Nearly destroys an entire industry

>nearly destroys an entire industry

Attached: Superman-75-Brooklyn-Comic-Shop.jpg (900x1363, 165K)

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please stop getting all your comic info off of youtube
Jean died and came back way before Superman

That's not Deathmate

Jean Grey didn't make the national news

>another DC false flag thread
Go back to cuckddit you faggot raider

She still is responsible for heroes dying and coming back to life over and over

>Jean Grey and Superman
>even remotely comparable

Attached: 1402988390914.jpg (308x308, 26K)

Jean Grey isn't a real person, user

Today I learned I was a little bit racist

>X-Men is irrelevant now

DC really is the fucking worst aren't they

That's not what happened at all.
Marvel flooded the racks with trash, constant #1's and variant covers, creating way more supply than demand and making the average comic quality extremely low. It was exactly like Beanie Babies where one day people just suddenly stopped caring because the market had reached saturation point and collapsed.

DC actually came out of the 90's very healthy. They may have sold a lot to speculators with DOS but they neither started the speculator boom nor ended it, that was completely Marvel.
DOS was a big success and actually did increase readership longterm.

Also the meme that comic characters constantly come back to life existed for at least a decade before DOS anyway.

See the Harlan Ellison video you stupid fuck. The only thing novel about this event was that normies ate it up because normies are retarded.

What are you trying to do here my dude? Are you trying to imply that in 1993, Superman and Jean Grey were equal in the public consciousness?

>>X-Men is irrelevant now
Back then, compared to Superman? Absolutely.

>that was completely Marvel.
and Image

Marvel and Image were the retards during the 90s making thirty variant covers and number 1s of characters no one cared about.

DC has Vertigo.

When people say the 90’s sucked, they mean Marvel and Image.

Actually yes. X-Men used to be that big.

>DC has Vertigo.

Only idiots who don't know anything think Marvel went bankrupt in the 90s because of comic books. Comic books were one of the few enterprises that was still profitable for them. They went bankrupt because of incredibly bad business decisions regarding everything OTHER than their comics division. Go read about the Marvelution.

We're not talking about the X-Men. We're talking about Jean Grey. You're trying to tell me that in 1986, Jean Grey was a big a name, had the same cultural presence in the public consciousness, as Superman did in 1993. You're retarded if you believe this. One was national news. The other wasn't. Superman is the most successful American comic book character ever created. The fact that you think he's even slightly comparable to Jean Grey is fucking delusional.

>Actually yes. X-Men used to be that big.
Except the X-Men were known for dying and resurrecting all the time. But the idea of Superman, the character who's known for being 99% invincible, actually dying sent comic readers in an uproar, especially when people were wondering whether not it would be a fakeout like Marvel did at the time.

To be honest I say this had a bigger effect on crashing the comics industry as a whole.

Attached: Xmenjimlee.jpg (1228x500, 335K)

>Except the X-Men were known for dying and resurrecting all the time
>But it's Superman's fault that death isn't taking seriously somehow

>flooded the racks with trash, constant #1's and variant covers, creating way more supply than demand and making the average comic quality extremely low
I sure am grateful those days are over, haha.

>>But it's Superman's fault that death isn't taking seriously somehow
Not in his case, it wasn't.

>the 80's
>a time when Marvel started to vastly outsell DC by a large margin
>the 90's
>when X-Men was outselling Superman on a monthly basis before the Death of Superman and comics had a larger mainstream audience


but the good news is this time nothing bad will happen to Based Marvel because they have the biggest movies of all time and always will

No one but CNN normies thought it was real. The fucking writing team cooked it up as filler so the wedding would go with the tv show.

Again, watch the Harlan Ellison video on it you misinformed casual.

We’ll he was. Batman surpassed him in the 90s because his lore was left more or less intact post Crisis while Bryne dragged his nutsack across Superman’s.

That has been a big problem in the current "movie era" where everyone who appears in a show or movie automatically gets a book whether or not anyone has an idea for it or if comic fans are asking for it.

It's not as bad as it was then, still. And the major books are keeping the whole business afloat regardless.

>Again, watch the Harlan Ellison video on it you misinformed casual.
His comparison was downright stupid. The older issue he displayed didn't advertise Superman's death in the same way this one did, and many comics around that time had covers with characters going "Boo hoo I killed my best friend" or "COULD THIS BE THEND OF OUR FAMED HERO???" when literally 100% of the time that was never the case.
Death of Superman was advertised and displayed as just that, something no one expected DC to do, and especially not with a character like fucking Superman.

>this time nothing bad will happen to Based Marvel because they have the biggest movies of all time and always will
Is that why they can't come up with a cartoon show or a TV series worth a dime?

>That has been a big problem in the current "movie era"
I thought my "haha" sold the sarcasm, but I guess not.

Except they absolutely did retard.

>blaming death of superman for the comic crash of the 90s when dc comics was barely affected and actually had some their best comics of the time
>totally ignoring men no1 which sold so much and was over shipped that marvel thought they could repeat this process ad nauseam to the point that they over saturated the market along with the image founders that used to work at marvel and thought there names could move books alone


someone was watching youtube today

Image was Marvel's mutated spawn.

The 1992 cartoon, the toys and the many 1990s games gave children and teens much greater awareness of the X-Men, but this didn't extend to adults. In the 1990s, no individual X-Men character, nor the group, had that universal recognition that Superman has had for decades.

Even the kids and teens who started reading the comics because of the cartoons, toys and games didn't care about how Jean was meant to have died forever a decade ago, they cared about what was happening now, and Jean had been alive long enough that her being alive was only an issue to older readers they weren't interacting with because internet access for everyone hadn't happened yet.

Marvel did a lot of enhanced gimmick covers in the early 1990s period, but only got into doing variant covers during their bankruptcy years, and have been doubling down on variants ever since.


Nobody wants to have conversations about Marvel's business decisions in the 1990s or the actions of the people who owned the company. Not when they can blame the company going bankrupt on the product, and "conclusively prove" that one story they hate was so bad it almost put Marvel out of business. The Clone Saga haters almost seem credible, because Spider-Man sold well enough that it sounds possible that his sales cratering could seriously hurt Marvel, but there are also insane people claiming sales of a single book like Liefeld's Captain America or the teenage Iron Man bankrupted Marvel because they hate it so much it has to be the reason.

>Batman surpassed him in the 90s because his lore was left more or less intact post Crisis while Bryne dragged his nutsack across Superman’s.
Absolute fucking mongoloid it was because of the Burton movies.

Image had much more to do with it than that comic. They were exploiting the speculators more than anyone. They based their entire business model on producing whatever sold the best to speculators and only caring about the speculators at the expense of the rest of the industry.


Image was more guilty than Marvel.

Malibu/Ultraverse was even worse. A lot of the indies back then (like Chaos for example) were every bit as bad as Image.

Clone Saga scared away A LOT of readers. Many people stopped reading comics altogether because of it.

The Clone Saga itself didn't do that, it was the reveal of Peter being the clone, a year into the story. This was over a year after the industry crash had started, and only a few months before Marvel would declare bankruptcy. It certainly didn't help them, but it wasn't even close to being the root cause of their problems like people claim.

>all these irritating manchildren whining about their funnybooks itt

Friendly reminder that the only thing comics ever did well was entertain prepubescent boys and the last time they were doing that was the early 90s!

The more you know!

I still remember the agitation my old LCS owner had over Quesada shilling to the news and talkshows ahead of the shops (who lost money because they had no adequate preparation for the demand).
>clip of Quesada "bequeathing Steve Roger's shield" to Stephen Colbert:

Not directly related to that incident but a few years later he did close down his shop.

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