Shouldn't the Tallest be impressed that Dib thinks Zim is such a huge threat to the Earth and actually sees him as very...

Shouldn't the Tallest be impressed that Dib thinks Zim is such a huge threat to the Earth and actually sees him as very dangerous to humans?

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Other urls found in this thread:

the tallest are idiots and have never demonstrated intelligence

I wonder why no one believes Dib when Zim is an alien infront of them there

They've acted like leaders before, like when they tried to send the megadoomer to planet meekrob to help Tenn conquer it.

Because everyone looks and acts like an alien in this show

But they don't really give a shit about Earth or humans do they? It was just a question mark on the far corner of the map that they hoped that Zim would die aimlessly trying to get to.

It's Invader Zim, nobody demonstrates intelligence.

Also even if they weren't, they (rightly) think Zim is an idiot too, so at best if you consider Zim a threat you've got common sense and not much else. Zim's dangerous for the wrong reasons.

They don’t need to be intelligent

That's not entirely true. Tallest Red showed some intelligence in 'Backseat Driver from Beyond the Stars' episode.

They marvel at the size of his head, but still consider him an inferior species from a backwater planet not worth visiting let alone invading.

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they only give a shit about snacks, any irken could do their job

>any irken could do their job

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>but still consider him an inferior species from a backwater planet not worth visiting let alone invading.
They were amazed when Zim told them there were dumb tall humans.

That just shows that Earth is even more incompetent than Zim. And since Earth is on the edge of the Irken's mapped Galaxy and they didn't even know it was there, we can presume that Earth holds no tactical value and it would be a waste of resources to even come steamroll it.

Isn't this whole thread just the plot of the movie?

That's a lie!

Has the movie leaked yet?

>dumb tall humans
Aren't tall species a constant on Zim's universe? They also seem as dumb as everyone else
Was Miyuki better?

>Aren't tall species a constant on Zim's universe?
Yeah, but the Tallest had no idea that Earth and humans even existed, so to hear that something tall on an uncharted world could also be stupid was incredible because they're used to associating tall with leadership and intelligence.

Not yet.

Most Earthlings are too stupid, and the ones that actually have intelligence are too apathetic. Gaz is a good example, she seems smart by knowing Zim is an alien but understanding that he's ultimately not very threatening, but in actuality she's just lazy and exposing Zim would be work.

God, that reminds me of my huge weeb phase when Zim hit its peak.

Man, I knew a ton of weebs who only watched anime and hated western cartoons with the except of Invader ZIM.

>Invader Zim comes out when I'm like 11 or 12
>I love it from the first episode
>No one at my school has heard of it
>They make fun of me for watching a show nobody knows
>There is no merchandise even though I desperately want it.
>Eventually Zim becomes harder and harder to watch, only being aired when they premiere episodes like once a month on Friday night (remember this is before DVR and streaming, so I had to stay home to tape it)
>Zim is quietly cancelled.
>Oh well that was fun but I guess it was too niche
>Time passes
>DVDs come out
>Suddenly all the same people who made fun of me for knowing about this obscure cartoon have Zim shirts and lunchboxes and quote GIR all day
>I'm already fucking tired of Zim at this point and having the same catchphrases repeated 100 times a day doesn't help.

And that's how it went for me

I was really butthurt when I saw this episode. It was the last one I ever saw, and it made Dib look like a buffoon.

They’d probably think he is just over reacting. And if not they’re too busy fawning over snacks to care.
It’s Invader Zim, literally no one but a tiny amount of people in the entire galaxy are particularly intelligent.

I only got into the show last year and been having a blast just going trough the stuff thats happened and gotten made over the years.
Pretty great show with a horrid fanbase.

Read this in Purple's voice

Zim is one of those shows that actually is funny but has people repeat the dumbest jokes so frequently that you actually forget it's funny.

Family Guy season 1/2 is the same.

The fanbase has actually gotten better over the years. Plus, they keep to their corner of the net and don't bother any too much besides the crew.


Don’t take it too personally. Many elementary school children, much like buffalo, are pack animals.

The change wasn’t their individual interest, but the herd interest; they move as a group, and love and hate things as a group.

When the next fad comes along and reaches their herd, you can be sure they’ll say they love it too.

That sucks user. It was a little different for me because my friends and I watched when it fired aired. The show even helped connect with people who I didn't talk to before.

>any irken
but how could they do their job if theyre short???

Have they said if the movie is going to adapt that recent comic series, or if it's going in its own direction?

Gaz's outfit is from the comics, some scenes from the trailer are clearly from the first issue, and people from the comic are working on the movie.

I think they're using the first issue as a jumping off point to cover the fact that it's been a long time since the series ended, but then going in an original direction.

I'm going to miss this style so much more when the movie comes out.

I love Dib he's so fucking stupid.

I’m watching through the series for the first time, got to Battle of the Planets last night. It was a long time since I last watched but I realized that the Tallest and Irken empire are all as much idiots as Zim is, if not bigger. They only conquered one planet? Really? And they ignore Zim’s reports of a giant spaceship and mock his plans to destroy all life in one swoop. If it wasn’t for Dib, he would have succeeded.

The Tallest just like irken who are obedient to their whims, and don’t try to make use of a highly ambitious soldier. I hope part of the plot of the movie is Zim showing them just how much he is capable of, after he finally realizes they’ve always just been fucking with him

He's also a child.

>They only conquered one planet? Really?

It's true that the Irkin race, and the Tallest in particular, are idiots, but they DO have a significant technological and military advantage over the rest of the galaxy and have conqured many planets before.

The planet from the first episode was a planet they conquered and made exclusively into convention centers, there is mentioning of another planet they conquered and made into a parking lot, then there is Foodcortia (mentioned in episode 1) a planet of all Food Courts. All these highly specific planets were alien homeworlds that Irkins conquered and developed to their whims

What about the package shipping planet?

Good enough they don't have reproductive organs or they would have already made Sexcon..

>An Irken-conquered planet made specifically to host orgies

>implying they don't have a separate group of Irkens specifically made for sex work.

>Irkens specifically made
Are they tall?

Ideally some would be tall but most would be short
Tall ones to breed potential leaders for the army/empire, short ones to breed soldiers and subordinates

If Membrane is so smart why doesn't he know about aliens?

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are you not satisfied with free energy and super toast user?

>implying the sex work Irkens aren't employed at the conquered planets to pleas other aliens.

Aliens aren't real. Stop filling your head with mumbo-jumbo pseudoscience and embrace REAL scientific discovery!

i hate his new design
the head is way too small

He thinks it's stupid.

Membrane fucked and impregnated the Prettiest Irken Invader. I'd take his word over anything.

>inb4 it's revealed Prof. Membrane is head of the Swollen Eyeball group and knew everything all along.

I feel like Jhonen would have teased something like that during the dark period where Zim was canned and no revival even in comic form seemed plausible, back when he was discussing other unseen stuff.

>He doesn't know of the screenshot from the movie that shows Prof.Membrane with aliens.

The entire meta theme of Invader Zim is that all forms of intelligent life are prone to arrogance, compromising the concept of intelligence to begin with. The Tallest having any respect for Zim, and vice versa, would ruin that theme.

Also, in all seriousness, having exactly one human schizo fear you isn't all that impressive.

>implying the Eyeballs aren't a proxy group for an intelligence cable by Membrane to combat the alien-hunting demons in the FBI

Attached: FBI.png (500x452, 335K)

Guess not.

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>t. shorty

Oh you know what, I did see this before, I just didn't notice the aliens, I thought it was just some tech. It's obvious now.

Please tell me we get something amazing like Dib's action sequence in the false life episode.

>The entire meta theme of Invader Zim is that all forms of intelligent life are prone to arrogance, compromising the concept of intelligence to begin with.
This is probably why the writers considered Gaz the most intelligent character on the show.
While Prof. Membrane has the most booksmarts, his arrogance gets in the way of him ever realizing what's going on.

Show me.



Why would they listen to somebody who has a BIRD DOODIE ON HIS SHIRT!?

Of course Dib's Mom was the best Tallest.

Fun Fact: This is the only instance in the series where we see Dib crying

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It wasn't enough.

I can't wait for Zim to cry in the movie.

so sad

It'll get cut

Anyone remember those old fics where Gaz and Membrane had a secret relationship?

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Found the full picture

Attached: HDNZZ099A_InvaderZim_Theatrical_012819_UGI_5.jpg (1200x802, 132K)

Where did you find this?

Interesting. Thank you.

most people is stupid,also dib is actually a paranoid idiot too, he believes in baby vampires and things like that,he is irght this time, but is the first time he has ever been right

he probably does, he just dont care

They probably had them at one point.
Or they still do and they're just vestigial.


But the collection of haunted gummy bears he has are real

it would be awesome if he was an alien all along and dib was half alien half human.

it would be a silly joke too:
"so what is my special alien power"

"your big head"

"my head is not big!"

running joke since ep 1

No, because the Tallest already know Zim is extremely fucking destructive and that humans are complete idiots, remember they sent him to Earth because he nearly destroyed the entire Irken empire himself out of sheer retardation and they wanted him as far away from them as possible.

Manlet detected

Read this in pleaky’s voice

Huh, my elementary school’s mascot was a buffalo

The Baranoff Buffalos


Who knows Zim and doesn't know that he's a threat to everything around him?

because the tallest dont care about earth nor zim

>it would be a silly joke too:
>"so what is my special alien power"
>"your big head"
>"my head is not big!"
>running joke since ep 1
It isnt even a fucking thing in the new design.

Jhonen said they still make jokes about his head in the movie

his head was never much bigger than anyone else's
that was the joke

yea but now it isnt even big at all

So do you think the movie will act as a finale? Or just leave things open at more or less status quo?

Jhonen has said he has no interest in doing another Zim TV series since it's too much work

bring Tak back for the movie

I mean to be fair, considering what Jhonen made before Zim and how much meddling Nick had to do to keep it somewhat family-friendly I imagine he was burnt out for a while before the Invader Zim comics happened. I'll always appreciate that while he's kind of the originator of that fucking Hot Topic-style trendiness that he also loathes every single one of those fuckers about as much as the rest of us

No, because Dib is not tall.

This. The Tallest and Irken society as a whole revolves less around actual intelligence or capability and more around physical height. While Zim's a dumbass, The Tallest were never bright bulbs themselves and only really got away with it because of their height. They'd probably regard Membrane with more attention if he actually interacted with them.

This is strangely fitting for internet crowds as well, and I'm not trying to be an edgelord contrarian or anything like that, but a lot of people seem to be guided by trends and the voice of the majority.

desu jhonen said it's only a "possible" ending
everything is back to normal next week

The fanbase has pretty much died over the past 7 years. It had a surprisingly long life for a show this short-lived. I just wish I could've boned one of the fangirls.

if the tallest cared at all about some uncharted planet they never gave a fuck about to even map, maybe

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Is that why he didn't make any new comics with Slave Labor? JTHM/Squee/I Feel Sick was the best.

>Many elementary school children
People in general are like that, especially non-whites.

>The fanbase has pretty much died over the past 7 years
The fanbase is between 35 and 40 years old

>Shouldn't the Tallest be impressed that Dib thinks Zim is such a huge
Dib is a human child, Zim is an Irken adult. A single child is afraid of him, and that's about it.

Not an edgelord comment at all. People are social animals and tend to want cohesiveness with their group.
Peer pressure is a thing after all

Will they appear in the movie?

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Their world is weird. The teacher is some sort of shadow beast, Dib's dad is a mad-scientist who is maybe running the planet, I seem to recall the mall filling up with zombies, some sort of... ham demon? I'm probably forgetting other stuff.
A green kid is basically fine, in comparison. Plus most of the planet is dumb.

For all the reasons it wouldn't make sense for aliens to visit Earth in reality. No actually unique resources, nothing important nearby, way too fucking long to travel unless you're subverting lightspeed's limits somehow, still pointlessly long time to get there, total crapshoot to even know where to look, no guarantee that its mutually habitable, no assurances that bacteria/viruses wouldn't cross species boundaries...
The biggest reason you'd contact another species is for a cultural exchange.

Besides, if aliens landed on Earth, he's the most important person there. No matter their intentions, they'd probably seek him out before too long.

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Probably not.

Fanbase is still going strong, just the original fans are adults now.

He's made comics post Zim, but with other people.

>Or they still do and they're just vestigial.
I like the idea these threads have had in the past where Irkens have them and they're actually still fully functional, it's just that as a race they've completely forgotten that they exist at all

I never saw it back on Nickelodeon, but I assume that due to the popularity of the show, they began airing reruns on nicktoons. I never got obsessed with its fanbase, but I did enjoy it for what it was.

This is funny because Jhonen has said ZIM does have a 'space weenie' because Irkens don't reproduce sexual since they have no need for them.

Jhonen says a lot of things.

This is true.

If anything playing the reruns on Nicktoons was one of the reasons it got popular.

>inb4 she is just voicing Tak's ship.

IIRC their computer is actually the top brains of the irken race, not the tallest.

Zim has a skin condition, retard

Out of curiosity how do we know that Dib really isn't a schizophrenic and Zim just happens to be the exception?

If you ever watched the Halloween episode it can be interpreted as DIB having the onset of Schizophrenia or mental illness.


You mean the Zim series? That doesn't count. I want some more of that kind of shit he used to write until he suddenly stopped.

There was a time when each subsequent generation of kids would get excited about Zim and buy merch. I don't know if that's still happening. And if the original fans are adults, of course they're gone. I mean, I'm not, but.. I mean, I don't even know where the fandom would be. I just go on Yea Forums.

user, I'm an original fan of the series. I watched the first episode when it premiered on Nick. All I can tell is that kids are still into ZIM. Many of them are on Tumblr and Twitter though.

I just noticed Dib has either a scar or wound on hisforehead. either that or it's shadowing.

Jhonen is really going ballistic on Twitter over this screenshot?

Is he? I thought he was just upset over the anime Zim being spoiled.

I'm just putting two and two together because the screenshot was recently posted by Netflix and Jhonen is now making vague tweets about spoilers, again.

Because they hate Dib.

The Tallest themselves think Zim is a threat, that's entirely the reason they (unintentionally) sent him to Earth.

They know Zim is an alien, they only fake ignorance to spite Dib

I've always wondered what Bigfoot needed to sand.

Zim was huge before Nicktoons existed as a channel.

Really does suck

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shit can't be helped, he knew what he was signing up for
the only thing to do is add enough surprises to satisfy folks even if they look at all the promo material

Somebody tell him he can't control everything.

Entirely get what he's saying and I feel bad for him. Other, but shitty, crew members and creators have been saying this for awhile though I rarely sympathized with them personally, it's always sucked.

They should make an effort to ask the creator what scenes to use in trailers and which ones are off limits, though usually the people making the trailers are in a department away from the crew and don't have the chance or ability to ask. At least that's how it feels.

It sounds like the marketing team and the production team have no connection to eachother. There really should be someone who is with the main working with the marketing team.

I hope someone rips it before discussion starts. Same for Rocko.

>Dib's Mom
Makes me want to read all the fan fiction I passed up as a teen..

what kind of shit DID he reveal?

The Tallest aren't tall, they're in robot suits and are as tall as everyone else.

You're both right. The tallest are tallest AND in robot suits so they REMAIN tallest.

On the contrary, we know Zim IS the exception. Dib mentions shit all the time in the series that doesn't turn out to be true, he's paranoid and Zim is the single thing he is right about. When he's not on screen he's harassing other shit incorrectly, but we only see him interact with Zim because the show is about Zim.

meh, is his head really much smaller? It seems about the same to me.

It was never big at all. It was always the same size.

I find this a little bit amusing because I know about the Instagram pics that Jhonen and some of the crew posted with screenshots of the movie in the background playing during production.

>Zim is the single thing he is right about.

He's right about other things, but it does seem to be a law of large numbers situation.

Talked about the episodes we know about, and some vague Invader Dib stuff. Plans for Dib to use Tak's ship normally to get him into off planet stories, etc. Stuff that's either common knowledge or managed to slip into the comics for the most part.

That's totally his own decision though and likely not scenes he wanted to hide. He clearly wanted the anime thing to be a reveal and not just wake up and everyone's randomly sharing it everywhere before the movie is out.

Supposedly Nick didn't want space stories and it was another reason the show was canceled.

Does that mean deformed retards in the real world could actually just be aliens and we all just agreed they're brain damaged humans and not aliens that have a different way of communicating with the world.

Probably. Nick didn't want a lot of things that weren't even a case of risque content.

There are literally aliens on Earth and it's not them.

Attached: wow you dont see that everyday.png (565x528, 441K)

Other stuff has been leaked besides the anime bit.

what's the anime bit?

nevermind i found it. holy shit i thought weeb!zim was literal fanart

There's a lot of anime Zim stuff out there so it blends right in. Both the edgy form and the cutesy form.

Yes I was using it as an example.

The picture of Dib riding that alien bee thing?


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What about these flaming hot cheezos? Tallest love snacks and cheezos are the pinnacle of human snack technology.

More like she gains nothing from it, so why even bother? When something is at stake that matters to her - she fucks Zim up with little effort

As dumb as Zim is he would've conquered or destroyed Earth long ago if not for Gir's fuckery.

nah, the tallest are speciest dumbasses, anything dib says is going to be filtered through a lens of "what... this... that's not an Irken??"

>save earth from alien scum
>get rewarded with money and medals she can sell for more money
>get games with the money
She wasn't thinking far ahead.

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I like that Zim is recognized as quality scifi finally

This. The rich colors, the dark tones, the sharp angles, the impressive animation, I'll miss it all.

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How do they look closer to the original designs than the movie does? Aside from Dib's pale skin and normal attire they didn't nerf his head. The expressions and colors seem better too. Some of the Zim ones have his better eye shade.

Does Dib's head really look that much smaller?

That's because she secretly loves Zim

It did to me in the character model sheet. It might have to do with it being rounded in that so the jut outward before drawing the rest of the head being gone makes it seem smaller? It looks rather the same in that screenshot yea.

She needs money? She's a daughter of a mad scientist on a government pay on projects with insane budget. They're loaded. Never in the series Membrane kids struggled for anything money-wise.


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It's a nice feeling. Weird it wasn't really categorized as Sci-Fi before. Hell it was labeled as anime once at places like Suncoast because I guess the company that distributed the original DVDs mostly did anime.

I imagine he is too preoccupied with his work to even bother looking upward

he seems very intent on the earth and what can be done to improve it, but doesn't seem interested in space in the slightest
if he actually cared, he would have discovered aliens long ago, but he doesn't, so he just assumes they are a load of crap made up by idiots

Look at all those Zims.

Yeah but nearly every other race is mentally retarded, god forbid there ever be competent evil race in that universe, or else everyone would be fucked.

He cares about REAL SCIENCE, not some hocus pocus wibbly wobbly Pseudoscience

>Who are the Meekrob.

Doubt, shes probably smart enough to know that most people wouldn't listen to her, and would probably treat her like Dib. Zim is too stupid to accomplish anything so there's no reason to get involve, the only time she's really cared to help was when that other irken, who was competent, almost did succeed in destroying the planet

Tennis shoes.

Didn't Jhonen say at one point that if the show would continue there would be a plot where all the alien races come together to fight off a bigger threat?

Isn't he Mexican?

Man, Jhonen is really broken up about this. Poor guy.

How do you explain this?

They might not even be real. The Meekrob only appeared in the simulation that Zim put Dib in.

And yet Zim revealed where snacks are stored on the Armada.

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What does that have to do with anything?

makes them anxious

Those are some nice Zim Zams.

but where's the pizza man?

Hey-a-ho! Zim-Zam! It's-a me, the pizza man!

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That would be pretty cool, and make for a decent finale to the entire series, earthlings find out Dib was right, earth is saved through an alliance with the irkens and other alien species and are now able access space.

>I hope part of the plot of the movie is Zim showing them just how much he is capable of, after he finally realizes they’ve always just been fucking with him
Wouldn't really work with Vasquez’s philosophy. The point is that everyone is a pathetic retard that only cares about themselves and being at retarded cog in a retarded machine. Where even the people who realize this are pathetic retards.

A truly nihilistic worldview, but almost delightful in its bleak irreverence

I always preferred the theory that Professor Membrane just made his two children as a genetic engineering science experiment is to prove to himself that he could. Also explains why he’s kind of aloof of their existence and the only reason he cared about Dib getting destroyed in a freak pig accident was because it gave him an opportunity to make an unholy cyborg death machine

I have the same theory too, the whole "Tallest Miyuki is Dib's Mom" is just a joke among fans. However, in one of the episodes Dib opens up the pantry in the kitchen with a jar labeled "Mom".

Nah, Membrane's a good dad. He's a crazy workaholic with detachment issues but as far as parents in the zimverse go his heart is in the right place.

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I thought it was hinted in the comics that Dib was some sort of clone, and presumably the same for Gaz(either that or she's some sort of hell spawn.)
Enjoy the suffering.

Isn't that not a theory, but what was said in the extra DVD for the box set?

In a DVD commentary it was said that had the series continued it would have been revealed that Dib is “an artificial being, created in a process similar to Irkens.” It could mean anything from clone to android or even a hybrid of sorts, as Jhonen has been known to make things up on the fly and change his mind a lot.

Ill just go into it blind then

>Dib, you're not even my child. You're the result of the combination of a number of optimized genetic choices and other decisions made during your infant nurturing phase.
>Gaz, you explain it to him.
>You're adopted.

Wasn't this said by Eric Trueheart in the DVD commentaries and he came up with the idea?

Different writer said that, I think.

Love that Membrane Mobile.