Cases in which Marvel copied DC.
Cases in which Marvel copied DC
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Gwen doesn't act like Harley at all, though.
Gwen is way more adorable.
You mean improved from DC's mistakes.
By making a character even more "lol random", inconsistent, shallow and 2 dimensional?
>break the 4th wall
>comic book fan
>"real life" person
>fought an older evil counterpart
>overpowered but get powerless constantly
>obsessed with getting cancelled
>really fucking stupid
>seriously too fucking stupid
She is a female Prime dude
I dont understand people who like Gwenpool, the story / plot is a fucking yawn fest and the art looks like some poor man's manga
It is mostly waifufags, right?
During the rise of Marvel in the late Silver and early Bronze ages,DC made some jabs at Marvel. Batman had some villains who were meant to be parodies of Marvel heroes.
Blockbuster (Hulk)
Black Spider (Spiderman)
Not gonna lie, some of these seem to hard to accept.
>During the rise of Marvel in the late Silver and early Bronze ages
Lol, DC started copying Marvel far before that, Aquaman was clearly a Namor rip off.
Gwenpool is Marvel ripping off itself.
>sportsmaster was copied by taskmaster who was copied by deathstroke who was copied by deadpool who was copied by harley quinn who was copied by gwenpool
this is just the latest stage in a small cold war. i can only imagine who DC is going to make to top gwenpool.
Do you think they go to the same comic book shop and prime shit picks on her cause she's a numarvel fan
*I meant to say "shit talks",wtf?
Both appeal to manchildren and edgy teens
Wouldn't they just get into typical DC vs. Marvel bullshittery? Does Prime actually care about Marvel comics that much?
Prime probably sees Marvel as toilet paper.
Afair he made a Hulk reference once.
I really gotta get into DC man, I like the idea of a comic book nerd getting isekaied and suffering for it
I don't think he would shop here.
He probably orders online from some megastore and argues about comics in forums...
both characters are for incels retards that don't understand women. and like lol random humor
>2 in the pink
>1 in the stink
Gwen a shit
Harley a shit.
only reddit likes this garbage.
But, they'd all be in the pink.
Gwenpool tards, at least pretend to not be desperate virgins
This, Gwenpool threads are 60% posting the same images and the rest is like 2 anons posting ''do you think that Gwen does butt stuff? lol I bet she would be a cam whore IRL''
It's a joke guys, her bubbles are pink, she wears pink, her hair is pink, pink is her defining color, all the fingers would be in the pink.
not everything is shitposting or some sort of agenda or plot or conspiracy to make you like or hate something.
Sometimes it's just a joke.
>It's a joke guys,
Sure user, and your dad fucks dudes in the ass, as a joke.
''In the pink'' is something that your ''how do you, fellow young people'' uncle would say
I don't think I've ever seen someone get this upset over checked digits. Why are you so angry about something so innocuous?
I'm just saying user, you type like a dad, in the worst way possible.
Do you work at cold places or something like that?
>Do you work at cold places or something like that?
This is too much. How am I supposed to understand this? Is coherent English 'typing like a dad'?
Man do I have to explain basic english to you now?
Sometimes people say things even if they don't really mean what they say.
Like when I say ''I will kick your ass'' even if I don't kick you at all.
Typing like a dad means typing like a dork, like you type, dork, like a person that doesn't know how to be cool, .like an obvious shut in.
Get it?
ur lame :(
Okay, now what does
>Do you work at cold places or something like that?
How would working in a cold place make someone type like a dork, or dad as you call them?
>prostitute gets picked up by Gwenpool fag
>gets told ''in the pink''
>even prostitute starts laughing at Gwenpool fag
Oh man, you were that guy, right??
>How would working in a cold place make someone type like a dork, or dad as you call them?
Oh my shit, do I have to explain you what they say about men that work at ''cold'' places also?
Fucking mexicunts,
Have you never heard someone say 2 in the pink 1 in the stink before?
Dane Cooks height of popularity wasn't that long ago.
Yes user, I think you do. I have never heard the colloquialism before. Educate me about men that work at cold places and how it affects their typing.
The writing and pretty much everything else is ass, but Guruhiru's art is 10/10.
>Have you never heard someone say 2 in the pink 1 in the stink before?
Yeah, like in 80s movies, not these days, grandpa.
>Dane Cooks height of popularity wasn't that long ago.
Oh my fuck if that last part wasn't ironic...You are like a walking punchline...
>cold places and how it affects their typing.
If I need to keep going back to explain you every little aspect of the human language, like I see in this post, then it would be difficult.
Or is it part of your game pretend that you are stupid as fuck about basic english?
no really user, you need to tell me the
>you know what they say about guys that work in cold places
punchline, because I've never heard it. I also kind of wonder how old you think I am.
>but Guruhiru's art is 10/10.
You mean only the shitty anime faces, right?
The rest is mediocre shit, terrible stiff action scenes
It has been half an hour since user made that claim that working someplace cold makes you sound like a dad, a word he thinks is synonymous with dweeb, dork, and other dingus sounding things that start with d.
He has yet to explain why though.
So you have been waiting half an hour not doing something that you like instead? What a loser
user, cold places get your dick small, you don't get laid with a small dick, like a dad, then you start talking like a dork because of the lack of sex.
Come on, George Constanza, that was an easy one!
>implying I'm not having fun here
I can't wait to see the storytime threads for the mini.
Why would he wait nine minutes to respond to that user if he wasn't doing anything else?
>>implying I'm not having fun here
>tee hee, I love to eat shit
No wonder girls don't like you.
I like to GIVE shit, you only TAKE like the beta you are.
Astounding. I bet you think someone is going to screencap this and it will be the next But During The Stone Age...
He wasn't doing anything else.
I can make a Gwenpool thread at any given time and that user will show up to whine and moan about her shitty waifu.
We are dealing with a being with no life of its own.
>Astounding. I bet you think someone is going to screencap this and
>lol new fag!
>doesn't know what dubs is!
Man, if you knew how little I care about the ''Yea Forums meme culture''
I'm only here to shit on your mouth.
>and it will be the next
>But During The Stone Age...
A shitty DAD JOKE
''lord of the rings? more like lorf of the yawns! lmao at that, right kids?''
I didn't see any whining, just confusion.
>A shitty DAD JOKE
>how little I care about the ''Yea Forums meme culture''
I don't know what that pic is, but if your point is that you were making a reference on that, my point fucking stands
Shitty Yea Forums meme culture, are all GuriWeaboo fags this easy to trigger?
Holy shit you're a genuine newfag.
Thank you! I don't spend much here, I only shitpost
>user thinks he is winning because he is above knowing memes of the place he thinks he is trolling
>user pretends to not know men far more famous than he ever will be in an attempt to troll people, believes this is winning
>doesn't get that there is no winning while posting of Yea Forums
I know I win because I'm about knowing about memes, let alone having shit like that on any of my devices saved ''for use''
You lose user, (you) lose cold place dick
Do you think Gwen likes to fuck in cold places?
only a virgin would think about that.
my question is, how come that you are a virgin if you are over 20? At least you get your dick sucked all the time as oppose of zero times in all of your life, right?
Does Sarahs chin shrivel up in cold places, do the cold places make her sound like she's quoting The Breakfast Club?
I think she'd be into sticking ice cubes up her butt when it's hot outside.
0/10 at comedy
No wonder girls don't like you
I don't know what you mean about the breakfast club, but that is a pretty funny mental image.
Gwen is not a psycho.
She probably fills her bra with ice too.
Hey user, where are the cold places that men work at so they learn to sound like extreme boomercore is their lingua franca?
Specifically because it made their dicks small.
See I'm making a jab at anons cold places make you type like a dad theory. Cold places would make a woman sound like a mom, thus quoting from 80s movies, because thats when moms and dads are from.
Where you work b,y the quality of your humor one can just tell that you don't get laid
proxy posting is against the rules
Literally Gwenpool with different hair, katara with different hair, Superman upcoming comic book girl with a different hair, etc
Current Marvel is just shit
Oh! That flew right over my head, thank you for explaining!
>>user thinks he is winning
Funny how you are the only one that brings the ''winning losing'' shit, you must be thinking that YOU are losing, right?
Shitty dad jokes must be explained, the lack of social interaction does that to waifu fags
Gwen prob is a whore though
it was a reference to the other thread where the anti gwen poster said the user posting Gwen images was desperate to win something
What's wrong about discussing Gwen's love of basking naked in a Dairy Queen's walk in freezer, user?
>you don't get laid with a small dick, like a dad
But a guy only becomes a dad literally because they get laid. This statement makes no sense.
>it was a reference to the other thread
Jesus fuck you are retarded, who the fuck is going know what is going on other threads, you mongoloid?
What's wrong is what your mom did to you that made you this way.
>who the fuck is going know what is going on other threads,
someone who was following both of them as the shitposting in question happened.
>But a guy only becomes a dad literally because they get laid
Only stupid people have children, only way stupider people raise children so they can be a ''dad''.
Dad's are people that give up on having a good life for raising a turd that read Gwenpool because ''she is just like me! likes video games and is useless'' lol
She taught me the value of having a well stocked freezer.
hey, user
Damn dude. How badly did your dad fail you that you have this low of an opinion on dads?
You didn't have a dad growing up? That's so sad!
literally everything
it keeps happening!
Fucking ONE girl for the rest of your life is for losers, that is all.
I will always be single without kids, meaning not giving up on life.
But at least my dad got uncool because he became a dad.
You dorks are uncool just for the sake of being uncool, which is sad
BTW Gwenpool losers, I'm going to sleep.
I COMMAND you to keep this thread alive for about 12 more hours.
>I will always be single without kids, meaning not giving up on life.
>literally making it impossible for new life to be born
Your dad sounds like a cool person, way cooler than you. You should link him to this thread so we can talk to him.
That's an unhealthy amount of sleep.
>>literally making it impossible for new life to be born
>bringing more kids into this shitty over populated future.
Man is like you are more stupid with every post, clearly a man that doesn't know about the real world outside of video games and memes.
Man, you are embarrasing.
Now keep this thread alive 12 hours, ok? Be useful for once.
He sounds really depressed.
hello, I'm not waking up to post on Yea Forums, retard, there is a whole morning routine to be had.
Man, is like you only see the trees and not the forest, fuck.
12 hours, ok?? Last time, bye
Should I storytime the complete Gwenpool comic?
Yes please!
Where can I download it?
>Last time, bye
>off by 1 again