>Top 20 monthly booklist is all MHA
>Viz has bigger market share than Marvel and DC combined
>Manga sells by the millions whereas western comics struggle to 100k
How do we defeat the Jap menace Yea Forums?
>Top 20 monthly booklist is all MHA
>Viz has bigger market share than Marvel and DC combined
>Manga sells by the millions whereas western comics struggle to 100k
How do we defeat the Jap menace Yea Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
By releasing another movie that rakes in money? By putting out another critically acclaimed game that isn't a lame 3D fighting with last gen graphics? By continuously putting out animated series for every demographic? By continuing to be relevant after 99% of all manga and anime become forgotten as they usually do? And we can always win another Deathbattle, that usually pisses someone off.
>Muh MCU
>Other normie shit
That's still not enough user.
Ending the floppy market. It's garbage. Bring back the 52/wedsday comics and just big fat completed books, continuity is shit.
fuck off, BBClover Chads own Yea Forums
never seen or read the official, but the hentai comics are pretty dope
>By continuously putting out animated series for every demographic?
Don't care about your other points, but Japan does this better.
I love All Might
Heavier promotion of comic trades, delete the existence of floppies. Fuck floppies. If you want to support the individual issues, buy it in bulk with other series. Fuck off with the crossovers and continuities and reboots and just give writers and artists nearly full freedom to create whatever they want. I thought that was the whole point of multiple universes.
Are mangas cheaper per page then american comics?
Guess since cosplay and many love mangas, girl tend to buy more mangas than comics and double the numbers.
Wrong. This enables "muh archvillian", alternate, timetravel plots and a evolving story.
>Heavier promotion of comic trades,
Their Epic Collections were a great idea in spirit, collecting every character/title in a proper comprehensive reading order from beginning to end...
Until all the earlier volumes went out of print and are now $100+ collector's items. And since they started the series out of order, you could have volumes 1-4 only to find that since they started at volume 5, you can't get it without paying over a hundred bucks for it.
Even when Marvel has a good idea, they find a way to fuck it up.
A manga vol can be around 8-10 dollars. Compare that to floppies which are 4 dollars and a small trade being 15
>what about other medium! lalalalalalalal fuck reality talk bout something else lalalalalalalala
>enabling garbage nobody wants
>Muh bookstore sells
US manga made less than fucking floppies alone.
110 million is absolutely pathetic.
>B-B-But outside American manga is--
No one gives a fuck about the spending habits of stagnant nations.
Cope. Faggot Cope.
See And fuck yourself with a rake.
Way cheaper, even if you take into account color and glossy pages is still not worth it. Manga formats (vols and weekly anthologies) are just a better, more sensitive product. Floppies need to die and to be fully digital, and the physical format needs to be just dedicated to series that can support their own.
>No one gives a fuck about the spending habits of stagnant nations.
Imagine unironically saying this when even your fucking government agrees that China and India will overtake America as the worlds biggest economy
>stagnant nations.
Unless they want to gut their North American and go completely foreign its suicide to switch from floppies to cheap phone books.
>fully digital
Digital is a giant meme, especially when a giant chunk of the comics market comes from collecting and polybagging physical copies.
You know the only US form of comics that didn't outsell manga? Digital comics.
Tariff manga and anime
None of that shit isn't increasing comic sales, user.
>none of the data indicate your claim
>surely people are like me and don't read past the link name!
what an argument suicide you did there.
Yeah sure Hiro. Any day now the country that can't stop making ghost cities and the country that has designated shitting streets is going to overtake America.
Leading the world economically, culturally, martially, and scientifically--that's stagnation to you? If that's what you think it's no wonder we're the global hegemon and you aren't.
You can't, manga are more akin to novels than our comic industry which is just an overdone brand of the same recycled characters and rotating team of writers and artists with no real consistency, also the floppy/monthly format if fucking terrible and extremely limiting on the capabilities for what stories you can tell, until American comic industry break free from the capeshit shadow they'll always lose to manga, even indies still follow the floppy/monthly format for some stupid reason probably because companies like Image were also just offbrand capeshit companies originally.
Tell me how the data doesn't indicate my claim.
Just end Floppies and focus on a webcomic format supported by ADs. Maybe upgrade Marvel Unlimited by making it the Crunchyroll of comicbooks.
>A premium version with the storylines are up to date and with no ads
>A free version where the storylines are about 1-2 months behind with what's currently being released and supported by ADs. Also limited access to old comics as well
>Still release trades
Viz translation of KnY is so bad that it basically change the meaning what the character said.
>Check Comichron
>Viz's market share is so tiny they're lumped in under "other"
>Fucking Image is slaying them
Holy fuck, why can't manga get a decent foothold in the US?
>US manga made less than fucking floppies alone
Figures that Yea Forums has no idea how to present even a reasonable argument with supporting data.
You are a random fuck up in Yea Forums.
How is he wrong?
>why can't manga get a decent foothold in the US?
Because everyone pirates
I'm an American.
Calm down Hiro, aren't your people supposed to be polite?
It comes down to culture. Always has, always will.
The idiots that parrot the Manga vs Comics argument always miss that the differences come down to cultural differences. They might as well complain why football is more popular than soccer in the US but outside the US its the other way around.
>1 billion dollars in 2018
Okay, now show me a chart where manga isn't included in the sales.
You are right, man. This is why we keep those morons segregated in Yea Forums
My theory is that licensing is cheaper than create your own.
Besides manga artist work themself to death.
And the floppies is a good idea to react to market and that companies can employ artists or artist have income monthly.
The problem with floppies is that their output is sometimes too high to make filler stuff or they have mo ideas anymore than switching concepts.
>nobody wants
Yeah, the reason why crisis of infimite earths, kingdom come, watchmen, days of future past, age of apocalypse is so hhated.
Or why dragonball, one piece dont use continuity.
As long as Diamond has a monopoly on Distribution, Floppies will forever be niggerbait
A little off-topic but I wish manga discussions were allowed on Yea Forums, Yea Forums is 90% anime anyway and we could get some nice storytimes here which are very rare on Yea Forums.
Both Yea Forums and Yea Forums should just be split into a animation and comics only versions of each board anyway it would be so much that way.
Comichron has Viz listed as "other" which makes up (it varies) 10 percent of their data.
Assume, for the sake of argument, that this 10 percent is all Viz and its myriad manga licenses. It's still only 10 percent.
Hell, take 110 million away from the 360 million floppies made just for argument by assuming US manga has to take their cut. That's still 250 million in favor of floppies.
>series is centered around society having superpowers
>MC doesn’t have any
Oh neat, this sounds interesting-
>MC inherits superpowers from the one big hero by the end of the first chapter or some shit
What’s even the fucking point of this series?
>Hiro can't into math
I thought the Japanese were good at numbers?
Comics and Manga should be one board
Anime and Cartoons should be one board
It's the same shit no matter how you look at it
Fuck all you,
Yea Forums
>If that's what you think it's no wonder we're the global hegemon and you aren't.
user I'm an American as well, but you have to admit that western comics have in a decline in recent years, creative and sales wise and has been losing it's relevancy. Like ask a kid if they bought or read the latest batman comic. They'd probably be confused about you're talking about and reply with a "No" or say Endgames' was a masterpiece.
There was no way to make the premise work. Horikoshi originality had Deku be powerless but it was changed. Batman Deku would only work if the powerlevels are much lower or if he's allowed ridiculous asspulls.
There isn't one, and will be forgotten soon because it has no legs.
It's already jumped the shark with MUH SHOOTO and MUH 1 BILLION QUIRKS. For some reason the Japanese hate underdogs with fewer powers than those around them. Look at Yuusuke from Yu Yu. He started as just a human BUT NOT REALLY HE'S HALF DEMON!
Fucking Japan.
Nah the fans of each are pretty at odds with one another it would a clusterfuck of drama. and I feel anime would easily overtake western animation if they shared a board here.
There's no need for racism, user.
PS 238 already did that.
And did it better.
Yeah they are but they make them do like rocket science math in grade school.
>Comics are dying guys!
>From 805 mil to 1.95 billion
Yeah sure is a lot of dying there.
I bet you voted for Hillary.
I'm a Trump supporter.
Just let him outwit fuckers. It's not that hard when the power levels are already so low people worry about handguns. If you're worried about asspulls, he already gets those in spades.
This. What's the worst that could happen? Manga vs comic threads? We already get those.
Then why are we enemies?
Disagree, most people are on Yea Forums for anime and it's already a faster board than Yea Forums is, which by itself has more people who watch rather than read. Combine the animated mediums together in one board and anime will always push out other shows (except for maybe movies), while the comic board will see much less traffic overall.
Adding just manga to Yea Forums will only increase traffic, promote storytimes (which like I said, do poorly on Yea Forums) and give better discussion.
Get rid of Diamond.
Maybe divide co and combine the comics with manga and the anime with cartoons?
Because America is shit at making comics. If the western comic industry doesn't wise up soon, expect them to be overtaken by Japan.
You realise that Japanese people think Chinese people deserve to be genocided and try to justify their war crimes all the time?
Retarded Redneck
Look out guys! The little samurai's mad!
>Like everyone except for Deku and Bakugo
How can you make an MC and Rival so shitty?
That would cause a shitstorm on a massive scale
Even the MLP shitstorm in 2011 would look take in comparison
It would only make the east vs West wars worse
That's what Japan ALWAYS does. In shonen, the mc and his rival are always the least interesting characters.
The Author unironically thinks Deku deserves to get bullied by Baku because he asked if he can help
Only tumblr whales and assholes think the way their rivalry is written is in any way good, Deku looks like a bitch and Baku looks like a cunt
This. In a better written series Deku would tell Baku to fuck off, and if Baku swung on a normie that's on him and the fucked-up school system that enables him. He'd be the jerk who Deku post-power would beat some humility into.
Reread the post, that'll promote board dominance with anime over cartoons on one hand and significantly reduced traffic for the comics/manga board on the other since most people prefer watching. Comic storytimes here help people who mostly watch find something fun to read. Just adding manga is the better option than splitting up the boards as Yea Forums will still retain its main crowd of watchers.
Yea Forums is already one of the most hated boards on. They should be so lucky to be mixed in with Yea Forums so people would actually like them
I'm retarded at math so bear with me here.
Isn't possessing 10+% of a market share in relation to a foreign division still a wildly successful venture? If this chart accounts for the big two alongside smaller publishers, that's a pretty wide net, broader still when one considers the success of indie and children's books.
Also, is the digital download segment of the chart accounting for individual sales on digital comics, or is it also tracking profits earned with subscription apps? I know that manga app or whatever got really popular during 2018 and i wonder if that and the myriad of western subscription-style apps factor into these calculations.
Also, you're using 2017 data to speculate after 2018. The market could have shrunk or grown in that time. It's only a year, yeah, but it seems weird to draw a direct comparison with differing data sets.
You need to dump floppies and just sell trades instead. Stop relying exclusively on comic book stores.
Why not have him be a Reed Richards/Tony Stark style genius who uses gadgets and science to fight?
Deku was going to do that but Horikoshi changed it. Bakugo was originally going to be a nice guy.
>10% +
Except that 10% sometimes dips as low as 5% and includes more than just Viz. It's Viz plus all other companies too low to be properly listed.
The trade market really is the way of the future. They already make more cash from trades than floppies.
>By continuing to be relevant after 99% of all manga and anime become forgotten
First off
And that's because mangas usually end. Comics never do, different beasts
>Manga ends
>One Piece, Dragon Ball, Naruto. Jojo, etc
Great meme.
dragon ball and naruto are over though. warm piss total duration is still inferior to any capeshit you can name, and it even has a planned ending
>Except that 10% sometimes dips as low as 5%
On a monthly or yearly basis, and is that fluctuation or a steady rise/decline?
>It's Viz plus all other companies too low to be properly listed.
Right, but this same logic applies to the sales of North American published comics, at least as far as the original image is concerned. It ranges from everything from Marvel/DC to whatever the hell else.
Comichron serves well as an indicator for how each company is doing individually, but their sales-data also relies upon tracking sales related to what Comic shops have purchased from Diamond. This doesn't take into account unsold books from these shops or the growing popularity of digital services that supplement these stores.
With the closing of comic shops across the states becoming an epidemic, i have to wonder if we can get a clear picture of how well any party within the industry is doing.
>all of them are from WSJ
Don't you see the pattern here? Manga in other magazines end but many popular manga from Jump tend to find a way to keep going a little longer.
>By continuing to be relevant after 99% of all manga and anime become forgotten as they usually do?
Holy shit take, Batman.
You are literally defending the maintaining of status quo and no long term growth being allowed.
The ugly side of RDJ's second "I am Iron Man" is that it highlights that a moment like that will never happen in the comics, which will always make them more sterile, and therefore less consequential. Say what you will about "relevance" vs "manga and anime becoming forgotten" The only reason they're forgotten is because a creator comes up with a story. It has a beginning, a middle and and ending, and after the ending the story is done. The cherished characters often die, and the audience is tasked with moving on. But sure, let's pretend that there is nothing wrong with a trust fund baby sad that mommy and daddy got killed, dressing up in a cool costume to fight crime is still alive and doing so almost a century after he was created. See, people liked to bitch about the end of Rises or Cap moving on from the shield at the end of Endgame, but people very rarely do the same thing for their entire lives like Marvel and DC comics would have you believe. Some of the movies, and the vast majority of anime and manga understand this, which is why their characters have beginnings and endings. Because people have endings, and characters having one makes them more real and relevant and relatable than any deaging retcon or linewide reboot that's just meant to squeeze more revenue out of an audience that only ever seems less and less willing to oblige. Because yeah, I know you want to talk about movies and cartoons and every other medium than comics, but that is what OP was actually trying to talk about.
>Dragon Ball and Naruto are over though
No they aren't. Rebranding as Naruto: The Next Generation doesn't mean it's over.
>Warm Piss has a "planned ending"
>dominance with anime over cartoons on one hand
This would be good because people who watch western TV cartoons are honestly worse than weebs
But WSJ is by far the most dominant manga brand not only in Japan but worldwide.
Actually Shounen Magazine and Sunday are relatively close to WSJ sales wise
>Wanna infect Yea Forums with the tumblr retards from Yea Forums
Kill yourself
>implying Yea Forums and Yea Forums don't have a lot of overlap already
A wider variety of manga does better on Yea Forums than it does on Yea Forums, we had a lot of Astroboy threads here, both comic and manga focused, a short while back that got pushed off of Yea Forums.
>Cant list more than 10 series
k. It is extremely rare for a manga / anime to be long lived, and none of them has been existing since the 60s like comic
>It's extremely rare for a manga to be long lived
>He thinks this is a good thing
Well, not all manga from Jump get "next gen" story, only the popular one. It's a small number of series but they're the most well-known. So people tend to think that manga also go on forever like comic.
Only Dragon Ball and Naruto got a next gen
Unless you wanna count Kubo's new manga which is apparently in the same universe as Bleach except in America
>Want creativity stale like western comic
Survival of the fittest, nigger. The extremely hostile and competive enviroment polish the authors / artists and allow us to posses increasingly better quality works. A journey without end is just torturous
A more up to date thing
Manga sales in 2018 seem to be around 130mil~ still increasing yearly but it looks like it'll peak soon.
There a similar manga called Ratman. The world basically have hero as a job and there a lot of non-superpower hero sponsor by big corp. MC is a midget that want to be hero, instead he got trick into joining a "villain" organization and was given some kind of superpower .
>Episodic stories don't have a beginning, middle, and end because there's always a next episode and a status quo
Explain why Star Trek shits on every manga and anime series imaginable then.
What's the new thing? I mean there was the 1 shot burn the witch but that was in London i think.
>Japan loves both Its Manga and Western Superheroes
>people all over the world watch MCU AND Anime without comparing the two
>Americans for some reason feel like they can only enjoy one
Why are Americans like this? Cartoon channels all over the world air both Western Cartoons and Anime while Americans seem to think they are two completely different things
>Show weeaboo Morrison's Action Comics
>"Yeah that was nice, but I can't enjoy it because there are stories after it."
>Talk about comic / cartoon
>Meander to movie / film for some reason
You mentally retarded, bro?
Star Trek has comics moron. Now answer the question.
This man unironically thinks Nu Star Wars ruined the original trilogy.
Considering the MCU is pretty fucking close when SJ has been around for 40 more years, I wouldn’t call that a point for manga.
The main difference between Manga and American Comics is that generally barring extenuating circumstances like a sudden case of the deaths the person who starts writing a series will be the one who ends it, it's not like Marvel/DC where the company lets anyone write a story for the character ad infitum the same person has been writing Golgo 13 since 1968 after all, it's better to compare Manga to specific runs by a single writer
Yeah that was what I was talking about , mixed up London and New York for some reason
Weirdly a lot of Visual Novels seem to go for the shared Universe route
Type Moon, ToAruverse , Naritaverse, When they Cry, Science Adventure series.
Only difference is that only Type Moon is nearly as confusing as Marvel/DC
the MCU might pass Shonen jump off the back of DVD/Blu-ray sales for the 3 movies this year, will certainly pass with Black Widow next year
Oh and most of those Shared Universes are written by one person whose visions define it
Yes? The desert cupcake might be nice but if you serve nothing but literal diarrhea for the rest of the meal obviously nobody is gonna like it
>No just keep eating shit, man. Sometime if you skim around a certain part you get slightly digested corn
>Or more cupcake with shit only lightly sprinkled on top
>It is all you can eat too so you can eat endlessly
>U rike dat?
Yeah no thx, i will stick to my normal meal courses. Sometime the dessert might suck, sometime they might be rushed to finish but it is a proper experience
The ToAruverse is less shared universe and more everything is just a spin-off from Index.
No one is forcing you to read in order you stupid fuck. Who has the gun to your head making you read Bendis Superman?
I just mentioned it because a lot of people get confused on what to watch/Read first, same with Monogatari
Neither are as confusing as Type Moon or Marvel
>It is okay to wallow in self ignorance about characters in the medium that you immerse yourself into
That is some maximum cuckhold mentality there, user.
It is like telling people they dont need to read Harry Potter or any kind of novel in order. Just read vol 9 then 2 then 15, dont pay any attention to all that developments and side characters that you skipped. This kind of problem is literally next to nonexistence in manga / anime
The only western comic that's caught my eye out of the big two this year is Spider-man Life Story because it's in a bottle universe where characters are allowed to age and die permanently instead of everything getting reset to the status quo.
>Manga sells by the millions whereas western comics struggle to 100k
Only three mangas sells millions. And only in their own turf.
In the west, there's NO MANGA WHATSOEVER that has sold better than the first issue of "Black Cat" or "DCeased". Deal with that, weebs.
Damn, they’re really unstoppable.
>Just let him outwit fuckers.
That logic is how we end up with Preptime the Batgod.
There's not a person on the planet that started with Action Comics 1 and read everything in order.
>Don't pay attention to all the developments and side characters
The fuck? You can capture all the big changes the previous run on Superman made in a sentence. "Superman has a son now." "His son is now aged to a teenager."
What are you talking about?
Only if by "west" you mean "north America". Include Europe and Manga stomps.
Based Chad
Show the numbers, weeb.
>only three mangas sellls millions, And only in their own turf
The barrier for entry into the top 10 Manga sales by series was 3.3 mil in 2018 with Tokyo Ghoul:re being #10
There were 7 manga volumes that sold over 1mil, 3 OP, 3 AOT and 1 HxH last year
I don't know about that, but I wouldn't be surprised. Europe is known for cucking to Asians.
MHA and MHA Vigilantes are the only capeshit books I still read. DC is shit thanks to the Didiot and the Bendis crew take over. Marvel will be shit as long as even the fat shogun answers to that racist cunt Sana Amanat.
Plus Ultra!
He doesn't need to get one over guys that push planets, just guys with grenade fists.
>There's not a person on the planet that started with Action Comics 1 and read everything in order
Obviously, considering how much of a cluster fuck your medium is. Burn the whole thing down, nothing is worth saving in this garbage dump full of inept and mentally retarded individuals
>The fuck? You can capture all the big changes the previous run on Superman made in a sentence
I see you are not only retarded, you are the real deal
So, One Piece, Attack on Titan and HxH. Exactly 3 mangas, weebmaster.
>MHA and MHA Vigilantes are the only capeshit books I still read
Imagine being proud of that.
Why does Yea Forums let false flaggers bait them?
>ever ending
Gracious kek. You'll never see popular mangaka ever attempt an Elseworlds, or What-If.
I get it now. You have autism. You can't into episodic storytelling because you are compelled to go in order.
>He liked Life Story
Nigger what is wrong with you? It was shit.
Go read something good like Immortal Hulk.
how many trades are over 1mil?
To think, you could be reading Dial H and Green Lantern.
But no. You chose MUH SHOOTO.
I am sorry you are too used to ingest literal shit the sight of gourmet food and proper meal disgust you, user
I would say get well soon but there is no help for your kind of people. The sooner you kill yourself the better. It is because of low standard faggots like you that everything in the world is so half assed
Because Yea Forums is full of zoomers and manchildren that obsess over cartoon network's quirky calarts show of the month.
Why are weeaboos so proud of a fight they haven't won, is what I want to know.
We have this thread everyday, everyday a bunch of weebs will sing their praises to the masterpiece that is My Hero Academia and Black Clover, everyday some user will bring yhe actual data correcting the OP and showing how little manga sells here compared to any floppy, everyday weebs will get pissed at that, and then in the next day they will start another thread saying that manga sells better and praise MHA and BC again and etc.
What are they getting from lying to themselves?
You read shonen. Willingly.
You have absolutely no legs to stand one here.
I know that guy. Just 2 days ago I asked him to name one good manga published in the last 10 years, and the best thing he came up with was "Liar Game".
It's because weebs know they're not as popular as capefags in their own country. And being unable to move out of the US where comics dominate manga, they seethe and try to get their e peen sucked by saying that manga dominates capes in global sells.
When someone brings up global franchise vs global franchise sells, they suddenly go NUH UH and draw the line there because they want to WIN.
It goes deeper than that though. Shonenshit is all about power level and heirarchy, and arguing popularity and dollar share just another form of recreational posturing weebs indulge in like arguing over whether Goku could beat Superman.
>Liar Game
It's discount Kaiji.
>trying to justify falling for bait like an autist
A true master is fluent in all manner of art.
Though your medium is doomed to be inferior and cant be salvaged, you could atleast put your mind at ease by accepting that fact
It is the best thing published by Japan in the last 10 years, according to the weebmaster ranting on this thread about people reading Superman without starting from "Action Comics #1".
I'm convinced that Yea Forums secretly hates modern day cartoons and comics that they so want to talk about anime and manga.
Not because they hate them but because they're selling better, as if that's a sign of quality. Because you're a bunch of insecure weirdos that want the world to not make fun of you which, who would even that? No seriously who would make fun of you for your favorite comics?
But they are better though.
The discourse isn't as toxic because they aren't inserting unnecessary identity politics and contemporary politics into the plots. Among other things like more variety also.
I don't even think Life Story is particularly good. But it's GOING somewhere.
Immortal Hulk may be well written and drawn but it's going to get retconned out of existence within a year so I just can't find it in me to care anymore.
>"Western comics has become convoluted. It's hard to make sense of it."
>"hurr autism!"
Compelling argument. You should have converted him into reading comics.
>I'm convinced that Yea Forums secretly hates modern day cartoons and comics
What do you mean "secretly"?
>JumpScum are crossboarders
>Yea Forums caring about crossboarding
>so I just can't find it in me to care anymore
Then go read a shit manga, no one fucking cares, dude.
I read Morrison's Green Lantern, you read "Please Don't Bully Me, Nagatoro", and that's it. Everyone is happy. I just don't get what has gotten into you that you need to convince people that read comics that "Please Don't Bully Me, Nagatoro" is some sort of high literature. No one with a brain will believe in that.
>Convoluted and hard to make sense of
The fuck? They literally had a multiverse wide fighting tournament in dragon ball. What are you talking about?
I care. You should go b/a/ck.
>retconned within a year
And? Nu Star Wars retconned a lot, that doesn't mean the original trilogy doesn't exist.
I'm trying to understand your thought process here. How the fuck do future episodes of an episodic series invalidate previous episodes of worth?
>The Quintessential Quintuplets Outselling both DCeased and Black Cat combined
Based MoeChads win again
Well yeah. They're even concern trolling now:
It all stems from the innate inferiority weeaboos feel about their hobby. They see their normie friends and family members talk about Batman and Avengers and feel neglected because they don't know who the fuck All-Might and Deku are. The culture they live in makes them feel self-conscious so they try to justify liking manga over capes on Yea Forums as a form of coping.
>ask for data from the west
>weeb gives the accumulated sales from JAPAN
>they count that as a victory
Can you read, weeb?
Dude come on. Come right the fuck on.
Green Lantern and Hulk stomp Life Story into the fucking dirt and you know it. Life Story is borderline fanfiction its so bad. It's all the cringey soap opera bullshit of Spider-Man, and yet you suck its dick because "it won't be retconned."
Get the fuck off this board and take your shit taste with you.
They can, they just ignore all the data that doesn't fit their narrative.
>They can
No one that takes pride in reading My Hero Academia can truly read.
>5-10 years and a manga is forgotten
>2 years after a manga ends there will be a manga very similar but different enough
Thats mostly like reboots in american comics.
>Implying I watch My Capeshit academia
I am a HunterChad you dib
It's like American comics are fucking terrible due to a shitty industry and tons and I do mean tons of hack writers and artists.
This, fucking cape comics has added so many fucking terrible shit that no one actually wants to get into them, it's no suprise that most people prefer the cartoon or movie versions of these characters, because those are usually actually well written and has a narrative structure that makes sense.
Though with the MCU that might end soon.
Then lets just end Diamond.
But yeah, people do want to read stuff with Batman, Supes, Spiderbloke and so on, but comics themselfs are fucking terrible as a medium and needs to be fixed.
Manga isn't fucked because it's all selfcontained stories that are headed by one person or one team through out the whole story, not like Comics where you have one writer for 12 issues and then suddenly a new one takes over for the next 6 and then a 3rd fucker takes it for 6 years, it's inconsistent and leads to really fucking terrible shit expecially when they're forced to follow "continuity" and have to waste time finding ways to retcon shit instead of telling good stories.
TLDR; just burn the industry from the ground and rebuild it, fuck continuity and let good writers tell good stories.
OP is Weeaboo Jones.
Tell him to fuck off.
>Premise is a rip off of PS 238
>Villains are blander than bland
>Worldbuilding is your generic battle high school setting with a thin layer of cape paint.
I can't wait for this to be forgotten.
This, people can't get invested in something that will be rebooted or retconned to hell.
Also it's pretty telling when peoples favorite comics are usually stand alone graphic novels or really selfcontained runs with little to no continuity or crossover fuckery
Why are you replying to the OP again?
You didn't even change your "BURN EVERYTHING DOWN" autism.
You think your take will be better if you keep repeating it?
Dark Horse and Image will save Western Comics from capeshit and Licenced shit
Ask Hellboy fans how much "no retcons, one writer" worked out for them.
No, obviously diffrent people feel the same because this shit is super fucking obvious to anyone who isn't a fatass comic nerd that only reads shitty cape books
Yet it is what weebs would have we read, if it was up to them.
Comic book readers are used to better things than MHA, and they have never gotten this arrogant. Imagine what will happen when a weeb finally read something good.
Sometimes a comic really should just end, which is another issue American comics has, they have no end in sight so they just fucking drag on with the dumbest shit ever, this happens in Manga too yes, but most good or great ones have the sensiblity to fucking end.
Or you know... get manga and comics for free online?
Only Ironic Weebs like MHA
>What are you talking about?
I'm talking about the multiple comics of the same superheroes and how it's become so crowded to the point where there's no jump off point, you dunce. Like how am I suppose to pick up reading Batman, Green Lantern or whatever as a kid when there are many retellings of the same superhero? At least I can start reading Dragon Ball from the first volume and get the basic idea of the story.
Yeah? What does a TROO Weeb like yourself likes, then?
Enlight me. Name 3 good mangas published in the last 10 years.
>Most good or great ones have the sensibility to fucking end
There's not a single WSJ story that didn't go full zombie mode.
Even classic manga had this problem. FOTNS should have ended after Raoh, but it didn't.
>They see their normie friends and family members talk about Batman and Avengers
You mean the movies? Because I highly doubt the average normie even care about what's going on in the newest avengers comic.
>How am I supposed to pick up reading Batman, Green Lantern or whatever as a kid
There are runs that advertise themselves are jumping on points like Snyder's Batman and Johns' Lantern.
It's the easiest thing in the world to google "entry level X". If you can't muster up the brain power to do that you might as well just stick to playing video games.
I don't know what this is, but it looks trashy and try-hard.
If this is one of the best things written by Japan in the last decade, then there's no doubt that comics are better.
>Green Lantern
I stopped giving a shit about GL like 20 years ago when Johns decided Hal was a good boi that dindu nuffin and it was really all a space cockroach.
You wanna talk fanfiction tier writing? THAT was fanfiction tier writing.
Bakuman was basically the perfect length
He said GOOD manga.
>There are runs that advertise themselves are jumping on points like Snyder's Batman and Johns' Lantern.
Was Azzarello's WW one of those?
Because they've been downright spiteful about how they went on from that.
was mostly thinking FMA, but yes, not saying that Manga doesn't have this problem, but even then arcs in Manga still have clear begining, middle and end while lots of western comics just faff around because they have to tie in to some crossover or having to retcon shit.
God forbid anyone have discontent with the modern comic industry and wanting it to get better. Keep acting like it's just trolls, then you'll wonder why everything crumbled around you.
>Yes I only Read Batman comics, how could you tell?
The arcs in comics also have clear beginnings, middles, and ends you dumbass.
you're the one with the (wrong) hot take, you explain it
this sounds interesting, actually. Live action in most forms can fuck off, yes.
>If you can't muster up the brain power to do that you might as well just stick to playing video games.
And like that, you just lost a potential reader. I hope you don't work in PR.
>God forbid anyone have discontent with the modern comic industry and wanting it to get better
You don't want it to get better. You want it to get like manga.
If "Watchmen" was a manga, Rorschach would have defeated Dr. Manhattan after learning a new super-move and using the power of the Nakama. And then we would be presented to a new antagonist, stronger than Manhattan, who would then be defeated by another new super-move.
And that would go on and on, until "Watchmen" fell in the weekly rankings and the publisher would just cancel it to make room for a new story that have the same beats.
And you weeaboos would praise it, because "it has a start and an ending".
No seriously. If you can't be bothered to look up what you're about to spend time on you deserve to be hooked up to the normie entertainment feed.
>If it's not action it's bad
>not being able to appreciate a Horror drama with supernatural elements
Capeshitters truly are manlets
>If it's not action it's bad
You saw anyone here saying that?
If you want horror, world-famous horror novelist Joe Hill just started his own imprint of comic books with DC Comics. It's bound to be better than the Junji Ito copycats that seems to be all that Japan has in terms of horror.
Okay. Sell it to me. What's good about it?
>And that would go on and on, until "Watchmen" fell in the weekly rankings and the publisher would just cancel it to make room for a new story that have the same beats.
Unless it's popular enough, then it's gets permanent spot in the lineup until it ends on it's own terms. Hell, it may even it's own anime by Madhouse.
>And you weeaboos would praise it, because "it has a start and an ending".
No, we praise it if it's good.
Kasane isn't anything like Junji Ito
Well said user. I'd take Locke and Key any day over the tripe Japan thinks makes good horror comics.
>If you can't be bothered to look up what you're about to spend time on you deserve to be hooked up to the normie entertainment feed.
Well it's a good thing the comic industry have superhero movies to fallback on. If they didn't, then oh boy!
But the comic side of Marvel isn't subsidized by the movie side. Post proof to the contrary if you have it. Otherwise kill yourself.
>Want to read a comic
>Have to spend an hour researching where to start, and what you need to already know before going into it
>Want to read a manga
>Go to book 1 chapter 1
Barriers to entry inhibit growth.
It's about a deformed girl who's mother was a famous actress and wants to become an actress herself but can't due to her looks
She uses her mothers lipsticks to steal the faces of other girls by kissing them and stealing their identities, just like her mother did
Without spoilering anything it has great conflicts both internal and between characters, some decent plot twists and a great atmosphere
I still don’t know why marvel or dc haven’t out there digital comic book shops on the switch. The damn thing is a tablet almost it would be perfect
Is this what weebs are? People simply not smart enough to figure out how to read comics, then they simply go and read manga?
Now I get it. Someone too dumb to read comic books would end up mesmerized by My Hero Academia and Tokyo Shinobi Squad and what not.
Comics sales only makes Marvel $500k a year worldwide. Comic books are a liability in Marvel's otherwise profitable portfolio.
>tfw too smart for those Japanese mangas.
But you are a dumb weeb, are you not?
Those are comics from the MCU, not comics from Marvel Comics.
>Still using Weeb as an insult
What's next, anyone who likes anything associated with blacks is a "nigger lover"?
Nobody outside reddit and Yea Forums cares about Marvel outside the MCU.
They already resorted to racism, so I don't how low they can go.
I read them alright. I was reading Takagi-san just last week.
But I am "smart" enough to read comic books without feeling lost, and I don't have to protect my hurt pride by pretending that My Hero Academia is some sort of Magnum Opus of writing.
It's okay to like mangas. It's dumb fun.
Most people entered Dragon Ball at Z, not OG Dragon Ball. And they didn't mind all the weird unexplained shit.
>Comic book readers are used to better things than MHA
user, capeshitters buy johns, bendis and loeb garbage, don't be retarded, capeshit in general is as bad as the shittiest shonenshit
Based, user. BTFO'ing the Yea Forums crowd and triggering them hard.
>Most people entered Dragon Ball at Z
only in America.
>Top 20 monthly booklist is all MHA
This is not true. Although it is well represented. It's also based on npd book scan, which is... Not a good tool for gauging comic sales. Most comic shops are not connected to state of the art monthly fees POS systems, so it mostly captures Barnes and Noble and that sort of thing.
>Viz has bigger market share than Marvel and DC combined
This is because most of marvel and DC sales are in the direct market. This is not hard to look up. The top 300 comics sell between $25-35 million a month. Marvel makes 45% of that.
>Manga sells by the millions whereas western comics struggle to 100k
Please direct me to a us sales figure post that contains actual us sales numbers and not rankings.
No one cares about MCU comics at all. Not even MCU fans care about tie-in comics.
Marvel publishing, which makes the comics, is far more profitable than 500k a year. You would have to be catastrophically idiotic to not immediately detect that as incorrect.
>people liking different things from me stems from them having mental problems !
are you sure you aren't just projecting your own inferiority complex on others?
>Comic Volumes = $520,000
Holy fuck that's pathetic.
That's tie in comics by marvel studios, not Marvel Comics.
You would have to defeat Diamond and unfuck the Comic industry, good luck.
How much did either of Marvel or DC made in comics gross profits?
I am guessing 30B+?
And what about Image and Dark Horse? Vertigo?
>And that's because mangas usually end
Most Manga end with a whimper
>How do we defeat the Jap menace Yea Forums?
>Implying legacy comics are more relevant than the MCU
>Not because they hate them but because they're selling better, as if that's a sign of quality
What is Japan's Watchmen, in terms of quality?
My Hero Academia
No, I'm asking seriously.
According to that Comic site Comics make 300s M a year while Graphic Novels make 600s a year , which leads to 1b profit a year
What's interesting is that Comic Book stores are below 50% of the profit generators with Digital and Comic Channels being the majority
What's the reason to why Graphic Novels exploded in the west recently?
Probably Akira. Product of the same era with many similar themes to boot.
I see some similarities, but it isn't on the same level of quality. One of my favorites, though.
Oh and the Manga industry makes 4B yearly profit
A lot of people lump manga in with graphic novels. There's also printed versions of various webcomics that could towards that.
Only soi infused gay Americans read capeshit full of Americans set in American shitholes
>MCR's Singer's Comic is one of the best selling graphic novels
Based and BlackParadepilled
If not Akira, then maybe Ghost in the Shell (original only)
>yeah whatever I asked to refuse everything anyway, I am so smart lol
>Another anime thread featuring Naruto, MHA or DBZ
Marvel alone makes more than $200 million in direct market sales a year, and gns are less than 25% of the direct market, and on top of that Marvel's share of gns is far lower than their share of floppies.
So that doesn't add up.
Fuck off chink
Don't ask me, ask Comichron
>Ghost in the Shell
The manga was only okay.
No, I'm asking honestly because I want to read some high-quality stuff. Do you have an answer?
>MCU comic volumes
I didn't even know there were MCU comics.
You forgot about Jojo, Berserk and Hunter x Hunter.
>I know how we will sell more comics than the Japanese. We wont!
Comics already sell more. See
Only if you forget that the rest of the world exists.