Is Steven a chad?
Is Steven a chad?
Absolutely, he’s the hero of this decade. Always Believe In Steven.
He's gay and looks like a jew.
hmmm, hard to tell right now
he looks like one but we gotta se how he acts on the series
if he starts hitting a gem or gettin hit on by one then yes
otherwise no
He is straight
>Confident but not arrogant (apart from one or two times that he gets over)
>Kind, but his patience has limits
>Loves everyone even if they don't love themselves
>Willing to fight if diplomacy fails
>Met his soulmate when he was 14
>Supportive father who later became a millionaire
>Huge supportive family to wean out any toxic traits
>Saved multiple planets (as per the movie trailer)
>In touch with his emotions to the point where they give him actual, physical power
The only argument against it is "he cries" and "he's gay".
He has a gf so he's a bigger chad than all of us put together.
>Loves everyone
Steven is willing to forgive literal tyrants who destroyed planets to expand their army but a guy who was being pushy is worse than Hitler
He's on decent terms with him now. Refer back to
>Even his patience has limits
Steven tried his best not to hate Kevin, but it didn't take. Dude was just so lame, Stephen would rather hang out with genocidal tyrants
>Even his patience has limits
>the first thing gems like Peridot and Lapis did was trying to kill him
>lol they never did nothing wrong
>hey gurl wanna dance?
>I'll hate this guy until I die
The Kevin redemption arc is like 60% complete, he's doing better than Jasper.
Is different thing, besides, i don't think his "hate" for Kevin is a serius thing
user he was written OOC in that episode to make a point about obsessive anger being for retards. C'mon now, when have you heard Steven use the word "hate" before or since.
Also this.
>He has a gf
>implying steven conforms to your cisgendered bigender stereotypes
He has an implied heteronormative amorous relationship.
Fascist shitlord.
Steven was mad about how his Kevin lust made him feel like a fag.
He's the gayest fag I have ever seen.
Crying is the only argument necessary, only fags and women cry.
You must be both then since you were born with tear ducts.
>He has an implied heteronormative amorous relationship
Still more than you got bud
More like Brad.
Remind me what that is? Second time I've heard the term this week
He's a pretty lowkey chad. He's outgoing as hell, diplomatic, and makes friends easily. Yet he's still okay working alone, and though he'd much rather avoid a confrontation, he won't back down when it inevitably comes. The only thing with him is he's overly passive. He doesn't ask questions and he's not proactive and is more of a reactive person than a responsive one.
He just acts like that because he was raised by three women.
Steven loves the ladies.
The questions thing got better in S4 thankfully. I like to think puberty was kicking in and fully engaged post-CYM
He’s like a superhero that way.
I would like to have Steven as a friend at my childhood.
No. He wore a dress and make up. Hes constantly crying. Hes a Beta orbiter or a Gamma.
>Wore a dress and make up
To make up for pushing his friend into the limelight when she didn't want to. He took her place and took the L and everybody loved it. No humiliation involved.
Yeah. Still a beta orbiter.
Hes too much of a pussy to be a chad
Chads dont cry at the drop of a hat
just say you didn't watch the show user
Literally the antichrist
>people are still trying to push the "steven is totally a chad guys!" meme.
god damn this post is funny. and in a way where you would have to be pretty smart to make the post so funny, too
Chads are confident and popular and so is Steven. We don't need to break out the rest of his feats to pin down who he is.
The guy who cries more than a woman and is mentally handicap is a chad?
Do you guys even know what a chad is
still knocking more pussy than you
Has anyone here played Save the Light? Thinking about getting it but I want to know if it's just another shitty cartoon-to-videogame adapation or not.
Everyone feels sorry for him. Hes not popular its just pity
>"Chads are confident and popular"
>"h-he gets laid more!"
It's like Paper Mario but a bit more easygoing. I definitely recommend it.
It's the only canon game but I would just watch a playthrough
Attack the Light is canon too.
>saves the city as well as the entire fucking planet on a regular basis
>the whole town socializes with him, young or old
>the person who disliked him the most shows the most respect to him
watch the show user
so what your saying is hes only popular cause he saves everybody and not from force of personality? thanks for confirming it.
His tears bring people back to life
And if you think crying is something to be ashamed of, you got bullied by boomers too much as a kid
he's only popular because the show is made to make him seem like a chad
The writers even said they wanted Steven to be sensitive and mentally behind everyone
Kevin is for Jamie only
Well, only by extension
damn hahahahahahaha
why dont you cry in front of a group of people next time your upset and see how they react. the fact of the matter is people hate men who cry, even if they say they dont, they do. no one cares about your emotions unless their your family or VERY close friends.
>Things that never happened: The Post
The only time that's ever featured is in Steven's Birthday and he very clearly has gotten past that phase
we are biologically programmed to hate men crying. Just like we hate seeing a woman cry, but for different reasons.
its good
although I hate the "I dont give a fuck, honestly" actitude from Lapis, I guess its because she is not a playable character but since its canon it retcons the fact that she's willing to help steven if he needs help so...yeah
not even in a fucking game they can handle Lapis as a character properly
>saves the city
Funny you post that pic since it was Steven who caused the problem in first place, if he never destroyed the mirror, Lapis wouldnt have stolen the ocean
He's literally always been a chad. anyone who says otherwise is an idiot.
>crew cant write worth a shit and wastes character potential
and water is wet
Not during that point in the show she's not. That's late S4 and she wasn't part of the finale either.
That's a societal construct. Don't pretend to be intelligent user it doesn't suit you.
Kid Steven: Virgin
Teen Steven: Chad
Adult Beach Hunk Steven: Thad
>I believe anything that supports my bias
And sand is coarse and irritating.
>"That's a societal construct."
no it isnt. people have a visceral reaction to males crying pretty much anywhere. its never acceptable for a man to cry and people dont like it when they do. im sorry reality doesnt conform to your agenda user.
nigga it is biologically more difficult for men to cry. Something to do with the tear ducts.
this user gets it
I legit hope she does something in the movie
I honestly pity you for never being able to understand manly tears and camaraderie
Kevin's not gay, he just likes futa.
ok. explain how lapis's character wasnt wasted then.
>Talking about agendas in a thread with certain anons refusing to acknowledge a teenager's masculinity because he cries from time to time
Oh I am laffin
In most societies it's considered normal for men to cry at funerals
That's completely different. Crying like a bitch isn't the same as manly tears
There was supposed to be a DLC character (presumably Lapis) but that was announced about a year ago. I doubt it's happening but it could've fixed what you're talking about.
There are very few places in STL where water is abundant. The only one I can think of is the ice area and Lapis would be useless in all of the others. She's not the instant win button that people seem to think she is.
one of the only places is acceptable for a man to cry
you intellectually dishonest fuck
>"normal for men to cry at funerals"
>"at funerals"
I'm honestly worried about her character, in the beginning of the series was really interesting and had a lot of potential, after jailbreak she just went to a backgroung setting, and the fact that zuke forced her ship made it worst
I dont think the crew knows how to handle her
im not talking about the video game you dumbass, im talking about her character. explain to me how she wasnt wasted potential.
>crying all the time is masculine and not effeminate at all
ok, that explains the game, but the show is a complete different story
No, and that's why he's so fuckable
We were explicitly talking about the video game. I don't care about Lapis in the show and the show isn't done anyway so claiming "wasted potential" on anything makes you seem shortsighted and foolish.
Contrary to popular belief Zuke didn't accomplish anything that she set out to do, Rebecca was always going to barn Lapis as part of the healing part of her trauma. Doesn't mean realistic depictions are entertaining though so I'm glad we're past that arc and she's actually active again.
Pretty much, he gets the girl, and fuses with all the other girls plus hes easily the most important person in the history of his universe
Hes Fat, ever meet a fat person? they are never any of those things you said in fact they are the opposite of those things.
Males are legit retarded holy shit
What biological advance do men have from not being able to cry easily
oh yeah, you're right user, but after all this time it doesnt make a lot of sense tho, I'm still down for some Lapis action
being stronger
How is being a pussy about crying being stronger it's the reason why males go and commit suicides more often than women because you're bunch of retards who won't ask for help
Are you referring to pain resistance? That's not the same thing as having a resistance to crying. Emotional pain and physical pain are two separate things and depression doesn't give a shit how buff you are.
Men aren't supposed to ask for help.
no i'm referring to physical strength
you do have a point user, but she did force her ship, or at least she tried to
"healthy queer relationship" you know? uprooted and destroyed and all that
getting to the main point, ignoring shipping and all that, Lapis character hasn't been handle properly, I hope that with the movie coming that'll change, so we have to keep waiting to see what unfolds for her
>" I don't care about Lapis in the show and the show isn't done anyway so claiming "wasted potential" on anything makes you seem shortsighted and foolish."
even though the crew thought season 5 could be the last season cause the didnt get renewed until it was almost over so it was written as a finale. even though her character has done nothing for 2 seasons straight and we never got an ounce of character development.
And that's why you pussies end up killing yourselves true chad more to give up on life
can you please use english
niggers its a biological fact that its harder for men to cry than it is for women due to the size of the tear ducts. yall are just fucking retarded.
what about squigglebitch the movie gem? will she have a point in hating him?
they think everything is a social construct so the idea of biological differences goes over their head
He said she's here to kill him specifically, soooo
She had Can't Go Back where she basically understands everything she's done is wrong. Lapis isn't really a complex character.
i mean steven is his mom
you know, maybe if people didnt look down on and hate men for crying, they would actually seek help for shit.
na it's better to call them incels so I can continue to feel superior to men
Nah that's been disproven as of Change Your Mind. The only thing left over from Rose was a few scraps of memory (like installing a new OS and some orphan files left over). It's also not clear if White was fucking with him or not by putting the memories in there.
>character does a complete 180 in personality off screen in a single episode
>"wow! such riveting character development! this is just like how a real person changes!im sure glad this character has done nothing for two seasons straight so we could reach this moment!"
>180 in personality
That would imply that Lapis liked hurting people beyond Jasper which has never been established. Read a wiki at least if you're not going to watch the show.
Wait do people actually think this show has good writing? I thought everyone knew the show was shit and only liked it for rock lesbians.
i watched the show.clearly you didnt cause they made it a point in raising the barn how lapis was domineering over peridot just like she enjoyed doing with jasper.
"Good writing" and "Perfect writing" aren't the same thing and Yea Forums isn't capable of discerning between the two (especially when there's an axe to grind). It excels in character writing, callbacks, foreshadowing, thematic writing and so on but suffers because of pacing and some of the conclusions are handled in a way that can make them seem anti-climatic (i.e. nobody dies and nothing explodes).
Of course my word doesn't mean shit and you should just watch and decide for yourself.
Incorrect, Peridot was merely afraid of setting Lapis off. Not the same thing and not the point of Raising the Barn either. Don't try and flex if you can't even get basic plot points right.
>" Peridot was merely afraid of setting Lapis off." and why was that user? people arent just afraid of someone they live with for no reason.
shit, forgot to press enter. point still stands though
he's an autistic weeb who goes to Thomas the Tank engine cons and commissions Thomas x Twilight Sparkle hentai from the artists.
He is the opposite of chad.
Because Lapis has aggressive PTSD? That's not the same thing as her physically torturing Peridot and enjoying it like she did with Jasper. Alone at Sea makes it pretty clear that she was projecting her pain over being imprisoned onto Jasper.
that doesnt answer the question to why peridot would be AFRAID of lapis being upset user. the crew basically stated that lapis didnt care about peridots feelings and only tolerated her because peridot towed the line to keep her pleased and placated.
Lapis is an emotional and physical abusive lesbian. I don't find anything sympathetic about her, she represents the domestic abuse that is rampant in the lesbian community.
Lapis is fuckhuge powerful and Peridot didn't want her to get upset because she could potential hurt both of them in a rage. I'm not saying Lapis is absolved of any wrongdoing just because she's suffered, but Peridot not wanting her friend to be triggered is inherently a good thing even if done for toxic reasons. You need to source that thing about "the crew" by the way because it sounds like you're just making stuff up when she clearly expressed remorse for taking the barn and all of Peridot's stuff in Can't Go Back.
>Incorrect, Peridot was merely afraid of setting Lapis off.
You walk on egg shells around abusers you are afraid of. You shouldn't be afraid of setting off people who are your friends.
can't believe it only took for Steven to get a neck for people started sucking his cock like it's an anime protagonist.
Peridot knows what happened to Jasper. That's not why she was being careful.
they made him still just barely underage to cuck us from this being possible
>"Lapis is fuckhuge powerful and Peridot didn't want her to get upset because she could potential hurt both of them in a rage."
thats the point retard. shes scared of lapis cause she would hurt her if she got upset, you just proved my fucking point.
is Lapis also physically abusive? I know that's a big part of the domestic life of lesbians.
A wuss pretending to be Chad, he only comes close in looks.
I, personally, always believed in Steven. It's just easier for others to do so when his voice isn't ten octaves higher than average.
Only to Jasper, so I'm not sure what is talking about. You didn't have a point to begin with since Lapis didn't physically touch Peridot even when she didn't like her in Barn Mates.
Only if you think fingering with long nails is abuse.
you literally admitted that lapis would probably hurt her if she was angry and thats why peridot was so scared of her.
No I said it was possible for Lapis to hurt both of them in a rage. Peridot didn't want her to stress out and do so. It's a form of passive abusive yes but not the same as her literally torturing Jasper in a fusions. No one is saying Lapis is a perfect "didn't do nothin" kind of gem.
Are we all ignoring that lapis destroyed peridot's personal property TWICE?! AND THE SECOND TIME IT WAS HER HOUSE
I don't CARE if she's physically abusive or not at that point. But I'm still gonna ship Lapidot because it's hot AF. Not as hot as jaspis and jaspidot though! Jasper is a total hottie
things that post on Yea Forums aren't men
Jasper is pretty hot ngl
>" No one is saying Lapis is a perfect "didn't do nothin" kind of gem."
man, you aint in these threads enough. thats exactly what tons of niggas least you aint as dumb as them. still, point is peridot towed the line enough that she didnt get tortured like jasper. its abundantly clear that lapis was still just as big an asshole the whole time they were living together.
yes, she physically trapped Jasper in the ocean and enjoyed and got off on doing it. She is a borderline personality disorder of the waif classification.
Pretends to be a victim while actually she is the abuser responsible for all the pain around her.
No, he’s a fag
>No I said it was possible for Lapis to hurt both of them in a rage. Peridot didn't want her to stress out and do so. It's a form of passive abusive yes but not the same as her literally torturing Jasper in a fusions. No one is saying Lapis is a perfect "didn't do nothin" kind of gem.
It is verbal and mental abuse and gaslighting for Lapis to constantly put Peridot down. Peridot was only nice to Lapis and Lapis would constantly belittle and humiliate Peridot while making Peridot think it's her fault.
Lapis is a textbook abuser.
I agree with that, which is why Lapis and Peridot aren't ready to fuse. I find it interesting that in the trailer Bismuth is physically between the two and we haven't seen them interact positively even in CYM (they were together but didn't interact beyond Peridot shouting her name when she got blindsided by the mech). Rebecca has said there are "stories to tell" in the two year skip as well as after so I wouldn't be surprised if those two reconciling is one of them.
>He's gay and looks like a jew.
He is absolutely not gay (Odd how you instantly default to that) but yes, he is Jewish.
Your idiocy is its own punishment.
>Hes constantly crying.
The developmentally 8-year-old boy cries when he is in severe emotional distress - which is very normal.
I'm glad we're on the same page here, because not much is better than an orange striped beefy lady with big hair.
Except maybe a green and teal striped beefy centaur-lady with bigger hair.
Where did this happen? Go to the SU wiki and give me an example, they have transcripts there.
That went out the window the moment he shared juice with Connie.
Steven is not a man, idiot, he is a child. A child who frequently has to deal with intensely emotional situations.
Also: what part of the Balkan do you live? Geesh.
lapis's was still mishandled as hell and it shows. her character arc shouldnt be as much of a mess as it currently is.
steven is a teenager, not a child.
I dunno, they've done well in showing how abuse can lead to someone becoming abusive themselves and that her constant running away is a form of self-isolation and punishment on one's self. It's realistic, the only flaw is that it's not really all that entertaining. That's the trade-off I suppose.
I just wonder what it's like inside that twisted lump you use for a brain.
>manly tears
...You know what's absurdly funny? Whenever I see someone use this phrase I immediately conclude they must be gay. Weird.
Or maybe we're just better at it. Because although women kill themselves less often, they ATTEMPT it more often.
Lapis literally destroyed Peridot's property multiple times.
Which was a shitty thing to do and treated as such in show.
Chronologically yes.
Physically he stalled at age 8 and his physique reflects his mental and emotional state, as we know.
"treated as such" doesn't get peri's tape recorder back...
the show doesnt present her as in the wrong though, it just acts like shes a victim in all this when shes the one causing so many others to suffer and then she never has to answer for it. her " self isolation" isnt an equal punishment to the amount of suffering she caused. she would have been much better as a sympathetic villain that has to be bubbbled by the CG's, rather than the abusive, piece of shit "hero" we got.
It's a tape recorder, they're like five dollars at best buy. Lapis saved Peridot from the Red Eye so I think they're square in that regard. The barn is another story though.
>"Which was a shitty thing to do and treated as such in show"
no it wasnt, she never even apologized for doing it. no one forces her to take responsability for anything.
The show doesn't present her as right either. Lack of condemnation isn't the same as propping someone up as virtuous. Now if Lapis never even acknowledged her behaviour then we'd have a serious problem
But Peridot WANTED to fuck the red eye. Also, she doesn't have a job or five dollars anyway. Go watch Jeopardy. Maybe you'll learn something.
>"It's a tape recorder, they're like five dollars at best buy."
thats not the point, the point is she destroyed someone elses property, which also held great sentimental value, and never even gave a toke"sorry" for doing so.
Peridot tried to kill Steven multiple times and nearly doomed the Earth by not talking about the cluster earlier. She never apologized either.
>"Now if Lapis never even acknowledged her behaviour then we'd have a serious problem"
she doesnt.
She only didn't talk about the cluster because she didn't want to be killed, and trying to save herself stopped her from saying anything else. Also, Steven killed Rose first so maybe she's just trading lives.
Here's one
he's a beta soiboi cuck
>"and nearly doomed the Earth by not talking about the cluster earlier. "
she also saved the earth as well, the CG's and steven were trying to capture her, she was defending herself from them. and she tried to tell the CG's abouth the cluster earlier, they just put her in a bubble.
And here's the other
And Lapis gave them enough time to regroup against Blue Diamond by yeeting the barn at her and also helped bring the arm ships to Homeworld.
But now peridot has nowhere to live. I'd rather be dead or a servant of YD than homeless or living in a bathroom.
an then she runs away again when steven mentions a dream he had about the diamonds. and she still never talked about that stif to peridot, only steven. who we can see justifying her actions and telling her"its ok, its not your fault"
I really doubt they left her in the bathroom considering half the house got destroyed. That shit would've been renovated pretty quickly and don't forget there's a new gem town with plenty of space.
Houses are expensive, ya know? I doubt Peridot has the money to even rent an apartment. For all Homeworld's flaws, at least gems don't need capitalism.
you really think that extra few seconds made difference? lapis fags really are delusional.
They got poofed during the fight with the Diamonds and then had to book it to Homeworld to back up the others. The chances of them having time to talk are slim to none.
Daddy Greg can take care of it baby, don't you worry bout nothin
>"its all my fault"
>"no it isnt"
and thats the problem with the shows writing.
Nice job ignoring the part where A) Steven is a naive child still that point, B) The show is from his POV and C) Lapis shouted him down. Not that I'd expect anything else from crits at this point.
Please don't post pictures of dead people outside of Yea Forums.
You're welcome to prove me wrong user but you can't. Feel free to try.
>"Lapis shouted him down."
no she didnt.
Learn English.
i already have, and after i show you how shes a bad character and the writing surrounding her is dogshit you just shift the goal post of what im supposed to prove.
show me where she shouts him down here
>Muh bad writing
>Muh bad character
Wow, such a great argument. Definitely not indicative of you being a retard and having to resort to memes when proven wrong. The only one shifting the goalposts here is you. Quit being a faggot and getting mad at cartoons.
I've already proved you wrong, take it like a man for once in your life. Unless you're retarded enough to really think "HE NEEDS TO DO IT EVERY TIME OR IT DOESN'T COUNT REGARDLESS OF STEVEN'S INHERENT KINDNESS"
i guess you didnt read the rest of the thread where i showed how the writing is bad. you should read more user, its good for you. get some new novels.
>"I've already proved you wrong, "
no you havent, you have not shown how her character is this marvel of development and characterization like you say she is. you have given me nothing to respond to that i havnt already shot down. stay mad lapis fag.
>this thread again
I can already see this board being bombarded by retarded SUfags after the movie comes out
no, he's steven
I really with they would go back to tumbler, where they belong.
>best hero of the decade
>Defeats villains with 'Talk no justu'
>Never asked a question the entire show
>Took him 16 years to grow a neck
Mary Sue is more like it.
>he's always right about everything and everyone listens to what he says
>there are never any serious challenges to his ideals because the story and characters bend to his whims
>he's ridiculously powerful and constantly coming up with new powers as the plot demands
>can bring people back to freaking life
>no one in the show dislikes him cause he's just so darn 'lovable'
I miss season 1 Steven, when he wasn't totally self-righteous and ~pure~
But user that's quality writing. Steven being a perfect mary sue is what makes him a chad.
Season 1 Steven was pathetic and part of the reason why a lot of people had a negative first impression of the show.
Steven got character development and matured over the course of the series.
he matured into a baby that gets everything he wants
No, he's not
What a legend
There are very ancestral cultural and societal practices that still remain to this day, it doesn't mean it's biological or visceral.
>Steven got character development and matured over the course of the series.
It's true: SUfags are really the most retarded species of this decade.
Kek, this. Quality post over there. Based and redpilled. Chad.
Steven likely gets pegged by Connie exclusively
Do does that still count?
He is not a Chad , the show is legit written to first every problem be a non issue and second , the diamonds are the biggest jobbers/shit villains i saw in a looong time.
Lets see if the new timeskip fix these things
"These kids and their weird internetslang."
This episode was kino.
he's gay lol