Feige said this in 2010

Feige said this in 2010


>I think what Ed Brubaker and Matt Fraction have done with Iron Fist lately is great, and the Iron Fist mythology opens up a whole other part to us."

Since Shang-Chi is officially getting a movie with his father as the Mandarin. Opening up to kung-fu mysticism and the fact that Feige loves the Fraction/Brubaker run. Is it right to be hopefully for an Iron Fist reboot down the line?

Attached: iron-fist.jpg (434x442, 218K)


Feige didn't even read that. In 2010 he said that a Marvel comic from 2010 was awesome. It means literally nothing.

Iron Fist already got his due.

Getting screwed over by Scott Buck, isn't him 'getting his due'.

>muh immortal iron fist
I hate fake fans like you

This isn't the right political climate for a white guy who knows kung fu. He has potential as a side character within a shang chi movie, however.

gas yourself, apologist

He mentioned Black Panther, Doctor Strange, Antman, and a "cosmic franchise" that ended up being GotG, all who ended up getting movies.

If Marvel TV didn't get their hands on Danny first, he would be getting a movie right now in Phase 4.

>He has potential as a side character within a shang chi movie, however.

Go fuck yourself faggot. Iron Fist can easily hold his own franchise and is ripe for a bunch of spinoffs (Heroes for Hire, Immortal Weapons, etc).

If Fantastic Four can get rebooted again after FOUR garbage movies, Danny can easily get another shot.

Also no one cares about the whole Ancient One controversy anymore. Fuck tumblrinas, they are a vocal minority.

Bruh, that's one of the only pictures on Google that wasn't related to the Netflix show or straight up connected to an article bashing Danny.

It would need to be based on his origin, of course.

I'd expect him to show up in a Shang-Chi sequel, but I doubt he'll be getting a solo flick.

the immortal weapons line of story takes place just too much in "not asia" for it to work. it'd either have to show the other cities often, be weird flashbacky shit, or just blaze through the entire run in 4 episodes

How in the world would he even show up if Danny is in K'un-Lun?


write the movie so that Danny isn't in K'un-L'un, you dumbass

Then what's the point?

>but I doubt he'll be getting a solo flick

he can easily hold his own solo franchise. They just have to wait some time to make sure the stink goes away like with the Fantastic Four, and he'll be as good as new.

They don't really show the other cities, especially during the tournament. You could just have a movie that touches upon the other realms without running through them, and then make an Immortal Weapons spin-off movie that explores that stuff.

Yeah. It’s going to happen.

Iron Fist might show up in a Shang Chi sequel.

>Prayer circling to wish it into existence.

>Is it right to be hopefully for an Iron Fist reboot down the line?

No. Feige and the MCU respects the Netflix shows enough that they don't take the properties that are used by the Loeb-Perlmutter operation.

Man, each of the Immortal Weapons could be given their own movie.

Just imagine a Dog Brother #1 movie. It would be Marvel's first foray into a coming of age tear-jerker.

netflix fucked up my boy hard

He got bucked.

Looks like they're making a rip-off show too.


People hated Iron Fist before the show ever released because they dared to have a white guy know kung-fu.

Are you really digging up shit Feiige said off the cuff as some sort of indication of future plans cause that's fucking retarded

Danny and Luke got done so dirty.

>Feige and the MCU respects the Netflix shows enough that they don't take the properties that are used by the Loeb-Perlmutter operation.

by ignoring them and never mentioning them?

These shows will go the way of the Fox X-Men and Fantastic Four movies. Fiege will reboot them. All the costumes have been sold off and the actors have moved on.

Kinda unrelated, but when I was a kid I used to think Iron Fist was connected to Iron Man, and since I didn't know much past "guy in a costume who fights good", I created this AU HeadCanon about Rand being a sort of Wrestler/Kick-Boxing Type of Martial Artist from a Sci-Fi "Utopia" whose "costume" was hyper-advanced "armor", millenia ahead of Stark's, and would take over his duties when the Mandarin, who was using a similar cheat code (basically I thought that his "Chi" wasn't real and the Alien Rings just gave him Tech Powers), would show up. So whereas Mandarin would do Chinese Spins and shit, Iron Fist would just tank his hits and piledive him or something. And then they'd go to that Sci-Fi Utopia which was like a Sci-Fi Medieval Kingdom with "Dragons" (Makluans) and Space Knights and all that stuff.


I doubt the Diversity Club would be pumping out another white male lead

hey, those off-the-cuff remarks turned out well for Blade, so why can't we hope the same for Iron Fist?

I didn't mean to invoke DC by using a phrase with those initials. Usually I wouldn't care to clarify but I don't want to trigger autists and incels.

I genuinely dont understand how Scott Buck continues to get work. He should have done the right thing and excused himself from the entertainment industry after Dexter S8.