ITT: Yea Forums in the 80s
>not voting for that exact outcome
It’s no big deal, it wasn’t even the real Robin. Whole thing was overhyped for some stand in loser, the real one Dick Grayson will probably drop that disco bullshit go back to being the boy wonder any issue now.
There is literally NOTHING wrong with this costume
>THIS is our next Robin
Look what you fuckers did.
she cute
i like her fuck you
Post-Crisis is a fad! Just you wait, in a few years they'll bring back the REAL Superman and we can go back to having "Lois Vs Lana: which one should Superman marry?" Discussions.
Too much blue
>t. seething 2660fag
Man this sure is a cool idea for a one-off alternate suit, I wonder when he'll get his regular one back.
Ok, How freaking cool was Secret Wars? It's like a big old event with everybody in the Marvel Universe! We need to have more of these, there should be a new event every 6 months!
He is a pedophile.
Jesus Christ. Next you idiots will let them make Robin some big-titty blonde MILF. When did this board devolve into waifu bullshit?
>they actually fucking did it
yo wtf
the one Jason Todd shitposter who spends entire threads talking to himself loves him.
Other than that, I doubt many do
This is fucked up. How is Batman going to recover from this shit? It happened on HIS watch. You put out a fucking child in a silly uniform to fight psychokillers? Is anyone surprised??? It's pretty clear there will never be another Robin.
Worthless, whiny, b!tch of a character who was hated enough for the fans to vote him dead.
Resurrected in a manner that was utterly and completely stupid an illogical...even for comics.
Post resurrection was mary sue'd/marty stu'ed to have abilities that again, were completely and utterly stupid and illogical...even for comics.
And now in the reboot, the character is still unable or unwilling to accept responsibility for his own actions, and has been retconned to have abilities that the character didn't posses previously in a timeline that makes the explanation for those abilities impossible....even for comics.
At best, the character is a p!ss poor imitation of a Punisher-wannabe that begs for fans to like him because he's "cool" and "mysterious" - no substance and no character. Frak him. Better yet, let's have another vote to see if the character stays....because I suspect history would repeat itself.
God,Watchmen is shit.
Look at me I'm Alan Moore I made a dark version of Charlton,I'm so clever.
Mark my words in 5 years this will become irrelevant
Dude,nobody revives in comics what the hell are you talking about.
Who cares about you batfags anyway,next year that fucking bomb of a movie will launch with the guy who did Mr.Mom as Bruce Wayne.
I bet you wanted to bring Adam West back.
I don't remember this happening in the 80s
This. dead is dead. No more Jean, no more gwen stacy, no more bucky, no more uncle ben, and now no more Jason Todd. may we honor the memory of these characters
>When Batman punched Superman in the face and broke a few knuckles.
Spotted something called "Nausicaä" (no clue how to pronounce this Oriental gibberish) at a dealer table. Simplistic linework, no color, difficult to follow. Worth a flip through for a laugh.
The Uncanny X-Men and The New Teen Titans is great. I can't wait to see more crossovers from DC and Marvel. Its the start of a beautiful partnership that I can see lasting decades.
>"Then we'll go to far, and get corrupt and shiftless, and the Japanese will eat us alive."
Haha, this guy just got laughed out of the Marvel writers room.
I heard from a friend of a friend that the polls were rigged.
Let me guess. Your friends dad works at DC.
I called 2666 several times to get the little fuck killed.
Speaking of oriental, I want to fuck this Jap woman, "Shado", Mike put in his series.
Holy shit guys, Judge Dredd's getting too real.
Shado's pretty cool, but Lady Shiva, now that's where it's at.
I didn't really like her in Death in the Family but showing up in a Batman book means they definitely have big plans for her. Can't wait to see where she shows up next! I'm sure it'll be great!
All the faggs on this board who buy the superhero hype train from Marvel/DC.
Read some Cerebus. It's a mature comic, for sophisticated readers.
Oh and Love and Rockets too.
This will go down as the worst League in history. What was DeMatties thinking? (he should stick to the wall crawler at Marvel).
Marvel and DC are still stuck in the dark ages. All the REAL comics are being made by independent creators like Dave Sim, Jeff Smith or Scott McCloud. Has anyone here read Zot? It's amazing.
Grell and O'Neil just have the yellow fever.
DeMatteis is a national treasure and you will be sorry when his Moonshadow becomes the new gold standard.
Who thought this was a good idea?
It's all over. With this the medium dies. Get a camera and photograph this post because in 20 years every superhero will be married and all the sidekicks will have been in committed relationships looking to settle down too. We won't be able to recognize a single character anymore because the iconic ones will all be retried and looking after babies.
Fucking disgusting.
your an IDIOT op
we VOTED for that shit to happen, it wasn't a fucking OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOO moment like today's shitheap comics.
I think Thor's outfit is the best he's ever had, personally.
Everyone who praises Miller's run on Daredevil is retarded. He completely ruined eferything Daeedevil stood for. Daredevil should be making quips, not throwing people out of the window just becuase he feels like it. Bullseye should be fun and wacky, not this fucking edgelord who sees everyone as Daredevil. And KAREN IS MATT'S ONLY TRUE LOVE. NOT SOME FUCKING GREEK WHORE. She's been retconned into Matt's past, was in five issues, got killed and Miller expects us to feel sorry for her? No way, I hope she's never coming back. Also, everyone knows Kingpin is Spider-Man's archnemesis, slapping him onto Daredevil is never going to work. But the worst thing is, I heard Miller is setting his sights on Batman now. One can only imagine how he's gonna ruin the character.
If only my mom had been willing to let me spend $15 on long distance phonecalls I could have voted to save him.
It was a narrow majority, and people didn't really know exactly what they were voting for. I say we need a second, PEOPLE's vote.
I picked up one issue of Moore's Watchmen crap that everyone's been raving about. What a crock of shit. That rag will molder in ignominy unlike Gru's Squadron Supreme.
Did you ever think such a thing would happen, that you'd be able to watch your favorite Marvel heroes in Live Action in the comfort of your own home! I know it all started with The Incredible Hulk, but WOW! We truly are in the Golden Age of Marvel Live-Action!
>Yellow fever.
I think I do too, user.
This is SO lame. Peter was meant for Gwen.
I only take issue with the baby-blue elements. Ric never looked good in the circus outfit, with the bare egs.
Ya know, they didn't have to kill him; he could've just become confined to a wheelchair and work Communications and Ops in the Batcave. Give Alfie a break so's he could concentrate on his dusting and snark.
Secret Wars was a clusterfuck. Cosmic Idiot kidnaps chunks of various planets to build "Battleworld", but only pits Earth heroes and villains against each other. Everything and everyone else is scenery or props.
>watch Superman 4
>get speech on nuclear weapons
Why all the pandering? Superman 5 better not be this shit.
>mary sue'd/marty stu'ed
He's not a fanfic character, what are you talking about? Are you all right? Did you hit your head and now you're spreading brain-damage hallucinations as if they were things that happened?
Not only that, but I hear they are making a Captain America movie in 1990! I bet it's going to be great!
Could be worse, they could put him in a featureless skintight onesie that makes him look retarded to everyone except horny women
>A New 52 baby trying to compare Post-Crisis with that shit
What’s going on with iron man’s suit? Why isn’t he gold and red?
I'm from the future and there's an event released every six days. You have to change the future, Yea Forums. Please
Is this fan fiction
I think you should lie down, man. You're starting to freak out. Talking nonsense.