All this talk about diversity in cartoons makes me feel bad for Native Americans, the ethnicity that America always ignores.
All this talk about diversity in cartoons makes me feel bad for Native Americans...
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They're Asians. They migrated from Siberia. We have Mulan, which is enough because the Han Chinese culture is the superior Asian culture.
There's like 3 of them left.
White writers would just fuck them up anyway. Until there are more native writers and directors, we don't want Hollywood's neoliberal diversity bullshit.
How come South Americans have so much native culture still alive but North Americans pretty much seems to ignore their existance?
>How come South Americans have so much native culture still alive
Because they have so many natives still alive. Shit South America still has tribes that are untouched be outside cultures altogether. Notrth America killed most of them swept the rest away to reservations and any that were left acclimated to the more dominant culture in order to survive or prosper.
Comes down to policy with regarding dealing with them. SA and Mexico did a lot of assimilation stuff that's why you get a lot of mestizo culture. US and Canada went for the genocidal approach. Can't acknowledge indigenous people without acknowledging the countless wrongdoings so US and Canada just ignore them until there's oil to be had.
Well not everywhere. Here in Venezuela most of them were exterminated (the Caribbeans), mostly because of the fake myths regarding cannibal tribes and shit. Most of the tribes that survived (to an extend) are located across the Andes mountain range, which borders Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Argentina and Chile. Every other tribe to the East of South America didn't make it.
Because everytime they try to paint a factual nuanced look at native history on screen someone somewhere still has a problem with it (ex. depicting natives scalping in The Revenant, because we can’t show the actual shitty things natives did to each other apparently. Only “wypipo bad” is allowed.)
DC and Marvel both have a bunch of Native American characters:
They don’t vote enough so liberals have no incentive to pander to them and woo them into a voting bloc.
Canada doesn't ignore them, or deny the damage our ancestors did to theirs. We give those fuckers reservations, and money to go to school, and tax exemptions, and a shitton of other monetary reparations, and they drink or inject it all away.
Then make they should maker a actual plot about their costumes and culture instead of "le friendly monkey people who hug trees"
Don’t lie. We know what you leafs did with those schools.
They’d have to acknowledge that they were violent little bastards for them to be any cooler than hippie flower children.
By that logic Mexicans are just Whites and Native Americans, all Polynesian peoples are just Chinese, and British is mostly the original Germans
During the Spanish conquering of Central and Southern America, they mostly enslaved or kept under control the natives, allowing them to continue living.
United States... had a nasty habit of straight up murdering or taking most Native shit.
Sure. Except the Polynesians are Chinese part. Only the purest of Sino can be considered a part of the superior Han Chinese race.
Take any college level US history class and you’ll learn real quick how fucked up and terrible Native Americans got screwed over by the US Government since it’s infancy.
>being taken advantage of due to lack of knowledge
>straight up murdered genocide style
>native children forced into foster homes
>given small pieces of land to live as Sovereign people, but that we’re left with barely any support from the government or large enough economy on their own to sustain a quality of life
I’m mostly vaguely describing things here, but you get the point
High School as well, or maybe it's just mine
it's in the books but most classes never bother to go any farther than trail of tears for native treatment
Yeah you don't really hear from them anymore. How are they even nowadays?
I thought they were exterminated.
Anyways, natives will love on only in video games and anytime a piece of media needs ‘spirit animals’ or something.
I see. My school went around from Trail of Tears to the Dawes act, Wounded Knee massacre, to Native American boarding schools, and etc. It went farther but that's as far as I can remember
90% of the work was done before the native americans even encountered the white man due to smallpox. Both North and South America got hit hard, but South America had more people to lose.
There was a native american city in Ohio that was straight up abandoned by the time Europeans got there.
Some of the signatory tribes on the treaty establishing indian territories in Washington and Oregon were down to less than a dozen members and died off within a decade.
My school covered Trail of Tears and some of the Sioux stuff but then switched to mostly focus on local tribes like the Nez Perce.
Real answer, Native Americans don't have money to spend on new product depicting native Americans.
While black (and brainwashed/sjw whites) have lots of money to spend on new product depicting black
ever wonder why that is?
go look at their population numbers vs that of literally any other minority other than maybe Asians.
there's a reason you see way more african american and latino characters than native american: money, and profit. that's all there is to it. sorry to burst y'all's bubble.
god I hate niggers for always playing the victims even though they have a much better life here than they would ever have in Africa, natives are the only ones I feel bad for
Europeans were here first.
So why don't they vote? If I were native, I would be pissed that they have less political power than black people do.
Go back to Europe then.
As long as I promised to buy your grandchildren a nice house in a good neighborhood, it would be perfectly acceptable to enslave you, then? They should have no right to complain since it's just a net gain for them, yes?