Bittersweet Candy Bowl - bcb

>ur a babby lol
>ima get candy
The absolute madwoman

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Other urls found in this thread:

jesus christ get over it

daisy worst character

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Someone post that lucy picture where she kills the sandy phone like dbz

it's fucking nothing

Who reads this

>imaginary girlfriend
wow what a cunt

Nah. Mike suffering begins next week for sure

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>worst ship

Fucks sake.

Based Sandy causing all of this drama and not even knowing or giving a shit about it.

Do you mean Rachel saying she likes pathetic guys? That’s chapter 77, page 13.

If you mean the picture it isn’t actually Rachel(with Aaron) but a pic from this artist:

I guess it's just a coincidence that it's a black-ear white-face dog girl with a little brother.

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I feel the whole storyline with Daisy "being forgotten by the popular pretty girl" is hella projection from Taeshi, scorned from middle school or high school..

Also what is this shit with her randomly being all "Can I come if I'm not too much trouble?" like anyone was gonna say she couldn't join their Anti-Mike clique..

Honestly, the fact noone threw down hands but have before over more petty-ass shit is pretty disappointing.

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The failed suicide Lucy
The prima donna Sandy

So when does the cat in the Kermit costume start murdering his "friends"?

I am extremely bothered by their height differences. Was it always this stark?

Perspective is hard. As hard as Mike's hate boner for Lucy.

Nah, that'd be too interesting. He may try to murder himself though.

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Probably never. Closest you can hope for is if gang cat shows up again and let's Mike join it for some reason

>Daisy's Sandy problems are real and important
>she apparently hasn't even asked for Sandy's contact information from Mike
>Mike's relationship is imaginary
>despite it going fine for a long time and him making efforts to contact her recently
How anybody can read this comic and not realize everybody is biased against Mike, I have no idea. Anyway there goes chapters upon chapters of development of Paulo taking Mike's relationship problems seriously.

I think I was right about this comic and zero-sum social interactions. Paulo has been trying to be helpful about Sandy with Mike for ages now but he just ditched him entirely for Daisy. Going back to the "imaginary girlfriend" crack seems to prove it.

Mike is always second fiddle for someone else.

Paulo was friendly to Mike as long as he didn't hurt his precious "little" sister. Yelling at Daisy in at attempt to divert attention away from his problems made Paulo briefly mad at him. How you call this "biased against Mike" is beyond my imagination.

When will David and Sue finally start dating

Reminder: Paulo stuck around MIke's side alot more when he discovered more about his sexuality and secretly wanted to fuck Mike on the side..

However, since Mike is stuck up Sandy's ass and DaisyxPaulo is end game, we have this forced attraction between the two.. at least on Paulo's part.

>School shooting never
Damn shame.

Alejandro redemption arc when?

Alejandro did nothing wrong.

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Maybe my perception is influenced too much by the way I'm figuring a lot of people will interpret this. I can't argue that him saying it because he's mad doesn't make sense. Still, if he falls back this easily onto the imaginary girlfriend thing, then combined with his exasperation earlier it looks like he isn't very inclined to take Mike's relationship very seriously. It makes his attempts to help seem kind of not genuine. Like he just wants the problem to go away more than anything else.

>in at attempt to divert attention away from his problems
Maybe he was just actually mad at Daisy? She abandoned him for bitching about Lucy, a far cry from Daisy's own direct confrontation with her a while back, and then she interjected into the conversation about Mike's problems with her own insecurities about Sandy forgetting her. That's irritating shit.

>Paulo considering Daisy like a sister

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Incest is wincest

>a far cry from Daisy's own direct confrontation with her a while back

Daisy was supposed to be in the wrong in this scene for questioning Lucy.

Oh please. We all know this was chapter was meant to isolate Mike so Lucy can forgive and bang him when at his lowest, and they can live happily ever after away from everybody else cause they both hate them all by the time the story is over. And so that they can further the S.S. PauloxDaisy I've-always-seen-you-as-a-brother/sister-but-suddenly-I-find-you-totaly-bangable-for-reasons-that-make-no-sense-except-for-the-authors'-own-bias-but-the-authors-have-no-bias-and-you-totally-never-saw-this-coming-so-SHUT-UP!!!! ship. But hey, let's torture ourselves by pretending we DON'T know what is going to happen.

A crack ship was posted during the dying gasps of the previous thread.

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Ah but wait, I made more

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>Still, if he falls back this easily onto the imaginary girlfriend thing, then combined with his exasperation earlier it looks like he isn't very inclined to take Mike's relationship very seriously.
The "imaginary girlfriend" bit was only to make Daisy feel better, he didn't use that in front of Mike. He's more concerned about Mike's well being than he is about his relationship with Sandy, and he recognizes the problem Mike is having with her, and he is (rightfully) exasperated at Mike failing to take his advice, which would be actually confronting Sandy. Of course, him calling Sandy without Mike's permission was not the right thing to do, but Paulo has always made rash decisions, even when he meant well, and in this occasion he was also angry at Mike for lashing out at Daisy.
>Maybe he was just actually mad at Daisy?
That doesn't exclude the other thing. He snapped quite hard for a snide remark, though. How long has he been boiling that stream of comments he made about Daisy? Days? Weeks? Since Sandy came to visit, maybe?
It is quite too spiteful and quick to just be a heat in the moment thing

>Since Sandy came to visit, maybe?
Mike wasn't even around when Daisy cried about Sandy forgetting her.

paulo and daisy was so underdeveloped they had to throw in several chapters into the old volumes and remake shit to make it look like it was planned all along. shittiest ship besides abbey x daisy

>several chapters into the old volumes and remake shit to make it look like it was planned all along

True. Then the questions is, how often has been publicly bitching about Sandy never remembering her? Because this and Sandy's visit were the only two times this was addressed.
Just like Mike always complaining about Lucy, as Daisy claimed he was at the start of this chapter, it'd be nice if those interactions were shown more than once before them becoming a plot point like this.

Literally new OTP

Rachel knows all about unrequited love AND has no bias in the MikexSandy situation unlike the rest of the cast. Mike to join their table when?

the entirety of chapter 7

If it's not on page or alluded to somehow, it doesn't count. Mike never complained about Lucy in front of Daisy and Daisy bawled about Sandy for a couple of minutes and then seemed to forget about it.

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Threadly reminder that Yea Forums has had rule changes and now this thread cannot be removed for "furry" content except for cases where actual porn is posted. If it is mods are breaking rules

Do not read this comic.

That's not her bitching about Sandy not remembering her, tho. Mike was referring specifically to that, as if Daisy was doing nothing but complaining Sandy's short memory after she came to Roseville

threadly reminded that gianny doesn't give a damn about that, so shut up and take it like a good boy, now

just posting the only times it's been mentioned in the comic, as in why the fuck is mike so angry over it.

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This implies she only spoke to Abbey and Mike didn't hear.

great, again, why is mike so mad about daisy being upset over sandy if he's never around to hear her whine about it

Why is Paulo fine with emo-cat all of a sudden

Don't think he is fine with him or Lucy. Just going with the bigger crowd

This comic has terrible writing

Yeah, I know. It still makes Daisy seem hypocritical.

>only to make Daisy feel better
I don't know why Mike's relationship with Sandy has to be imaginary for Daisy to feel better.
>(rightfully) exasperated at Mike failing to take his advice
Sure, but that's not how you're supposed to handle a situation like this. You help people out of bad relationships by showing them that they can trust you, not by acting like they're being a dumbass. He's making things worse.
>actually confronting Sandy
You and I both know that Paulo's call will cause Sandy to call him, but how is Mike supposed to confront her if available knowledge to him shows that she doesn't reply to his messages?
>Paulo has always made rash decisions
Doing bad things repeatedly does not make them less bad
>also angry at Mike for lashing out at Daisy
Fair, but doesn't paint his actions as helpful to Mike in either intent or result.

>How long has he been boiling that stream of comments he made about Daisy?
Maybe since the carnival where she tried to convince him to date her by shitting on Sandy? She also arguably pines for him all the time, although she doesn't directly ask him to date her anymore. I dunno. He's letting a lot of pent-up anger loose lately from stuff that the other characters probably stopped caring about. Which is fair, because they seldom seem to regret treating him poorly for years. Paulo's apology being a counter-example, I guess, but also fairly recent and kind of a non-factor in the plot.

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I mean, Mike is a cunt though.

Theyre all cunts. He just has more justification for being one

Shame we don't get more bullied Lucy,this chapter was stupid AF but it was fun to see most of the kids get their asses handed to them - until they stupidly won.

Honestly, you'd think gang-bangers would own a gun or at least a fuckin pocket knife.

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As usual this AND next weeks pages are a whole lotta nothin'. Theres not enough shit that happens on these pages (except for once in a VERY great while) to justify one day a week updates. Even with the draw streams, which may I remind you, were only one weekend every two months should be enough to put and end to three days a week. And those have even come to an end! What could they possibly be so busy on? Having angry sex over their past that this comic is influenced by, while simultaneously arguing about who can fuck up this comic more?.... Cause if so I kinda get it. That would take up a lot of your time.

Sadly I fear we will not see Alejandro's bloodlust coming back soon. I had some hope of them coming back this chapter with Lucy and Augustus basically being out on their own (with Sue just going along for the ride) but I suppose there won't be any resolution to that arc now.

That being said, Mike and Lucy should just be locked into a room until they either fuck each other or kill each other. Get this fucking drama over already.

I do not care, it can and will be brought up continuously

Supposedly Taeshi somehow burned through her backlog of completed strips and slowing down to a 1/3 speed release for almost a year is to allow her to replenish it.

*should not be enough to put an end to three days a week (Stupid auto correct bullshit)

from what i remember they're only doing once a week updates until the end of this chapter while they build up the buffer

It's just a thinly veiled plot-line barely alluded to anymore - with no followup or on-going threat. It's almost like she wants to bury the storyline but ever so occasionally brings it up when Augustus or Lucy needs to be angsty (conveniently, Sue,Mike,Daisy and Paulo have acquired amnesia and are not bothered by this in the least)

IIRC they are doing some other kind of project 'in the works' either a new side comic or just trying to wrap up BCB (doubtful). I know they spoke about wanting to do a more adult-themed stories around the mostly all shitty adults in the BCB-universe.

Honestly though, I dont see them ever wrapping up BCB or having any meaningful conclusions to the story arcs.

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Aren't the gang members confirmed to be non-existant at this point? I remember hearing Taeshi apparently doesn't give a shit and wants everyone to forget they're a thing. I'm pretty sure that's why Augustus lives with Lucy now, to remove the idea of that blackmail cat ever finding him.

Well they did reference it in a slightly new-ish chapter but only somewhat. We get Lucy pissing herself (kek) with anxiety over Augustus' phone ringing but that's about it.

Hey isn't it funny how Alejandro maintains his facial scars but Lucy doesn't? Despite it seeming like she had a deeper more grievous injury then the (barely noticeable in said panel) slash she did Alej?

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>I know they spoke about wanting to do a more adult-themed stories around the mostly all shitty adults in the BCB-universe.
I'd read a Paulo's Dad comic.

She's really desperate to not get an actual job or make a new comic isn't she

What does her husband do for work besides site management and arguing with people who shit on the comic online?

apparently he has a law degree

He lost a fight to some children

Lol remember when Taeshi used to shill Paulo x Lucy?

It'd been alot better written if he hadn't - then again, that whole chapter is kind of pants on the head retarded.

Nope, though does kissing Taeshi's ass and babying her 24/7 count?
She cannot function in normal society.
Could be cool if they would dare go slightly darker (lol isnt he an alcoholic and super gross looking?) but they seem stuck on this watered down PC-baby-shit.

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I miss those times

>that whole chapter is kind of pants on the head retarded
"Confrontation" is pretty high on the middle-school anime scale. Since the Acapulco arc it seems silly and childish in retrospect.

If Taeshi hates it I don't know why she hasn't just dropped it. That little scene that showed Alejandro as a dim, lazy manchild would have sufficed to communicate he isn't actually a threat and should be forgotten but then she reminds the audience of him via the phonecall thing.

Yeah, well even if you write something shitty and dumb - having it be such a central conflict for so many chapters just to drop it because you cannot figure out how to 'write it better' is pretty shitty writing.

At least conclude with him getting arrested or them fighting him again or something. Rather then just dropping it and trying to bury it like a turd.

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the one good couple in this entire comic

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Wrong, Daisy is a cutie, she just has low self esteem.

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>a central conflict for so many chapters
It isn't though. It was DOZENS of chapters after "Confrontation" that Lucy is depicted as giving a shit about Alejandro. This shtick about her being terrified of him all along is a recent idea.

>the one good couple

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Daisy is a selfish brat whose sweetness is largely skin-deep.

Chapters 12-40 in Volume One centered heavily on this.

Volume 2 dropped most of this plotline

Volume 3 had it in chapter 66 then again in Volume 5 they touched on it alot in chapter 86.
Then again in Volume 6 with chapters 95 and 102.

Pretty much almost everything to do with Augustus comes back to him being in the gang/former bad guy.

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Skin-deep is still pretty deep when talking about Daisy.

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Say does anyone have the BCI/bonus chapter 'There's a Chance' perhaps?

>discord shills still trying to keep this shitty comic popular

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Hey Amazil, love that your doing chapter analysis again. Don't suppose you could put a "Read More" on the posts to make it easier to scroll through? Cheers!

Cute and wholesome ship

Another fan comic huh

What is it with bcb fan comics and the inability to draw anime cat faces. Exaggerated faces are basically the meat of this comic.

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Which discord?

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I hadn't heard about this until you mentioned it
>Roxy thanks Jordan for a great night at prom, but he’s not about to learn a thing.
Well, this definitely would have made his behavior in the bowling chapter less jarring. A lot of the more recent BCI should have been available on the website considering their relevance to the main plot. Like Lucy's conversation with her mom while they were unpacking. Anyway, seconding this request.

Piss off

>A lot of the more recent BCI
Fuck, I meant book exclusives.

She's one if the shittiest characters in this comic. She only has two modes. Horny for Mike's bone (and now Paulo's apparantly), and world's biggest crybaby. There's almost nothing worse than a Daisy pitty party. Even Sue and Augustus have a better personality than this worth shitbag. And she doesn't even count!

I believe his question was genuine, which discord? There are like 4 of them

Lucy bitch party is probably worse

>that fucking cat
I can't watch that fucking cat without thinking of that guy who was in deeply love with Pearl to the point he cumed in pictures on her

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which cat?

that white gat girl
The one with a dress in OP's

This is kino

Guys, I'm shaking. I'm fucking shaking.

I never wanted to breed with anyone more than I want to with Lucy. That perfect, curvy body. Those bountiful breasts. The child bearing hips of a literal goddess. It honestly fucking hurts knowing that I'll never mate with her, pass my genes through her, and have her birth a set of perfect offspring.

I'd do fucking ANYTHING for the chance to get Lucy pregnant. A N Y T H I N G. And the fact that I can't is quite honestly too much to fucking bear. Why would Taeshi create something so perfect? To fucking tantalize us? Fucking laugh in our faces?!

Honestly guys, I just fucking can't anymore. Fuck.

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I don't remember this


Hello 232, how's life in exile?

Fuck off bagcuck

Didnt that book exclusive david and polo chapter get added to the main site?

Implying only he thinks Lucy is built for breeding.

>Lucy being reborn as Sandy's child
Meanwhile upstairs

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Can we talk about what Daisy says here?
>I'm sorry..
>I've been so stupid about Mikie all this time and..
What does she mean, exactly? Why is she saying this to Paulo and not Mike?

Could somebody verify this? I have no idea which chapter they're referring to.

Probably this

>all this time
Does she mean, like, FOREVER? Is she expressing regret for EVER liking him? That's pounding down hard on the "Mike a shit" button that's in heavy service these days.

>Could somebody verify this?
He means the currently-designated chapter 59, "Mother's Day", which replaced a thinly-veiled AU chapter about Paulo fucking Lucy.

the fancomic guy comes from the betterdiscord, not from the cuck one

Maybe she's talking specifically about holding onto romantic feelings for so long. She did agree when Mike said she was always pining for him. It still doesn't make much sense bringing that up here. She abandoned him for Lucy not long ago. Maybe she feels at fault for "defending" him with regards to Sandy not calling, implying she wouldn't have done so if she didn't still have feelings for him. But earlier she had the exact opposite regret, that she hadn't stood up for Mike enough when it came to Lucy. It's hard to tell how exactly she thinks she should have acted, and considering it's Daisy I don't think we'll get any real details.

It seems like she's just fishing for pity, honestly. Paulo hadn't shown any signs of being upset at her. I can't imagine the stunt he pulled with the phone and the speech afterward not convincing her that he doesn't have a problem with her.

This but Rachel.

Rachel isn't embarrassed by her sexy body like Lucy is

I was referring to wanting to fuck the cartoon dog rather than the image itself but yes.

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Cute tfw this happens and Paulo and Lucy get salty as fuck

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>Paulo and Lucy hook up after sharing a common salt

>they're still on the fucking Halloween arc
webcomic time is one hell of a drug

Only three more months!

>Halloween arc will end on Halloween

Is this one of those comics everyone reads because it's terrible but you keep reading because you hope someone fucks
because every thread I've seen of this shit is them going trick-or-treating and it's almost fucking August like holy shit

>in at attempt to divert attention away from his problems
I seriously hope you don't believe this. Because what happened was the exact opposite.

It's unusually slow this chapter. The creator has willpower in the negatives so this 40 page long chapter is uploaded once per week instead of three times. I think a lot of people read it to see what happens to their pet character. The first few volumes hook you with the pure angst, but now it's just going through the motions for the most part.

The only reason I read it is because these threads are fun to me. I give 0 shit about the comic

>Because what happened was the exact opposite.
Yeah, and it was pointed out too in comic, by Paulo. Just because he tried to divert attention by attacking Daisy, didn't mean it would succeed

You just summed up the whole comic there


Only difference is before they went puritan there was a good chance of seeing their lewd content too. Not any more.

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I would have dropped it years ago if it wasn't for the shitposting in these threads.

Paulo is very rarely cunty. In fact I think this last scene is the most cunty he's ever been, and at least he was right about Sandy ghosting Mike.

So because paulo said it, it must be true? The gang brought up sandy first, and mike only attacked daisy because she was the first to give him something to point out on. Not sure if you just never bothered to analyze the comic and accepted what was said as what happened, or you're as fucked in the head as taeshi is.

>because she was the first to give him something to point out on
exactly, he tried to latch on Daisy's problems to shift attention away from his problems that were being discussed at that moment. That was my point in the first place

I just cannot get over how much less sense this chapter makes with Daisy exploding at Mike over Lucy. They end up right back together for Mike to BTFO her over Sandy so why separate them for literally a few minutes? Why show conflict between them if Mike's rancor at her is supposed to be unreasonable?

What's up luggage lad?

But it was she who interjected and Mike told her to shut the fuck up.

kek mods are salty
>he tried to latch on Daisy's problems
How the fuck is it considered latching? It's a one-off insult/rant and is still related to the "discussion".
>his problems that were being discussed at that moment
Which he does not want to be """discussed""". Are you also this much of an asshole to your "friends"?

>How the fuck is it considered latching? It's a one-off insult/rant and is still related to the "discussion".
It looked to me like Mike was saying "No, Sandy isn't the problem, Daisy is". Mike's rant about Daisy is only tangentially related to his own problem with Sandy anymore, it's just him telling her she's pathetic for still pining over Sandy.

Attached: daisy mike problems.png (795x294, 230K)

>No, Sandy isn't the problem, Daisy is
Yes, the problem in this context being daisy getting hung up on no longer being sandy's friend. How autistic do you have to be to not see this?
>only tangentially related to his own problem with Sandy
Who the fuck cares? It's related to what daisy brought up, and if you need something to blame you can blame daisy for making it about herself in the first place.

>Yes, the problem in this context being daisy getting hung up on no longer being sandy's friend. How autistic do you have to be to not see this?
Are you really dense or just baiting? Mike latched on a side comment made by Daisy to divert attention from the topic being discussed 5 seconds before. The fact that Daisy's problem is real doesn't mean that Mike didn't try (and fail) to change the subject (Sandy not answering to him) at the first occasion he could.
>Who the fuck cares? It's related to what daisy brought up
Anyone who isn't interested in Daisy's issues at that moment. Daisy wasn't even talking about Mike, but about Sandy, and the discussion would have ignored her comment and stayed on Mike, if he didn't try to divert attention from him

>side comment made by Daisy
>latched on
Yeah, it's pretty obvious you're just trying to win the argument here. I'll just ask you to reread my previous posts and try again.
>from the topic being discussed 5 seconds before
>topic being discussed
You mean the same "topic" being """discussed"" every time paulo, lucy et al need something to divert the attention away from themselves whenever mike gets pissy and threatens to expose how they're all cunts and assholes?
>Anyone who isn't interested in Daisy's issues at that moment
Is this supposed to be a therapist session? It's just teen angst and bullying and not much more than that.
>and the discussion would have ignored her comment and stayed on Mike
No, they'd call him pathetic, end the conversation and leave him behind, like they always do whenever mike gets uppity. The daisy thing is just a tiny curveball.

David is literally 8ft tall in this picture. What the ever loving fuck is going on with all these characters heights?

This was literally the bcb smut discord icon??

I deeply question the design of David's dog-batman cowl.

Best ship.

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>Implying DavidxSue isn't endgame

Apparently consistent and realistic character proportions (for a "not a furfag" furfag comic) is too much to ask for.
Or maybe it's a resurgence of unbearable chibi weebshit that's to blame.

Either way, that one crazy gook didn't torch the right people to deal with THAT problem.

Quite a bit of talk about the discord around here

>Yeah, it's pretty obvious you're just trying to win the argument here. I'll just ask you to reread my previous posts and try again.
I did, and you just restated the same point over and over, which is that Daisy being pathetic was actually related to the discussion at hand, which it was only tangentially. You have addressed here too that >>only tangentially related to his own problem with Sandy
>Who the fuck cares
The gang was talking about Sandy not replying to him and that was causing mike discomfort, so he latched on the first chance to talk about something else, which was Daisy's issues with Sandy, instead of his.
Is that really so hard to understand?
>You mean the same "topic" being """discussed"" every time paulo, lucy et al need something to divert the attention away from themselves whenever mike gets pissy and threatens to expose how they're all cunts and assholes?
Nice try in moving the goalpost here. The point was that Mike was diverting attention from himself, which you denied he was doing. I'm not trying to enter the merit or demerit of he doing that, because he was from his own point of view justified in doing that, but he did try to change the subject.
>Is this supposed to be a therapist session? It's just teen angst and bullying and not much more than that.
>No, they'd call him pathetic, end the conversation and leave him behind, like they always do whenever mike gets uppity. The daisy thing is just a tiny curveball.
See point above. Mike tried to deviate attention from the topic at hand. Whether he was justified or not in that is another matter

i can't wait for mike to schoolshoot the shit out of them.

IF THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED, THIS WOULD BECOME THE BEST-FUCKING-COMIC EVER. 10 fuckign years and then BOOM Lucy/Daisy/Paulo get dabbed on
Rache and Mike live happily ever after PLEASE

Attached: Universe hates mike (.jpg (1280x720, 106K)

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It's the only thing that will save this shitty comic.

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There's like no MikexRachel content out there.

There's 3x as much PauloxMolly on the booru.

Ain't gonna happen


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What if Paulo fucked Abbey too?

>implying it's not leading up to that
Do i need to brign up the pasta AGAIN?!

Very unlikely, he'd have to dislodge the stick up his ass before attempting anything down there

Why does every ostracized young male have to be a school shooter? I don't understand this meme. Plus it's hard to be Right when you're a serial killer and Mike was, of course, Right.

Not them, but why would you argue about whether or not Mike did something without meaning to then make a value judgement about it? Seems like a pretty shallow discussion. Anyways, I think Mike was too majorly pissed for his rant to be a calculated attempt to change the subject, and there wasn't even a real discussion to derail anyways.

I meant to make some but there's such a long gap between my drawings that I'm starting from scratch every time. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to draw an aesthetically pleasing anthro cat head. Anyways if any drawfags reading would be so kind, requesting Mike and Rach sleeping in bed together with Mike's head on Rachel's chest and his arm across her.

so why is mike being hated on by everyone now even tho lucy is the ungrateful, selfish, conceited little shit that actually tried to kill herself which basically means "i dont give a shit about any of you". why does everyone still orbit her?

>BCB ends with a school shooting

she's a woman

Attached: dab.jpg (800x533, 22K)

not only that, she tried to kill herself because a guy she
>made bleed
>was basically forced to be her babysitter
told her she was a fucking cunt and he hated her

You for real dude? They don't know about that, for one, but it would just garner more sympathy if they did, which is an entirely realistic reaction. They always preferred Lucy to Mike, and after almost losing her they're even more attached. Lucy being a self-centered shitheel is true, but not really relevant to any of them. Also desu.

To be fair no one knows she tried to kill herself besides Mike and Augustus. The others just think she was away for some reason against her will and doesn't want to talk about it.

Molly a chubchub

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>I am extremely bothered by their height differences. Was it always this stark?
Not before 2015.
Even the early weeb paper scribbles were more consistent and less freaky.

Dont eat the supplies, Molly! How are you gonna build your empire?

gotta get those muns

Attached: molly15.png (697x421, 390K)

>What is it with bcb fan comics and the inability to draw anime cat faces.
What's Taeshi's deal with being incapable of drawing anything but that?
Worst part is she used to be okay at the rest.

Does this author have a name?

Daisy is gonna destroy her for messing with her turf.

There's only so many times Paulo can give him the same advice to communicate with sandy more and stick up for his needs in a relationship before he was bound to get sick of it. In a way, it mirrors Mike leaving Lucy, except Mike didn't romantically lead Paulo on and Paulo was a more willing crutch to Mike than Mike was to Lucy.


Attached: 13908 - Draw_Stream Lucy Paulo Taeshi_(Artist).png (1200x800, 148K)

thank you LeakyAnon i love you

Lucy truly is the worst.

Attached: knows how to pick a winner.png (1146x1134, 36K)

Mike made daisy cry and he wants candy. Lucy and Augustus happened to be the lesser of two evils for this specific situation

I'm really not seeing the comparison. Never in a million years would I describe Paulo as a "crutch" for Mike.

wtf I'm fascist now

the fuck is this

Here we go again

I think the key term is "willing", although I do think "crutch" is misleading. Meaning Paulo was more willing to be help Mike than Mike was willing to help Lucy


Were we ever shown how close sandy and daisy supposedly were in the past? This drama between the two seems so forced to me and I honestly have a hard time feeling sympathy for Daisy she comes off as clingy for no real good reason.

There's this, although it isn't part of the comic

Attached: 1493424180423.png (1200x800, 148K)

Moment they find out they are gonna turn on Mike even harder

Agreed. Daisy is one of the most clingy characters. Lucy used to be. Then after the attempted suicide arc Daisy took her place. Although, now that I think of it that is debatable. Lucy clung to Mike most, then Paulo for a brief spell. Daisy clung to Mike, then Augustus, then Abby, then Mike again. Now she seems clingy with Paulo. She is generally whiney and/or clingy to anyone who will give her the time of day, stroke her constantly dwindling ego and throw her a pity party. Then a long time ago Suitecase and Taeshi even said Daisy would be the most likely character to cheat. Just butter her up and teller how pretty she is and she's yours. I'm pretty sure that how they describe her. I pitty any other character who is unfortunate enough to wind up with this pudgy ho-bag of insecurities. Daisy is worst girl ever for me.

Thats it though?? I really dont think the tell don't show is working. Shit just comes off as petty to me, especially when Sandy is made out to be someone pushed extremely hard into the adult world by her mother.

This is all I could find by skimming through likely-seeming parts of Part 1, from chapter 40.

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>I knew her when she was in elementary so I know who she is now
Daisy really is the worst girl what the fuck is wrong with this bitch

>Daisy is one of the most clingy characters
That is like, the defining trait of her character. She is petty and clingy and I may not think Mike is the best character I think he is certainly correct in that she needs to let go and grow up. If she wanted to reconnect with sandy I am sure she could but she doesn't even try. Why should sandy put in effort if she won't either?


Attached: 1496998564655.png (489x915, 133K)

>her characters hate 60 million+ people
wow what happened to love and tolerance

This is THE WORST comic to be posted consistently in this board, you fucking furfags have the worst taste of any fandom.

OoooOOH are we gonna talk about how they are flip-flopping hypocrites with questionable tastes?

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When the fuck did Sandy tell daisy she doesn't deserve to be remembered? And she did remember iirc it just wasn't immediately which isn't surprising at all considering how young they were and how long ago it was and sandys life in general.

god I miss the older artstyles

It's more of an implication given by Sandy not remembering or contacting her, although as other anons have said it was a long time ago and Daisy doesn't seem to have put much effort into getting into contact herself. Paulo's probably referencing what Mike said more than Sandy herself, anyway.

they say that they have the whole story mapped out and I imagine some parts have been kept, but too assume that they have always been on the ball? Ha! This story has had so many changes both small and drastic that even the authors had no idea where they were going at times. Mike was Supposed to be based on the anime version of what Teashi assumes the literal perfect guys was supposed to be. Hence why literally EVERY girl in his school wants his dick even if they have never formally met him. Lucy is the ultimate thunder. She's a raging fucking bitch, who everyone hates at first, but is just misunderstood. But everyone likes her eventually, because of her special Mary Sue powers. Teasho had no idea what the fuck to do. She wrote the story with the endgame in mind, started to flip-flop until she decided she like LucyxPaulo most, but Suite put an end to that and forced her to go back to the original plan because he has a raging boner when he thinks of Paulo fucking that fat disgusting waste of fluff space. Taeshi decided to fall in love with old pairing system cause Suite said so and he's always right. Then they became massive far-left SJW pandering cunts and had to make Polo be bi, but totally gay for perfect boy kitty (I mean he HAS to experience why everyone wants to ride mike's dick, right?). Then they go on this weird political tirade (see political Facebook posts above) to shame people into voting Democrat. "If you vote conservative the cast would hate you and would not be your friends? Are you fucking serious?! They're fucking cartoon cats in a shitty-written webcomic not worth the patreon money to view next weeks page! And none of them make a good fucking decision in this comic, why would anyone vote how they wanted them to anyway? Sounds like a good reason to do the opposite actually. And shaming your own fanbase into voting for certain political party that you DEMAND that they must vote or else you wouldn't like them?

I mean Jesus Christ these two cunts are a fucking disease!! I would NEVER support someone who pulls this shit.

*My god that was a long winded wall of text even for me. Sorry eveybody!

>Lucy is the ultimate thunder

Attached: lightning-south-coast-england-it-looks-like-armageddon-steroids-said-justin-stokes-who-took.jpg (1024x627, 43K)

So this is her true power...

Attached: scared.jpg (226x261, 25K)


Lol. I meant "tsundere", but my stupid phone auto-corrects everything.

>Lucy or Paulo giving a shit about politics
Both are way too self-absorbed and short-sighted to think about larger issues.

>hate conservative voters
Proof that Taeshi doesn't understand her own characters and/or doesn't give a shit about consistency.

>an australian and his puerto rican wife hate a politician that wants to reduce immigration because people are tired of foreigners trying to direct the course of the country

I always think it's funny when people seem to have no self-awareness.

>tfw the last 2 years have been an Abbey winning compilation

>no bitchy clingly gf anymore
>no more drama from the "squad"
>cute conservative gf that isn't fat
can't believe Abbey is now best boy WTF

Mike really needs to get dumped by Sandy, then dump his dumpster fire of a "friend" circle in turn, then join up with Table B a-s-a-fucking-p.

I love how everyone correctly identifies Abbey being shipped with Jasmine.

Taeshi didn't even wait a single chapter to hook up the character she discarded from the main cast with an older discard. She didn't even wait a few pages!

Anybody have that page of previews for the current volume? The one with Sandy on the phone looking sad? There's another picture there of a dodgeball confrontation between Abbey and Paulo, and I'm pretty sure it hasn't happened yet. Abbey might have been lucky enough to get booted into irrelevance now, but don't forget that he's still the designated Paulo antagonist.

>Mike dumps Sandy
>Leaves the friendgroup
>Joins Abbey and Jasmine's table
>Mike convinces Rachel to do the same
>Augustus gets fed up with Lucy's shit and joins the other table too
>David too for the memes
Paulo, Lucy, and Daisy forever BTFO

Abbey's one remaining narrative hook (his hatred of one of the main characters) has to be purged, I guess. This will probably also be an occasion to further ship Paulo and Daisy.

I hate the way the preview makes Paulo look pathetic in the Ferris wheel scene, as if he's just being shot down and is making an awkward spectacle of himself when actually Lucy is to blame for the whole bad situation.

Attached: 20190420_125317.jpg (1504x2016, 716K)

Honestly, it's a testament to how bad this comic is that I'm now finding Abbey to be the most likeable character.
If you think about it, the Abbey sperging out and dumping Daisy was just Taeshi's way of reacting to having to change ships again because Suit demanded it.
>tfw Abbey was really looking into the future to see how shit things were gonna get

We're right before the third panel right? I don't recognize that Daisy from anywhere. Also I'm gonna guess Lucy bombs her SATs.

In the process totally changing the depiction of his anger problem from uncontrollable flashes of violent rage he explicitly described as always leaving him feeling guilty to being a jealous conniving cunt over the course of weeks.

Since that panel is about the art-style it probably doesn't refer to any event.

>Daisy doesn't seem to have put much effort into getting into contact herself
Thats what honestly is bothering me the most about this. She kept in touch with Mike(though poorly), she could have done the same. At least then her salt would be justified.

>Augustus gets fed up with Lucy's shit and joins the other table too
He won't. The new Cuckgustus is the designated Lucy bff and even if he wasn't, she's got him by the room and board leash.

>Sandy's call after more Abbey v Paulo drama and an SAT chapter
Hope to god this isn't fully chronological. The only thing keeping be going through this chapter is the hope of sweet Sandy drama.

Isn't Lucy supposed to be fairly smart? Her only weakness is English from what I remember. I'm guessing the SAT's will be happening at the same time as some sort of Alejandro drama, judging from the blurb sounding like a callback to her "I'll fight for you" back in Love Again. Or something external. Not only can I not see either of them doing poorly on the SAT, but it's just a boring subject, especially since the comic ends this school year.

Abbey has alot of potential and at least has more depth then many of the other characters. It's just the way he was shittily handled, during Volume 3-4 his backstory with his family, Molly and his adoptive parents was pretty decent - along with that chapter with Daisy and Abbey having some sexual intrigue (kinda fell on its face but w/e).

Less so when he was a screaming strawman about being a whiteknight and obvious conservative stand in during the school president disaster.

Plus there was a wholesome chapter with him and Jasmine bonding a bit..

>there was a wholesome chapter with him and Jasmine bonding a bit
That was just pre-shipping, preparing for him to be disposed of

>BCB set to end Junior year instead of Senior with them graduating..

Kinda dumb desu, though a BCB but now in college would possibly elevate the story a bit, though its doubtful because it will probably still be super watered down.

Imagine the nightmare of writing that would be Taeshi's take on college kids.

What's with this shitty ass filter over everything but the characters and the outlines? Feels like I'm looking at a magic eye picture.

Attached: 1489214758679.jpg (351x351, 22K)

>a consistent art style for once
ie this is my new rut and this time I'm staying in it.

Attached: 1444330223285.jpg (460x322, 17K)

>Mikes face when this Halloween bullshit ends with him getting dumped after his friends ditched him

Attached: attack on titan angry.png (734x1080, 538K)

A page preview indicates he's going to be a miserable sad sack while Lucy's having a good time shooting the shit with the group. It's going to be so fucking exhausting because you know this is going to drag for months and despite how cathartic it would be, Taeshi will never allow Mike to get past this without Lucy descending from on high in some vomit-inducing narrative capacity.

Damn shame. It would be nice if Mike hit the rough patch but worked past it and just completely cut Lucy out of his life if for at least awhile.

This ain't over till Lucy admits she was wrong.

Attached: 20190702_002929.jpg (800x173, 48K)

>gang corners shattered Mike
>lets them shove him around for a while because who cares at this point
>Alejandro nabs his phone and scrolls through the texts
>oh this is gold
>look at all this desperate mewling
>aww poor widdle maishul got his heart broken
>and all his little friends are blasting him for...
>that white BITCH
>still alive but
>oh green eyes we had you all wrong
>thought you were a wannabe hero or a doormat but
>shows him the scar
>yeah Alejandro knows a thing or two about ungrateful whores dragging a guy down
>a brother just needs a place to lay his weary head
>all they need in return is a little info on the white bitch
>only a detail or two
>then maybe they can finish the job she fucked up
>no more white bitch
>everybody wins


>this is stupid
>hung up on Lucy all this time
>yeah she hurt them but
>what are they even doing
why haven't they moved on with their lives and-
>of course
>it's so obvious now
>she was never worth the effort
>none of them are
>fuck Lucy
>fuck his friends
>fuck Sandy
>fuck everyone
>and fuck these losers most of all
>he's pissed at being used and abused and slandered but sure as hell isn't a goddamn murderer
>now he's snarking at the gang and they're getting mad
>no one's coming to save him
>no one ever has
>not for his own sake at least
>maybe things used to be different
>but that was a long time ago
>now he stands alone and
>let's be real
>that's more than enough
>god reflexes activate
>trounces the gang
>takes a beating but limps away the victor
>steps over their broken groaning bodies
>sarcastically thanks them for their time
>that really helped him clear his head
>wipes away some blood as he slouches at a lonely bus stop
>somehow Mike has never felt better

Attached: 1533868926872.png (300x184, 20K)

And of course she decided to stick with the worst one.

Some lazy attempt at making it look like ancient colored comics, because due to how they were printed those also had some weird dots going on.
But at least they had them for a legitimate reason.

>than Mike was willing to help Lucy
I wouldn't say that, mike helped lucy more than paulo ever did overall



Mike never was "willing" to help Lucy, he was more resigned to it than anything. Paulo, on the other hand, approached Mike on his own volition and took interest in his problems, it wasn't Mike that pushed them on him

>he was more resigned to it than anything
Not sure how you confused recent with overall, but okay.
>on his own volition and took interest in his problems
No argument here

God Mike is a manlet right now. Is all the relationship drama just turning him into a goblin?

The more they shit on him the tinier he will become

All the better for Daisy to kidnap.

Attached: tumblr_inline_pnz4gbR7Qh1r557vl_1280.png (1280x960, 222K)

Dang old shrink witch

you sound autistic

what panel shes talking about ?

And yet he's probably spot on.

There it is baby
You oughta get at least one (You) for this

Attached: smug mike.png (270x270, 40K)

>End of the night
>Sandy actually calls back after that message
>Mike is ecstatic that his phone even rang in the first place, let alone that it's Sandy
>Answers the phone is haste and they start talking
>"Mishul... I think we should break up"

>He thinks it's because of the whole phone thing
>Hatred for Lucy and Paulo multiplies

>Daisy for being a petty little shit
>Paulo for making the call
>Lucy for really making things worse by just existing
And so begins Mike's Punished arc

Would he be wrong, though? It's the call that would push her to finally pull the trigger. Also it certainly looks like Paulo did this to spite him, not out of friendship. Mike would be entirely right to get pissed, even if he needs this breakup.

Eh sorta. In the context of the moment hed be kind of right but she was probably looking for an excuse so it wouldn't have mattered

Yeah I'm not arguing about that. Mike is clearly being led on out of pity or because Sandy enjoys the fawning. But the call is the catalyst for the breakup.

>or because Sandy enjoys the fawning
I don't think she would have bust out in tears on her date with Mike if she were enjoying how things stand.

She can like the attention and feel guilty about it too.

Alright so I've been keeping up with this comic for years but its been so long I think I lost track of the plot, didn't Lucy kill herself? Like I know she jumped off the building and Augustus saved her, but didn't she do it a second time and start haunting Mike? How is she now back to normal and doing regular angst stuff? Are we still in a flashback? What the fuck is going on?

You're thinking of an alternate-universe one-shot comic where Lucy dies instead of surviving her jump. It was intended to be a paywall'd little extra but they put up on the main website because they ran low on completed pages to publish.

There wasn't a second time. That was an alternate universe where she actually died after jumping. Sadly, that was the best possible ending for all the characters. Even Lucy.

It's the only time she's ever realized that she has friends who love her. And it took being dead for decades for her to realize it. What a cunt.

Ghost Lucy was the end of BCB for me.

Attached: file_9.png (573x504, 250K)

>alternate timelines intended to be paywall'd

goddamn no wonder I was confused, at least that clears that up

They're all lazy napkin doodles anyway. Near zero effort for those BCIbucks.

I'd want to behead Sandy and put her head on a pike too if she named me Porsche.

I'm curious about how Lucy talked herself into hating Mike. Objectively speaking, she's the one who obsessed over him endlessly despite his rejection, despite her having supportive friends, and despite her being the one who jumped specifically because he offered a do-over right when she had no way to capitalize on it. Suddenly upon her return he's the enemy.

My take: Taeshi thinks therapy is a load of useless garbage based on her past diary comics. Lucy got therapy and ended up pinning her problems on Mike. Now she's giving him a taste of his own medicine (in her view) while also trying to convince herself she's a good person by "letting Paulo down easy" and dispensing relationship "wisdom."

Bipolar bitches aren't logical. He said mean things ergo genius the bad guy, no matter how justified his outburst was

>He gets so mad he goes full circle and just calmly writes everyone off

I'm still not sure if she totally hates him. The relationship chart says she "distrusts" him, so it looks like she doesn't think she can afford to let him be a part of her life again. Her major thing in their first conversation after she came back was Sandy, so it looks like she thinks he'll just abandon her again if she tries to start over. Granted, this points to a very limited understand of her part in fucking up their relationship. She's probably remembering him blowing up on her for Sandy-related reasons when she was trying to be nice in December, but that ignores how awful she was many times before.

It makes sense that she looks like she hates him now. She was a cruel bitch to him when she was head over heels for him, her being even worse when she just distrusts him is a given.

>she's a good person by "letting Paulo down easy"
It's hilarious to imagine Taeshi thought she was portraying Lucy handling the situation well. She let Paulo think they were on a romantic date for hours, got angry when he wanted to forgive her wrongdoing, lied about him never having a chance, and was flippant wrapping it up ("Look...whatever"). The only thing she did right was clearing up her earlier lie.

>"Little babies who wanna pick fights stay behind"
>Paulo is the one who even brought up sandy in the first place
>Lucy butting into their conversation with unsolicited advice
>Daisy's stupid passive agressive comments
>Paulo stealing his phone and fucking with his relationship

when is my man Mike gonna drop the hammer

Attached: 1558990164368.png (519x325, 127K)

>She's probably remembering him blowing up on her for Sandy-related reasons when she was trying to be nice in December, but that ignores how awful she was many times before.
This is important. Lucy's mistake in December was trying to turn back the clock to when she and Mike were all right without dealing with what a load she was. It's hard to accept this didn't have a role in Mike's refusal to trust her olive branch.

I think it's more likely it was intended to simply be "Lucy tried to be nice but Mike was mean!" though.

When his sheer rage overcomes the manlet curse

I think her hating Mike is a symptom of trying to build up a new sense of internal self-worth. Emphasis on trying. She's still reliant on outside validation, but now Augustus is the source. Thanks to her Big Good Deed, he's living proof she's a decent person. If she let Mike back into her life, the guy who was her emotional crutch for years, she risks leaning back on said crutch and getting it swept out from under her again. So she comes up with any excuse she can to reject him, short of an honest talk because she's still terrible at opening up for real. Maybe it started with fake rebuffs in the face of emotional conflict, but by now she's internalized that distaste and bought into her own lie. To a lesser extent, Lucy also wants to avoid depending on her friends (which isn't new at all) so has been keeping them at arm's length. Hence her rejection of Paulo and her initial neutrality toward Sue. Notice that she did look uncertain when Paulo called her out but doubled down at the end. She's still vulnerable as ever and has a very unhealthy denialist method of dealing with it because she's frankly not actually evolved a real sense of personal value. Sort of a pseudo-narcissism.

>Mike gets the old Edward Elric-tier late growth spurt

Maybe Taeshi was trying to portray it as the clusterfuck that it was. The only one who walked away thinking they'd done good is Lucy. Paulo was so fucking pissed that he decided Mike Was Right, for a little while anyway.

i miss the old art style

Conspiracy theory: the buffer is fine, Taeshi just didn't like the direction the story was taking and needed time for a big rewrite.

Guys these 'Mike's gonna come out on top' fantasies are getting kind of sad.

Attached: 1466311805598.png (537x699, 135K)

Just let us believe this comic can actually get decent, user.

She did seem to reference it being her fault she lost her good relationship Mike in the carnival chapter.

Attached: 1563839372886.png (1204x367, 289K)

self-insertfags are the worst

Lucy self inserters? Of course. Paulo selfinserts? Yeah thats a few of them. Mike self inserts? I've literally never heard anyone try to make the claim that they exist. Who the fuck would do such a thing, how self hating do you have to be?

Mike is the undercat. We just want to see all these cunts get BTFO.

This. The comic shits on him for stupid reasons, so it's hard not to cheer for him over the other dysfunctionals.


Is he really, though? He's been on top for most of his life, and he's the main cause of his own grief. The Mike fantasies in this thread are "pssst, nothing persunnel kid"-tier

>he's the main cause of his own grief
In the sense that he let himself get pushed around by Lucy and went too far when he snapped back.


I just want him to shoot up the school. Fuck

Sounds like the embodiment if a schoolshooter.
They're either like the type of manlet you described or undiagnosed phsycho's.

The school shooting stuff? Yeah. The rest? A lot of it just seems to be Mike getting to act like Lucy. He hasn't had a victory in a long time.

Like a lot of her scenes where she regrets treating Mike poorly, Mike himself never gets to see the regret, ensuring that the audience will feel bad for her without Mike being given reason to trust her. This does reinforce that she's just being a bitch to keep him away and not because of hatred. I'm still not convinced that she's really internalized how much fault she really has.


She doesnt hate hate him but she gets satisfaction of him squirming. Worst case scenario it will hit her if Mike tries to off himself and she'll successfully reconcile now that he was on the receiving end or some crap like that. It will be stupid and hopefully it doesnt go down like that

It seems that whatever is happening now is somewhat of a parallelism of what he said to Lucy in December: whatever he said would happen to her, is happening to him instaed, and most of it because he started lashing out at everyone since Lucy came back.
He's digging his own grave, and Lucy will be the one to help him out of that

Should be someone like Rachel to help him out like how Seph Cat helped Lucy

>whatever he said would happen to her, is happening to him instead
Is that what she's going for? It's all so contrived I could barely tell that
>He's digging his own grave
>and Lucy will be the one to help him out of that
Fuck no, leave mike alone. Lucy can fuck right off, mike needs an entirely new group of friends

I feel like people defeding Lucy and/or shitting on Mike didn't read the comic.

>Fuck no, leave mike alone. Lucy can fuck right off, mike needs an entirely new group of friends
You know it's gonna happen already, it's been telegraphed long ago

Sadly it will probably happen. I would like if he at least still told her to fuck off and sorted shit out himself. Then they could possibly reconcile later.

This Lucy dindu shtick is horribly obnoxious. She did lots of du.

Most Lucyfags didn't even read the first 3 volumes. They just think Mike is le bad for no reason.

Is this comic actually good?

No, go away

Bad comics tend to get huge, regular threads on Yea Forums

Wlie I agree, I'm pretty sure that is exactly what is going to happen. No matter how much we hate it, the authors have deemed that they need to get together, so that means Mike will cave, Lucy will comfort, they will bang and the comic will then be over. That's what this story was all about to begin with. Oh and Paulo banging Daisy. That has to happen too. Suites massive boner for these two won't facilitate that NOT happening.


Good for rage

When is Mike gonna stop being a BITCH


Then why have anyone made a paranatural thread in months

Some time after he is dumped and he works through his emo phase

Now that's a quality joke.

It's not good, but I like it

>Paulo banging Daisy.
That shit is more janky than homo polo since it'd be like pseudo incest because poloboy views the fatty we're supposed to believe is an Amazon as his little sister.
But baglad is a Turboweeb par autismal, so some implied incest is awwright, also their hypocritical reactions to people shipping polo and Molly.

Man, I wanna see more of Abbey and Jasmine, or literally any interaction that isn't just the main characters bitching at each other for no reason.

Attached: maractus.png (365x370, 145K)

You seem to forget Paulo had his mind made up about trying getting together with Daisy after Acapulco, and the only thing that stopped him was the fact that Abbey got together with her while they were all prancing around in Mejico. The feeling was there at some point, it might come back again, especially if Paulo never properly dealt with it.

I know right. In all honesty, I think their disdain for people shipping PauloxMolly could have something to do with that whole weird incest thing
Pretty sure bagboy made a story of Abby banging Molly before her wedding or some weird shit like that. It seems to fit him well anyway.

Best ship

Attached: JEMCIV_artist_Polly_remastered_colour.png (1280x934, 323K)


Attached: Polly.png (180x331, 69K)

They're the fun group now, not drama ridden like the main cast. I can see an actual Abbey x Jasmine ship rising from there if they get enough attention and it wouldn't even be too bad.

AbbeyXJasmine isn't inherently horrible like PauloxDausy or MikexLucy but it does feel very artificial as two discarded characters have been hooked up seemingly for the sake of it.

>Steals your girl
>Steals your sister
Continue on this path and he will get it on with Abbey's mother
And his adopted mother

This is my only problem with it. If it happens (which could be pretty cool) it's just two throwaway characters. Not like they will actually develop them more for the readership. I'm sure there will be more to do with them, but it will be half-assed like everything else is. The main focus will be on developing the main ships; PauloxDaisy and MikexLucy. The worst of the worst. It seems like bad writing and way too predictable to have any of the main characters end up together. As toxic as they are they probably shouldn't even be near each other. They just created more problems for each other; MikexLucy. Or make their already existing problems worse; PauloxDaisy (i.e. Paulo catering to Daisy's emotional crisises and telling her she's perfect and doesn't need to grow... unless of course he gets angry with her). I imagine their future would be spot on to one reader request in booru of Paulo feed a disgusting Daisy stuck in a bed. But hey, it's Tae and Suits comic. They have a right to fuck it up all they want. I'll just be back week after week to shit all over with the rest of you.

Infact I found the pic. Here's the link:


Agreed! This should happen in their future comic!! (Shortly before Paulos death at the hands of Abbey I mean)

Should he really raise a hand to his niece or nephew's father?

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Does Paranatural fulfill this criteria?

>is this fetish art
>No. Taeshi doesn't draw fetish art.

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I miss Suzy

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My god. Just looking at this pic makes me want to hurl. Disgusting!! And probably Daisy's future to. He brings her food, keeps her nice and comfy in bed, then heads out because he has to "work late" with Abbey's sister.

I approve! Needs to be a thing in the future! Now how to tell bedridden overweight Daisy.

And to think this thread was so close to actually being archived.

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That is definitely the full extent of that comic.

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it's amazing how much daisy wants to be fucked by an alpha male

based leaky-eye user

this is percect, also she's probably the only girl smaller than him. matchmade in heaven

Amazing how thoroughly Taeshi scuttled this ship. Daisy x Abbey was going strong for a while there. The next logical step was Daisy reconciling her lingering feelings about Mike. But we can't have that and now she's a hate sink.

Yep. That is totally the real ending of it.

>makes the conflict
>dissapears during the fight
>comes after everything is done
Is David secretly playing 4D chess to ruin everything?

Every time I see one of these comics someone's crying or getting in a fight over something stupid. What the fuck is the appeal of this?

Don't read this comic.

Well user, if you must know, this is why we keep reading. but read it quickly before the mods delete it.

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Quick Mike! Chuck a brick at em and run!

>He's been on top for most of his life
Putting up with Lucy for all that time, so definitely not "on top." Mike was wasting his time with Lucy and Sandy when he could have found an actual girlfriend. Even Daisy would've been serviceable at that point.

>and he's the main cause of his own grief.
Mike's two sources of grief are 1) sperg fits and 2) refusal to face the glaring issues with his long-distance relationship. Issue one is born out of endless frustration with his so-called friends, in conjunction with issue two. These are people who lend him support maybe once in a blue moon. Outside of that, Mike is taken for granted and his choices actively shat upon. Paulo, for once in his life, tried giving Mike some honest help and gray cat actually opened up. It didn't stick of course, but considering his only emotional support up till then had been Sandy I don't consider that a huge surprise. And predictably, no one tried again until Sue picked the absolute worst possible time to finally act concerned. Mike had zero reason to expect anything but the worst by that point. Paulo had gone from comfy bro status right back to tormenting the guy over Sandy. Again. So of course Sue catches the flack and OF COURSE she decides Mike's irredeemable. Seriously, fuck Sue with a rusty hoe. She'll pine after Lucy's antisocial abusive she-dick until the end of time, but when Mike is the one obviously teetering on the edge of a breakdown, oh no, that's just not her problem. What a fucking hypocritical favorite-playing bitch.

I'll amend my previous statement. Mike's third source of grief is never dumping these garbage "friends" and finding people who'd give an honest fuck about his well-being. No wonder he ended up this way.

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>thread still alive

Based and mikepilled, especially about Sue
>refusal to face the glaring issues with his long-distance relationship
The main problem is a lack of action to fix the problems. He readily admitted to Daisy that Sandy hadn't contacted him in weeks. He's not stupid, he just feels trapped. His relationship with her is the only thing he trusts for emotional support, and you can only be so assertive with somebody who can just not pick up the phone if they get tired of you, something he's been anxious about for a while given the nightmare.

Speaking of the nightmare, dream Lucy told him pretty clearly to kill himself. I'm almost certain he's going to make an attempt or get very close.

Forgot pic

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when / what was the nightmare?

Starting here:
And then on page 14 the Lucy quote I'm referring to
>If you really changed your mind..
>You could join me
This while holding a knife up to his face while she's bleeding to death

>Lucy dies
>Mike gets life in prison
A happy ending

The "depressed Mike tries to off himself, Lucy descends from on high to fix him" storyline is almost certain to a obnoxious degree. But it would be nice to see Lucy's OH SHIT response when she realizes she's pushed too far/done nothing to stop this after her own brush with death.

Sincerely why does Mike even bother with his 'friends' anymore? They never help him, he almost never has a good time being around him, and they seem to actively and knowingly make more problems for him than a single one of them is worth. The best thing for Mike right now wouldn't have anything to do with his shitty relationship, or whatever the hell his hatefuck relationship with Lucy is, but just to get away from them and find some new fucking friends. Regardless of who is at fault he's pretty much reached a point where he loses more than he gain by being friends with these tards.

It's hard to believe she's learned much from her own experiences given how she handled dumping Paulo; being both too harsh and too detached/flippant; exactly the source of her angst in receiving Mike's two rejections of her.

Lucy doesn't know how to push people away without being a huge bitch. I think her low key rebuffs toward Sue was a learning-as-she-goes experience. Overshot things with Paulo, so now she's dialing it back to neutral dis-enthusiasm. Now she's either enjoying herself too much to cut things off proper or she's building up to Sue's own harsh rejection.

To him hes got nothing else I guess

>Acapulco arc
Is this shitshow part of chespirito universe?

He was developing a decent relationship with Paulo

>not posting the original one

BCB is too soulless to be part of that universe

Yeah but fuck character development, that has no place in the I Hate Mike arc.

If you focus a little more you will be able to hear the sound effects.

I thought for a brief five seconds that Paulo was going to be a good slap in the face instead of a bad one, then he just saunters off with Daisy and starts badmouthing Mike that so directly opposes the idea of him trying to be helpful (if aggressively so) towards Mike. It's just like Paulo's character really lacks direction in this chapter.

A question from someone who doesn't know anything about this comic, does the gray cat really deserve that?

Yes. Everyone in this comic is a bad person cat (or dog?).

Well, of course! The whole point of the last few pages was Paulo sticking up for Daisy. He has to protect his waifu. She's the new center of his universe. And because of that all development for him must cease so he can focus on her at the detriment to his friendships and character. Because in BCB you can't stick up for one person and be friends with another. It just doesn't work that way.


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In a vacuum, maybe? In the context of the whole story, not really. Read the thread dude. Or better yet, the comic :^)

It's weird how little really went into this. Like they became friends again after Paulo pretty much dropped him for Lucy, but seemingly only to make this chapter seem like a longer fall for Mike. Paulo apologized in that brief intermission but not only do we not see them really interact again, but apparently they canonically didn't really hang out afterwards either. Even beforehand it's the occasional "bro is Sandy being a bitch again" without much else. At least Paulo used to come over to his house, if only to mooch off his phone or snacks or whatever. Them being "friends" isn't really companionship so much as just the brief absence of Lucy-related drama.

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Yes, but some deserve it more but don't get it
Be like me, don't read the comic besides what's immediately in front of you and just shitpost along

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Can't believe that I actually miss the OLD Lucy drama, because at least it didn't run on anti-logic. Also wasn't a fan of the watercolor style but at least it wasn't lazy hot garbage.

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What went so wrong, bros? How did we end up with current BCB?

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Amazing how much better looking Mike used to be. Chibi Mike is an abomination
>the old art was too furry! here, enjoy my new artstyle! It's pure shit but it's not furry!

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They're talking cartoon cats and the girls have boobs. It's furry. Suitcase failed, as usual.

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Are you making a point or just trying to stir up random discussion? I'm fine either way, just curious.

I can't quite put my finger on what makes this style so much more appealing. I mean the proportions, yeah, but I'm talking about the heads on their own. I get that traditional is more forgiving when it comes to expressiveness, but still. I think it's the foreheads being bigger in the new style but I can't be sure.

Lucy's arguably hotter than she was before if you just fix the size of her head. When her body isn't shorter than her head, that is.

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Did Lucy get mike that orange scarf?

Taeshi probably doesn't care about these characters anymore (13 years! and that's just the publishes stuff on the site!) but wants/needs to make bank off the comic.

Tess did. Him ditching the blue scarf (it's the color of Lucy's eyes SO ROMANTIC LESSTHANTHREE) arguably signaled he was going off her, although it would be many chapters before the actually pretty cool reveal that he was sick to death of her tsundere shit right in the middle of a typical scene for that kind of thing.

>mike taller than daisy
um no sweetie.

>Daisy:Lucy was NOT NICE! I shoulda stood up to her long ago!
>Lucy comes back

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lucy got fat huh....

>I can't quite put my finger on what makes this style so much more appealing.
It's that Taeshi put in actual effort. She actually came out and said that while the watercolors were a ton of work, she really liked working on them. It also served as an excuse for why she never tried to improve her art, because she was just too damn busy. Of course Bagboy probably talked her into going all digital with the chibishit to streamline the comic process. Taeshi probably isn't enthused with the change. Look how fucking lazy she is about basic height consistency. The art looks worse now because Taeshi just doesn't care.

Daisy would totally turn against Lucy again if Mike showed any interest at all in her.

Well, Lucy did give her a birthday gift and tell her how to live her life so I guess that gained her a few points.

>Lucy tells Daisy how much of an over-dependent boy-crazy loser she is
>Daisy suddenly on her side
Well what do you know, the way into a sad fat fuck's life is by drilling a hole through her heart.

>Lucy tells Daisy how much of an over-dependent boy-crazy loser she is
Eh, she really just said "you're not allowed near Augusts because I say so"...although she didn't do anything when Daisy joined up with her little group.

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I even liked this style better than chibishit. And this is basically just cute looking incompetence.

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>she really just said "you're not allowed near Augusts because I say so"
That was the final message in the end, but she still said some cold shit beforehand.
Also, what the fuck is happening right now? Is Lucy still trying to alienate everyone or what? Because it sure as hell isn't working. It's like everyone has battered woman syndrome or something.
Sue I understand because she's actively trying to piece together the events that led to Lucy disappearing and that involves kissing Lucy's ass. and Augustus because feels indebted to Lucy. but everyone else suddenly forgetting Lucy giving them the finger since she's come back is just so weird, even if Mike's acting like an autist it doesn't make her a better alternative.

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Still hurts

this part unironically hurts. i miss the hurtful BCB instead of the PLEASE KILL EVERYONE BCB

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Just imagine how stupid and soulless a the modern version of this would be. The characters don't feel lile real people anymore.

Back when BCB could inspire feelings beyond anger and tired disgust.

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Ah, so this is were it's from

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Mike was right there tho

I think its less that he doesn't deserve it and more that the characters dishing it out on him don't have any room to talk. A character getting what they deserve rings kind of hollow when its delivered from a hypocritical standpoint.

Mike really should have stuck to quietly blowing people off about the Lucy thing.


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he always is.

Mike's always right

I was just posting parts of the comic that contradict how the characters act now. All the characters were going through their own arcs revolving around their own issues, but now they solely revolve around Mike and Lucy. Characters used to both be in the wrong but now it's just biased towards one character. Very soon I'm probably going to drop this comic because so far it's just veered into bland, inconsistent territory.

I kind of get it in this context. This is strictly a basic friendship thing, a basic apology and clearing up that Mike is just intensely frustrated with her, not hateful. The problem is that all past experience with Lucy indicates to Mike that she will be an unreasonable bitch about it and no actual resolution will happen. Guy is plain tired of banging his head against the wall, which Daisy just does not get yet.

I -think- Lucy isn't supposed to be 100% right, or at least she wasn't supposed to be. But given Taeshi declaring all her dumbass characters would hate anyone who voted Republican, I distrust her ability to remain consistent.

And also what is this sudden trend of babying Daisy? Throughout the comic she's been shown to be a massive attention whore with low self-esteem. Everyone was shitting on her because of her boy crazy attitude. Now she's just treated like a their little pet how gets her way as soon as she whines. She's just pathetic.

It's all a part of her "character development." Also to be fair Lucy did totally shit on her.

i mean...they're all entitled litlte cunts so i'd believe it.
except paulo but he hangs out with them, so it rubbed off.

Why did paulo do it? why did he call her gf in front of everyone, i thought he was his friend

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He is rightfully sick of seeing Mike in an abusive relationship and being too blind to notice.

but why do it there, in front of everyone, also calling his girlfriend a bitch the fuck paulo.

Paulo did it to spite Mike because he made his new waifu cry. If Paulo actually cared he'd have stuck with Mike.

post the one where Lucy blows up Sandy


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At this point it's whether the authors care or not. They don't. They are just trying to get PauloxDaisy out of they way so they can move on to MikexLucy. In the the end that is what this whole story is about. All the bullsit we've gone through? The years spent reading this comic? It all leads to this. It was all for those two endgame ships and nothing more. More specifically MikexLucy. Or should I say, TaeshixSuitecase. I mean let's not pretend Mike is not Suite, Lucy is not Tae and Sandy is not the "internet relationship" that suite had that almost destroyed they're relationship back before they started dating and Taeshi had a massive crush on him. This is a point in their relationship that Taeshi still uses to punish the old bagboy from what I have see and read about it from the two of them and others.

This. He wouldn't have immediately turned around and started making fun of Mike's girlfriend issues if he had made that call with Mike's concern in mind. Instead Paulo just hangs up the phone, laughs, and fucks off to let Mike deal with the blowout of Paulo's actions.

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When he gets his height back. Man has been a manlet for years now.

Would Eren hate Lucy?

>Well what do you know, the way into a sad fat fuck's life is by drilling a hole through her heart.
Mike did just that, and Daisy seems to be moving to his side again, saying he's right and all, after a bit of crying.
You might be onto something

It net an even worse fate: falling into irrelevance

>points out lucy's flaw
>I get it, you hate me
Looks like it's mike's fault again

Being an attention white with low self esteem used to be a bad thing.

Now you have to accept that her feelings are, and I quote, "valid".

To shit on someone for requiring "validation" would be toxic and or problematic.

Oh yeah

Sick of Sandy related bullshit as he sees the writing on the wall. Could have went about it better but he wasn't wrong that it was bullshit

>Lucy snarks bullseyes at her friends
>Mike snarks bullseyes at his friends
Really makes you think.

>forces mike to go with a group of people that hate him
>humiliate him in front of everyone just to defend an attention whore bitch
>leaving him behind to play around with the anti-mike group and the attention whore
Paulo was 100% wrong.

>Is Lucy still trying to alienate everyone or what?
We don't know for sure this is what she's been trying to do, although it would explain what a massive cunt she is. For all we actually know Taeshi thinks she's depicting Lucy being a wise and awesome friend.

We were all wrong about Lucy's birthday gift to Daisy having any significance, after all.

We're grasping at straws that some of the things that are going on mean something or are building up to something.

If you are referring to forcing the issue then basically leaving Mike hanging when he blew up at someone he likes due to being pissed (no shit?) yeah.

He wasn't wrong about the Sandy thing being a road going nowhere and it isnt healthy for him. He just handled it pretty badly

>We were all wrong about Lucy's birthday gift to Daisy having any significance, after all.
I still want to know WHAT'S IN THE BOX! WHATS IN THE BOOOOX?

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Augustus took care of that already

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>Taeshi drew this
how long until it gets nuked from the booru?

Taeshi is a bad at clear storytelling. She used to sperg at her fans for not "getting the obvious" when it's really just her inability to get her intentions across.

Shes metaphorically trapping Mike in her bullshit
Yeah, I'm thinking he'd a bone with her. Mike too, for letting himself be trapped for so long.

i really like this style looks way more expressive and i bet it gives more freedom and is less stressing for the artist, totally looks like high school drawings tough

Well, some subtlety is good; "At Loose Ends" never spells out the twist regarding Molly and it's much better for it. It's mostly this present chapter which has confused things so much; if she's trying to dispose of her friends, why did she go out with Sue and accept everything following her around?

Before that there seemed to be a slow escalation of her nasty behavior towards her friends that initially obscures a trend but when it finally emerges you can see how it extends back....but now I wonder if I was just vainly hoping things were leading up to something.

I suppose they aren’t viewing those self-insert characters as awful people in a toxic relationship but it just shows who they are

Subtlety is good, but that's not what I mean. When Taeshi tries to get a point across to the readers, she often fails. In retrospect we can piece together what she meant thanks to later events, but at the time it just generates confusion. I am serious about Taeshi sperging out. She used to get infuriated at readers for misinterpreting a current page as if she hadn't been crystal clear.

The "happy birthday" page was a pretty serious example of this.

Then again some people apparently failed to realize that the time Augustus went to that roof to stop Lucy from jumping and the time she actually jumped were different occasions, so there are some dullards reading this comic.

Could you give some examples? I started reading after Lucy got back and wasn't here for this stuff.

Looking back it's weird how callous she was about distancing herself from her friends only for that attitude to just kind of peter out. Like she was balancing keeping her image up and cruelly driving everyone away and finally decided that her image was more important.

To elaborate on the "happy birthday" thing; chapter 63 was Lucy's birthday but Mike never wished her a happy birthday (which upset her) because he as fed up with her in general.

In the last page of chapter 92, long after coming to regret how hostile he had been toward Lucy, he says "happy birthday" while alone. It is not actually Lucy's birthday. Some people were very confused as to what was going on and thought it was Mike's birthday.

Not that user, but Taeshi was quite frustrated that readers did not understand that David is bisexual in her discord.

There was a BCB advert somewhere that confirms this to be the case.

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Oh my god! Yeah, I remember the days when the main sight had a comment section. My god, this bitch was insufferable. I remember the bitchfits she used to throw whenever someone asked a question she didn't like. How she didn't drive away all of her fans is beyond me.

She drove away most of them, actually. The readerbase used to be much bigger a few years ago

I like this style, good work if it's yours.

Remember asking Taeshi inappropriate questions directly via formspring?

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Comment section must have been fun

As much as Mike annoys me what they did to him was wrong. Paulo could've waited till he and Mike were alone to talk about Sandy. Then Lucy should've kept her mouth shut along with Daisy.

I thought the speech bubble was a censor blot it?

It's covering up Tyrone's humongous dick

Maybe people just thought that was pointless bullshit or just LGBT baiting?

Sauce? because while plausible, I can't revel in the schadenfreude without atleast some degree of truth.