Joker (Film)

Will it be a masterpiece or shit?

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It will be cringe because it's basically out-of-touch Hollywood snobs jerking themselves off and imagining they understand why we hate society.

That depends on if Phoenix is sober

Joaquin seems really sincere about it so it'll be great.

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It's a terrible idea

which means it'll do amazingly well at the box office because that's the world we live in now.

Somewhere in-between.

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Masterpiece of shit.

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You could say, it's the society we live in bow

Jesus Christ Yea Forums go back to your own fucking board


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Based on the leaked plot synopsis, utter shit.

It will be unironically "WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY" movie, with a premise like that, it can only be garbage.

They won't ever. I see sneedposters and maskposters here too

Based and red pilled.

Wrong, it will rival dark night and Logan or it will rival green lantern and Daredevil. There are no half measures.

>Joakino Phoenix

...I don't know about that.

Imagine a brilliant, driven artist who has a wildly conflicting vision of how a character should be.

If a stupid hack makes a bad movie, that's too bad.
If a great actor does so, that is a tragedy.

To be fair Daredevil was alright with the director's cut.

I dunno, guys. Ever seen 'The Master'?

No I don't watch pseudo trash.

>DC movie
obviously it's going to be shit

that's why WB isn't even marketing it

Is that the one with the talking cat?

Ah. You are an imbecile. I got ya.

No..... it's the one with the talking Joaquin Phoenix and Philip Seymour Hoffman.

Fuck off retard.



It's just regular trash user

Eloquent and expressive and yet completely confirming my allegation.

but then I's a romantic comedy

post times you acted like the Joker®

Scan it, faggot

It will be a Mastershit.

It will be a pretentious commentary on society born from a recycled script they slapped the title “Joker” in the front because capeshit sells. Casuals will eat it up

I'm guessing this will be the running opinion from critics: a movie that seems like it was just meant to be a social commentary about mental illness that they forced Joker into.

>Will it be a masterpiece or shit?

It will be a masterful piece of shit.

>Joaquin seems really sincere about it so it'll be great.
That means nothing.

It'll be shit. The only reason people will want to watch it is to see a Joker that looks similar to the one from the Dark Knight. After how Jared Leto looked people just want the image of that joker our of the head. Also the post is nice.


Most of the actors in these DC pieces of shit "seem sincere"

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It still took itself way too seriously.

>Be me at a crosswalk
>Stoplight turns to red on my end just when a car comes by
>Go walk anyway

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Not a tragedy, user.

A comedy

>Roommate asked for cup of water
>Gives them a can of soda instead


Joaquins different, he's also turned down the roles of Dr strange and Hulk and a ton of nother noteable characters cause he cares about the actual scripts.

it'll be good but audiences will hate it because there's no action packed climax with joker blowing up a hospital or something

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Oh man, he could've been a great Hulk

This. The biggest action you get a like a few gun murders and a lot of running

Who knows. But I'm happy it's being made and I'm willing to support it with a ticket purchase. Comics have always had a place for weird experimental shit and I'm happy to see comic book movies start to branch off as well
That's good enough for me

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Or because he doesn't want to do more than one movie

So the movie itself is shit then

He refuses 1 movie roles too

How is that the take away?

Why is he running away?

>pinned tweet is RDJ tracking to be nominated for best supporting actor and Avengers Endgame for best picture
That twitter is meaningless

Will probabky suck but people will see it in droves and think ita good

Why do you think it will suck?

It depends, are you a mcuck or a dchad?

According to the script, Detectives were waiting outside his house because for the past few days they were questioning Arthur if he was behind the murder of 3 wall street guys in a subway since an eye witness said the person was dressed like a clown (he is and the clown outfit was his work outfit) so once he goes full Joker he dances on the stairs when he comes out of his apartment and then the detectives see this and chase after him

>Shop closes at 11 p.m.
>Come at 10:58 and make them wait while I shop

Could go either way. Lots of talented people behind it, but then you've got that leaked script.
>What do you get when you put a violent sociopath in a society that doesn't care about him? EXACTLY WHAT YOU FUCKING DESERVE.

people always do this

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it will be self indulgent garbage but Yea Forums will flock to it and unsuccessfully beg everyone to see it instead of captain marvel 2 or whatever feminism/black people film marvel has that comes out around the same time.

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No Marvel movie comes out when it does, ya dumbo


It's going to get killed by Maleficent and Zombieland 2

>Actually thinking this

It will be a mediocre Taxi Driver knockoff however because the type of audience this is aimed for probably never saw it they'll hype it up as the best thing ever. Yea Forums especially will be sucking this off posting tons of Pepe edits.

better than not thinking at all which is what you DCucks are known for

now tell us all how Shazam making less than Shark Tale means it's not a bomb

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