How is it?

How is it?

Attached: Twelve_Forever_Series_Poster.png (622x720, 750K)

Other urls found in this thread:!BGQxVAyJ!3SunCvIFPerRwMYV_mIxqVH1js6-Jqv9rEfM3wEz9Bg!TxtCjQJT!l2MJKoUjbK7WbH1y9NULXQ

You could have just gone to one of the multitude of existing threads fag


Is 12forever gonna be the next cancer of Yea Forums? You are becoming more annoying than the frog fags.

It's shit, you retarded faggot.
You could have checked the other twelve threads to find out.
When is Forever 12 going to be banned from Yea Forums?

What happened to the cute boy character?

Nobody likes glasses.

It's a Netflix cartoon, so they mainly only get talked about during their release date.

no Shane/10

pretty shit

No plot. No lore. Very little real humor. Just "look at our weird designs! Eh? Eh? They're weird, right?"

You think its bad now, She-ra comes out on friday

I did.


>No plot.
Girl ignores she's human

> No lore.
Endless Island is probably eating everyones souls, and almost everyone is a insane slave to the whims of a 12 year old.
>Very little real humor.
Sorry no fart rooms
>Just "look at our weird designs! Eh? Eh? They're weird, right?"
Thats because they were created by an idiot

To be fair, not a single one of the threads you're probably talking about actually says "Hey, talk about Twelve Forever here".

>"muh ban this cartoon from the cartoon board"
Why are all of you so autistic

Why is the CN logo so low quality

Because that poster is for the Netflix series which CN had nothing to do with, no idea why someone decided to slap it on

>Ignoring Infinity Train

Attached: 1552446720400.jpg (867x1024, 110K)

Jesus, next week will be hell on Yea Forums.

Mega where?

I am about to break every rule on Yea Forums. Please ban me for life so I can get some work done.
1. I do LSD
2. I’m 12, what is this
3. Check’em
4. Please post your Social security number in this thread
5. See picture
6. lol u tk him 2da bar|?
7. Sage
8. Yea Forums is gay
9. I am posting from my iphone to avoid a ban on my laptop
10. I will post this in other threads.
11. Buy Skyrim
12. It’s me, m00t
13. See below
14. I’m behind at least 7 proxies
15. What is your favorites tiny horse? Mine is the purple one.
16. Please edit this picture to have a dog in it
17. I don’t know how to do this, so I’m just going to Yea Forums gay again
-The Enlightened Gamer
“If you think you’re the smartest person alive, you’ve obviously never met me”

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>One post
>You're all autistic

>A guy asked how it is
>it's cancer
So we just can't talk about cartoons?

Is it actually terrible or just kinda terrible.

Has anyone made an edit of this yet? I'm not at home so I can't do it myself

Attached: 1479095327511.png (500x229, 115K)

Guaranteed garbage.

I wonder what Reggie's farts smell like

Attached: brapposter.png (378x469, 231K)


Is it mediocre?

this is true.

Attached: 1564435642968.png (500x200, 92K)

it's fucking great.

Attached: cucked forever.png (1096x1856, 1.53M)

can't wait, you faggot.

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It's not getting a second season so this is it for it

>Infinity Train
>12 Forever
>Dealing with this shit all at once
I want to die

nice find user

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everyone loves adora!

Attached: ADORAble.jpg (720x720, 86K)

Why do you people come to Yea Forums? For the comics?!

I can definitely see now why Cartoon Network passed on this.

Pilot was better. Like way better. Shaun was a straight man and while BROWN Shaun is okay, he doesn't provide the characteristic Shaun did. Which is

>Shaun is mature but understanding of Reggie's need and want to feel young.

>Todd constantly brings up "THIS WON'T HELP YOU IN THE REAL WORLD" as a means to remind her to grow up. just there I guess because they need a female to round out the character dynamic and have someone be the "smarty pants" trope.

Episodes were made for TV, I'll give it that but with TIME to rework it and add more to episodes since you're going to a streaming service, each episode being like 14 minutes long.....kinda kills the feeling. Especially when the finale is pretty much just that. Another 15 minute episode.

Also sorry user but there is no real humor here. Yeah a few jokes but really nothing here works. Hell, even gross out humor wouldn't help.

Also those wondering about a lesbian dynamic....I mean really? Even then there is NOTHING there. "OH she sees her and gets all angsty and runs off!" Yeah I guess thats writing of some kind. Heres a spoiler, nothing occurs from it. Hope something does in season 2! FIngers crossed! Can't wait for the next 2 years of waiting there.

No one cares about a single word you just wrote

MEGA link here!BGQxVAyJ!3SunCvIFPerRwMYV_mIxqVH1js6-Jqv9rEfM3wEz9Bg

wow user, you sure went there with the wrong mindset. your critique is useless.


Is this another forced waifuwar thing or did you just post the wrong link by accident?

Memes!! Memes are funny!!

Attached: 15977433145.png (2448x2448, 434K)

He's trolling as usual
Just wait for it to show up on one of the websites, this place will be a toxic waste trashfire for a while

Watched till I heard his voice.

Can't be the only one that's sick of it.

Attached: 800px-Matt_Berry_Headshot.jpg (800x1157, 172K)

You shut your fucking mouth, Clem Fandango! The sultry tones of Matt Berry are what get me up in the morning, and if you are gonna poo poo that, then you can puss right off out of here!

Possibly bait, but I'd have to disagree on Shane being better. Yeah, he was a foil to Reggie, but Todd feels more like a dynamic parallel to Reggie. They both lost a parent, like weird stuff and enjoy getting into adventures but Todd's maturity that opposes with Reggie's is that he has his own desires outside of Endless whereas as far as I remember Shane was just a foil to Reggie rather than someone that stood out on his own.

They both even end up developing a crush, but the second Reggie starts feeling comfortable enough to talk with her she runs off to Endless while Todd embraces it.

Mao Mao also has episodes in august!

Attached: mao mao dancing.webm (420x750, 149K)

man i hate it when there's a lot of new cartoons
i hate cartoons
and comics
fuck comics
fuck comics and cartoons

Best show in a long ass time.

How can you even say this when frogfags are the ones invading every 12 thread.

Way to prove you didn't even watch the show beyond the first episode fagget.

blame the OPs of the first threads who started this shit

Yeah you can put her a in a catsuit with a big butt but you're gonna have to make her unsexy in someway Im afraid.

thats my theory for them negotiating being able to broadcast the butt witch anyway.

show runners LARPing as frogfags

You mean a handful of butthurt autists shitposting because they want the show trashed


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The show would honestly be better without Reggie or at least have her be less of a focus. The first couple of episodes focus on nothing. Honestly when the show focuses less on the magical island and more on the characters at school and in the real world it's better.

Guess I'm clocking out next week. Hope there's a good storytime at the very least.

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>the show is better when Reggie has to leave her safe space to deal with the real world
that was the intention, dummy.

Its alright

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It's ok. For how much SJW ragebait got posted on twitter very little of it made it into the show itself.

It's an extremely safe bet that Esther is trans, but it never came up and she's very definitely attracted to boys. Todd is literally the straight man of the show. Reggie is gay as hell but that's apparently going to be reserved for a season 2 arc.

Attached: 1564388952165.png (979x731, 771K)

>season 2
aint happening

good luck

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not gonna lie, this thing is ugly. I get it is a stand in for Reggie raging sexuality butt she not alluring at all


well, if only the autistic screaming and (you)s of 4channel dot org counted for anything in Netflix's book

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This is making the SU craze seem tame by comparison

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it's a very good cartoon, easily blows all the new shit out of the water.

yeah, lets not exagrate

What about the rest of the episodes?

No, frogfags are a special brand of shit. They didn't even hesitate, didn't even make it a week before going full shitposter. Most fandoms only take on full time shitposting at the first break or hiatus.

Isn't that the point? She loathes growing up, so her perception of a matured body is that it's gross?

The last infinity train thread was quite chill until frogfags started coming in and shitting it up. Sure there were shitposts but nothing above what you'd expect from nu-Yea Forums.

have you seen the 12forever threads going on right now?
it works for the show, I just dont get anons obssession with her

you are transparent

>Amphibia premieres
>Lots of comfy threads for weeks
>Trainfags start seething
>Season ends and Yea Forums realizes how good it was and starts watching, ignoring all news about Infinity Train
>Trainfags fucking lose it and start raiding threads
>Tribe bullshit starts
>Twelve Forever premieres, /pol/ invades, Trainfags start frothing
>No comfy threads, no real discussion, more tribe bullshit
Train threads are a fucking disaster waiting to happen, Twelve threads are already dumpster fire because of /pol/tards and seething trainfags. Owl House may have a chance only because it won't air until all this tribe shit blows over but Infinity Train and Twelve Forever seems like it's going to be a lost cause. Thank kek Amphibia aired first and dodged all this autism.

>have you seen the 12forever threads going on right now?
No, I haven't been on Yea Forums all day.

elaborate or better yet, prove me wrong

to be fair ITfags started posting on amphibia threads when the 1st episode aired. I like both shows and wish people stayed in their own threads

Infinity Train started the tribe shit, you want to blame anyone blame the traintards

I've been in my fair share of Amphibia threads but you're delusional if you don't think it's frogposters' fault. There's nothing else to discuss until Part 2 yet they kept making threads and raiding Train threads, causing them in turn to fight back, launching this whole season's shows in a WWI style clusterfuck.

Now imagine, Infinity Train, a highly anticipated show sharing leg room with Twelve Forever and She-Ra, a service that dumps all their content all at once.

>There's nothing else to discuss
IT had only 1 episode and Amphibia had a whole season, and you saying frogfags had nothing to discuss? Trainfags werent getting attention and started this whole shitshow we're in right now


Attached: BOI HE BOUT TO DO IT.png (1363x579, 757K)

>Trainfags start raiding
>I blame Amphibia for this


I got season one Adventure Time vibes from it, so that's encouraging.

>I-it's infinity train!
Bullshit. I've been to multiple Amphibia threads and not a single had infinity train raids, IT is barely even mentioned, Owl House was posted much more. Frogfags don't contain themselves to spamming only infinity threads either, they're everywhere and start shit unprovoked. Stop blaming others for the fanbase's behavior, frogfags are shitposters and you're delusional if you think otherwise.

Forever Alone

Most of Yea Forums only started watching Amphibia after the last episode dropped. Traintards got salty their one (1) episode didn't get multiple threads. And traintards are the ones that started the tribe shit, traintards are the ones that keep raiding other threads. You're delusional if you don't think it's the traintards fault.

I don't think it's any serious fan of any show
Just shitposters starting shit because they've got some weird vendetta and want the shows to be banned from the board
The tomfoolery had started subsiding before the fresh wave came in with Forever

>I-Infinty Train dindu nuffin!

They're also shitposters, but less so than Frog fags.

>Trainfags start the tribe wars
>They're also shitposters, but less so than Frog fags

they didn't. every Infinity Train thread after comic con has been full of Amphibia shitposting.

Just finished episode 1, this shit is fucking weird and not in a Summer Camp Island intentional funny absurdity way, it’s almost like it doesn’t realize how bizarrely unappealing all the occupants of Reggie’s imagination are and how it makes all the stuff in Endless viscerally uncomfortable.
I’ll keep watching because I think the real world stuff will hit the spot for me but geez I was not expecting to feel like this

Which they brought on themselves when they started the tribe shit.

They didn't start the tribe shit.

This was the first post >>It was a team thread.

Yes, because it's infinity train that has made several edits, including one of it's main character dabbing, and uses them to shit threads throughout the site, right? Wtf is it with frogfags, can't you enjoy your show peacefully and in your own threads?

Considering there's no rips of the show yet the screeching autists (the ones who've actually watched it) had to have watched it on Netflix.
So considering it got Yea Forums, a board full of people who do not watch cartoons to watch it, I think it's safe to say others will be interested as well

Don't pretend there isn't a dabbing tulip as well nigga

youre either delusional or shitposting, there is no point in replaying to you anymore

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Anne dabs in the actual show. She even gets a statue of her dabbing in one episode
No, I’m not kidding

Maybe she won’t be a fucking asshole to her entire crew the second time around.

This was made because Frog Fags kept posting pic related.

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That was Julia, not Shadi.

this started becuse trainfags starded a thread calling out frogfags with an image of Tulip shoving Anne in a trashcan, theres no pretending trainfags started this shitstorm, then frogfags jumped in, then some retards decided to make threads abouts their shows by opening with shitting on other shows

Fuck off frogfags, seriously go do something else this is not healthy.

>We only shitposted after you shitposted because we shitposted first!
>Infinity Train dindu nuffin!

Where did the rumor Julia Vickerman wasn't the showrunner even come from?

If someone is fucking around in your thread, just report/ignore them
with the certain irony that this thread was taken over by another fandom's shitposting

>can't you enjoy your show peacefully
They really can’t. By the time the first episode released early on YouTube, the pedos, foot fetishists, and shitposters went wild.

I rarely ever checked in on Amphibia threads after each new episode. I knew each thread would be a mess, so I just remained content with simply watching each new episode on my own and waiting for the next. The season finale thread might’ve been the only Amphibia thread I actively scrolled through. Sometimes, I wonder if this all happened because Star vs fans attached themselves to this new show like leeches

Attached: 5C260153-3E68-4B2E-B047-0D84AAD64C5C.png (1280x720, 798K)

It's been years now, initially there were reports of the whole harassment shit going down and Vickerman no longer heading things, fairly recently someone actually bothered to look up court documents, and basically any promotion of the show since those years back has been done by Shadi, who has been running things since

The irony is that all of you are currently shitting up this poor 12fag's thread.

Julia Vickerman literally never actively used twitter, and everything you said is entirely without a single source, and even more so contradicts the credits, and literally everyone with actual knowledge of the show's production whatsoever

She is an alcoholic who got fired from her show after sexually harassing her crew. I’m an industry fag and this is one of the Yea Forums rumors that’s real

I am also an industry fag and Fred Seibert stole and sold my kidney

Projection at it's finest

the short sucked ass, so im sure it still sucks ass

Do you want the link to the court website?

My dad works at Nintendo!

John K here. I make becky sugar suck my big cock every morning.

The problem with that assumption is that the worst part of the Star fandom was the shippers, and Amphibia isn't a good show for shipping so they would have no reason to migrate.

God I wanna fuck Butt Witch.
Also, the Nuggest of Lore about Endless Island and that bit at the end were pretty neato, if a s2 ever gets made I kinda hope they introduce new antagonists though.

>Butt Witch says she's back
>Implies she was on/part of the Island before 12 even knew about it
Butt Witch Origin when?

How many episodes is Butt Witch in? Gonna watch tonight.

Probably some primal essence/manifestation of the place as a consciousness shaped by the "owners"

We won't find out until Tuesday, he had to reschedule the delivery.

A little more than half I think.

I work at Netflix and Will Arnett stole my half eaten cheeseburger out of the fridge and called me a filthy slut.

So how did Reggie just create this imaginary island and make it real and why can just any random person go there?

Still nothing compared to the avatar or color horse apocalypse.

I wasnt around for that one, how it went?

It actually wasn't made by Reggie.

The island has existed since the 50s, maybe even longer. A character literally shows up who has lived in the world of Endless since 1955 or so. Butt Witch also existed prior to Reggie getting there.

I was actually sad when it ended I was enjoying it so much. I guess we won't be getting a second season though if rumors are true which sucks.

Then why is everybody who lives there an imaginary version of one of Reggie's toys?

only the ones that got buried in the sand


They actually all aren't. In the first episode Reggie brings a backpack full of toys that her mom wants to sell due to them all being old, such as Brown Roger, and when burying them on the island they come to life. Other characters though like Colin and Dr Champion exist there prior to that. In the episode "Locked Out Forever" it shows her arriving on the island for the first time and they already live there.

I hope you guys get a season 2, Im not ever watching the show and I dont know if I will, but it just sucks when shit like this happens

>believing Shadi

Both Shadi and Julia are guilty. Just one went to court.

Thanks man, after Tuca and Bertie I will literally lose faith in Netflix if they fucking do me dirty again.

What's this about the creator abusing the staff? Source?

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I do. There's nowhere else alive to talk about comics, and this place the subreddit fucking sucks. When I find a better place to talk about comics I will abandon this hellscape forever.

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Wait until the news breaks about how shittily people were treated at Puny. Fucking nightmare production. I’m glad they closed and I hope Julia and Shadi ROT.

>I rarely ever checked in on Amphibia threads after each new episode
You missed some top comfy threads

>I didn't watch the show


>Just binged the whole show, liked it, want to see what the autismos at Yea Forums have to say
>Every thread is a shitflinging fest of some drama that's not even in the show
Shape up losers, I need art of Butt Witch

Attached: BW-transparent.png (480x1130, 41K)

I do. I know they were posted in another thread but I can’t find the case number

Attached: shadman.gif (320x240, 997K)
here take a link to the post I refer to

will someone be so kind as to post butt witch clips from the netflix show? I need them for research purposes...

This, I want a fun cartoon villain again, it's been too long.

Quickly spread the word, get it trending.


Attached: netflix.png (1920x928, 1.11M)

Doubt it.

Here you go my good man. On the house.

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This is some Spirited Away shit.

The Star vs shitposting was part shipping drama and part pedo degeneracy (Star, [Princess] Marco, Jackie, Janna, among others). From what I remember, a big part of the Amphibia threads was pedos fawning over Anne and Maddie.

Attached: D1662F2D-29F3-4BE3-AD41-8AE76D6059BD.png (1920x1080, 1.18M)

And most new cartoon threads have amphibia shitposters invading them.

There was a link/case number in another thread but I don’t see them in the one you linked.

She is the Ralph Bighead of animation.

To be fair very few people have actually seen the show yet considering there's no mega, from what I've seen pretty much no one on Yea Forums has netflix.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-07-30 at 12.30.23 AM.png (330x492, 153K)

Ralph Bighead is the Ralph Bighead of animation

I wish they drew her feet better.

She's the butt witch, not the foot witch ya weirdo.

Are any of the Island's inhabitants interesting at least? Besides Buttwitch, Big Deal and that lovely orange gay couple. The rest sort of make my skin crawl. It's like Adventure Time or Regular Show with it's unorthodox character design but somehow not as cohesive.

>foot witch

Great, now that's in the ether.


The penguin who turns into Guy Fieri (which I have no doubt in my mind was Spencer Rothbell’s idea) is pretty funny. Otherwise yeah, they mostly just freak me out. Honestly I really prefer the real world segments of the show and I can see why the trailer featured more of that stuff, if Endless was an occasional diversion rather than the wacky shenanigans within being the main focus of many episodes the show would be much more effective at exploring the topics that it’s attempting to tackle

I think Mordo (sp?) is the most compelling of the "creepy" ones, and the cute ones like Pretty Please are a nice counterbalance. I agree though that there's more than a few times during the show where you'd think if they had any sense they'd go home and throw the key away and never come back, Endless is basically a thinly veiled soul-claiming nightmare realm.

At this rate of this abusive inclusivity propaganda, The show won't live that long. It's pure Toxic Waste

coraline crossover when

Anyone still have the GIF of this from the pilot?

>So giving this the three episode try would be a waste?

Attached: Forever Twelve_Bum Witch_Monster form.png (1280x720, 576K)

I want foot witch

there's something very tragic about this dude especially in the hospital episode

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I think the litmus test episode is 5, "Endless Forever." One of the show's more unique traits is the unsettling, dark undertone of the island, and that's the early episode that details it the best.

So Reggie’s dad walked out on her or what

Reggie was too autistic.

It's shit

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reggie's mom kicked him out for being too immature and she see that same autism in Reggie

The production company closed though, so they'll have to find a new one

Dude owl house threads never stood a fucking chance.
>assblasted gravity falls fags, REEE MANLET HACK etc.
>assblasted star vs fags, REEE SABRINA SJW WHORE etc.
>overall exhaustion with DEEPEST LORE cartoons exasperated by Trainfags and 12fags and frogposters

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Oh that's who that is? I liked Dark Place.

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I never saw what Yea Forums saw in the original pilot, and now I'm watching the show and... yeah, this isn't for me.


Aug 5


I watched the first episode and i thought it was alright not bad at all

I respect your opinion. It's a very fucking shit opinion but ok. Not everyone has to like something.

>Had to use Netflix's search feature just to find the show
Man, they really are sending this show out to die.

would you believe me if I told you that the best episodes don't feature the Butt Witch at all? the ones where Reggie has a tism fit and calms down are miles better. the one with space dracula and where she babysits are just delightful.

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The fuck? It was literally the first thing that it showed me when I logged in this morning.

Same here. Happened with my friend, too.

I-is he really from Kentucky?

Huh. Today I logged in to Netflix and it was right at the top.

Maybe they're guessing your interests badly? Algorithms, man.

Really not rare for brand new shows unless they’re massive ones that they manually push ahead of time, it’s almost like the McDonald’s supply chain where the vast size of the infrastructure requires them to plan all ingredient changes or new items years in advance. Lots of Netflix stuff goes under the radar until it gets enough external attention to make it into the trending category

It was there for me but that’s because I added it to “my list” soon after the placeholder page showed up, maybe you did as well and just forgot?

Netflix never wanted this show. It only got made because they made a deal with this production company, the show they actually wanted to make from them fell through, but they were contractually obligated to produce something this studio had.

I was grateful the episodes were only 11 minutes. The first one that was 20 minutes felt like it really dragged, and when I saw it was over 20 episodes and thought they were all a half hour each, I was starting to get worried the show would be a huge slog since I wanted to binge it and get it out of the way. Seeing the rest were only 10 minutes was a relief. I still skipped a couple episodes, though, and fast forwarded through a couple. Just not an interesting show.

The whole babysitting episode played like Reggie had previously given him the bad touch with how afraid he was of her

Is this what all new cartoons are like now? Diverse casts and a lesbian main character? That seems to be the trend these days.

they are if you're a schizophrenic only paying attention to things that make you feel oppressed

I don't feel oppressed, user. I just see these threads about these sort of cartoons all the time on Yea Forums these dsays.

because they're fixated on things that make them mad

Did anybody else appreciate the Beany and Cecil reference?

Also, I can’t figure out if Brown Roger is supposed to be a Brown Jenkin, but it creeps me out how similar they are.

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they dropped the original art style, so i dont care

how far did you got and what made you drop it?

at least the SU movie isnt for a few months.

Huh. I see.


genndy's last cartoon was pure dogshit tho

giving Samurai Jack an eding was terrible idea to begin with, doing in a few episodes was an even worse idea

there were some missteps but consider: dino pussy

>it has 25 episodes instead of 12
>I can't joke about it never getting a second season and having an episode count of twelve forever
I am so mad

How the fuck does he fit that role so insanely well? He doesn’t even try to sound female, still nails every fucking line.

Even if I didn’t enjoy the designs, characters and hints of lore - which I do - I’d still watch his episodes just for that acting.

Attached: 32C0514F-ABBB-4FD1-A5F0-485FE1D940B8.jpg (640x640, 72K)

Saw a thread about Reggie having a lesbian crush in season 17, jumped directly to it, watched 17-18, then dropped it
>and what made you drop it?
Reggie is a turbocunt. Feels like a parody, actually

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Dropped it the moment one character used the word "heteronormative".

Butt Witch was born from Reggie's views about growing up. Does Reggie have a fear of or focus on pregnancy?

>Does Reggie have a fear of or focus on pregnancy?

She probably doesn't want to have the restrained life of a housewife/her mother

Its a clue not all is as it seems...

> son is an Alex Jones fan
> daughter is an immature lesbo

Where did it all go wrong

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Cartoon characters never see "being a mom" as a hardship, even when the whole show keep screaming about freedom.

honestly, it was just ok. the mildly dark undertones of endless are neat, if occasionally heavy handed. butt witch is pretty great over all, but its probably just the fetishes talking. the weird inclusive stuff definitely drags it down a bit, with the half-baked implied lesbian stuff. but the occasional cute character makes it bearable.
especially as a drawfag[/spoiler

Attached: Screenshot (3761).png (1920x1080, 1.26M)

He played the sports for pussies not the real American sport

It's still worth noting that at the end when something clearly happened to her that directly effected Endless enough to possibly have created a new island

if that was dogshit then all these new shows are elephant dung.

Ummm... Sorry, but why isn't the show out online yet? Does God or whoever is in charge of the Internet not think that there are a lot of people out there who don't have Netflix?!

Reggie’s mom is dummy thicc/10

Stealth release because they weren't convinced by the final result even after all that heavy rewriting.

>poor animation
>child characters

who cares?

How old are you needing to be spoon-fed like this?

Just watched the first ep. Not feeling motivated to watch any more.
Endless felt like a poor adventure time imitation. Art style was kinda ugly.

I don't have enough space on my PC to download them

I'll never know. I refuse to watch it since they murdered Shane.

Isn't he like, the #1 reason most of Yea Forums is watching?

Also, why the fuck is that a link to Infinity Train?

>watching Cartoon Network after 2003

not even once

Don’t really know Beany and Cecil.
Brown Jenkin is a furry fatter Gollum

The court case # was posted on /c/ 19SMCV00330
The actual doc you could read was also posted, but I only found the #

Anyone grab that?

I really only like the show for the Butt Witch. Everything else just feels so bland. Also, having the black girl explain the situation or solution in the middle without ever having the episode doing it itself is so lazy.

CN passed on the show. Rightfully so.

heavy rewriting? how do you know?

ok not as bad as i thought based on all the shitposts
decent Adventure Time vibe



>was fine with the mom
>was fine with the son
>skips out after four years of Reggie
I think we all know whose fault this is

Why do I get the feeling that this show felt that it's major competition is Big Mouth?

>gays are very interesting

Attached: bored-child_2784027k.jpg (858x536, 79K)

user plz say you are trying to ruse me

That's like 19 episodes in, you really didn't know whether you wanted to continue watching by that point?

From the pilot I thought this would be some boring episodic comedy somewhere between a wannabe Clarence and wannabe Adventure Time. Instead I got a psychological exploration of growing up with an undercurrent of magical horror I wish was explored a bit further.

I correctly guessed pretty early on that some of the weird inhabitants of endless might have been people from our own world who lost their minds and gave in to escapism.

I don't think you realize that normal audiences are not only not bothered by this but would think it's dumbfounding/absurd any adult is bothered by it.

>frog fags

Attached: 1563828441735.jpg (552x346, 19K)

court case doc #19SMCV00330

It’s real.

Attached: 16799612-50AD-4227-9228-611A4BDB0535.png (1027x1071, 542K)

Neat, so tumblr is now an official shitlord for supporting the abuse of employed individuals

>go woke get broke proved time and time again
>normal audiences are not only not bothered by this but would think it's dumbfounding/absurd any adult is bothered by it.

How often do you think Big Deal beats his meat to
the Buttwitch when she's sleeping ?

they had no goddamn right to take my middle school crush and immortalize her in a cartoon

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Does someone have a comprehensive doc of everything that’s happened during the production?

3 days left

Attached: XcorsIh.png (633x699, 348K)

can I get details? I hear murmurs of production drama but haven't found anything

itll be dead soon thank fuck

screen grab

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now what's the misconduct? did she #metoo someone?

God, fandoms are an actual disease on this board.

Should be an article coming soon.

Oh god. August will be nightmare.

Do you think Big Deal is peeking at Butt Witch when she's taking a bath/shower?

Only saving grace is Buttwitch

I really appreciate that they made her just a little thick. It’s good to see a stocky girl once in a while who isn’t obese.

Supposedly Amid knows all about this but he's too chickenshit to blog about it.

He’s helping the abuser to keep the victims silenced.

Online fucking when

but she said she doesn't want a relationship. Although who knows, I'm only on episode 7

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NO!! Butt Witch is for molesting Reggie

Attached: 1424382235292.gif (240x180, 2.85M)

Fuckin Kim Cartoon doesn't post the show yet.
But anyway, I gotta know : does Big Deal have a crush on BW?

That's infinity train, post the link to 12 and forever ep.

I know, right? Fucking cunts, don't know how to share.


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This legal document shows who got sued for sexual misconduct...non-consensual aggressive sexual behavior by person in authority which is the show creator and runner Julia Vickerman to her employees. There were three complainants, 2 of which were women.

Yes, and it’s very much unrequited.

>frog fags
>No froggots
You have ONE fucking job and you fucking screwed it

Attached: 1563089031489.png (626x426, 227K)

>People is not lewdposting buttwitch
>Instead they are sperging about drama and Shane
Oh, Yea Forums, never change.

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well he is the only legit crazy one, and he did knew how to make diorama, and the kids started acting like him after five days of spending on the island

Trying Way Too Hard: The Series

Am I the only one who thinks Colin looks like an uncircumcised elephant penis?

She cares about him at least partially

any MEGA or torrent yet?

I got better link

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it's in pig latin though

I swear to God, I've never heard that language in my life

The main character is annoying but I like her friends and family though including Butt Witch

>tfw usually a huge /u/fag
>get to episode 16
>actually kind of like this ship with this ugly ass purple shithead and the ultimate waifu
don't do this to me

Attached: some_classy_pals_by_daikaiju_danielle_dc4k450.png (1858x2123, 683K)

Imagine getting letting youself get bullied by and thread taken over by frogfags.

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I'm all for faggotry and all that.

I mean the muscle men kissed and Galaxander is off dating dudes.

The problem is the fact writers are off bragging about how woke they are that ruins it. Like fuck, just let the gays be normal people, don't highlight them/treat them differently.
Also the lack of Shane sucks ass.

I hope they do something with Shane, because Todd _desperately_ needs a fellow music-loving guy friend to make up for his brother situation, and Shane would be perfect.

But judging by that one line during the dating board game where Todd literally "I'm only two spaces away from holding hands with Shane for the first time. And if I roll doubles, its in public", combined with the "progressive" approach the writers seem to want to take, if he gets in, he'll probably just be Todd's love interest.

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This is Zyn. Zyn is my Twelve Forever OC. He's 12 years old and in the same classroom with Reggie. He is known for developing a harsh hormonal development - in other words - he canst stop his pervertiness.
He was well aware that he's a pervert ever since he was 5. He once got caught sneaking into the girls' locker room and he had to find a way to escape quickly.
So he just followed Reggie into the Endless Island. There, he met the Butt Witch. He fell in love with her so much that he decided to never leave the island.

Attached: 94305_Y7LmxGP0.png (600x600, 45K)

Attached: kaboom_by_daikaiju_danielle_dc4k3yu.png (1179x970, 733K)

BD and BW are genuinely really cute

Mah polish links xD
Bein' this desperate

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That looks a lot a Toy Story meme.

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Pleaseeeeeee, someone post the mega link (or any link). I can't live without my lovely Butt Witch. If I don't see more BW in the next 10 seconds, I'm gonna die.
Please, stop posting links for the Polish dub or for stupid Infinity Train. I need my Butt Witch. I'm begging you, please someone post a link!

This is the only link with full episode that I managed to found.

I'm still hoping for some MEGA link, but right now this is what we've got.

It makes sense her fantasy island is going to have gay dudes in it, that's not weird or problematic.
but if half of what i'm hearing about this show is true, i absocannot watch it.

Butt Witch is pretty damn good in this series, pure sex. I'm surprised they gave so much detail to her body

Someone make a cute Big/BW thread, their relationship got pretty cute after their anniversary


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I have a pic getting drawn of Reggie being mating pressed by Butt Witch

Nah, Todd gets a girlfriend. Even if I'd want him to be homo, the bi jokes are just one-off comments.

And his girlfriend is supposed to fill that gap for a music-loving friend. Although I dislike the lack of good male friendships in cartoons.

Not really, in the episode the muscle men's relationship, Reggie expressed nothing more than repulsion and dismissal at the thought of romance.

But, as said, I'm not bothered by gay shit as long as it's not treated like a selling point.

But the show (for the most part) does treat gays as normal people, the muscle men are funny characters and their gags mostly revolve around their casseroles. The only part I don't like is Esther's wokeness about society, but again, it's such a small aspect of the show I don't let it affect my opinion of the entire show. Reggie has a crush and it's treated exactly the same as if she had a crush on a boy.

Yeah, I was watching the show while writing, I just got to the Gwen episode.

I still think it'd be cool for Todd to have at least 1 human dude friend, and even cooler if the 3 of them ended up in a band together.

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Where is the fucking show
God damn

I'm not saying I don't like the show, I just don't like some of the "woke" comments.

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he does have guy friends, they just aren't the focus of the show. When he first meets Reggie he's sitting with some guys at lunch

I can provide all of them if you're not gonna bitch about additional audio track "in pig latin" language because fuck you.
I'm lazyfag who have better series to watch and provide than further messing with flixgrab rips.
YES : English tracks and subs provided to this megafolder. Upload in progress!TxtCjQJT!l2MJKoUjbK7WbH1y9NULXQ

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I mean ones he actually bonds with and you know, has actual personality, an actual character.

This and he also still has a good relationship with his older brother since they still communicate and visit one another.

Reggie is still the most frustrating character.

Do people actually make themselves watch every cartoon that is released?

I read this in his voice.

I think they're not talking about watching them all, but that all of them having new content at once will have a lot of people talking about it, and that would eclipse things they're actually interested in.

Based polskie user

She is a black chick in the midwest, maybe her mom is just a fucking militant weirdo.

wait, so there's multiple audio tracks on these files?

also you pollacks have been through enough, I would never

I just want Shane back

anyone else think it's pretty fucked we went from 'cant talk about it at all' to 'pretend it's totally normal' without any 'depicting the actual range of opinions, from mild discomfort all the way up to bigotry' period in between?
There are things I'd approve of that treatment of.. like, nudity. Or racial shit. Things that never should have been weird in the first place.

So what you're saying is you want more bigotry and drama relating to being gay in cartoons?

No, I'd rather go back to never talking about it. It exists entirely inside people's heads, things like that shouldn't be given any reality by anyone else.

At least it get acknowledged and reprimanded, unlike most bratty, selfish protags.


>we should never talk about romance because they're feelings inside people's heads
oh ok

She's adorable

>Took almost two full days for a mega
Damn, that's weird, should have been on a streaming site a while ago.
Thanks based Pole user.

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>It exists entirely inside people's heads, things like that shouldn't be given any reality by anyone else.
Hot take on the comics and cartoons board.

This is the thing I was sort of worried about at the start when I was watching it. Endless is this sanctuary which is fine, but it still represents an unhealthy need to rely on an ideal fantasy of staying young forever for Reggie. I'm on episode 23 and the cracks in this fantasy are starting to show through and be realized by her friends, which I like.

love between a man and a woman is real, but it's fundamentally spiritual, supernatural. if anyone (for example, parents) says that they believe you're NOT in love, you can't act like they're assholes or bigots for it. That's their belief... and statistically, they're more likely to be right than you are, basing your belief on your feelings.

It also helps with the flaws in the original premise, like why she's going here if it's dangerous, and why it's dangerous if it's purely just her imagination zone
I'm excited here. I'm gonna give this a chance and try to forgive a little of the 2019ness.

>love between a man and a woman is real, but it's fundamentally spiritual, supernatural
There is no such thing as spirits or the supernatural, user.

I've been really enjoying it, and it's made me laugh a few times which is definitely rare for me and cartoons.
and gratuitous ass shots from butt witch is kind of a bonus

Look at this oblivion fetishist

>not using mpv for one button track/sub switching

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Is this on kimcartoon or watchcartoononline yet?

>Polish Butt Witch
Pretty good actually

Attached: 1488568233009.png (557x605, 464K)

Now Poland can be remembered as the country that gave me a mediocre cartoon instead of the country that Hitler annexed

Attached: IMG_20190730_093232.jpg (1000x950, 97K)

I find that a lot easier to believe in the existence of than gayness, the fanfiction OC of sexuality

they didn't deserve it bros

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I can't stop staring at her mom's tits.

Poland's done some cool stuff, including one of the largest underground resistance movement uprisings in European history

Attached: Warsaw Uprising.jpg (780x503, 96K)

Not bad, not bad

poland is just basically the jews of europe (as redundant as that might be)
shat on by errybody, made fun of, accepting it in good humor, totally based, generally don't spout the nonsense other cultures do or change with the times like the weak-willed.

We know the real cancer here
He is spamming Hilda, amphibia and 12f threads because the show he likes doesn't get the attention he want

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Also the largest cavalry charge ever.

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I think they'll make it out alright

none of these people do such horrible things for noble reasons like fandom
they're just stirring shit to cause pain and strife. some of them are paid to do it. it's been going on since 2015, we've even caught people doing it.

Is this Korean?

Attached: undisguised disgust.jpg (212x209, 21K)

It's not weird.

The hatred of gays started with the Red Scare. McCarthyist lunatics believed homosexuality was a Russian conspiracy to undermine our good Christian morals. Gays went from being "immoral but harmless" to being "dangerous subverisves". They were forced to resign, barred from government jobs and considered a national security risk.

Y'all need to remember that a lot of the things you grew up believing, your parents did not. And that goes for all ages. Things like gay rights are an extremely recent thing, but it was a reaction to a spike in gay discrimination that was just as sudden.

Where do you sign up to get paid to cause pain and strife on Yea Forums?

maybe if they get the fuck out of the EU
or just ignore its regulations while accepting its money.

Putin's office.

dude -i've- been saying that for years. homophobia basically created homosexuality.
but it's always been -wrong-
it's just people had the correct attitude that it's harmless, as long as nobody's supporting it.

So how does shitposting further their agenda?

I miss 70s TV. People used to be able to talk about anything, right out in the open.

The more angry and scared people are, the easier they are to control, the more power they give to the government to protect them. Communism's only successful trick, but it's been going for nearly a century now with a solid track record.

That, and the media is directly profiting from outrage, nonstop political coverage, etc etc

Pretty Please is the best part of this show.

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Are you posting one by one or all at once, because you seem to have skipped episode 7

if you're a furry pedo


There is a poorly understood biological component to homosexuality, and many people think pedophilia as well.

But it's true that bigotry has led to all of the problems of homosexuality. The need to hide your gayness leads to things like republican senators picking up men in airport bathrooms or flying out to singapore for a boy prostitute. Open acceptance of homosexuality allows homosexuals to date more traditionally, restoring social order and cutting down on desperate sex pests.

Why is Buttwitch 's room so pink and girly? She even has a fluffy night robe and she's sleeping with an eye mask. And her chairs look like the ones you'd find in a super fancy hair salon.

You skipped episode 7, just FYI

now why would this be deleted?
I think we disagree on this. But whatever.

Good lord this character is very sexualized for a kid's show.

If it was live action you'd basically have shots like this in every frame.

Attached: tumblr_ms949qIzwx1r2eheoo1_1280.jpg (615x818, 384K)

Villain and minion is often a good dynamic

whoops wrong person
you. you missed episode 7.

Why do we need to have discussions like that each fucking time?

What does sexualized mean? do you mean sexy?

Episode 7 uploading status seem to be finished but also seems to be fucked up because it's stayed on 100% without moving task to "completes" so after 10th I'll try upload it again.
Thanks for keeping eye.

She’s the embodiment of edutainment comic books about puberty, and one of them was a hyper-feminine one about girls.

Will be fixed, thanks for checking ->

Isn't the whole point of buttwitch that she's basically Reggie's fear of adulthood and femininity?

This is the first I've seen this particular point being brought up. Beats the usual.



adjective: sexualized;

made sexual; given sexual associations.

"sexualized images of women"

Mega's an ass, you're doing god's work, przyjaciel

Ej, chuju, zapomniałeś o odcinku siódmym. Aplołduj raz-raz.

I guess so? But it's weird that they represent that by her walking around in a bright red catsuit.


Attached: Screenshot (3811).png (1920x1080, 1.07M)

So this character is... made sexual?
What would an example of a character that hasn't been made sexual be?

no stains

frog tribe unite

Quick question, are the episodes on Mega Link in English?

polish and english

You just have to open it up, go to the menu of the player (for me it's under audio) and change the track. Track 1 is polski, track 2 is english

No prob. I'm also suprised about no scene releases as far. Flixgrab doin' job fine but it's not close to untoched rips. At least enough to win [tyle wygrać]
polish appreciation thread sounds fine but when picreled polish whore [polska kurwa] vide -> coming here, I don't have any area to say anything about my country or history so...
Dog eat Dog. Pole eat Pole.

Attached: BEG.jpg (245x169, 9K)

butt witch is made for sexual


that sounds fair, but then so is Reggie.
Pure as the driven snow. Fine as frog's hair.

I gotta be honest Polski user, I'm actually liking Polish Butt Witch way more than English Butt Witch, she reminds me of the way the Devil is always voiced in old Czech movies I used to watch.

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I've said it for ages, aint no devil like the eastern european devil
They depict that mother like they know him on a first-name basis.

I like Todd, mainly because I can relate to his situation really well except my dad wasn't having a mid-life crisis, he just had cancer Esther, from what I've seen of her, is actually pretty likeable too. The only characters I really hate/dislike are the fucking islandfolk and Reggie herself.

It's alright for it's target audience but, it's pretty forgettable otherwise.

A, okej. Czekamy.

>daft punk
>black flag
>david bowie
decent music references. surprised they got slip it in on a y-7 show. anything I missed?

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when a show about an imaginative 12 year old in the early 2000s going through puberty got greenlit, I assumed I WAS the target audience. I was wrong. But I can still enjoy it.

The Japanese dub voice for BW is the exact same person who voices Brook in One Piece

Satan is almost like Eastern Europe's version of Aku, an extremely iconic villain usually thwarted by the heroes and acts like a big ham a lot of the time almost to the point you forget he's literally the most evil and one of the most powerful things in all folklore.

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>McCarthyist lunatics
McCarthy was right; there were Russian agents in the American government.

Then it's too bad instead we have the "LGBT community" to herd gays into a monolithic voting block and enforce orthodoxy.

can you get some clips my fellow weeb?

Fortunately, that seems to be eating itself alive and many alphabet soups avoid associating with that "community" because it's worse for their mental health than being on their own. I even have a trans friend that was called transphobic by the trans community.

oh that's right, how could I forget.. that one folktale about the guy who captured a demon in a sack, and scared Hell so badly he wasn't allowed in even after Heaven similarly wouldn't let him in

dummy thicc

how different would this show have been if it got greenlit right away?
I almost thought this was The Red Guy
of course he was right. but he did a classic Those Who Hunt Monsters and became exactly like the insidious people he was ostensibly against. and in so doing, he created more communist sympathy than anyone else in history could have dreamed of.
If there's one thing people fall for repeatedly, it's becoming what the opposition wants them to. It's happening now more than ever. It's like when Marge was all "kids can be so cruel" and Bart goes "We can?" and runs off and hits Lisa.

Eyelash edits of Reggie, Butt Witch, and the other girls when?

show is making me nostalgic for my childhood creations and worlds. I threw a whole bag of them away a long time ago because I thought I was too attached to them, should've at least scanned them. I came up with my own pokemon gen before gen 2 even was a thing, all in one notebook like a pokedex. or drawing maps of fantasy worlds and detailing the geography.

I think we've all done stuff like that, and I miss it so. I had so many great ideas when I was 13, but they all kinda went by the wayside since I didn't start scanning shit until 15 and by then it was all much more... organized. Less crazy and freeform.

the comedy is really fucking good
everything else is from meh to decent
that said, I'm just watching it for Matt Berry, but I think its better than She-Ra, its just very offputting how they don't have end credits or an ending theme, and the opening is really bad they shouldve gotten these guys to do it

Attached: opinion.jpg (278x181, 13K)

but there is end credits

>embodiment of new & old books about puberty
>feeds on inadequacy and resentment
>hates childishness
>her appearance is a combination of the outdated body image concepts from Piteu-Terry and the pastels colors character designs of The Body Squad books
>born in a volcano instead of the beach

I cracked the Butt Witch code

Attached: 1564426312049.png (769x595, 449K)

oh god youre right, netflix kept skipping them, I'm a dumbass, my bad

Attached: 1562987308853.jpg (250x250, 13K)

>outdated body image concepts
T&A are eternal

they have their own board, what do you think?

tiny butt witch is CUTE

Attached: 1d674e43116e22eb4605ebbb63100ec6[1].png (1494x925, 443K)

Endless is the embodiment of the subconcious mind.

the backgrounds are gorgeous.

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netflix just does that without your consent?
so does that mean the name 'Party Island' is available again?
I tell you what, if people like me ever get into animation, we're going to see a wave of nice oldfashioned shit that goes full-on radical


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yeah it pretty much skips after credits scenes too along with credits in some shows, its kinda annoying

I want to make something about dinosaurs and skateboards

There’s been lots of depictions of people being uncomfortable around or even straight up bigoted towards gay people in media, and even in cartoons. It’s just usually only found in adult shows or shows geared towards older kids, and it was mostly in the 90s that it was in style. Brace Face and The Simpsons come to mind as examples of cartoons with gay characters that other characters were not immediately accepting of.

Jesus Christ I can’t handle those fucking hips

isn't that like.. illegal? there's a lot of important legal shit involved in showing the credits.
also isn't the whole point of netflix that it's not all fucked like TV where they cut off theme songs and talk over the end

Brace Face had gays? I never watched that show, I thought it looked like extremely bland safe teen sitcom shit

That’s Big Deal’s house, and Butt Witch took it over when she moved in.

uhh no, only in adult animation
braceface is canadian, that .. doesn't remotely count. and that never happened.


It had one gay character who happened to be a huge effeminate flamboyant stereotype. He was Sharon’s upperclassman mentor, and an aspiring fashion designer.

I just skipped directly to episode 2 because of the Butt Witch.My lovely wife

lol at all the people seething about this when there are literally court docs proving it

Should we wait until this thread dies to start a new one with the MEGA?

That just raises further questions!

no no you can watch them in most of them, you just need to click on a "watch credits" button each time though, also, there is some shows where stuff did get cut off, like for example in wakfu S1 they didn't show Nox's family graves and there was no way to know that was a thing unless you watched it on youtube

On Yea Forums, probably none. In the real world, plenty of characters aren't represented in a sexual way. As a random example, Emperor Palpatine. I don't recall ever seeing Palpy porn.

If you don’t like Brace Face, then there’s the Lilo and Stitch cartoon. That had an episode about Pleakley having to come out to his mom and admit he was a crossdresser. You could argue that maybe he wasn’t gay, but the episode made it pretty clear he was at least queer, even by his own planet’s standards.

Also, there’s the Thanksgiving episode of Hey Arnold where Mr Simmon’s mom is pretty disapproving of his “special friend,” and nags him to get a girlfriend. It’s subtle but it’s there.

>You now realize that future Reggie is going to have those hips

So I'm not understanding the thing here... It's strange for a children's show to have any characters that you find attractive? Have you watched a cartoon before?

That is not remotely the same thing. All kinds of 90s shows had stuff about crossdressing, the focal point was always 'it's okay, they're straight, they just like wearing different clothes' a valid message.
and yeah hey arnold made a really subtle thing there, but that's all they did.

I love Esther!
I love ToddxGwen!
I wanna nail Reggie to the fucking cross!

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D-did Polish user take a break, MEGA seems to have stopped at episode 16

Attached: 1404377387002.jpg (314x313, 10K)

It was pretty much confirmed that Reggie's full name is actually Regina .

more likely it's just goofing up a little like it did at episode 7. i don't blame him. he's doing good work.

Nope. Still uploading. Now (1)7th episode start messing with me.

please tell me that rhymes with vagina
if they SAY vagina in a cartoon I'm going to forgive at least three milliliters of gay.

sounds like i was right though

It's usually pronounced more like Redge-eenah

It means queen.

Queers like crossdressers and the gays are pretty much the same thing, user.

And my point still stands. If you were around in the 90s and paying any kind of attention, you would know that society didn’t just flip a “gays are normal now” switch overnight. There was a transition period where they just started to show up in mainstream fiction but people weren’t sure what to do with them yet.

They don’t say vagina. But they do talk about menstruation briefly.

So what are the chances that all the things on endless that were there before Reggie are people? Dr. Champion seems like it

I know but SOMETIMES it rhymes with vagina
strictly speaking, vagina should be vajeena too. it means sheath. but anglophones have been fucking up greco-latin words for untold centuries.

mmm nope. all of what you said is nope.

So what you’re saying is, you’re a child. Gotcha.

Built for hot glue

Was Butt Witch's real name confirmed yet?

Quattro Bajeena

The French dub just gave the Butt Witch a female VA and I already hate myself for being French.

yeah you'd think that would have come up, if that's reggie's nickname for her
reminds me of that Mighty Max villain, we never find out his name, just the name of his weird creation Corpus
and the running gag is he never gets to say his name out loud without being interrupted
now you've got me thinking of Senora Siete or whatever that kids in the hall thing was

If that many people (plus more, assuming there’d be at least some that wouldn’t want to overexpose themselves and would choose to get out and live normal lives, like Esther and Todd) all had access to the island, I’d assume its existence would just be common knowledge in Reggie’s world instead of some big mysterious secret.

so there's 20 episodes, right?

>female VA
How do you miss the point that hard?


>"sure Reggie, I'll play your anime mix if you help me with the school's garden hose"

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damn, big batch
wish they wouldnt do this all-at-once shit

Attached: can't wait.png (950x706, 859K)

Episode 18 was skipped

oh great, now 18 is missing
my good Pole, I sure appreciate the work you're doing. wish Mega wasn't so glitchy.

Attached: 1554058719631.png (689x546, 449K)

And he was being uppity earlier in the thread? Fuck him. You mess up, then you get upset when people call you out? Leave Yea Forums, or just don't volunteer for this shit again.

reggie is such a fucking weeb. can't wait for fanart of her naruto running and shit.

Never let a 12F thread go by without acknowledging Shane's murder, anons. We must not let this go.

Attached: ShanePNG.png (420x1075, 220K)

>And he was being uppity earlier in the thread?

Are you misunderstanding me on purpose?

Nigga wut?
Pole user has been completely based and whenever an episode is skipped because mega is glitchy as fuck anons just politely let him know and he fixes the problem.

Attached: AhhHaaHaaHaaHaa.png (752x542, 269K)

fucking nerd

Reggie wants to fuck a delicious brown senpai is up!

hidden fact about the new show

from a bird's eye view, all the landmass on the endless planet form into a silhouette of shane's corpse

Is the Butt Witch's skin soft?

Yea, glitchy but I didn't planed upload to other service.
Mega worked fine when I made syncs with local audio tracks on rls-scene.
Even with respect to him yea still thankless but with truth.
I made a few fuck-ups because only cellular data connection provide acceptable upload speed in my middle of nowhere.
Current state of upload and speed picreled

Attached: p0p.jpg (794x592, 43K)

Maybe it’s one of those things you forget about as an adult.

I wish the show had more villains

What thread we gonna migrate to if this one dies before the MEGA's are all up?

cellular internet.. my god.

Someone could just start a new one with the MEGA link in the OP.

Dr Champion says he was living in Kentucky in his 30s. If he was telling the truth about that, then he didn’t get stuck on Endless until well into adulthood.

Is your modem a soviet-era toaster getting its transmission through a pen stuck into the middle of a paper plate or something?

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