from a person of different ethnicity. He knew what they were looking for and he was not it. You'd be right that it's more about greed than racism but Marvel promoting him in despite these things coming to light just means they're racist.
He doesn't even have to transition, he can just say he is a masculine presenting transgendered lesbian, and just have it changed in court, and boom job offers, and grants are incoming left and right.
>their possible target group
Retard or pretending?
Nigga the fuq you talking about? At least black girls got that fine ass booty. Enjoy you shitty ass mozzarella sticcs.
I think she's gay unless I'm remembering wrong?
>fine ass booty
Cottage cheese is not "fine"
>Fucking retard third worlder,
how racist
Learn english if you want to communicate with people online.
I'm not sure about your reading comprehension skills. Like i said its bad, but its not a rascist motive. I compare the reasaon of both but differ between the outcome and meaning to society.
You reall have a problem with greyscales.
And as far as i know Marvel choose him because of his Darkhorse writing material. The only rascism you could say is from marvel, but than you have to proof it was just the name not his quality he wrote.
You? Retard.
Otherwise you would understand that these changes isnt soly made to appeal their already targetgroup. That targetgroup already knew them with this.
more like a bitch move
>I got called racist for impersonating a Japanese person by an Asian person after my gross negligence i searching for actual Asian creators fell flat because I actively did nothing to fufill the requirements that my higher ups gave me. So, I hired her to show that I'm not actually racist because I also some how still have my job despite completely violating the terms of my contract.
What am I missing?
Holy fuck you really are retarded. Jackie Chan appealed to the same people he would have, he just changed his name so racist murricans wouldn't make fun of his name "ching ching ping pong". Had he changed his name to Adam Smith to play an american soldier in the US army then it would be similar to a white writer changing his name to a japanese name to write about japanese culture and shit.
You're dumber than a sack of bricks.
literally nothing in overwatch is relevant to X-Men. It's like you saw characters with mild abilities and firmly nested your head inside your ass shortly afterward.
He didnt violate his terms. He wasnt the editor of the books he wrote.
And Marvel asked him after they saw his Darkhorse books.
>You're dumber than a sack of bricks.
I am not you. Because i recognise that you try to move the goal. Guess all your arguments fall flat since you mostly can understand the easist, black and white situations.
Why change his name just because of rascist comments. Whoever makes rasicst comments are rarely hid fanbase. So he changed his name to get a wider appeal, to reach a new possibile target group. As i stated.
Marvel has writers?
She called him a racist two years ago and people think she was hired just now for it?
How the fuck is full on pretending to be a foreigner racist?
Blackface is racist because the actors are blatantly whites portraying black racial stereotypes. The audience knowing it's blackface is what makes it racist. His rouse was complete, it wasn't meant to show Japanese in negative light ... he just wanted to be able to write as one and make money.
It was fucking 20 years ago, he got away with it because not everyone is concerned with tarring and feathering someone for something they did in their youth which some bitch on twitter says is racist ... but which anyone with 2 brain cells and without ideological blinders can clearly see is not racist.
Overwatch has been for what? 4 years now? And the story has not moved an inch.
No more than current year Marvel
How many books is she being given despite having relatively no experience in comics?Maybe marvel has become so infested with SJWs that calling your white boss a racist is just the signal flare a person needs to get a new career.
90% is in boring ass animated shorts
>you're acting like internet people are real people
I mean
They're real people, using the internet
You do know that right
gosh wish me am was in there
She's an experienced writer with a better resume than most Narvel writers. Writing comics isn't rocket science and an editor or artist can help with pacing(literally the only thing a writer needs to learn when switch to comics). Maybe you're concerned she doesn't have the same stupid cape cliches drilled into her brain like the other comic book writers does.
Ye the comics are written well (most of them, anyway)
Wasted Land, Going Legit, Old Soldiers, Dragon Slayer, A Better World, and Legacy are the best ones, especially Wasted Land and Going Legit
Avoid Reflections, but the rest are fine
Writer of nothing hired over nothing to write more nothings.
Yep its all nothing.
It's a team shooter, it shouldn't have been given a plot in the first place.
She wrote an Adventure Time comic I think? It would be nice if Marvel scooped up more people from the indie scene making their own good shit rather than give books to somebody who bitches at them on Twitter.
Also, even if she is "experienced", she showed a bad attitude by literally calling them racist.
Hes married to a woman that looks like she can cosplay as mercy.
tbf the OW lore gets changed like every 5 minutes it's not easy to write anything for that
Didn't Chu confirm that Genji still has a functional penis?
Autism is a great way to do this so long as you know what to fake.
Found the Cartel lover.