If you made a show out of your dream idea and the entire season was being dumped at once...

If you made a show out of your dream idea and the entire season was being dumped at once, would you browse Yea Forums to see people's reactions?

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Yes, and then hope for porn

When the Oswald show comes out yes I will be seeing people's reactions here

I didn't know Ub Iwerks' ghost browsed Yea Forums.

I would love nothing more

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I'd post high quality rips of my own show here and laugh.

>Tank the ratings of your own show so you don't get a season 2

That'll show the executives at the top.

Yes and I'd shitpost a whole lot for the lulz too.

God Owen is such a fag, I'd browse every thread every day.

I'd browse the whole damn internet

Probably. I'd probably be one of the ones shitposting too.

i'd get one of my interns to prove they were an intern and then post completely fake yet mildly plausible spoilers

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I would make up fake images and post them as leaks, or grab some deleted content and post it saying this was from an upcoming episode that will air next week

Disney bought up a LOT of afterlife real estate, and kicks out anyone who bugs him. Pour souls are left to browse Yea Forums.

I would probably attempt to do something similar. Except I have no friends to give me the gist, so one day I would lose my willpower and come on Yea Forums and make a fool of myself flipping out at critics.

>post reasonably plausible but fake spoilers
>entire internet loves it
>praises you for coming up with such an amazing story twist and they can't wait to see it play out in the show

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So I could make subtle references if it gets more eps

i'd pull a lauren faust and just drunkenly shitpost about the entire show on twitter

Faust pouring herself a nice glass of red and going on for hours about ponies in the dead of night was probably the best thing any showrunner has done.

I would browse Yea Forums and explicitly shitpost about my own show.

also kek what a lazy bitch

No, I feel like that guy's got it right, you have better shit to do at that moment. Eventually I would, but not as the show just came out.

My fake spoilers would be plausible, yet something the fandom wouldn't want just to watch the hellfire. I'd even create a fake picture aka leak.