Young Justice

Wally confirmed for not coming back, but that's okay because bisexual Kaldur fixes that.
Also more Harper Row next episode.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>They're both cheaters
I'm sure this will be the start of a healthy relationship.

Damn those are some slut eyes if I ever did lay me eyes on some.

Wow, I'm really, really glad I didn't pick this show back up after the return

Why the fuck is it that in the lesbian relationships, one always has to have colored haired, and shaved sides?

Literally, are dykes actually like this?
>There has been somefan shipping of Bart Allen and Eduardo Dorado Jr. online. So, curious if they are indeed a couple?

>Vietti:I’ve seen that online. It’s interesting. I definitely enjoy seeing sort of the interaction that we have with our audience as artists, as filmmakers, as storytellers. I like what we put on screen, right? Obviously we don’t tell every aspect of everything or we run out of screen time. This is an interesting case where the fans have sort of helped sculpt the story. Until we say one way or the other which way it goes, it really is sort of an exchange with the fans that they get to put into some of the gaps that we don’t fill up. It was very interesting and touching to see that some people, not everybody did, but some people did read that into it. I thought that was a very interesting idea.

most of them just do it for attention so yes

What are the new leaks?

Yes, I only think boobs are hot for attention, and not because I genuinely want to touch a boob.

Eat pavement, fool.

well its an old stereotype of "whos the man in the relationship" a butch goes with fem in the eyes of most.

The ones from last week or the most recent ones?

The newest I found is We're going back to Atlantis to see the old Aquaman, Kaldur's boyfriend and parents, and the new JL members being Blue Devil, Elongated Man, and Magog.

>Blue Devil, Elongated Man, and Magog.
Why add more characters? We all know they're only going to be in the background and say maybe one line. Who's even hyped to see Magog?

JLU had a shitload of background heroes that barely got a line. What's the point of getting mad about it?

I'm more surprised Magog is even in the JL line-up, though. If they wanted to really surprise people, how about Major Force?

Those are just Justice League members. It's going to be a cameo at most.

I would be more worried of the fact that the final episode is titled Nevermore. Quoth the Raven.

then why do lesbians always have to talk about how they're a lesbian. It's like a vegan bringing up how vegan he is constantly.

Confused, aren't those bads? Why the fuck do they keep doing them then?

It's not bad to be a stereotype. It's just bad to apply them to everyone, because not everyone is the same. That's like expecting everyone to watch Jeopardy.

Okay, but literally eveytime a dyke shows up in a cartoon, she always has
>Colored hair
>Shaved sides

At somepoint, is anyone gonna notice a trend?

This is Kaldur's boyfriend, say something nice about him.

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Reminder, Static is incel because he is pretty small for a black man, Ed who is two younger than him is significantly taller than him.

Blue Devil...
Is this some character they're adding for Jason's eventual backstory in the team?

Which Jason?

I mean, I mean....
It was Kid Devil who had some kind of distant relationship, but maybe they're going to show both?

I want to save Tara

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>straight dudes talking about wanting to fuck women is normal and good
>gay girls talking about wanting to fuck women is not, but is somehow "always" bringing up their sexual orientation
At one point bigots should just accept they're bigots. I don't care, live your life, but stop pretending there's a veneer of respectability.




Because JLU wasn’t as serialized as YJ. JLU was fun and episodic, where you could focus on different characters and such without any care.

And somehow JLU ended up doing a lot better at not being crowded than YJ.

>terra cucks beast boy yet again this time with a girl.

But that's Wally though, he is just wearing a blue wig.

>The Qur’an firmly forbids adultery in this verse: "Those who commit adultery, men or women, give each of them a hundred lashes" Qur'an 24: 2.
>Brunei is introducing strict new Islamic laws that make anal sex and adultery offences punishable by stoning to death.
>Death fall is not the sole penalty agreed upon by the Muslim Jurists as a punishment for this crime (homosexuality). The punishment here is controversial due to divergence of views among `Ulama in deducting ruling as regards this case from Shari`ah sources.

This girl is gonna be in A LOT of trouble when she brings this chick home. It's great that almost every forced LGBT inclusion into a tvshow in the past 10 years is a horrid stereotype, but none of the SJWs call them out because they either don't watch the show or are just too dumb and happy to see gays to see the blatant insults. Just some of the top of my head. Clydes dads from Loud House are flamboyantly gay, antiquing, effeminate, over protective, and their child needs therapy. Luna is a blatant butch short haired "bisexual" rocker girl. Bulldyke in Steven Universe efeminate over protective lesbian too. Clarances friends mom the hyperbull dyke. And now we have two lesbians here who are oversexual and cheaters. I also love how one of the discussions of Islam while looking for quotes I found this starts with:

>In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
>Most Merciful.

>Wally confirmed for not coming back

A leaker that has a great track record of being right.

actual lesbians? no, of course not, their looks vary greatly. young queerios larping as gay on tumblr for clout? often if not always look exactly like that.

Deed Jason.
Zombie League Jason.

Ugly as sin. Should have just made Garth gay. Probably the least important of the original TT.

>more Harper Row
She was unpopular in the comics, she will be unpopular in the show.
Why bother?

>Wally confirmed for not coming back, but that's okay because bisexual Kaldur fixes that.

I hope that's sarcasm, OP. Otherwise fuck you.

It isn't. I'm a huge Wallyfag and it crushed me to hear this but it is the truth.

that means he might be back in season 4 though.

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Same logic that the fujos are using. Hell at least with them there's at least Greg's retweet. Greg has pretty much not been shy to say Wally is dead.

Throw yourself off a roof please.

But user, Mohammed was the first feminist!

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This tbqh

i think i've only met two dykes who didn't do this, so no by a technicality.

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I like when he tried to kill Korra.

Major Force showed up in the comics and is currently in space fighting Darkseid iirc
Watch it until the last 3 minutes, the LGBT fujobait question is the last one. Regardless, the rest of the interviews are interesting.

Holy fucking shit I really despise long drawn out vague answers like this.

For fucks sakes Just say Yes or No!

Most of the questions asked were dogshit and so where the responses. Even literal socially awkward retarded autists like Arakawa give better concrete answers.

What are they? Politicians?

Holy crap, I can't wait for them to try to ask mercy from the fans in the next Comic Con when they try to explain why Wally is permanently dead.

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Good, Leave Wally out of this garbage and fucking around the Speed Force.

>bisexual Kaldur fixes that.
Lol what? Please be memeing you cocksucker.

she's not muslim and she's not from brunei retard lmao

>When sexuality becomes more important than character development because everyone demands animators make them porn catering to their specific fetishes... rather than good stories with interesting characters.

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>character development
>in YJ
Well now you know why people care so much about who sticks their dick in Bart, because there's nothing else to care about when that and plot meander.

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Halo is a shit character though

>hurp hurp hurp uhuhuhuh
i'm sorry did i spoil your fun, were you waiting all day to copy paste that useless and irrelevant information, like any of us are ever going to fucking brunei or even know where it is without using google

Nothing to see here, ignore.

Right? Drama has become the man point of all super-hero adaptions now. It's there in the comics, but there are also other stuff going on but normies by and large demand to see sexy, relationship-drama. That's all their horny brains are capable of comprehending at this point.

>Wally confirmed for not coming back

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do you think staight men do nothing but talk about women and how straight they are? Have you ever met a man in your entire life?

Which is why the desperate masses have to watch shonenshit. Do you think so many fools would be watching Boku no Shit if we had a few current capeshit cartoons on par with most of the DCAU cartoons? Fuck no.

That's another good point. People are drawn to anime because anime is shameless and manages to do more than just "gay relationship drama #40505043" like the West is try to pull off.

Hell when Japan does gay, it is fucking entertaining and interesting. This secondary villain is a more compelling character than fucking Halo.

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I kinda wondered if Savage ran into Mohammed in the past or was him

Yea Forums is triggered by anything Japanese though because the characters look cute.

What horrendous behavior

>Two characters with past relationships with men turn out to be dykes
I don't have enough energy to sarcastically be suprised

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>Elongated Man

fucking finally

pissed me off that Plastic Man was on the JL before him

Geo-Force, Nightwing, Miss Martian, Aquaman, Cyborg, Artemis, Superboy, Beast Boy, Blue Beetle (on season 2), Red Arrow and even Halo all seem to have a very clear arc, either on one season or throughout the show.

What arc? They develop off screen. Implying otherwise makes me laugh.

user, are you paying attention to the show?

Yes I am. Better question is are you paying attention or just lying for it?

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Oh ok you are gaslighting, neat.

I put some examples, and it's better than most cartoons anyway. What important character development happened in Teen Titans or Justice League or Spider-Man TAS or most superhero cartoons?

>lesbian Muslim
Can't wait until Halo gets a mission in the Middle East and the locals try throwing her off a roof.

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this is a woke cartoon user, they will welcome her with open arms. meanwhile those mean old Christians will try to eliminate her

But how will they show off how smart and deep they are?

That's just Vietti. He should be like Weisman whi simply answers with a NO SPOILERS to even stupid questions.

What is the point of Halo anymore? She jobs literally every fucking episode she's in and it's already confirmed she's dying slowly.

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They don't exist remember? If a girl is dating a guy and moves on to women, she just didn't realise she was lesbian, duh.

I hate how they keep propping up lesbians as bisexuals. They keep saying they are but all they ever fucking date are their same sex the moment they're revealed to be one. Jesus fucking Christ, it's so easy to tell they're pandering when that happens.

Is there a new updated mega link?


He probably did.

old WHITE christians you mean. Maybe the one black christian will feel bad for her and help her.

Calling it now. The twist of the season is going to be that Raven somehow manipulated everybody.

He probably respected him a lot. Both of them manipulate the masses and do horrible things.

>Savage probably hated Jesus for being a meta akin to Superman and probably corrupted Christianity

There's a good chance the Kaldur gay kiss is tomorrow. Be prepared Yea Forums, be very prepared for the shitstorm that might happen tomorrow.

It's not. It's probably 21 or 23.

No there is a good chance it is tomorrow because it redeems Greg with tumblr. No way is some shitty sit down with Harper Row and drunk redneck father going to fix that. The only thing tumblr would forgive him for bislut kiss is Kaldur kissing a man or confirming gay Bart.

Dyke here, yes and no. It's common, but I think it has a lot to do with signaling too. You don't have to come out if you already look like a stereotype.That being said, I think maybe people pay less attention to the less stereotypical lesbos because they either don't realize/know they're gay since they don't look like it. But I dunno, maybe there's some other reason.

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One of the screenshots for tomorrow's episode has Kaldur underwater, though. There's also Metron, the Forever People, Cyborg time, and a team of Superboy and Black Lightning.

>oh man he called me out and pointed out every incorrect part of my post BETTER IGNORE HIM
typical conservacuck

She gon die

Alleged bisexuals who only dated men are much more common and prominent.

New episodes today?

Why is Young Justice so damn terrible to all the previous Justice League shows?
Fuck even Smalville was btter than Young Justice. Even with its relationship drama.

I wish they all fucking died in a fire. Imagine having to pretend to be another sexuality just so you seem more appealing.

>why do lesbians always have to talk about how they're a lesbian. It's like a vegan bringing up how vegan he is constantly.
You just figured this out?
See also "trannies" and "PoC"

Reminder Young Justice is the highest-rated DC show in IMDB that isn't Batman TAS (also JLU just barely if you count it as a different show from JL)..

>Them being lesbians
At this point,really, who cares?
>Them willfully cheating
Fucking cunts

Lesbians are fine if they are attractive and bi.

I'd be fine with it if they had permission from their boyfriends.

Kill Cyborg already.

new episode is out

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Metron looks fugly

Everyone looks ugly.

>Conner asked Clark to be his best man

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Fuck off with this Harper Row shit.

kek what a fucking dickhead

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-30 Watch Young Justice Quiet Conversations - Young Justice - s3e20 on DC Universe (1500x776, 1.38M)

>Kaldur's has a human father in Poseidonis
So like an adopted father thing?


who's he watching die? Also link?

Fucking Metron and his bullshit non answers

He wants to study Father Box taking over an organic being i.e. Victor. Conner and BL tossed him off the chair and used the chair to save Vic so he's no longer Father Box but Mobius tech powered instead

>Tara told Slade there's nothing to report
If you keikaku me again Weisman I swear to god

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It's a very special episode all along

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wtf, who got beat up?
you JUST know this is like a red herring to ease the fans that the most obvious plot twist in history won't happen.

Hey tumblr has forgiven Greg after the gay kiss with Kaldur

Just looking at the latest posts, they think it's good representation.

So looks like it.

I need homo kisses of Kaldur need proof

Check the catalog, someone made a thread of it

I think you should do yoga and get your chakras in order.

>"Durr hurr boobs amirite guys hahaha"

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You understand the God of Christianity and Judaism is the same God as the one in Islam, right?

well it's a gay one so if they insinuate that they are not a good couple then they'll be accused of reinforcing stereotypes and "heteronormativity"

>wtf, who got beat up?
Harper's dad is abusive

The god of Christianity is the Satan of Judaism and Islam.

Okay, retard.

You have that reversed. There's a significant undercurrent in early Christianity that the Old Testament God is the devil/(material) demiurge in the gnostic sense. This was obviously ruled heretical. Islam places Christ as subordinate in the prophetic hierarchy to Muhammad, while Judaism denies it Christian revelation outright.

The God of Christianity is the God of Islam, and nothing in Judaism