Any other example where the adaptation is a drastic improvement over the source material like Pic related
Any other example where the adaptation is a drastic improvement over the source material like Pic related
Your taste and sense of storytelling are abysmal.
I’m glad you don’t work in movies, tv, or comics.
Sorry, that almost never happens these days.
You're an hyperbolic retard, the adaptation does nothing better than the source material and you have trouble using adjectives properly.
>seething comic book manbabies
TWD Season 1
Some DCAU characters. Mr Freeze obviously, but also Amazo. DCAU made him into a universe level threat, while inthe comics he was just some c-list gimmick villain. Also a much better design.
On the other hand, some other characters were handled terribly by DCAU. Doomsday became a jobber. Hugo Strange became a generic evil professor.
Infinity Gauntlet didn't make any sense at all. The action is a lot better in the movies.
Season 1 mostly. But by season 2 it's no longer an adaptation.
Name one (1) plot hole in the Infinity Gauntlet.
Why didn't they make their own gauntlet?
Don't forget Clock King.
I'd also argue that the Scott Pilgrim film, while doing a lot of things worse than the books, was a significantly better product overall.
MCU actually does some stuff better than the comics
>civil war
But that's wrong, you idiot.
>Huggie does not look like huggie
>Edge meat man has a beard
>Black A Train
>Costumes have muddy tacticool colors
That's just from the top of my head
>civil war
>better than the comics
admittedly the civil war storyline was a massive clusterfuck but at least it involved more than a skirmish on a tarmac.
>Mentally disabled
Choose one and only one.
Wow, you are extremely easy to impess.
My fan boy died,. listening to Captain America defend Winter soldier. I just kept thinking this is so stupid, this is so stupid.
I haven't enjoyed a marvel movie since. Spider-Man are at least fun.
Civil Wars saving grace is that its ultimately irrelevant
Oh gee, a comic book manbaby? In my comics and cartoons board? You seem to be lost, 8gagger, take your facebook frogs and retarded bullshit back to your hugbox.
>/pol/nigger buzzwords
You have to go back.
Anything and everything by mark millar, with the exception of The Ultimates
/The Avengers
>Any other example where the adaptation is just as shit as the source material like Pic related
Thanos is better in the comics.
Watchmen and the MCU. Come at me bros.
Mark Millar truly is the Stephen King of comics
The guy who plays homelander is a really good actor
He was basically the star of the show
Karl Urban as Butcher lacked the punch I thought he should have
The only thing on your list I'd agree with is Civil War.
wee hughie is not a scot and doesn't say jinks
simon pegg is his dad because he's too old to play wee hughie also bad american accent
Other than that the show is perfect
It avoided all the comics pitfalls by removing a lot of the edgy stuff that ennis revels in but still hitting on the premise
I'm on episode 5. That plane scene was hard, but man multiple levels of acting
First the way he casually explain how the situation is unsalvageable. Even not saving the girls because they'd be witnesses.
Next is how he how he handles the people in the plane from lying to their face to threatening them as soon as the rise up.
Then it all comes together when he does that speech in the wreckage. How the girl just watches him lie.
I'd say it did those for style over substance, but movies are a stylistic medium, so that's less compromise and more fully playing to the medium.
3 ep in , its pretty good.
Should I watch this? I read the comics years ago and mostly enjoyed them. Comic TV/film adaptations usually bore me since it's essentially a copy/paste story with some alterations. I watched Hellboy a week ago and was bored thoroughly. How much of The Boys comic is adapted in the 1st season? I've heard Terror makes ONE appearance. That's a big deal to me.
Story is similar at first but goes different pretty quickly. Give it a try
Before I get into this, do they mention Herogasm? Did they have Starlight's "audition?" How about the torch guy becoming a zombie living in his own shit?
>Simon Pegg was too old
>Butcher used the beard to represent aging, for the flashback scenes.
>The A Train actor did a good job.
>Every fucking costume department in TV loves muddy tacticool colors.
The audition is more tv friendly but it's in, the rest of that stuff will probably be in season 2.
This. Way fucking better.
I don't get how he acts so proud of it when usually they just take the basic plot of his comics and toss out everything else in between. They usually tone down the edge and try to make characters less insane/more likable.
I'm still waiting to see how they adapt Nemesis.
That ending was such fucking horseshit. A 8/10 first season that totally hobbled itself with the choice of an ending. What shit.
No I’m still fucking mad. I’m going to respond to my own post.
Why. Why the fuck would they ruin the CENTRAL CONFLICT OF THE MAIN CHARACTERS
Why didnt they ride on the back of the eagles to Mordor
The Static Shock cartoon is better than the comics especially when it comes to his supporting cast and villains. The only thing I like better in the comics and wish was in the cartoon is Static’s relationship with Frieda.
Seth Rogen has a cuck fetish. No, seriously. He did the same shit with the Preacher show. He made Jesse a cuck half first season in, completely out of context. Tulip was a whore just for the sake of being a whore, it didn't have the backdrop of Jesse being missing presumed dead or anything like this. Tulip fucked Cass just 'cause she felt like it. That being said, i enjoyed The Boys show. The cast is amazing, they're totally making up for the shitty choices in writing.
Would make sense actually. I believe that a lot now.
this. The boys was kino.
>didn't make any sense at all
Wuh happen
Learn how to read faggots.
basically the entire point of Butcher’s character gets removed
sorry OP but you're a real faggot