What's the Yea Forums version of this

What's the Yea Forums version of this

Attached: 3qmc3gn0hdc31.jpg (1242x1227, 210K)

Multiple Man

5 men in poses?
im getting mopre of an Yea Forums vibe from it

The OP image is referencing something Yea Forums (Dragon Ball Z - Ginyu Force), but that Yea Forums thing is a reference to an /m/ thing (Super Sentai).

KOTH cosplaying

Attached: KS4nwEp.jpg (3155x2040, 604K)

>boomhauer isn't blonde

dibs on the one in the back

Attached: 205.jpg (542x616, 55K)

This is so Texan it hurts.

It's HANK Hill, not Hunk Hill. Shit cosplay, 2/10.

I'm trying to think of iconic and frequently parodied/referenced team poses in comics or cartoons, and this one's the first that came to mind. It's not as recognisable or dynamic as the Ginyu Force pose, but I've seen versions of it fairly often.

Attached: 69fc60662eb66d9f9b0a8d18c33e1bf0.jpg (986x1529, 445K)

Who's that bald old man

Probably the three point landing pose. I've seen it show up a lot in photos.

Attached: Iron-Man-1.jpg (2560x1600, 426K)


Attached: DW crew.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

dude at the start is like a green and purple midnighter

Attached: midnighter.jpg (660x495, 93K)

what are some good wrecking crew comics?

Attached: Wrecking-Crew.jpg (1130x720, 74K)

fuck yeah it is

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>Bill before the divorce

Strawberry blonde is still blonde

I could take half of these punks

I remember one where Wrecker had a run in with Spider-woman and he came too late to meet his dying mom.

>not bad bro... HOWEVER

Attached: 1508159913135.jpg (1080x1256, 60K)

In the butt? All at once? Damn user.

not jewish enough..

Attached: loling bitchas.jpg (960x720, 72K)

No, I'm not a homosex.

Attached: Ruby_Squad.png (1920x1080, 766K)

What are they trying to do? Fight Baki?

that's okay, pay-for-pay is respectable too

relaxing your sphincter that much takes real dedication. that's going to the gym what, seven times a week at least to get your ass stuffed and stretched with bro cock? Maybe even hiring a person trainer? truly inspirational.

They need to wake up already.


that thick manlet Bill is cute would fuck

Attached: grin-shepard.png (656x664, 89K)