Into the Spider-Verse

>movie celebrates the death of Peter Parker (both literally and symbolically)
>everyone loves it, it makes money, and wins an Oscar

Bros is Peter done for?

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No, he was the heart of the movie. The pulse. Miles was fine but just a boring straight (in a comedic sense) man. The pathos came from Pete.

Peter was the best part of Spiderverse, Miles was sort of an addition or sup for the viewer for most of the movie. The sequel will have to prove Miles worth now that the audience is caught up with the film universe.

>celebrates the death of Peter Parker
>by bringing in another Peter Parker and basically making him the secondary main character
>by bringing in another Peter Parker that basically shows up the main character throughout the whole film
>by bringing in another Peter Parker that winds up being the one who helps the main character even be worth a damn in the end

Did we watch the same movie?

maybe not, there was that one user who bitched about spider-verse and admitted that he didn't even see the movie

I mean why would another Peter have to be "brought in" in a Spider-Man movie? It's his franchise, he doesn't need replacements or sidekicks, and the sequel is confirmed to focus on Miles so Peter was just a tool to prop him up.

The Peter Parker of Spider-Verse was actually the direction I wanted to see Tobey's Peter go in.

In fact, the premise of that scenario was a multiverse story. Spider-Verse is essentially the ASM3 I wanted to see.

Peter Parker was a sad chubby old man and I loved him for it, it made him empathetic and endearing. Whole cast was good
Peter > Miles > Noir Peter > Porker > Peni > Gwen
Gwen wasn't that interesting to me


Peter was in the movie just to give his blessing to his woke replacements so Spider-Man fans wouldn't complain. Gwen is getting a movie, Miles is getting a movie (with Gwen), animated Peter won't be heard from again.

why are you so worried about a movie that barely made its budget back? peter parker's gonna be around for a while, if they really are as shit as you say then there wouldn't be any chance for them to replace him, right?

she did about as much as porker

Yeah, all those mourning citizens sure looked pleased about Peter's death.

Corporate agenda and fan reception are two different things, reception to comic Miles has been lukewarm at best for a decade yet he's still being pushed like he's selling gangbusters. We didn't even get one animated movie focusing solely on Peter, he was a supporting character in one and he's already abandoned, his legacies are now getting solo movies and he's getting nothing, so from that point of view he is already replaced.

Yet she is the character people remember about the movie, how about that?

He's gotten hundreds of animated shows, live action movies, etc? Hell, the biggest comic adaptation in the world right now has peter at its forefront. I'd be surprised if the spider-verse franchise makes it past 2, sony is quick to greenlight everything the minute something sticks. Remember all the movies they had planned in the garfield universe?

>Homecoming made 880 million, while Far from home crossed 1 billion at the box office. The first film to do so.
>Spider man PS4 reached 9 million world wide
>Comics sales are back in respectable range whiles miles flounders like usual at 20k
>All Peter focused

An animated movie is the least on their minds.

>movie celebrates the death of Peter Parker (both literally and symbolically
Nigga what are you talking about?

Life and death, fool.

The franchise is not a timeshare, expecting Peter at the forefront of every adaptation and medium is the standard

>Spiderman vs Amazing Spider-Man will draw 2 billion

I really want to know what the hell she was taking at the time

It's funny that writers will always need to rewrite the main problem with Miles no matter how many times they do it, all because Bendis couldn't be bothered to pass the torch properly and give Miles and Peter a prior relationship.

>Makes less than a third of what the latest Peter movie has made in a few weeks.
No, not really. Look, I'm pretty sure many of these alternative Spider-Men primarily exist because Marvel needs to prepare for when Peter goes public domain in 2057. 38 years might seem far into the future but Marvel has to make sure an alternative character is well established by the time they no longer have an exclusive claim to Spider-Man, something has to be "unique" enough for people to still think of their Spider-Man as "the" Spider-Man.
Either this or it simply an attempt to find a new audience. The argument I just made here is probably more applicable to Jon Kent, as Superman is only under copyright protection until 2033 and Jon until 2110, Whereas Miles will only be under copyright protection for 49 years after Peter enters public domain.

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>>movie celebrates the death of Peter Parker (both literally and symbolically)
I'm really tired of this bait.

>Superman is only under copyright protection until 2033
Unless WB goes full Disney and tries to extend it, if not Disney will just swipe him away.

he's in the mcu, you absolute waste of a human being

If WB finally set aside money, time, and effort for a high budget Batman animated movie, and then the focus of the movie was Damian Wayne, and the movie got spinoffs and sequels and they were also focused on tertiary characters, Batman fans would be right to be pissed and the fact Bruce was in DCEU would be no consolation

If the studios wanted to, they would've pushed congress to extended copyright a year ago to prevent stuff from going PD in 2019. This time around they didn't.

Not applicable. Damien Wayne has no other hero persona besides Robin. A more accurate statement would be the movie being about Terry Which DC is considering after ITSV, or Dickbats. Both of those characters have worn the Batman name.
It's not an issue. It's not a torch pass. The torch is dropped, the 2nd hero picks it up. Why change this unique aspect?

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Not really. Talk to any normie (which you probably don’t do often) and they’ll mention Peni maybe once if at all

It is applicable because people don't care about Miles the same way they don't care about Damian, if Spider-Verse was about Ultimate Peter no one would've complained

Well he must have fans because he's still around. Only surviving book from the Ultimate line. The only legacy character book that's not a new number 1, that's breaking into the top 50 each month. If people really didn't care he'd be swept under the rug, like Jane Foster Thor, or Silk, Or that new captain Britain introduced during battleworld. or Mockingbird, or Sideways, or Green Lantern Baz, or Mosaic.

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>or Sideways
Fuck you.

No. He's just doomed to be a teenager forever. You will never see a 20-30 yo Peter that's matured and gone through really tough times, lost many loved ones, made connections, and honed all of his skills. All you get is the 15yo with a mature sense of responsibility for a kid his age. Or worse a man baby making Weadon-esque tension breaking jokes to allieviate any drama. Last good one was the Video Game. I miss 60's Spidey and Spider-Man TNAS. Josh Keaton was a mistake because that high pitcheed whine is what people will hear when they see spidey.

It just a good movie, whoever you consider to be the main Spiderman is kinda irrelevant. Plus without Parker no one would know/love the character for there to be so many variations. People may say superman/batman are the go to heroes but Peter blows them out of the water in every sense

Blonde Peter isn't even standard Peter Parker, though. I remember some people thought he was Ben.

Well, there's still Spider Man PS4

Respectable list. Gwen basically was just there after her Spider introduction.

Hey, it's not Keaton's fault they went with high school Peter for SSM, nor is it anyone who worked on that show's fault that Marvel are obsessed with him being a teen in the films and cartoons that they have control over.

If I have one gripe, it's that literally no one was at Peter's grave the night Miles met Peter B. There would be at least a small crowd.

This is a massive overreaction. Peter Parker is Spider-Man. Period. Didn't Miles get renamed Kid Arachnid recently? He might be getting pushed, but he's not being made the face of the Spiders.

Tobey Maguire had an even more whiney voice and don't get me started on whoever voiced him in Web of Shadows. The last time he sounded like a spider MAN in animated form was either this movie or when he was played by Neil Patrick Harris

Didn't miles just replace ultimate peter in the comics?

It was late at night and everyone probably held their vigil. Even with someone as famous as Spider-Man people aren't going to hover over a stranger's grave 24/7.

Fun fact about B.Parker

Prior to Jake Johnson (and after Sony denied Maguire for reasons), they considered on:

>Chris Pine (which due to time constrains couldn't make it as B Parker, but was cast as RIPeter)
>Zachary Levi
>Aaron Paul
>Jesse Eisenberg
>Neil Patrick Harris (had Harris been cast, he would've been back on voicing Spidey eight years after Shattered Dimensions)
>Jake Gyllenhaal (who was eventually Mysterio in Far From Home)

Not really? It felt like a better passing of the torch story than what eventually happened in Ultimate.

It uses the death of one Spiderman.

Pic related is a Spiderman from another Earth. The only difference is that this Spiderman didn’t marry MJ.

still haven't seen this shit movie no fucks given

Based retard.

>blonde spiderman dies
>gets replaced by black spiderman
>black spiderman gets the blonde girl

If the sequel doesn't have Peter than it won't be as good
This is coming from someone who loved the movie

Peter being in high school wasn't nearly as much of a thing back then.

Passing of the torch stories are all bullshit.

Well with bullet proof logic like that I guess there ain't anything for me to say

You fucks are forgetting that domain and trademark are different things, and that there's no time limit for a company to hold a trademark. This means that while everyone will be able to use the earliest conceptions behind Superman in 2033, you won't be able to actually gain money for this. So good look using a "public domain" character without actually gaining money from it. "Public domain" isn't what you retards think it is, it basically means that you can share the earliest works of the character without owning money to anyone.

The name "Spider-man" on the cover is enough to draw people to it.

I think you're neglecting the whole "celebrating the life of Peter Parker" part of the movie.

Literally saves the day with telling Miles he needs to use the goober. Then other dimension Peter, who has been hiding from his life, turns around and saves the day by embracing life and being the hero again.

/shrug. I dunno user, I think you might be reading into this the wrong way.

OP's wrong for a lot of reasons but that's not one of them. MCU one is just white Miles.

Fuck off.

Well the "Spider-man" on the cover wasn't enough to draw people to Miguel when they brought him out of storage. Doesn't seem to be working too well for Otto either.

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The movie, while more focused on Miles, its still so much about Peter.
Both characters have a well developed arch, that both influence on each other. Peter isnt there just to be a tutor to Miles, really liked that aspect of the movie

>You fucks are forgetting that domain and trademark are different things
No, I'm fully aware of the distinction.
>and that there's no time limit for a company to hold a trademark.
That's sort of true, they have to actively still use it and it's not nearly as ironclad as copyright.
>This means that while everyone will be able to use the earliest conceptions behind Superman in 2033,
>you won't be able to actually gain money for this.
By definition you can. Old Superman comics can be reprinted by anyone and sold for whatever price deemed appropriate. You can either get a physical copy of Dracula by different publishers or just download it off the web for free.
>So good look using a "public domain" character without actually gaining money from it.
I'm pretty sure you should shut off autocorrect on your phone if it comes with something this incomprensive. Assuming you meant "Good luck using public domain characters in a way that you can earn money on it", I already explained why you can.
>"Public domain" isn't what you retards think it is, it basically means that you can share the earliest works of the character without owning money to anyone.
I don't know why you think we disagree here. Maybe if you think that's what public domain ONLY means and that trademarks will still prevent others from freely writing new stories about the character, then you're incorrect. Trademark will only protect DC's right to use the title and some character designs but even if that can be somewhat loose.

Let's say it's 2035, Superman has entered the public domain but DC still has the exclusive rights to title something "Superman" and to depict a character wearing a skintight blue suit with a red cape and a diamond shaped symbol on his chest containing a stylised red "S" on a yellow background. That still won't prevent Marvel from publishing a book called "Marvel Presents: Clark is Super" about a powerful man in a turquoise suit with a reddish orange cape.

He did marry her, and got a divorce because he didn't felt like having children. Did you even watched the movie?

>>I don't know why you think we disagree here. Maybe if you think that's what public domain ONLY means and that trademarks will still prevent others from freely writing new stories about the character, then you're incorrect. Trademark will only protect DC's right to use the title and some character designs but even if that can be somewhat loose.
>Let's say it's 2035, Superman has entered the public domain but DC still has the exclusive rights to title something "Superman" and to depict a character wearing a skintight blue suit with a red cape and a diamond shaped symbol on his chest containing a stylised red "S" on a yellow background. That still won't prevent Marvel from publishing a book called "Marvel Presents: Clark is Super" about a powerful man in a turquoise suit with a reddish orange cape.
Actually, Supermans costume would also be public domain because it would be part of the Superman property being entered into the public domain, you just cant use elements still under copyright and trademark ownership of DC (ie the boots and the normal S-Shield)

You would only be able to use pic related and none of the other official designs. Modifying pic related however you want i'd assume would be fine, as long as it doesnt look like any Superman designs after 1938.

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This spiderman did marry Mary Jane and got divorced. That was his whole character arc, being an emotional bitch throughout the whole movie

Literally the plot of this movie (beyond it being the LEGO movie) is a white man who the audience is supposed to believe is the “wrong” version of the character dying unceremoniously off, being forgets by having his name stolen by a black kid whose trained by a mensch for the role. In terms of the subliminal messaging of the movie it was surprisingly on the nose

Miguel didn’t have a successful line backing him up, the ultimate line was still going and had a decent following when miles appeared. Miguel was the only successful book in the 2099 line, he also never had the unwavering support of editorial.

>Literally the plot of this movie (beyond it being the LEGO movie) is a white man who the audience is supposed to believe is the “wrong” version of the character dying unceremoniously off, being forgets by having his name stolen by a black kid whose trained by a mensch for the role. In terms of the subliminal messaging of the movie it was surprisingly on the nose

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No, but Miles will likely take over for the animated movies, at least for the sequel. It's not so bad if Sony doesn't mess it up like they did with movies.

So was blond spider-man suppose to the ben reily?

You sound a bit paranoid, user.

It’s literally a team up series since they are aware miles couldn’t carry a whole movie by himself.

Miles was just black peter until the last movie anyway so it works out

He literally just did.
Miles specifically is NOT Peter.

>He literally just did.
Did I miss something?

Peter in this movie is the closest I have to a conclusion for Raimi's Parker so I love it for that.

Nah. It's just another dumb user who tries to participate in discussions by absorbing all the facts about the movie through thread osmosis.

Well Peter wasn't happy-go-lucky in high school (pretty damn far from it), and he also didn't have Miles' supporting cast. So no, it doesn't really work out.

>He literally just did
No one would have watched if Peter wasn't there and the biggest praises I hear about that film are for Pete and Noir who apparently barely had a role. Hell the ranking I hear most often is Pete > Noir > loli > Miles > Gwen there's no way he can carry a film.

Miles is the heart and driving force of ITSV. He takes up 90% of the screen time and all interactions, events, and action is shown through the lens of Miles' perception. The other Spiders / his father / his Uncle all had good roles

But this was Miles' movie. It falls apart without him.

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The movie would've improved tenfold if Miles was removed or replaced with Ultimate Peter


>missing the point THIS hard

jesus h christ. yea, it totally had to do with the death of Peter. Not the fact anyone can be Spiderman if they want, INCLUDING Peter. you're so right, man. let's pretend to be outraged about this 8 months after release!

god please save me from this hell

The whole crux of the movie is Miles trying to live up to Peter and mostly fucking up until he lets his instincts take over and everything clicks into place. And if Peter was the main character we wouldn't have gotten mid-life crisis Peter which was one of the best parts of the movie.

>anyone can be Spiderman if they want
This is the entire problem, the symbolic death of Peter

Ultimate Pete is an actually interesting and engaging character

You can have all of that with Ultimate Peter

>You can have all of that with Ultimate Peter
No you can't, Ultimate Peter and Middle-aged Peter would have a completely different dynamic since they're so similar to each other except one is older. Miles acts like a sort of surrogate child for Peter and is the main reason he decides to get back together with MJ.

>Ultimate Peter and Middle-aged Peter would have a completely different dynamic since they're so similar to each other except one is older.
But Miles is literally Ultimate Pete with all the interesting stuff removed.

They don’t care user they’re just here for the argument

Maybe in the shitty comics but the movie did a good enough job differentiating him from Peter. Spider-Verse Miles has a more traditional family life, is smart but leans more towards an artistic slant than inventive, and his relationship to his Uncle is pretty different.

So if the movie wrote Miles differently from the comics why couldn't they do the same with Peter-1610 in order to differentiate him from middle-aged Peter

Why make it Peter if it's practically going to be an entirely different character? The Spider-Verse cast works because of how different they are, it would have been boring if it was just a bunch of slightly different Peter Parkers. Plus I like their take on Miles, they made one of the blandest characters in comics actually enjoyable. Kind of like how Civil War was a shitty event but the MCU took the broad strokes and did their own thing which was much better.

Why make it Miles if it's practically going to be an entirely different character? Why not make an entirely new character for the movie, not constrained by Bendis' stupidity.

Thats right Ben did go Blonde.
Huuh. Adds a whole new spin on that movie for me.

Because that's what they did with all of the characters. Spider-Man Noir, Spider-Gwen, and Peni Parker are nothing like their comic counterparts but they're still good. They took the broad strokes so comic readers would recognize the characters but did their own thing. Not to mention Miles brings the "urban" flair and graffiti aesthetic which was a nice addition to the movie that makes it more unique.


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That matters? What a pretentious asshole you must be.

It was not anything like the lego movie.

The point is he did not stay married to Mary Jane. The point is his whole character feels predicated on his relationship to Mary Jane. He even stops being Spiderman even though he was probably Spiderman before they even got together.