Natural or artificial webs?

Natural or artificial webs?

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He creates the web shooter but the catch is the fluid in the shooters come out of his boy pussy

radioactive ass webs

artificial, then introduce organic by way of man spider, then go back to artificial once that shit gets cured

An artificial penis that shoots out webs.

Everyone who was born before 2000 prefers artificial webs.

are you guys 12

Artificial webs with natural webs as a backup.

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Organic web that he needs the help of the webshooters to focus the stream with.

>organic web in a mechanical shooter
Does this actually appease any one?

>Artificial runs out if Peter doesn't bring cartridges
>Organic runs out if Peter gets sad

You lose either way.

Natural should be running out after making one single strand due to the massive dehydration it would cause.

>wolverine literally pulls meat out of nowhere
>hulk does the same thing too but worse


Does it really matter if it KEEPS GETTING IN MY FACE?!

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Organic makes even less sense considering all the protein he would need. He would arguably run out faster than cartridges

Anyone who actually read Ditko/Romita ASM understands that Peter being able to give up on Spider-Man at any time is important. Organic webs take the choice away.

I always thinks he probably eat shit ton of burgers and pizzas.

And eats up half of his check.

only subhumans

Natural Webbing with Mechanical Shooters

Natural webbing because web shooters are a needless complication.

I agree. Although
This is a good compromise if you must.

No it isn't

Why? He can always throw away the webshooters.

Have you ever heard of Darwin's Bark Spider, user?
I didn't think so or else you wouldn't post such a fucking stupid argument
Darwin's bark spider is an orb-weaver spider that produces the largest known orb webs, ranging from 900 to 28,000 square centimetres 140 to 4,340 sq with bridge lines spanning up to 25 metres (82 ft). Its silk is the toughest biological material ever studied, over ten times tougher than a similarly-sized piece of Kevlar.
The spider is only 22mm at the largest for females and only around 6mm for males and it can produce that much webbing.
Imagine that scaled to human size, Pete ain't running out that quick

Also it's a fucking comic book that has people flying and shooting lasers from their eyes for fucks sake just go with it


how is it complicated? it's more complicated for peter to hide his wrist holes than take off a what's just a tiny pressurized canister

He can’t just give up on his spider sense, strength or wall crawling ability. So that kind of a moot point

Nah, Im 69 years old

Having natural webs that serve no purpose is retarded

imagine writing a post this long, toting some dank biology facts you wiki'd, and then being stupid enough to leave out the most important variable: time

Serve no purpose? It's an unlimited supply of naturally produced webbing.

Anyone who says natural is not a fan of Spider-Man.

Now stop making these fucking threads.

Without the natural webs, he isn't really Spiderman, he's just 'strong-guy-who-can-climb-on-walls-and-has-good-reflexes-man'. He didn't get spider powers, he non-specific arthropod powers, Peter could just as well be housefly man an it wouldn't make a difference.

Yes but note my final sentence
>it's a fucking comic book for fucks sake just go with it

No one complains about this inane horseshit for other heroes with their completely horseshit powers that break all the known laws of physics and biology, why the hell should Spider-man fans have this same fucking argument every other month?
And don't bring up Raimi as starting this it's been going on a whole hell of a lot longer than that

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Fuck off with your no true scotsman shit

You fuck off with your fake fan bullshit

>plebbit argument as per

But it was a spider that bit him. Even if he didn’t get all of he abilities why would he name himself after another insect? Besides it’s the spider abilities that give him the innate ability to use webbing accurately

Organic webbing that is limited in use that Peter then uses as inspiration to make mechanical shooters.

He’s not the friggin Flash

But even in that case, it wasn't being produced by Pete, it was his new suit.

None of that is specific enough to identify him as Spider-Man. He's just a weird precog magnet man.

But with only 4 limbs there's really nothing making him spider-like. He could be some kind of silkworm or beetle for all we know.

I know you're just being a pedantic cunt, but Peter's proven he can take up a new guise if he ditches the webbing. The webbing was an innovation inspired by the spider, and the reason he doesn't make a new identity whenever he's in trouble is because of his feeling of responsibility and atonement.

Making the webbing organic removes that entire aspect of the character. He has no option to throw Spider-Man in the bin and just be a superhuman celebrity like Johnny at that point. Spider-Man becomes part of his biological identity instead of a crafted persona that he chooses to not abandon.

He could just choose not to use the webs.

>one single species out of tens of thousands of spider species can do it, there for Pete can.

Artificial webbing, mechanical webshooters and insanely strong webbing are some of the few intellectual feats Peter has, don't take that away from him

I mean sure, why not?
Pete's already doing shit Spiders can't.

Yet he can't make money.

Summin' summin' power summin' summin' responsibility, muh webbing will be weaponized somehow if I tried to capitalize on it. God bless Unca Ben.

He was lead to believe there was no market.
Besides how could he actually patent it without revealing his identity?

Mechanical is superior. More clearly demonstrates Peter's brain, lets him create more webbing types for versatility, can run out if the story demands it without something as retarded as sad feelings negating his powers. Organic should only be for the Spider-people not smart enough to make their own web shooters

You do know his intelligence is what seperates him from most if not all street level heroes right? That what the web shooters signify.

He named himself Spider-Man because a spider bit him and invented the webbing for constructing his wrestling gimmick/persona. What is so fucking hard to grasp about this for you retards?

>not having the most defining trait of a spider be apart of your moveset
I don't understand you retards, natural webs should be the way to go.

I recently had this idea, mechanical web shooters that turn the toxins from his spider DNA into web.

It's literally part of his arm if it's organic. There's no plausible deniability. It isn't a choice and he can't get rid of it.

Batman isn't actually a bat man and Flash is clearly visible.