Why did she get such a big role? Like, it wasn't huge or anything...

Why did she get such a big role? Like, it wasn't huge or anything, but wouldn't it make much more sense for Shuri to survive the snap and join the Avengers during the timeskip?

Attached: Okoye.jpg (780x439, 66K)

>Why did she get such a big role?
What role, she practically is shelved after the hologram meeting

If shuri survived the snap, she would be older than T'challa by the time they fixed it.

In-universe she was an Avenger for 5 years

Chadwick is 41 years old., how old is T'Challa supposed to be?

because she's sexy

she bonded with Widow, aka the new Fury after the snap, kicking Proxima Midnight's jobber ass in IW

I still remember when they had a staredown during Civil War and T'Challa could barely hide his excitement at the thought of them catfighting.

She was the cheapest notable actress from BP.

I'm going to cum on her bald head

if he keeps himself in shape, two other films should not be a problem. Robert Downey Jr. was already 40 years old at the time of Iron-man in 2008

>"I'm loyal to the kingdom, out of my way spy fucking shits"
god damn okoye

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She was more popular than Shuri.

Because if Shuri hadn't been dusted, they wouldn't have needed Tony so badly.
Come on man, grasp Themes.

Bald girls are my ish, so Wakanda seems like a fucking good deal to me.

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I want to raw her so bad, bros.

I wanted Okoye to trounce Widow.

She kind of did? Sort of?

>I'm loyal to the kingdom
The penis is an important part of the Kingdom, right?

That was another Dora Milaje, Okoye debut was during Black Panther

Because she make my peepee hard

Shuri looks fugly compare to Okoye. You would want the more presentable one to be left alive to help promote the movie.

should have been BP's gf then

>that time when she gave the look of derision to Banner in Infinity War
Hulk might be an useless goof now, but that was a great scene.

Why would you have a useless advocate to help promote the movie. Her role in the film is unimportant and just forgettable.

I searched for a better version of this gif, and I couldn't find it.

Attached: boner.gif (245x245, 960K)

Too bad Carol and Okoye didn't interact much in Endgame since they're really good friends in real life. They ran some charities together and all.

>Too bad Carol and Okoye
We could've had more interracial Mommy-lewds with Peter.

man he gets to make comic book movies and plow black puss, how can one man be so blessed?

>tfw i find her hot
i sometimes hate having jungle fever

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>she likes white boys

I thought we would have shuripanther

Whites are useless and in their way to extinction. It's time to move on.

Not thick enough. Or do you mean with Danai?


>In-universe she was an Avenger for 5 years

>muh fictional snap didn't kill the specific fictional characters I wanted, despite the fact said character barely got 2 minutes of screentime, wahhhhh

can outrage culture die already? I'm beyond sick of this crap. on all sides of the isle and underneath it. Just stop pretending to get mad at shit that doesn't matter.

>tfw you'll never be able to make graphic stories that reach a few thousand people and get to fuck a hot bald black woman

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Nah anons right we were robbed not only of shuri with the rest of the holograms but also robbed of shuri and rocket as well as - and this is not only the biggest loss but marvel easily could have set up ironhearylt despite me hating the idea and Bendis - shuri and tony.

Shuri working with and helping tony to fix it all and ring tchalla back makes her a worthy successor to his mantel and worthy of taking up a hero spot with panther back.

And I generally dislike her character in the panther movie but those could have been great moments.

Shuri was dusted because

1. She'd be able to fix Vision and that can't happen till WandaVision
2. Then she'd be queen and have 5 years to grow and mature which would ruin her plucky sister dynamic with Tchalla when he returned.

They don't want to shake things up with future movies which is why basically every single dusted characters support cast was also dusted so they can just slide back into their usual dynamic post EG.

With a few exceptions.

Lupita is my black wife :3

>1. She'd be able to fix Vision and that can't happen till WandaVision
Still a shame we didn't get a partially-fixed Vision back in Endgame, so we wouldn't have to wait another 2 years before we know if he's really coming back or not.

that grip when you go to face fuck them must be smooth as fuck


Should’ve been the gorilla guy.
Black Gorilla.

I was wondering where the Wakandans were desu. Okoye barely appeared. What about M'Baku, was he snapped too?
Also, we can all agree Okoye is best BP girl, right?

Ironically, she was more interesting than the main character. Which isn't hard when everyone but the villains are boring.

But holy shit, I hated her blacksplaining.

Shuri had way more memorable lines

Cause if Shuri was there, Tony wouldn't have been needed. She would have invented an infinity gauntlet that wouldn't kill/injury the wielder.

Shuri couldn't have solved time travel
She's an engineer not a physicist.

But Stark was an engineer

You jest but a vibranium gauntlet would absorb and redirect most of the power and likely act as a lighting rod, likely leveling the round around the wielder but keeping them safe.

1: Tony is an engineer
2: That's not how smart works in comics. Fuck, Bruce made meaningful progress on an entirely made up branch of physics in just a few weeks.

Stark literally solved time travel while doing the dishes, don't overthink it.

M'Baku wasn't snapped. You saw him look stunned at all the dusted Wakandan's as IW was ending.

But they barely appeared because EG's true purpose was to milk RDJ and Evans one last time while sucking themselves off for all their sucessful movies so even the non Avenger guys that survived the snap were basically send offscreen until the big final battle.

Antman and Nebula being the rare exception.

Quote 3. No Google search.

Not him but
>What are those???
>Why didn't you make the synapses work collectively?

Lupita Nyong'o is a cunt to work with.

I don't get why people got so mad her name wasn't on the poster.

They were under the impression she'd have a bigger role than she did.

She was on the poster and not as a little head but one of the normal ones, so it stands to reason her name would be there also, simple logic. It was definitely weird.

This is only rumours.

Fun Fact: Shuri's actress agent tried to get more money for her. Same reason Kat Denning didn't even appear as a cameo, even though Agent 13 was supposed to and got featured in early marketing crap, and a character like Happy got needless dialogue in an over-long, overly bloated finished product

Kat Denning doesn't play Agent 13

Iron Man is not comparable, he was a character in a power suit, the character could be a cripple or dwarf for all it matters. Most of the others are in roles that are a lot more physically active and despite claims of "he never ages" Paul Rudd has looked too tired for Ant Man since the first film.

And the MCU is poorer because of that.

I miss her Bros :(

user, why is my pp hard?