Breast Cancer Show Ever

What are some other examples "feminist & women empowerment" episodes done right?

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I have no fucking clue what they were going for with this episode. Cartman acts like an asshole and gets the shit kicked out of him and learns nothing from the experience, what's the message?

It's not done right. It's written to make one person right and the other wrong.

I haven't seen it in awhile but it was just showing that Cartman is just an edgelord with issues that won't learn or change.Though the episode did feel like some kind of bitter wish-fulfillment

“Take that Cartman! That’s what you get for saying offensive jokes, don’t mess with Queen Wendy!”

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I feel bad that I can't deny this. Not op btw

Makes me glad I stopped watching past Season 9.

This is episode is hilarious, I love all the Cartman being an edgelord and spineless chicken shit at the same time

>Though the episode did feel like some kind of bitter wish-fulfillment
Trey's grandmother died of breast cancer so I think he was mad at cancer

>Having such a frail ego, you hide behind Wojack edits

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south park peaked after season 9

Go on then, explain why you think he’s wrong.

True. My favourite episodes are from se 13~15

This is probably my favorite SP episode ever. I love Butters' look of unbridled joy during the fight. He acts like such a Cartman sycophant but gets to show his true feelings for once.

I bet if the episode was about Wendy making testicular cancer jokes and the Cartman slapped the shit out of her at the end, you'd be calling him based

That Cartman is an egomaniac, but seeing him being in that situation was enjoyable

I wouldn’t. It’s South Park, the idea of anyone getting beat up for an offensive joke is contradictory to what everyone pretends the show is about.

Of course that doesn’t matter because Wendy is made strong and brave by doing that exact thing.

I don't consider Wendy a feminist. She's an activist, Stan says it in the movie
>"For Wendy I'll be an activist too, because that's what Brian Boitano Do!"

Like others in the thread said Cartman was acting in the extreme and got what he had coming.

Cartman was being edgy when she was trying to be serious, he kept trying to weasel out of the fight once he realized that he crossed the line, he shat on the teacher desk, he ate his under pants, he told her parents a fake sob story that made he look like the bully. I like edgy jokes to user but he crossed the line too many times

HAHA! I get the joke!
"Breast" Cancer Show Ever!

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Cartman will never learn, so the least that can be done is to beat him up.

You can’t argue with young boys. What Wendy did was the only right way. Do you remember how you used to bully your female teachers, but stayed quiet when you had a male teacher. It’s because boys know that a man bigger than them can beat the shit out of them.

Cartman has been dominated by two people, PC Principal and Cesar. Both used physical power on him. Cartman is afraid of being hurt physically, even though he will never be able to feel empathy. Men who grew up without a father figure are either passive pussies or psychopaths like Cartman.

Wendy tried to be reasonable, but in the end she had no other way to deal with the situation. With girls you can use conversation but with guys that won’t work til they are adults and they realize that fighting is seen as barbaric behavior and doing it will make them lose. That’s why you see alt-right avoiding physical conflict as long as possible, because seeing a raging leftist will give them better image. The truth is that every guy always wonders if they could beat the shit out their oppressor, but if you were bullied in school you know that autistix rage just left you in even weaker place socially.

Kyle always tries to argue with Cartman but it just makes the situation worse. Whenever he punches him Cartman just starts weeping.

>he crossed the line too many times

Stan’s killed people, Kyle nuked a city, Cartman tricked a kid into cannibalism, Kenny tried to shoot someone for mocking him, Wendy murdered a woman because she didn’t like her.

But of course joking about a sensitive topic is “crossing the line”, not like that’s ever happened before. Wendy is so badass and cool, absolute Kween!

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Do yourself a favourite and delete your Wojack folder and stop listening to other Wojack posters

Even by your logic if these characters all psychos then why wouldn't Wendy, someone who got a previous person captured by Iraqis because she was jealous of her, then why is so overboard to beat up someone for mocking her, a cause she cared about and being a two face weasel then? You're just mad because a girl won

I thought it was about you can't convince everyone. Principal tells wendy that to her face.

The point was literally just that Cartman has been needing to get his ass kicked for a long time and it's cathartic and humorous to see

I bet if it were Kyle beating him none of you retards would be triggered

It's a great example of power dynamics and how victims of bullying have to deal with their situation. Usually bullied guys aren't passive because they are afraid they will get hurt, it's because they know their social standing doesn't allow them to fight back. Wendy's social standing is that she is the "good girl" and she has always been told "violence isn't the answer" (which, of course, is wrong), so she had lot to lose in that fight. She was encouraged by principal Victoria who told her that she has to be ready to give up everything to deal with the cancer. At some point the bullied person has had enough and is ready to do that, which school shootings are the most extreme example of.

Cartman has extremely low social standing, but he's deluded enough to believe he's not going to be cool anymore if he's beaten up by a girl. His situation didn't change at all because everyone already despised him.

Why is cartman less of a anti semetic and just general asshole in the latest seasons?

Has PC Principal ever been beaten physically or is he technically invincible like most socjus? It is actually an interesting topic since despite Socjus making speeches no one has the balls so far to make the ultimate "sacrifice" and hit their more prominent rivals in proving that even a god can bleed

There's really only so much play in that joke. Kyle's the only Jewish person within Cartman's immediate sphere of influence.

I think he's almost like an A.I. which makes him OP

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He accepted Judaism in season 16

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What did we do to deserve games this good, they are way beyond the recent seasons and i hope they make more

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they all accepted Judaism in the pilot

>What did we do to deserve games this good
Obsidian is the gift that keeps on giving.

>tfw they sell these only in Japan

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>I used to like wojack
I feel like the cringe now. He's the meme equivalent to nu-metal.

That looks really inconvenient to hold.

probably the worst episode in the series, the only thing funny about it is cartmans dumb jokes and its message is dumb.

Cartman usually treats other characters like kyle worse but gets a lot less punishment for it because hes not a girl?

He has been punished plenty of times. Kyle just doesn't know how to deal with him because he tries to reason with him, which doesn't work.

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You gotta admit Principal Victoria's speech to Wendy was pretty cool though.

Schadenfreude is one hell of a drug

He also won a fight in season 21 when they fought over Heidi.

Kyle doesn't even need to go Kyley B. mode to beat up Cartman, but for some reason he prefers talking which always leads to problems.

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>tfw this show is basically just ANTIFA propaganda

Kyle is a barbarian from Jersey

This is part of the recent surge of actually oficial SP merch in japan, right? But I thought SP stopped airing in Japan after season 8? Is this the power of fujos?

It's a special cooperation line with Thank You Mart (390 Mart = Sankyuu Mart, everything is 390 yen) which is located in Harajuku. They have lot of Western brands and now they got South Park. It's just the main 4 though.

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Unfortunatly they are giving to epic

That you can only be an asshole for so long before getting your ass beat, while not the "high road" is the justifiable and satisfying solution.

Granted it's not a very good lesson in today's time. Today we have people who believe assault is a-okay if someone disagree's with you because "they are being an asshole so it's justified". Looking back at this episode it's understandable to see that the "moral lesson" that has aged horribly.

However the one key factor that is saving that aspect for a lot of people is this: It's fucking Eric Cartman. He's not just some guy with controversial opinions. He's legitimately one of the biggest cunts ever created for animation. Wendy dealing with Cartman before finally deciding to take him on helped make for an even more satisfying ending, but really the episode didn't need a reason.

Eric being Eric is justifiable enough reason to kick his ass.

Fuck mean to reply to

I never really looked too deep into the episode. I just saw it as Wendy finally having enough of his shit and was ready to square up. Cartman is able to do a lot of evil shit, but whenever he's put in a position where there are great consequences for him, he gets sloppy and desperate to remedy it back to his favor. And like many times, he still gets his comeuppance. No one fucking jokes about breast cancer anyway so he was just being a dickhead

Wojak and Pepe were funny for like two weeks until poltards started using edits as arguments. Gigachad is going to end the same way.

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>Jews, Mormons and Muslims are a thing
>in a world where Jesus exists, is immortal, performs all sorts of miracles and showed God to humanity
How is that even possible?

Just because something is real doesn't mean you have to LIKE it. And you can follow Jewish, etc. rules (like food) even when Jesus is confirmed messiah.

Jews are waiting for the Messiah and according to them, Jesus wasn't the Messiah. They would have to jump through several hoops to deny Him when He is literally across the street.

But then again, Buddha and Mohammed exist in SP too, so maybe all religions are correct.

When will cartman portray the clown world meme?

Because the same thing that happened to Yea Forums happened to South Park: all the jokes about Jew gold and whatnot attracted retards who thought they were in good company with fellow antisemites.

You can't argue with bullies period. From young boys to deranged transexuals. They don't care who is right or wrong. They only care who is an easy target. They have a psychological need to lash out in order to feel better. You can't reason or bargain with them. You can only either take it and become their chewing toy or you can be the Lord of the Dance and make their face your stage. Violence is the only thing that works. I hate how modern cartoons address the issue by portraying the bullies as the real victims and preach empathy and forgiveness, thus rewarding the behaviour and serving no justice. Wendy was right to beat a bully and Principal Victoria was right to encourage her.

I admit I would find it based. Wendy comes off too preachy and stuck up to me most of the time. The only time I've really felt bad for her was in the photoshop episode where she had a point and was shat on by the person she was trying to help.

The PowerPuff Girls one.

The original wojak will never not be ok for me.

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