This fake tribe train is the worst forced garbage this board has seen. I wonder how many of you shills exist for real

This fake tribe train is the worst forced garbage this board has seen. I wonder how many of you shills exist for real.

Attached: Mushmouth.jpg (200x193, 6K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>t. Seething SU fag

Very based post

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tribe train?

Did you mean "train tribe"? Because if so I'm gonna fucking kill you, my wife Tulip is perfect

It's strange how it seemingly popped out of nowhere one day.

Train tribe?


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Because it’s the same 3-4 people flooding the board with this shit

tumblr or r*ddit maybe both are involved

>fake tribe
Im from a real tribe called Quest


You're just jealous you have no tribe.

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>considered one of the greatest rap groups of all time
>just people talking over a generic beat


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No, it’s just that nobody finds your retarded, unfunny circlejerk amusing. Go back to r*ddit

>mfw the tribe meme died in like 2 days

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I see with all that shit taste, you must be from Yea Forums.

The mods are trying to kill it off.

Mao Mao is cute

Tribes are just a shitty meme desu.
Infinity Train looks like it is shaping up to be good though.

What the fuck is this gibberish, what is this thread about? You tumblr cartoonfags are cancer and need your own containment board, I hate seeing your faggot threads about retard bullshit

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I'm just saying, it wouldn't kill people to rap over something that would still pass for music if you took away the lyrics. Generic beat, generic beat, generic beat, it gets old.

Train Tribe stands for Infinity Train Tribe

Do you not know how rap works or are you seriously under a rock? A Tribe Called Quest, Run-DMC, Wu-Tang, Grandmaster Flash, etc... were the founding fathers of rap. What you call "generic", were space age for people back in the 1980s, before rap became serious with the likes of Tupac, Biggie, Eminem, etc... Nowadays, rap sounds like garbage, because it is generic. Soul like the sounds from J. Dilla, Mos Def, and even Busta Rhymes are legendary. My two cents.

Gay thread

So it was good in the 90s but doesnt hold up, why should they still be considered the greatest 30 years later

Do you think Washington and Franklin as literally whos even though they found this country? Same concept applies, they're the foundation to what rap is as a whole.

what a failure of a thread. OP neck yourself.