Why aren't teen heroes as successful in Marvel compared to DC?

Why aren't teen heroes as successful in Marvel compared to DC?

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Isn't Spider-Man pretty much THE teen hero?

Because they keep killing them. Which DC also does but brings them back eventually (to mixed results)

Spider-Man has been a late 20s or early 30s adult for most of his career.

Casual get the fuck out holy shit. Peter Parker has been trying to get away from that public image for years

And it only made him fucking lame

Pandering to autistic 40 something faggots instead of actual teens killed comics

Because they keep placing them in legacy roles when they should be side-kicks at best.

Marvel has historically shunned sidekicks. They do legacy characters but usually as a straight up replacement. Only now does Marvel have an overabundance of teen heroes.

DC just has more to kill off. The most popular and long lasting ones are those that manage to come back or never exactly die.

I have a thing for teen X-Men, the New Mutants is probably my favorite teen book of all time

Read a book you stupid fuck. Most of his career was in college and adulthood. Idiots like you like this “idea”of Peter and how we get shit like the MCU

when i look at something like young justice or teen titans, i'm able to recognize the characters because of previous exposure of them being side kicks. then on the marvel side, i feel like their teen heroes have been just put together at the last moment. batman and robin have been a successful formula which dc were able to implement in their other heroes. marvel has captain and bucky, but that didn't last. there are more, but marvel just doesn't put an emphasis on sidekicks. marvel teen heroes tend to get dumped into a teen team immediately.

he starts off as a teenager. haven’t we see. majority of games shows movies where he is an adult

Becuase Marvel doesn't really have sidekicks and when they do decide they want to introduce teen heroes, they bring them out of nowhere top say "here they are, here are the teen heroes who are totally more heroic becuase we said they are and not becuase they have history. " case in point,.... riri, miss america, viv, and so forth.

Yep, the thing is, dc teens have history and they are interconnected with the wider hero community, marvel teen heroes mostly come out of nowhere becuase marvel nerds them, and they're relationship with their adult counterpart is thinly explained at best. Often times, they are introduced first somewhere, then explained first later why the matter.

Marvel only recently tried pushing their teen heroes. The few heroes who started as teens(Peter Parker being the biggest example) are all adults now.

DC started pushing their teen heroes earlier, but are more interested in killing them off and derailing them for shock value.

Peter’s most iconic moments were after he’d gone to high school. Retard

because there is way less of sidekick ecosystem

Because marvels are handled like trash, they are pretty much embarrassed by them
Spidey and a couple babies being the only exceptions here

Other than the New Warriors, Marvel has never has a successful team book. And they ruined that franchise quickly

DC had successful cartoons about teen heroes, like Teen Titans and Young Justice.

Only since Ultimate Spider-Man. He was only a teenager for like 28 issues in 616.

The best teen heroes in the Marvel Universe are with the X-Men property, New Mutants specifically.

New Warriors was incredibly popular for awhile but then they grew up into young adults and Marvel just keep shitting on them. I mean DC also shits on the Titans but they made sure they got popular first.

Also Young Justice, love it or hate it, is popular enough that it was brought back. The show's whole thing is about teen heroes and legacies and the latter has always worked for DC better than Marvel (just see the modern JSA).

Bacause all DC has is legacies, they will keep pushing those no matter what, because they have nothing else.

The X-Men started out and still have teen heroes with no ties to other heroes to back them up, and they still hold their grounds even though not as they used to be.
TT can barely hold their title, and Titans aren't teen and their books bomb every single time they try to make it a thing.

X-Men are teenagers up until the mid 80's

I can't believe this place has reached this level of norminess, people who literally pull stuff out of their ass.
X-Men were a team book before DC could even push anything teen-related.

>The X-Men started out and still have teen heroes with no ties to other heroes to back them up, and they still hold their grounds even though not as they used to be.
Are X-fags really this delusional?

The only legacies of DC heroes that have strong ties with their adult counterpart are the Robins and Wally/Barry.
WW narely interects with hers, same with Aquaman, Superman etc.

Not as the Titantards, no.

Because DC was all about sidekicks while marvel didn't.

So DC had a shitton of sidekicks characters are over the place so making a team comic of those sidekicks worked.

The few Marvel sidekicks got the grownup treatment and now Marvel is filled with new characters than are replacements rather than sidekicks.

I mean, that's true, but it's not Pete going to college, which he did while sales were still rising and the demographic was still kids.

It was Dark Knight Returns and Watchmen that fucked it all up.

Marvel always ages them up after a while

Spider-Man, Human Torch, Iceman, were the teen heroes in the early 60s, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch in the late 60s
Then Nova, Rick Jones, Colossus, Namorita, in the 70s
Kitty Pryde, New Mutants, Cloak and Dagger, in the 80s
New Warriors, Darkhawk, Generation X, in the 90s
Noh-Var, Runaways, New X-Men, Young Avengers in the 00s,

A lot of them have grown up since their initial runs, Darkhawk, Nova, Rick Jones, Kitty, Jubilee, Colossus, all grown up.

The main difference is that DC has the concept of the teen sidekick. No matter what Batman, Green Arrow, Superman, and Flash are going to have some teen pal hanging around with them. Marvel never really did this.

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Yea Marvel always did a very half assed job of inventing a team of all new teen characters every so often. With New Mutants, Young Avengers, Runaways, X-Force, they just pop out 6-8 new people and expect it to work.

At least New Warriors was an attempt to grab previously unused characters and do something with them. And they were not all young kid versions of other established heroes.

Teen Marvel heroes usually die before they can even pick up any traction. Especially mutant ones.


What was the last time the Titans were successful? With the annual rehash of the lazarus contract?


Then explain the live action movies and cartoons that always restart with him as a teen. Or the comics refusal to have him mature.

He is pretty much stuck in teen land far as the general public is concerned.

Legs and Arms
Comics are fucking based in the past
totally influenced by american sports culture now inspired by hipsters

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in the 80's when george perez drew the teens with the body and face of teens and marv wolfman's scripts that were spectacular

>literally the JL but teens with only one decent story


Marvel has hated characters who aren't their heavy hitters since the 80's whereas DC only started hating their non Justice League characters with the New 52

>literally the JL but teens with only one decent story
Contrary to the multiples great stories of the YA or the Champions or the New Warriors...

I think those anons are talking about teen teams and not teams in general.

Teen Titans is successful in DC? They are just as shit as the X-men were.

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The O5 X-men was a teen team

They have one very good run in the 80s and the amazing show