Pic related's situation is what happens if you stay a virgin for too long

Pic related's situation is what happens if you stay a virgin for too long.

Attached: Judge_Frollo.jpg (625x891, 62K)

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I become a priest? But shit I wanted to be a wizard. This is totally gonna fuck up my party’s balance.

>He hasn't heard about CoDzilla

Then multi-class like a true Chad

>Get to burn down a whole fucking city
shit man sounds like a dope way to go out

Still never got the pussi tho

>Be rich and powerful
>Dress like a baller pimp
Ye ok I'm down for this

>Get Tony Jay voice
Sounds good

How many years until I get a cool villain song?

It's not just that he couldn't have sex, he couldn't masturbate either.

Frollo was a judge not a priest

the rock opera was better


top 3 characters butchered by Disney compared to the original


well in the original he was the archdeacon

After all the shit he pulled he'll get some in hell.

I'll be lined with serrated edged teeth and the woman will be made of fire hot enough to cause him maximum agony but just cold enough so his flesh doesn't completely melt off his pelvis, but he'll get some.

who was the bigger incel between frollo and quasi?

t. high schooler who just read dante’s inferno

This is what happens when Catholics think their priests and nuns should stay virgins forever when that very idea goes against biology.

>inb4 you mean atheist
Catholicism is the only major sect of Abrahamic religions that’s thinks sex is evil.

>this fictional story happens when Catholics think their priests and nuns should stay virgins forever

That whole philosophy is what shapes Frollo’s character. In short, Catholicism is retarded.

I'll have you know I've never read it. Snobby 'umie git.

Attached: 594.png (500x500, 135K)

>Catholicism is retarded because priests not having sex shaped some fictional stories character

Yeah ok bro

Frollo is a catholic though.

I look forward to it

Sure he may look like a """villain""" to Americans and others fortunate enough to never have been in contact with gupsy subhumans but for those who are unfortunate enough to live in a country with too many of these roaches he literally did nothing wrong expect wanting to fuck one.

Attached: 1563529861717.jpg (752x1024, 71K)