Could a LGBTQ themed superhero group work?

Could a LGBTQ themed superhero group work?
Like San Francisco Avengers, or JLLGBTQ?

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Yeah suicide squad

Who that bitch

I want the summer incels to leave.

Get Alan out of there.


Fuck, wasn't there like a canadian themed superhero group at some point? Superhero groups start over all kinds of stupid shit.

Sounds boring as fuck.
Rather make a team of 8.
A gay couple and two love triangles with straights.

There basically was negro Avengers lead by Black Panther, The Crew I think their name was.

Stop including Alan Scott, he doesn't deserve to be treated like this

Did they specifically fight racist villains, or did they just chill and fight crime?

My thoughts are that OP's group would be more fun if they weren't necessarily targeting homophobes, just kicking ass together.

I would love a JLLGBT. Kate would probably get along really well with Middy and Orion too.

>Adds Allan, who would be a grampa to the team.
>Jericho nowhere to be seem.

user pls.

Sounds like a good southpark episode

Sorry but gay is all people think about when they hear his name

Would they have have a token straight guy?

No keep Alan but make him straight again. Add his gay son. Alan will be like the mentor and den mother.
And every night his son is having sex with his boyfriend, Alan will feel two things
>utter disgusting and tears of anguish as he hears his son gets rammed like a woman
>indifference and delusions that everything is okay when he hears his son boyfriend moan like a bitch and knows he is getting his seed seed

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>every time someone brings up Alan all they can talk about is his sexuality
the gay stole his personality

Sure but you'd have to deal with the internet screaming "yaaass" and "FUCKING FORCED DIVERSITY"

It would be pretty gay

Join the 41%

Which is why we bring back his son. His son was a medicated schizo that was healed by the power of sucking dick. Alan trying to be a loving father to his 20s something faggot son is a fun take on the character.

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6 hot womanly looking lesbians that also date hot womanly looking girls will work in any sphere.


Yeah right nigger, you obviously have never been forced to watch the L-word.

They fought racist villains and showed support for the BLM movement.

Who's the chick next to Alan?

The plot can't be only the relationship, it's still going to be capeshit

How do you even fight homophobes as a superhero team? Unless there's some SuperKadyrov villain, most of homophobic crimes is done by street-level thugs/hooligans and you don't need superpowers for beating up those.

Christian terrorists.

Alan, ???, Midnighter, Apollo, and Batwoman.
I can't think of who the purple-themes woman is.

wouldn't muslim terrorists make more sense, considering they're the ones killing gays

reverse google image says it's Psylocke.
I guess because she was fucking Fantomex for a while, and at one point Fantomex split into male and female forms.
She continued fucking FemFantomex during that

Haven't you heard the news? Comicsgate is dead, lol.

Members should be:

Muslims are oppressed enough as it is, why make people go against them even more?

I thought it kind of looked like her but everyone else being a DC character threw me.

What would even be the context for a bunch of gay superheros needing to team up.

>Muslims are oppressed
obvious bait is obvious
still nothing compared to Islamic terrorism

Literally in real life gays could make a gay-only group and that would be it.

Commit rope

>The Just Dykes League
>Ass Guardians of the Galaxy
>Birds of Gay
>Queen Lanterns
>The Morcocks

They should market Northstar as the gay Captain America and make him the leader of San Francisco Avengers.
Maybe he later could be the front figure of MCU in phase five or six, replacing Captain Marvel the same way she replaced Captain America.

>Thor character who is asgardian and called Ass-Guard

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>San Francisco Avengers
So they spend all their time picking up poop and needles?

Miss America already is lesbian Black Panther.

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That actually happened. Kind of. The kid's name was Asgardian, and they changed it when he came out as gay. I think he's called Wiccan now.

Disney, take notes.


Nobody wants a gay main character. That's why America and Ice Man tanked despite Marvel's best efforts.

Did it rise again? Could have sworn it was 38%

no because fags and dykes hate each other

Sure, but it would be kind of strange and I don't really get the point. Being an all gay superhero group doesn't really have any tactical advantage in helping save the world.

Now, what WOULD make sense is a superhero LGBTQ advocacy group, where high profile gay heroes do media events and charity work to raise awareness of LGBTQ issues and help inspire people.
Probably shouldn't have Midnighter on that team, though. Not exactly an inspiring public figure.

Aside from that the only reason for an all-gay hero team would be for meta purposes, so the only way to do it in a way that made sense would be to have a team that was in-universe just coincidentally made up of mostly gay heroes, probably have one token straight character.

>mfw reading lesbian domestic abuse statistics

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I would love to see them go to the middle east

Watch out, you'll summon that fag who cracked the code about how the lesbian abuse stats actually are about dykes being abused by men in their life.

But Midnighter.
And Batwoman isn't doing thar bad either.

And then you have Constantine in Hellblazer.

I cannot remember a Character in Marvel who can sell decently but there must be someone.

the fuck kind of mental gymnastics does that user have to preform to come up with that conclusion.

the "actually reading the source" kind

Midnighter was awesome, though.

All of those were niche characters who never really became big names. Comic sales are lower now than in the 90's, so it's hard to justify a gay team.

They'd just end up giving each other AIDS and all die


would they patrol canada and make sure no one misgenders anyone

They would just spend each comic fighting the devious super villain, AIDS.
and every second comic is a memorial comic for the tranny heroes who keep killing themselves before actually doing anything

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This thread seems like it was made just to get people to argue in it and become off topic as quick as possible.

isnt young avengers already this?

Pretty sure both Kate and Noh-Varr were straight.

Noh-varr isn't anymore.

Of course not. The last thing Dc or Marvel civilians need is some faggot superhero getting cut in a fight and some blood landing on them during the fight and infecting them with the AIDS virus. Faggot heroes should be classified as villians and hunted.

No, the Ex-Men

You could have some kind of Queen Bee like villain who's seductive powers only work on straight men and lesbian women and bisexuals too I guess, so you could have a team of homosexual men infiltrate her brainwashed army.

They were didn’t like that white people were moving into Harlem not sure about the villain don’t think it got past two issues

ITT: people who need sex

straight is part of the spectrum you know

Gee, why don't I just blast myself with radioactive sex rays and get super sex powers and join a team with other sex superheroes with sex powers like Sexerman, Batsex, Green Sexow, Wondersex Woman, and Martian Manhunter and we will all have sex in Sex Hall of Sex Justice and have sex fights against sex villains such as Sex Manta, Sexnestro, Poison Sexy, and Sex Luthor and then we all have sex and the sex is sex so it sexes the sex sex and then sex with more sex and even gay sex but also more sex?

holy shit

so you'll just let that ax-wound you call a vagina heal over instead of being responsible and dilating? Thats not very good transgendered behavior


Could it work? Of course. The right pitch, the right writer and artist can make just about anything work.

Would we get one that works? Probably not. It would probably be vapid checklist shit, full of people congratulating each other on being gay and racially diverse as though what you're born is something to be proud of as long as it's not common- and dealing only with really two dimensional bigotry. The temptation to market it and to have the book lean into the marketing of it would be too strong in today's market.

Honestly, the closest we came to a good lgbtq book, sadly, was Gillen's Young Avengers. And that was garbage. Such garbage.


This is new 52 Young Gay Alan, not post crisis cool grampa Alan.

I actually like them both, but fuck DC forever for deleting the fucking justice society and trying to put sexual and racial minorities in as a block to bringing them back.

There's a faggot lantern?

Halfag spotted

They could be at a thing, like pride or something, and then some disaster strikes, they save the day, exchange numbers and then later get together again for a new good reason.

Or they could be written like shit and just suddenly have a gay supergroup and preach indirectly at the fourth wall how only queers and pocs can actually understand justice

Really? When did this happen?


Haven't read the run Priest run. Did he actually make Jericho gay? Didn't the original writers avoid that, because the sensitive, quiet type being gay is too damn obvious and stereotypical?