Gumball Thread

Liberation Edition

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>implying the mods care about the rule change
I've been in 3 purged threads already,not a gumball thread tho, lets see if this one last

Has any information come out on the "movie"?


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Let the cat roam free

Poor guy has it rough.
Forever haunted by fanart of himself, and now, forbidden from Yea Forums

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hehehehehehe....Dumb ball!

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Should leave Richard and marry Penny's dad

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The top result about the Gumball movie is a video by the Roundtable, so probably not.

just got into gumball, i had no idea it was actually good

How did Nicole even marry Richard in the first place?

they fucked and had gubmall

Gumball was an accident baby

That depends on the episode and season but basically this

What a lil' basterd.

I like it


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Does Penny realise she going to be barbed?

Oh absolutely

10/10 cat mom

>Implying he's the one sticking something in

lads i havent really watched the show since halfway through season 4
does it get any better or worse? more actual interesting lore/character episodes or just lol wacky modern reference xd?
i heard gumball fucking flossed in the finale

It becomes like a PG South Park as you go on. Lots of pop culture refs, but they do it in a way that's kinda unique because they aren't scared of mentioning certain topics.

They once used the word "brony" which kinda shocked me a bit.

Nicole working for Penny's father

Yes or No

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Damn Nicole look like that?

She is a big cat

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If season 4 isn't grabbing hold of you, it won't really get any better in season 5. Season 4 already was getting pretty referential but by season 5 it gets really overdone in the sense that the only notable moments of the show are political/social/pop-culture references. Everything in-between the references just feels like useless fluff.
>i heard gumball fucking flossed in the finale
I don't care for that either but I don't get how it is any different than something like the Mad Max reference. I find both equally annoying for different reasons.

I'm fine with these two but the super saiyan "jokes" made me cringe really fucking hard.

>she doesn't know
>she freaks out when she finally sees his benis
>runs off
>Gumbo heartbroken and confused
>Nicole intrigued by the thought of being barbed
incest ensues
Japanese Terri a cute

it aint happening

There hasn't been any new info on the movie since the beginning of June. However, there is a new petition up to get the movie made. I know that posting this may be a massive violation of Rule 11 but I'm gonna post it anyways. Promoting petitions like this make the chance of a movie all the more likely.

The petition itself:

>thinking companies care about those kind of petition

I guess so under normal circumstances.

If we can get people tied to the show however, then things might get going.

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Why is that cat so pettable?