Alright you faglords...

Alright you faglords. You're always talking on how shills get paid by their companies to shitpost and defend said companies here. I want easy money by annoying you all. How do I become a paid shill?

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Is not a real job.

You don't because they don't exist

If you want to be CALLED a paid shill point out that Based Disney's domination of the box office isn't because they're buying their own tickets or forcing theaters to only play their movies it's because people would rather see Based Disney's amazing movies in theaters because they know they're going to be great and watch Yea Forums's God awful "kino" at home where they don't have to pay for it

I do love her.

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>he thinks they're paid

>the company buys their own tickets lmao i know economy!

Yea Forums really is the most retarded board and you belong there.

So I have to suffer being with you losers for FREE?!

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The fact that you can't read says you're the one who belongs on that particular retard farm

You aren't popular enough to be a Disney shill.

If you weren't such a pathetic fucking loser you could leave and go outside maybe even make some REAL friends

>Actually is a Disney shill
For the government, not for you Yea Forums losers but still

Take tips from this guy and they may seek you out

Get a job at Collider. Kissing mouse ass is about the only requirement for working there.


No one gets paid for that.

It can't all be mental illness.

Not mental illness.Is from fans.

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I think that most people that revere comics have a general problem with what Disney does to the characters.

People with little to no background in comics eat it up. Just my 2 cents.

wasn't a guy acting like a bitch because he didn't get some press pass for the galaxy ranch deal?

That's not how paid shilling works, user.

First you have to get hired by Disney for literally any other job. Then, if the PR department is understaffed (they never are) they might call your janitorial ass to moonlight as a paid shill for a meagre 10% bonus to your minimum wage paycheck.

Unless you have >2 million followers on any social media of your choice, in which case you get paid for the occasional 'promotional video' of some shitty Marvel merch or vidya, but you don't, so you can't.

You right. The general audience doesn't read comics. These guys normally are 16 - 22yo """male""" with a need of being part of something. That something is consuming whatever trash is the new trend, in this case capeshit movies/TV show. They are used to fight in your comments and facebook and they will defend their brands like they are family. I think this can be mental illness.

There isn't some guy in a trench coat wearing mickey mouse ears that gives you a bag of money. That would be up to you if you were a critic for some major publication or a social media influencer. As for what you get, it's access to red carpet premiers, room accommodations, and baggy full of limited edition funkopops to put in the background. So now you have most critics who would just give a disney movie glowing praise so as long as they could maintain their access.

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This is a component of public relations, not a dedicated job.

Us comic readers do feel like we’re connected to something deeper and bigger than ourselves. The “normies” just want that too, on a more superficial level.

But, I can’t help but have my blood boil when I see shit like uncle Ben being replaced by tony, and the mental gymnastics that come with defending such a choice. And I’m by no means the biggest spider-man fan.

Fuckin kills me man

>muh secret club

Not him but a "secret" club that respects Uncle Ben's contribution to the Spidey mythos is the only worthwhile club around.

Kills me too

Meet at Toon Town across from Goofys house.


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It’s not an exclusive or secret club lol. It just makes you privy to character quirks and motivations that would otherwise be lost on the uninformed.

Didn’t mean to make you feel excluded or attacked, friend.

That is correctamundo. I've never witness so much cringe in my entire life...despite even coming here.

Dude from the Jedi Podcast or something, yeah. He got over it though.

>if you like things you're a shill xD

I hate 4channel so goddamn much and for some reason I still can't leave this cursed place

Yeah, after many "meetings" with his bosses. He looked like a shell of a man the next week. I imagine they dressed him down pretty good.

It was the most entitled attitude ever, truly pathetic to do that on camera. He could've talked to his superiors to set up a special visit or something, but wow.

Is the LA Times still persona non grata to the mouse or did they bend the knee after Disney doled out that ban for criticism? How many were fired as result anyway?

That's a strawman argument, friendo

nobody? all the other publications stuck up for LA Times when they banned them from the TLJ premier.

It's kinda funny seeing someone being called a disney shill for being excited that endgame beat avatar. They're both owned by disney now so is disney paying me for being glad that something beat that shitty movie from a decade ago or punishing me for shitting on blue furries in space?

Can't wait for disney's avatar 2 to make more money then god and see people talk about how disney blew the fuck out of disney. Hahaha disney BTFO.

Not going to happen unless you're a pooinloo willing to work for 2 rupees a day.

>They're both owned by disney now so is disney paying me for being glad that something beat that shitty movie from a decade ago or punishing me for shitting on blue furries in space?
They get no money from Avatar though, for now it's an inactive franchise. Them beating Avatar is more of a point of honor (and valid) considering they weren't directly competing.

the YouTube model is to do it for free until you pick up a sponsorship

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Look for any job in "social media".

For every one job offered by a movie studio, there will be about 500 offered by Super-PACs that pay better and the message you're spreading is guaranteed to be lies.

Become a camgirl instead, it's more dignified

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Pretty much this. You better decorate your background full of dvds and toys if you want to get a leg up

1. go to a top tier school
2. get a degree in "marketing"
3. network
4. ???
5. profit!!!

They recruit from ad agencies.

>I want easy money by annoying you all.
That's not how this works. The people who get the money are your Youtubers and critics for major publications. Shilling a franchise on a image board is a symptom of Youtube friend simulators and movie critics doing their job to get you to suck a movie's dick for free.

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They don’t pay Yea Forums or Twitter posters. They pay the people like Collider that mobolize the fanboys to shill for free.

The fact that you think the others can't understand your "irony" speaks volumes of how damaged you are, retard.

There are no shills, and if there are they wouldn't waste their time on a Laotian shadow-puppetry forum like Yea Forums. Even among those in the public who are aware of Yea Forums, to 99.9% of them the only board is Yea Forums and they'd certainly never visit Yea Forums. The sad simple fact is that Yea Forumsmrades are just miserable, ineffectual, jaundiced people who cannot express enthusiasm for anything and like scalded and beaten dogs just react to anyone trying to share joy and care with them by snarling and barking.

Who was the guy that were angry about not being invited to Galaxy Edge after 'working hard to be a good Star Wars fan'?

>OP is such a colossal retard he actually believes people are paid to post on one specific board on Yea Forums

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damn you really are mentally challenged

Forever and ever

It's the Yea Forums retardation. Some of them truly believe there's money to be had from shilling anything here, when the YouTube moguls basically control the online media. Idiots with the most basic ideas are amassing cash with several 30+min videos a week, yet some idiot here thinks companies pay to post in this place.

Like the old adage says, "Don't forget, you're here forever"

>tfw I have a mouse on my paycheck but I don't give a fuck about defending marvel and star wars shit on line

Fuck you, I'm not retarted.

Come launch day for one of the mouse movies this place is insufferable shill world. And the threads are regurgitated again and again as samey as possible.

Shills dont get paid, they do it free and spend their life savings paying for internet just to shill online KEK. and buy tons of merchandise.

The first rule of Shill Club is: You do not talk about Shill Club. The second rule of Shill Club is: You do not talk about Shill Club

a nigga could dream

It's the fear of showing your face and breaking anonymity, face it. It takes guts to get in front of a camera and expose yourself to the world in all your dumbass glory to create "content", even if that means revenue in some form or another. Because after all, most of these channels have worthless opinions yet thousands of views, so they must be doing something right.
Either way, no one's making money out of a Senegalese Cas Cas composition theory bulletin board.

>I want easy money by annoying you all. How do I become a paid shill?
Ex shill here
Used to shill on youtube, friendster, ym, facebook and even pose as one of those girls who wants to chat with you
There is no direct recruitment for shills as far as I know the company usually hires some 3rd world call center company who does the shilling. The said company then makes a new department focused solely on online media representation and the pay is usually very low. The size of the company also takes into account where they shill. A large size company usually shills on first tier normie platforms while smaller and medium size companies usually shill on lesser forums such as Yea Forums. There is also a bug signing bonus if you are already an established member of a forum or a community