ITT: Perfection

ITT: Perfection

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Other urls found in this thread: Summers&layout=thread

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The infinity war and endgame suits were so fucking bad. Why can't anybody do futuristic shit these days without all the transformer lines and glowy shit?

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Looks like a walking red dildo

It's pretty mental that they perfected the suit in the first film, and Iron Man still appeared eight times afterwards

It gets trashed a lot.

How is that so different from this? At worst they put the glowy parts inside the gold fields, which draws the eye a little more but it's the same design principle.

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I just mean from a design standpoint it must have been quite daunting. For example, I don't think the Infinity War suit is as good as the Mark III

Its what happens when you let people design a suit who don't have to recreate it as a moveable prop or redraw it a ton of times for comic pages. All these newer suits were purely done by Hollywood concept artists who could add a billion textures and lines in photoshop and didn't have to take time to consider if doing a row of lines on Iron Man's hip or placing a light on his upper thigh was truly important.

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The gold on the bleeding edge gives the design a lot more breathing room. The key to good mecha design is patches of space.

For me, it's the Mark VI, perfection defined

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Kill yourself Carolfag

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It's not, Bleeding Edge is just as terrible.

I miss this suit. Why did they feel the need to take away the triangular chest plate for the other suits ?

They were trying to show the evolution of the suit from a mechanical weapon to a synthetic skin. Losing jagged plating for smooth contours was part of that.

IM 2 War Machine's armor is the GOAT

Attached: wmarmor.png (670x808, 854K)

I think it does the futuristic skin armor thing fine. If anything the more traditional faceplate is what stands out. Just doesn't work with the look

whedon changed it because he's a seething baby with no taste

> "There will be more than one suit in the film. 'Cause they get a bit of wear and tear, honestly. He goes through it… and it's sort of a tradition that Marvel brought to the table of, we like to change it up, we like to see the suits evolve. And so I said, 'Great! Then you're going back to the circle because the triangle is ass.' I'm sorry, but I'm a classicist, the circle has a meaning, the triangle does not."

>ITT: IMperfection

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Because Joss Whedon threw a fucking temper tantrum

Need me some Vanilla Coke.

I think this might've worked with a reversed pallete

>the circle has a meaning, the triangle does not.
This STILL doesn't make any sense to me
One is the same shape as the arc reactor
The other is based off the shape of the brand new element Tony created which is the culmination of a lifetime of research done by his father

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The triangle is obviously an homage to the element that powers the suit. Tony is honoring it by making the chest piece triangular.

Forgot the pic because I’m a dumbass

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He wore a reversed pallets suit on Avengers 2

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Would probably look too similar to previous designs. His legs would be more red but that would be about it.

One of the most true-to-text designs in the 'verse.

>Silver Centurion suit was barely used
>Mk 42 got the spotlight
It's not fair.

i was promised perfection and all i got was this lame iron man thread

The things on the back of the hands, do they raise up to show guns? Cuz if not then theyre just gross.

Well it does look better

The Mark VI (the first non-Palladium suit, used in the IM2 finale) had that but it was a one-off weapon.

because whedon hated the triangular shape, he wanted it to be a round shape

hot take

silver centurion was always overrated

So good I bought it twice.

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>take triangle
>add space stone
>it becomes a cube
that checks out

The Endgame suit was literally perfect.

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>this thread
>no Adi Granov suits

worst board, WORST BOARD!

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Here's a webm since that is just mostly a recolored Mark 50

Attached: Mark 85.webm (640x640, 198K)

Ultron suit was good but the cgi was not

Man I love this. Part of it is the fanwank, MK 85, the color scheme being the classic design but physical design being based on the 50, I love it


BASED capcom inspiration

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It's not comics-accurate but it still works incredibly well

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I think Iron Man worked in his first few appearances thanks to the 'clunkier' armor. On film it looks more realistic and helps our suspension of disbelief. In not how it looked, but how it moved and few and everything, it helped us 'buy-in' to the Iron Man idea much easier.

I think the flying is a big thing too. Iron Man clearly had this suit that flew, but it was how it flew as well, it flew like how you'd expect a dude in a robot suit to do so. Thor didn't fly much, but he often looked just like super jumping more than anything, it helped you buy in. Conversely, when you watch Man of Steel or even Captain Marvel the flying looks a bit off, as we know in the back of our brains people can't fly. I think it speaks to Black Panthers super-suit too, as well as Tony's later suits, it's too form fitting to have awesome tech stuff in it. We know, somewhere in the back of our minds, the world doesn't work that way.

To paraphrase a certain YouTuber: "You may not notice it, but your brain does."

what are those wires between his arm and body doing?

Its hawkeye's bow

The suit in Iron Man 1 was an Adi Granov suit.

>Look literally like a yellow man wearing a crotch high swimsuit with gloves and boots

I hate how they redesign superhero costumes for every goddamn movie just to sell toys, but Iron Man's suit the worst fucking example of this.

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Seconding this. She is the perfect vessel for shattering the shitters of frustrated incels.

Also pic related, a better Toomes than we had any hope of possibly getting.

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Bleeding edge will always be my favorite

Bleeding Edge fucking stinks too, mate.

I agree, but also his suit is the one that makes the most sense changing between movies too I guess. I just don't like how much it changed and how.

Did you seriously look at palatte swap Mark L and somehow assume it was Mark LXXXV?

You have eye problems, bud. And yes, Mark LXXXV is the best armor in the MCU.

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>Suit chestpiece has the shape of the chunk of element Tony succeeded in creating and thus also creating a link between him and his father that he craved since he was a child.
>No meaning
Whedon's got some neat ideas and can usually drive a scene well enough on a good day, but once in awhile something comes out of his mouth that makes it clear how much of a shallow moron he can be.

>do they raise up to show guns
they contain the wrist lasers, so yes.

Not entirely; Mark III was a collaboration between Adi Granov and Phil Saunders, with Saunders cementing the finalized design.

Attached: psaunders_1.jpg (1072x768, 107K)

Picture unrelated.

that said, Adi Granov designed the Iron Man VR armor (called "Impulse") and it's easily one of my favorite Iron Man designs.

Attached: Impulse armor (Iron Man VR suit).jpg (2016x1320, 581K)

You are a far worse person than she is.
She is just a clueless ditz. But you, you are slime.

>She is the perfect vessel for shattering the shitters of frustrated incels.

See? The very dregs.

Looks like they tried to make it a little more 'mechanical'.

It's still just a little too bad to me they didn't use the nanotech to replicate the "classic" look, as though the armor was on its way to becoming actual synthetic living tissue.

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I hate the fucking mouth, looks like a drolling retard with his gob open. aside from that its great though.

this, i vomittee from this thread

Yeah, the open mouth and sunken cheeks don't look as good as I like the arms a little better.though.

based and carolpilled

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>not digging the classic-inspired faceplate.

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I never liked the idea of mouth and eye slits, though way back in the day it made sense as I certainly had no expectation of where tech would be in just my lifetime. The early movie helmets with the pop-up face really was an improvement.

Keep in mind, I think when Iron Man existed in the 60's and even 90's the concept was basically magic, we could understand the idea but how it would work was just all bullshit. Today, a few months from 2020 the Iron Man suit we saw in early movies doesn't feel nearly as unreasonable.

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Someone had an interesting theory about the tech... Summers&layout=thread

>Muh incels

Wow, thanks. My respect for Kirby only ever increases the more I hear of him. I'd be curious to see the two issues mentioned to follow along better, but a great article regardless.

>When you debut during a time when Transformers and Iphone made its debut and Fallout 3 will help make power arnor popular

The perfect recipe for Ironm Man's success

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I’m convinced the primary gold coloring was meant to magnify the Chinabucks. Iron Man 3 was one of the first Hollywood movies made for the Chinese market in mind, and it seems China LOVES their gold and red things.

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