As a non-Cape fan, why did so many people hate the 52 designs? I thought they were cool

As a non-Cape fan, why did so many people hate the 52 designs? I thought they were cool

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>trunks are an outdated and silly concept
>but let's make this tacticool lineorgy that's already dated by the time these books come out because somehow americans think Jim Lee is an acceptable, age-defining even, artist

>I thought they were cool
>As a non-Cape fan
There's your problem. They looked stupid.

That's a positive if anything.

the original design was pretty much perfect. the redesign just looks like some rejected action figure

What's a positive? That they looked stupid?

I liked them fine and I am still salty they pussied out on the New 52.

That collar will never not scream "villain" to me

That he doesn't read capeshit.

Look, the seam on a sleeve or pantleg goes straight down. And you only need like, two tops to make a cylindrical shape for the arm or leg to fit through.

All this zigzagging is not "cool", it's ugly.

I didn't hate the lines or the overall design. I did think it was weird that an invulnerable guy needs armor. Even though his original suit is also indestructible, armor just seems really 90s. Then again Jim Lee designed them so I'm not surprised.

To those who don't like the OP image, show me a better Superman frame

We both know how this'll go. People will post shots THEY like better and you'll say they're shit.

I wasn't even being a smartass genuinely curious what Yea Forums considers a good superman frame

Its the little things. superman's classic costume works so well because of how humble it looks, very basic. Makes him seem approachable. Also I've always liked the exposed neck, it makes him look strong. Batman needs a cowl to look like a Bat, but Superman's superhero look is all posture; the mannerisms, the strength you can see on his neck and the strong will and confidence on his face. You don't need to make the costume cooler to pull that off. It just complicates things.

Attached: Superman_Man_of_Steel.jpg (1024x1535, 655K)

No offense, but you're exactly why people hate them.

They're overly detailed, cookie-cutter designs meant to give a cinematic effect and attract people who think superheroes are silly.


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>As a non-Cape fan

There's your answer.

>meant to give a cinematic effect and attract people who think superheroes are silly
Well the flipside of that is that they actually tried something that would appeal to normies, and for the most part I think that "people who think superheroes are silly BUT WOULD STILL WATCH THE MOVIES" actually would like the New 52 designs.
If you showed the average person almost any Superman comic image they'd say it was old fashioned and childish. Show them the New 52 design and they'd say "Oh that looks... updated."
The problem is that the medium itself and the culture around it just cannot attract new readers anymore, especially not for monthly DC comics.

Personally I dislike the New 52 redesigns. But I'm a fussy lifelong capefan who would get irritated by all the extra lines. I can still understand how a larger audience would like those designs. The problem is that audience would rarely if ever actually buy a comic.

>As a non-Cape fan
If you read comics you'd know how soulless and overdetailed these new 52 designs are.

I wish. All the details Jim Lee added are unnecessary, but over detailed would be something like Jotaro from Jojo or any Final Fantasy character.

I miss Superbro.

The tastes for character designs are greatly subject to the baby duckling syndrome.


A lot of details can be a good thing, but not when they don't actually add anything to the design. Jotaro's details like his pins and trinkets suggest something about his personality, while all the lines on Supes' outfit there actually suggests something contrary to his character (that he needs some sort of armored suit) which hurts the design

not muh

Yea Forums is that way

Only vocal minority did.

Because nostalgiafags really let themselves get bent out of shape over a single iteration of superman not wearing red panties.

Shills trying to do history revisionism again.

New 52 armor costume was the second worst of all the new Superman costumes in the 2010's. Earth 2 costume, T-Shirt/Jeans, Man of Steel, Rebirth, New 52 Ultraman, were all better trunkless costumes than the New 52 armor.

...Yeah, you're right. But still trunksfags are the worst

I like how you guys can never articulate reasons why the nu52 designs are bad beyond "too many lines" and "it looks bad"

That's because they're correct.

No one can say why they like the New 52 armor suit other than "Has no trunks" despite the fact there are better trunkless costumes.

The problem aren't that there are lines, but that the lines make no sense. They put the lines there to give it a realistic feel. But the lines drawn doesn't make any sense given the costure. They're just random lines. So they sorta come off as a joke of someone who has never designed or made any clothes in their life trying to do something they have no knowledge about.

Then, in the case of Superman, there's the fact that Superman now is wearing an armor, with a V-neck that makes him look like a dictator, and some long sleeves that goes beyond his hands making him look like a moody teenager that likes to cover his hands.

The burden of proof is on the nostalgiafags screaming about how terrible it is.

It doesn't sound like you mean it since people made good reasons why the New 52 suit doesn't work. I think you're just getting defensive that you like such a crappy design and want to blame it on people who were obsessed with getting the trunks back, since you want to downplay all the other trunkless costumes in the same decade.

What are the most kino New52 supes stories? The one and done single issue kind? I already read through Morrisons action and some of Lobdell

I have yet to see these good reasons

Because you're a shill

>you disagree with me ergo that means you like the nu52 suit!
Wrong, retarded nostalgiafag. There are plenty of valid criticisms with the constume, like the lack of yellow, the overabundance of blue, the shitty belt design, or the fiddly red trim on the collars and sleeves, but you guys are crying about LINES BAD and V-NECKS FOR NAZIS

Superman wearing V-neck is just bad.

Where are the proofs


Because that's correct about this suit?