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You didn’t know?

If you stick your dick in a kangaroo’s pouch, it’s technically a boobjob.


In this era of transgenderism, anybody can be anything contrary to all visual evidence. Identifying as something biologically makes you that thing and it is wrong to question such logic.

it's a kangaroo.

>Kangaroos and other marsupials have a special pouch — called a marsupium — for carrying their babies, because their young are particularly small when they're born. ... Since pouches are for babies to stay in, only female kangaroos have them. Male kangaroos who want pockets simply have to wear pants.

And only female kangaroos have pouches.

A kangaroo with a pouch is biologically female retard.

I wanna fuck it now

I bet you also think that only men have scrotums, but the courts in Canada disagree.

Wait so is your argument that you assumed the kangaroo was trans?

Canada is where science goes to die.

But the kangaroos has always been a girl in the show, i don't understand...

>Canada is where science goes to die.

But Canada is the world's foremost leader in global warming research!

Huh. Well I learned something today.

>this thread
This is why I adopted a live and let live attitude at some point. Giving a shit about this subject takes way too much effort for something that ultimately does not matter.

It would be nice to have a "live and let live" attitude about transgenderism, but in California and the UK you can be fined or jailed for "misgendering" someone. That isn't "live and let live", that's compulsory enforcement of speech. Don't go committing any thought crimes, now.

We were all told to LIVE N LET LIVE when it came to legalizing gay marriage and look how that slippery slope worked out for us. Now we have to let men use the women's locker room and NAMBLA is being treated as a legitimate organization and lifestyle choice because hey LIVE N LET LIVE AMIRITE!?

>Nambla being treated as a legitimate organization
What the fuck are you smoking?

This is a thread about a cartoon kangaroo. If you want to whine about trans people, go to /pol.

You know if you meet some and you're not entirely sure what gender they, you can just ask. Most trans/nb folks would much prefer you just ask. Or better yet, don't bring it up, cause it doesn't matter unless you're trying to fuck them.

_ _____ ____ ____ ___

I thought we would find out that Rippy Roo was going to be Fink.
Like Venomous did experiments on her or some shit.

oh good an OK KO thre-
>thread derails to political discussion about transgenderism

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well it is a political show

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>You know if you meet some and you're not entirely sure what gender they, you can just ask.
Or how about if they're biologically male then I call them men because that's exactly what they fucking are?

Or how about I call them what ever the fuck I want like I do with everyone else
i'm not going to give special privileges to dictate what I can and can't say

>show courts LGBTQ community for woke points and press
>threads on OK KO devolve into discussions about LGBTQ bullshit

What, are you also shocked, SHOCKED, when Steven Universe and Netflix She-Ra threads do the same thing? All these shows hinged their identities on LGBTQ pandering. So that's all there is to talk about with them.

Or maybe it doesn't entirely work that way, and you just need to stop being a whiny little bitch.

Good. So I can call traps she all I want to.

dude i've seen steven universe

OK KO is fucking harmless when it comes to gay shit

But user I want to have my cake and eat it too.
I love having the LGBT community beings so important to my favorite shows. But if you anons complain about it i'll call you /pol/ and tell you to stop talking politics

>Or better yet, don't bring it up,
Literally impossible; these people list their fucking pronouns in their social media profiles and tell you what to refer to them as when they introduce themselves. They're the ones that bring it up, you faggot.

Sure if you want. Don't let other people control what you can and can't say.

How is love a political agenda? It's a natural chemical reaction that harms no-one and doesn't need to be politicized.

So if you meet someone named Jonathan and they ask you to call them John do you just start yelling about what's on their birth certificate?

Boy it's a Y7 kids show, if you're taking political themes and stuff from a cartoon you gotta stop. Yeah I know Skeleton Remotes was on the nose about Gun Control, but it's still a kids show first.

>It's a natural chemical reaction that harms no-one
of course user that's why we need to limit what people can and can't say around each other
>it's ok to put propaganda in this how, it's for kids

You can put on a wig and lipstick and change your name from John to Martha, but you can't change your chromosomes. You were born a man and you will always be a man and your pronouns will forever be him/his/he and there isn't a fucking thing you can do about it besides COPE or kill yourself.

Rich coming from someone who doesn't want a lesbian to say "I love you" around her partner.

A wig doesn't make Bruce Jenner a woman any more than greasepaint made Al Johlson a negro.

When did I ever say that? Are you resorting to strawmaning already?

So is that a yes? Or do you support name changes but not gender changes? Like I'm legit interested in this.

Because 6 - 9 year olds are that involved in the charged discussion on gun control.

Transgenderism is just a form of pretend that they try to force everyone else to play along with under threat of legal gunpoint. If you want to pretend your a woman you can pretend you're a woman, but it ends when you try to tell other people that they have to share in your delusion and play along. No one has to play along with your fantasy.

so you support political propaganda for children?
Are you too dense to understand how indoctrination works?

most people I know were ok with tranny shit at first and didn't care. Then they started making demands.

RICHARD being some kind of drummer is a big delusion and he should stop trying to be called R*ngo. I mean, you can't force anyone to support you!

>If you want to pretend your a woman you can pretend you're a woman, but it ends when you try to tell other people that they have to share in your delusion and play along. No one has to play along with your fantasy.
>most people I know were ok with tranny shit at first and didn't care. Then they started making demands.

And this goes back to the start of the thread:
The slippery slope that began with "if gays want to get married that's none of my business, live and let live" is what led us to the "If you don't call me by my preferred pronouns and wax my scrotum and let me change in the same room as your child then I'M CALLING THE COPS!"

Slippery slope. It's not a fallacy, it's very real, and it led us to where we are now. All because we had a "live and let live" attitude with homosexuals.

What I don't understand is how this affects your life? Like do you really give enough of a shit about these people that their pronoun matters to you? You already seem to dislike them quite a lot. Also what legal gunpoint? Did you accidentally use a wrong pronoun and get arrested and are in the prison computer lab? I haven't heard of that happening anywhere so if you have some links I would love to see them. The only things I know about are general anti hate speech things which you have to go pretty far to get into. If you call the person in front of you in line sir instead of ma'am the cashier isn't hitting the panic button.

show choose to add political stuff in it. You reap what you sow

If we ban gay shit, what's to stop them from banning straight PDA and all form of pleasure that doesn't involved reproduction, then pleasurable reproduction, so everyone has to make their babies in a test tube?!

why are you so triggered, user?

Honestly I was pro gay at first but seeing the shit that group has been doing, i'm starting to have doubts.
I can now see why people hate fags

If known old man Pat Sajak changed in a men's fitting room at a store, and a little boy was changing in the room next to him, would you try to get Sajak removed to defend the boy?

user theres people with 0X chromosomes and XYY chromosomes

>What I don't understand is how this affects your life?
Getting fined for "misgendering" a tranny or having to let a man change clothes in the same room as my sister/wife/daughter or owning a spa business and being made to wax a fat trans-woman's scrotum, are all things that the tranny community does that affects other peoples lives. Trannies do NOT "live and let live". They force themselves upon other people in the most vile and abusive ways possible.

How is waxing balls any more gross than waxing vag, misandrist? And why would you want to call a pretty person with long hair, tiddies, and a hole cut in them a he? Just because of their invisible cells?

I know it's a meme but I would like a child support joke.

>K.O. spends the day with venomous
>Uh, Daddy. Mommy wanted to know about the missing child support
>*Sigh* Here.
>Venomous pulls out a giant brown sack with a $ sign and a cash register noise is heard.
>Thanks, Daddy.

Does anyone have a drive link or a suggestion of where to stream it? I don't want to download all off the s3 mega to watch it

>Getting fined for "misgendering" a tranny
That's only if you work in a service industry where you're paid not to cause distress to people, which you don't have to worry about as your autism disqualifies you from such a position.

So can you tell me who has been fined for misgendering a trans person? I never really got the changing room thing either. Like are you cool with a lesbian being in there? Is that better or worse than a mtf who is only attracted to males? Also you would prefer to wax a fat mans scrotum instead? Like with a job like that you'll inherently have to deal with people you don't want to.

don't have a drive link but i have this, it's stream optional

But you're fine with causing distress to autistic people though? Practice what you preach (please).

Are you too dense to think that a kids show is indoctrinating children? The message being "gun control needed" isn't propaganda. It's a legitimate thing this country needs. You make it out to seem like the show is pushing agendas that are harmful. So here's the deal

>Negative Lessons = Propaganda
>Positive Lessons = Moral of the story.

If a kids show is telling kids "Hey it's alright to hate someone as long as they are different than you" that's propaganda.
If a kids show is telling kids that recycling is a helpful thing to do and it helps the planet that's a moral.

you're a good person who deserves love

What a whiny shitpost.
Way to keep your REEEEEEing under control, you showed them


I'm not a nurse and I'm not getting paid to talk to your retarded ass so those laws don't apply to me, you stupid retard lmao.

>That's only if you work in a service industry where you're paid not to cause distress to people

>being unironically on the side of the "IT'S MA'AM!!!!" lunatic

I'm sorry you're defective, user.

t.b.h I could see this happening in a future episode.

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Blame this retard for brining it up for literally no reason

>The message being "gun control needed" isn't propaganda. It's a legitimate thing this country needs
so this is why you are supporting propaganda, because it's propaganda you support.

arent the courts ruling against that lunatic?

Who's this joke? Boxitracio ftw!

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I could see Fink getting fucking angry that Venomous pays more attention to K.O that her.

but is she crazy enough to beat oxide

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