How does Disney keep doing it?

How does Disney keep doing it?

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Fuck you Disney.

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Eat shit, boco

I hate the human race sometimes. Normies will eat any crap shoveled at them and this is why we can't have nice things.

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I unironically support bringing back theater shootings, one as payback for the normalfaggot retards supporting this shit, and also a potential deterrent for anyone who was thinking about seeing the film in question.
Based boco

who the fuck watches this shit?

>who the fuck watches this shit?
Pretty much everyone, senpai.

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Normie genocide fucking when, mouse fags deserve the oven

The real question is how did Toy Story 4 flop so bad in comparison (not that it failed, but couldn't cross a billion despite all that promotion)

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Nostalgia bucks.
That's literally it. There's no substance behind these remakes. No soul, no creativity, just a drab filter over something that was supposed to lively and vibrant.

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I know this is hard to believe, user, but outside of the Yea Forumsntrarianism hereabouts *most* people don't hate fun.

Strange but true.

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Nostalgia is some drug man...

This isnt fun you insipid mongrel


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>Nostalgia bucks.
Toy Story 4 would like a word with you.

Explain what's fun about remaking a classic film worse, user.


Given critics reception and people's reception on social media people aren't finding it fun
They are viewing it because of the original more then the film itself


Humans are largely very RETARDED animals. The Jews at Disney, Viacom, and Comcast, etc know that mankind is very retarded. Even Asians who are considered the most intelligent race are very retarded all the same (their number 1 animated film in terms of popularity is Disney's Frozen of all things).

Once you accept that human are big time idiots? You'll sleep easier at night and frankly because humans are very stupid they honestly deserve all the abuse and suffering at the hands of their rulers. The real shame is that they drag down the few of us who aren't stupid. What a garbage species.


>This isnt fun you insipid mongrel

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If you support this garbage you deserve to dragged out in the street and shot, your shit taste is destroying cinema and media a s awhile and you should suffer physical and psychological trauma for your sins.

how do (((THEY))) keep moving money around, it's like a magician show, but you have to pay 'attention' and play along else you strarve and suffer until death..

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imagine being this much of an autistic man baby.

I accept your concession retard.

Yea Forums fucks considered normal.
Whew dude..

how ironic

I concede nothing, you mousekater faggots deserve to be burned at the stake for your blind obedience to this mountain of mediocrity and creative bankruptcy.


I don't want to hear shit else from anyone anymore about these remakes. Every time one comes out, people spend days bitching about them and how soulless and cashgrabby they are. And then Opening day comes out, and it's another smooth billion in Disney's pocket.

It's just a fucking movie, there's no need to be so ass augured over something as inconsequential about a fictional movie about talking animals. Dedicate your impotent rage for something worth getting mad over.

Yes, most humans are morons. Some of those morons are so stupid they become absolutely convinced they're among the few intelligent examples of their species. That particular brand of idiot tends to migrate to this webiste called

Stay seething.

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>critics reception and people's reception on social media
Oh, right, I forgot how we suddenly care about those two groups of people as of ... what? This past week?

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>And then Opening day comes out, and it's another smooth billion in Disney's pocket.

Which is what we DON'T want.

You guys realize this movie is old, right? Not everyone has seen the original. So you can’t blame 100% of it on nostalgia.

No, its more then this, every fucking faggot who supports shit like sequel wars or garbage similr are contributing to the problem, ergo are a part of it, and they should suffer along with the writers and directors poisoning our culture with feminism insanity and a lack of care for originality.

Pic fucking related

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>Which is what we DON'T want.

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>a million dollars worldwide
It's a tiny minority of the poos and chinks who are watching this, you dipshits. The economy of scale means that you can flop around the world and still print money.

I read a review from someone who never saw the cartoon
They said they could still tell it was short-for-shot remakes and awkwardly shoehorning in dialogue from the original, basically the feeling you get when something is referencing another thing but you’re not sure what...the entire time


I thought it was a meme but "fun" truly is just a buzzword used to defend trash you like.

Go suck the mouse's cock some more.


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Been around the world and found
that only stupid people are breeding.
The cretins cloning and feeding.


Shut the fuck up boco

And I don't even own a TV...

1 Disney Dollar has been deposited into your account


Is it me, or is every movie these days making a billion?

As always, Boco has shitty opinions.


slap the Disney logo on it and it truly does just make a billion easy.

>No, its more then this, every fucking faggot who supports shit like sequel wars or garbage similr are contributing to the problem, ergo are a part of it, and they should suffer along with the writers and directors poisoning our culture with feminism insanity and a lack of care for originality.

I couldn't care less about whatever pretentious shit you're getting your vagina all sandy over. If you're going to get angry, get at something that actually affects people on a substantive level, it's a god damned movie about talking animals, this shit isn't going to misuse your tax money or take food from your mouth.

Its not that surprising. The economy just steadily increases. Thats why people have to "account for inflation".

I’d be able to make a billion dollars to if I owned 20% of all films, banked on by the numbers nostalgia bait and build more hype than a coke up snake oil salesman.

China bux

This movie was a big okay. Fantastic dancing sequences.

You deserve to have your teeth kicked out for endorsing this rape of cinema you subhuman trash.
I dont fucking care about some starving dindus in another country, all that matters to me and that gets me through this miserable hell of life is my media, and yes i want to see disney world fucking nuked for what they dis to star wars.

>you can’t blame 100% of it on nostalgia
You can't blame ANY of it on nostalgia, user.

If that worked Toy Story 4 would be making major bank.

This is just typical Yea Forums projection: the people both here and in the critics circles that are bitching the loudest are the nostalgiaFags who REEE every time something gets changed in any way.

They REEE about something like Maleficent ( which is a retelling of a fairytale character ), they REEE about Alice in Wonderland ( which was clearly based more on the books than on the cartoon ), ect ect.

How many bad reviews of Lion King have you seen that explicitly cry about the opening scene being "shot for shot" from the original? And how many of them then go on to bitch that the photoreal animals don't emote and mug like the CARTOONS did?

That's 100% nostalgiaFagging. They're not bitching about it being a BAD MOVIE they're bitching about it being too much like the first movie ( why even bother to remake it??? ) and, often as not in the same breath, bitching about how DIFFERENT it is from the first movie ( they're destroying everything that was great about the first movie! ).

Meanwhile 99.9% of 6 year old just love talking lions and other critters and their parents, who were mostly too old to bother watching cartoons by the time the first movie came out, are just happy the little shits were out of their hair for two hours.

Stay devastated faggot. Your rage and cope only makes my dick harder.

>I dont fucking care about some starving dindus in another country, all that matters to me and that gets me through this miserable hell of life is my media

Thankfully we probably won't have to suffer your bitching much longer if Disney manages to keep this performance up.

>and yes i want to see disney world fucking nuked for what they dis to star wars.

Such a pathetic creature.

Keep grinning like a retard, maybe your next trip to a shitnsey movie might end in gunfire if youre lucky

How much of this is china bucks

>>a million dollars worldwide
>>a million

Domestic: $345,928,586 34.3%
+ Foreign: $663,800,000 65.7%
= Worldwide: $1,009,728,586

>Thankfully we probably won't have to suffer your bitching much longer if Disney manages to keep this performance up.
Not if iger gets shot first
>Such a pathetic creature.
Says the disney shilling cuckold

>This is just typical Yea Forums projection: the people both here and in the critics circles that are bitching the loudest are the nostalgiaFags who REEE every time something gets changed in any way.

No, its people who see this for the dull, soul-less, lazy, cheap gimmick it is. But idiots still went, so now Disney can just keep doing it, while making enough money to buy every fucking company on Earth, until every movie, game, and TV show has the Goddamn Disney logo on it.

>meanwhile Spider-verse has the worst performance of any spider-man movie
I want to become a shooter

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Honestly this wasnt anywhere near as bad as it could have been. TLK 2019, however, is

>only stupid people are breeding
So basically The Incel's New Clothes?

>he unironically wants people to die because they like a movie he doesn't
Imagine being this level of subhuman and pathetic. I can't wait until your parents die and you end up as a hobo who can't watch ANY media you worthless piece of trash.

Seen the movie. On a technical lvl, it was amazing. Very well directed movie imo. Biggest gripe is they played the realism incredibly straight. Sure, that's the goal, but a little stylization wouldnt hurt

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nah it's totally nostalgia, if this was a different movie nobody would watch it. look at Disney's Dinosaur. 6 years old watched this because their parents bring them

>Imagine being this level of subhuman and pathetic.
Nice projection, since that perfectly describes you with all your shit taste in media consumption, i cant wait till you get your brains blown out by a disgruntled movie fan when you see the lion king next time you cock sucking faggot.

>Not if iger gets shot first

You make it sound like as if I give a fuck about the corporate dickhead suits that run this shit. Personally, it just makes me happy that you're crying so hard about this, seeing you upset makes the small pee pee turn into the big pee pee.

>Says the disney shilling cuckold

Says the pathetic wankstain getting violently angry over a talking lion movie.

DC must have turned off the money printers at some point then

Well done, you caught my typo. my apologies, user. I should have written billion, with a B.

My point remains, though. Flopping in America used to be a disaster. Nowadays, you can flop in America, India, and China at the same time and all together it makes a pretty penny.

>You make it sound like as if I give a fuck about the corporate dickhead suits that run this shit.
Well with all the gagging your doing with their balls in your throat it looks like you would.

>Is it me, or is every movie these days making a billion?
It's just you:

Title Studio Worldwide Domestic / % Overseas / %
1 Avengers: Endgame BV $2,793.0 $856.4 30.7% $1,936.6 69.3%
2 Captain Marvel BV $1,128.3 $426.8 37.8% $701.4 62.2%
3 Spider-Man: Far from Home Sony $1,036.9 $344.5 33.2% $692.4 66.8%
4 Aladdin (2019) BV $1,009.7 $345.9 34.3% $663.8 65.7%
5 The Lion King (2019) BV $962.7 $350.8 36.4% $611.9 63.6%
6 Toy Story 4 BV $917.9 $395.6 43.1% $522.3 56.9%
7 The Wandering Earth CMC $699.8 $5.9 0.8% $693.9 99.2%
8 How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World Uni. $519.8 $160.8 30.9% $359.0 69.1%
9 Pokemon Detective Pikachu WB $430.7 $143.7 33.4% $287.0 66.6%
10 Alita: Battle Angel Fox $404.9 $85.7 21.2% $319.1 78.8%
11 Godzilla: King of the Monsters WB $384.9 $109.7 28.5% $275.2 71.5%
12 Shazam! WB (NL) $364.5 $140.4 38.5% $224.1 61.5%
13 Dumbo (2019) BV $352.9 $114.7 32.5% $238.2 67.5%
14 The Secret Life of Pets 2 Uni. $332.0 $153.7 46.3% $178.3 53.7%
15 John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum LG/S $318.9 $169.7 53.2% $149.2 46.8%
16 Us Uni. $254.7 $175.0 68.7% $79.7 31.3%
17 Dark Phoenix Fox $252.0 $65.6 26.0% $186.4 74.0%
18 Men in Black International Sony $247.4 $78.6 31.8% $168.8 68.2%
19 Glass Uni. $247.0 $111.0 45.0% $136.0 55.0%
20 Annabelle Comes Home WB (NL) $207.4

I can't wait until you do something stupid that eventually ends up with you getting your asshole getting a daily injection of jizz in prison you stupid retard.

Inflation. Pretty soon every movie will make a billion and the USD will be as valuable as this.

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Why is Yea Forums so sheltered? I guess you can say that about all of 4channel because of anonymity, but how many times can a group of people be so wrong until the get a clue?

Because we aren’t idiots buying to these pieces of shit.

It's dead, Jim.

We get it baby. Consume product. Question nothing.

Obviously there's a limit, but haven't you ever wondered why you never see comedy movies with good scripts anymore? It's all physical comedy, dicks and balls and farting, because that shit translates to every language. Makes it very easy to put butts in seats to watch your godawful "comedy" film without a single actual joke in it all over the world.

And i cant wait till someone bludgeons you to death for your subhuman filth taste in movies

The Yea Forumsincel argument.

Almost everyone here knew it would make a billion

Hi, Yea Forums, you can stop falseflagging now.

>getting killed for liking a movie someone doesn't
Not likely because I don't hang out with incels.

Think of all the things you like that someone else would consider normie shit.

I don't think it's just limited to Yea Forums

>T. Pic related

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And irrelevant to what I said, but shame.

Because people like shit

>getting THIS triggered over people doing what he doesn't want
>not an incel
>tranny wojak

Attached: average wojak poster.png (155x333, 40K)

Then how did this happen:
>13 Dumbo (2019) BV $352.9 $114.7 32.5% $238.2 67.5%

Only tumblrites and land whales use the word incel, guess that narrows you down alot huh?

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Because we're living in the prologue to a cyberpunk dystopian nightmare and Disney is one of the key players. Basically it's happening due to author fiat.

Even tumblrites and landwhales are less pathetic than you faggot. Its funny that you think you're better than them in any way.

>barely has any advertisement
>original movie wasn't as popular as Lion fucking King
>doesn't have Will Smith or Beyonce

>how many times can a group of people be so wrong until the get a clue?
I don't think you understand how Yea Forumsntrarianism works, user.

They hate anything that 'normies' like because otherwise they'd feel like they were losing their Seekrit Klub, so they're automatically going to be wrong almost all of the time just by reflex.

They don't hate CGI because it's "souless" they hate it because it's POPULAR.

Ignoring your fedora-tipping, anti-consumerism for a just a minute, it's painfully obvious how people outside of the internet consume content just on the idea they might enjoy something. Ignorance is bliss.

Revisionism. People were ragging on the trails and promos for months, and basically mirroring Twitter of all places.

Dumbo is boomer nostalgia,millennial nostalgia it's where's it at

For the last time, its NOT THE FORMAT. CG is great.

Its the movie itself.

It's watching you throw a tantrum and smearing shit on the walls while yelling that you're going to kill everybody for liking a movie you don't like, and telling you that you're going buttfuck crazy over nothing. Reflect on the stupid shit you posted and sit on it for a while to realize what a huge jackass you are over a fictional piece of work involving talking animals.

>Claims ticket sales are due to Muh Nostalgia
>proceeds to list things like actors and adverts that have nothing to do with nostalgia
Are you seriously going to claim that fucking ALADDIN was more popular that DUMBO back in the day?

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345 million domestic isn't a flop though you clown.

Get that mouse peepee out of your mouth for once, the common complaint was how Uncanny Valley the CG looked.

Okay, so thats a secondary flaw. The main one is that the film has no reason to exist.

So it seems like kids love worshiping a multi-billion companies because it makes them laugh with quips. What went wrong with the USA?

People's annoyance with Tim Burton outweighed their nostalgia.

Saw it tonight for free.
It was exactly as I imagined it would be.
poorly paced
just a mess.

>can you feel the love tonight?
>happens in broad daylight

>naala to simba 'i thought you were brave'
>scene where simba clawed the hyenas face cut
>naala thus has no reason to call simba brave

>cartoon 'scar, brother! help me!'
>live action 'Scar, help me'

I don't think the person that rewrote this understands words have meaning beyond just the actual meaning.
Everything that was implied in the cartoon was stated outright and literally in the remake.

This movie could only do this well because of the success of the original. When people were watching this, they were imagining the scenes of the original, and imposing that on the lifeless ultra-realism of the film in front of them.

>its NOT THE FORMAT. CG is great
Oh, shit. Now you went and stepped in it.

The hand drawn animation fag Yea Forumshabitants and the 'Muh Based Prakteekal Eff-Ex' fa/tv/irgin tourists are going to run a train on your ass, you know that, right?

>the film has no reason to exist
I'd imagine the shareholders can name, oh, ONE BILLION reasons, though.

I saw this with my girlfriend (girl) we cuddled in the movie theater, had dinner, and I took her to bone down for 4 hours

Retarded. Governments are shipping in immigrants because millenials aren't having 80 kids like their parents did and boomers are aging out of the work force and in to social programs faster then millenials can compensate for via tax money. So the point of immigration is to generate more tax revenue so aging boomers can get their free medications, 20 surgeries etc.

What people don't understand is that old people are fucking expensive. It costs 5 times more money to support someone 70-80 years old then it does to raise a child from baby to 20.

>When people were watching this, they were imagining the scenes of 25 year old movie
ok dude

>When people were watching this, they were imagining the scenes of the original
No, they were enjoying the movie.

What you're describing is what the CRITICS have been doing:

Who gives a fuck what they think. Soulless executives only care about their next paycheck. They don't give a damn about creativity.

They took Nala's adventurous, mischievous streak. She went all NO FUN ALLOWED when Simba wanted to go to the elephant graveyard

lion king was like all black though.

>Who gives a fuck what they think.
Clearly you do, son. You're currently REEing about something that exists only because people at The Mouse House calculated, correctly, that it was a product that the average moviegoer would throw money at.

And no one is holding a gun to your head and making you watch it so it literally comes down to a company giving the majority of it's customers what they want to buy while literallywho-you screeches about them making/watching something you, personally, don't want to exist.


anyone nostalgic for it is dead. I don't think anyone ever actually liked Dumbo to begin with, it's too rooted in a period that people can't connect with.

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What's hilarious is that you're almost certainly a faggot libertarian free-market cuck

Well, I did that. How can you not? With something as close to shot for shot as these things are half the time you keep expecting them to follow the beat, and then they fuck something up and it throws you off because it wasn't the perfect continuation of the scene from the original.

The entire experience felt off kilter because of it.

>anyone nostalgic for it is dead.
I'd imagine most people got the DVDs in the 90's when they "opened the vault" periodically.

I know my grandparents gave us pretty much all of the older musicals like 'Jungle Book' and 'Lady and the Tramp.'

.....I only understood, like, half those words.

Gotta say, I loved Dumbo when I was a kid, watched it daily and all
Passed on the live action cause I don't feel Burton's style fit Dumbo at all, plus they added all that shit with the family in the trailers so I was turned off even more. Might pirate it later tho

1. they're Disney
2. they own like half of entertainment now, or at least some of the biggest titles in entertainment (star wars, marvel, muppets, etc.)

and, 3. you're retarded if you don't see those two obvious points by now.

because you're a literal retard.

even then it doesn't erase the fact that Dumbo isn't really a timeless fairy tale like Snow White or Sleeping Beauty. It doesn't resonate anymore.
I really only liked it because of Keaton.

How many other non renaissance era remake are there?

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>You suddenly remember Frozen 2 is around the corner
Fuck, Disney's just gonna print money for the next decade it seems.

>The entire experience felt off kilter because of it.
That's actually a perfectly valid complaint, user.

Personally, I loved the new Jungle Book ... except for the couple of times they started to sing. Pulled me right out of the movie every fucking time.

based Briellion

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Nah, Star Wars comes out after that, and each one has made less money than the previous.

And before home media, Disney would theatrically re-release their animated movies like every seven years. The Disney Vault system was basically an effort to emulate that rotational program for home theaters.

>I don't feel Burton's style fit Dumbo at all
It BOTHERED me as a kid when cartoon Dumbo got bullied but ... I just didn't want to watch a photo-real baby elephant get bullied and cry. Not my idea of a good time.

>Disney's just gonna print money for the next decade
Implying the past decade was any different:

( And that's just the re-makes, not even counting Avengers or Star Wars )

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They put him in sad clown makeup on top of it.

The people, the subhuman slaves at the mercy of an unforgiving nostalgia that only wants to empty their pockets and give them a soulless lifeless facsimile in return. Again and again.

The funny thing is that adjusted for inflation both Aladdin and The Lion King are underperforming compared to the originals.

Women and young kids. Shit taste and impressionable.

>They put him in sad clown makeup on top of it.
I know, that's also in the cartoon:

But the cartoon clown makeup, by virtue of being a cartoon, wasn't really upsetting for me as a kid ( unlike the kids pulling on his ears and what-not, although, again, cartoon violence ), image related on the other hand ...

Attached: Sad-Clown-Dumbo.jpg (970x545, 38K)

>over a billion dollars each
"it's gonna flop"
"it'll have to make a half a billion"
"I mean: a billion"
"well, *everything* makes a billion these days"
"no, see, if you squint really hard, clap your hands, and BELIEVE ... then it's actually UNDER-performing!"

Ladies and gentleman: I give you The Amazing Backpedalling Yea Forumsntrarians!

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People don't have anywhere near the amount of nostalgia for Dumbo that they do for stuff like Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast and the Lion King.

>under-performing compared to the originals
It's almost like when you ignore half a sentence the meaning of it changes or something.

>adjusted for inflation


>$500M per week is actually under-performing
>because reasons

lion king is the only one i care about because the idea that it looks "better" is fucking offensive. I didn't have any illusions that 2d films could ever come back (at least in the next few decades and barring some unforeseeable events), I just despise this "high def cg=better than" shit. I can at least see the novelty appeal of seeing a live action version of classic disney stuff, it's only annoying that it's ALL they're doing right now. see how if Movie A does better than Movie A (2019) that one of them out paced the other, right. You see how comparing the two and setting the better as the benchmark means that the lesser fails to meet said benchmark and thus under-performs, yes? You can't be so retarded as to not grasp the concept of a simple comparison.

What might be more sad than the sad fucks who go and see this tripe in theatres are the defenders in this thread. Fuck sake, get some taste 4channel.

>J-just give me THIS
>it's all I h-have!!
Shhh, it's ok Pookie. We know. We know.

>it's only annoying that it's ALL they're doing right now.
Are just not counting Pixar as Disney for some reason?

Disregard the reply.

>ITT: sore losers
this is of course implying there was any competition at all and it wasn't just a bunch of pathetic contrarians

This kinda explains Mexico but not totally

>ITT: sore losers
I don't see it, user. Everyone knew it was going to be a rehash that failed to meet the achievements of the original and also make a ton of money.
Bitching about it doesn't mean the outcome is anything less than what was expected.

At this point, any big, blockbuster movie that DOESN'T make 800 mill to a billion should be deemed a flop.

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You're not getting free tickets to WDW, user. You can just admit that you didn't read.

Shit sucks, but whatcha gonna do? Drive a truck into the studio entrance?

it is? Dumbo is an old movie

>this piece of shit will make more than the original

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>definition is mostly "things I don't like"
Demolitionism is never gonna be a thing autist, just like everyone forgot about the Bauhaus meme before it because the person that kept pushing it stopped.

Besides Dumbo and Tim Burton's Alice movies, what other live Disney remakes fell below expectations?

I for one welcome the future that is Disney. Sounds much friendlier than Omnicorp.

The first Alice did a billion too. The second one failed hard..

Came here to post this.

Christopher Robin made less than 200 million worldwide

normies are the scum on earth

Nostalgia. And most people don't really care that much about the quality of the movies they watch. As long as it looks reasonably good, reminds them of things they've seen before, and isn't overly challenging, they'll be content.

Call your mom and talk to her about how angry you are about feminists ruining movies. I'm sure you'll feel better after that.

Mary Poppins, if you go by the media shills who were hyping it up as an all time world beater everyone should be afraid of only to become fishbait in a matter of days. More a reboot than a remake I suppose, but close enough and worth noting. Same mouse easy buck, zero originality and nostalgia formula.

Why do you faggots get so triggered when people like things that you don't like? "omg people liked a movie that I didn't like, I'm literally gonna shoot up a theater!

Seriously, this is the reason why you have no friends,

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If you unironicaly get this angry about a movie you need to see a therapist.

Classic Yea Forums.

Wallow in self-pity over the fact that you have no friends and then turn around and talk about how much you want people who like a movie about talking CGI lions to die.

It honestly annoys me that LCD idiots are making this soulless remake a success.

Quick anons, what's worse, the live action remakes, or the Disney worlds of Kingdom Hearts?

live action remakes by far

The live action remakes.

live action remakes without any question

>wondering why people like an inferior product is being triggered now

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user, there are people itt calling for the deaths of anyone who goes to these movies. Saying they deserve to have their teeth kicked in and to burn in hell for it.
It's pointlessly edgy shitposting or legit being triggered.

>entire world is burning and people are dying everywhere

america: lEtS mAkE A CaRtOoN aBoUt fLyInG eLePhAntS


Not him, but BoxOfficeMojo.

Disney should just create a vacuum that sucks all our bank accounts dry whenever they do these remakes. It might as well be the next step to our mouse overlord's nefarious plan.

Lady and the Tramp
The Sword in the Stone IIRC
We already had The Jungle Book and 101 Dalmatians (and we're getting a Cruella spinoff)
Maleficent is a remake-ish prequel
Alice and Wonderland, maybe?

No, but it has become the new standard for blockbusters, with at least a couple every year when it used to be a very rare occurrence.

>Why do you faggots get so triggered when people like things that you don't like?
Because it means things we do like won't get produced because mediocre crap makes more money with significantly less risk. It continues a trend of needless remakes that are indicative of creative bankruptcy that should be punished, but almost never is.

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Keep defending the poor, defenseless, multibillion dollar international company from the meanies on the internet, I'm sure your service will be recognized and rewarded.

at least, they won't butcher Robin Hood.
I'm happy

They don't listen to faggets that want 1:1 adaptions of their original works and bitch when a fictional creature gets a black actor

>pretty much everyone
one billion's worth of tickets sold, quantified in freedomanlania dollars - aka Disney/MAGA buxs - doesn't evan equate to 1/10 of the population on the planet, user.

>babby's first bait post, the tragedy, Part 9,744

keep being a sad, pathetic contrarian, cowardly hiding behind your computer screen. I'm sure you'll change the world by bitching on the internet.

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>cowardly hiding
What the fuck are you talking about?

I also find it comical he try to bitch at an echo chamber and not the people that actually make the content that gets him so asshurt.

A-are you actually getting paid for this?

see? I was right.

>and not the people that actually make the content
people bitch at them on twitter or whatever the fuck all the time about things.
Content creators have been known to visit Yea Forums as well so who know, maybe Favreau is in this thread right now.

>Lazy writing is a carefully arranged plan to erase Western culture
>Not just people being greedy and milking their braindead fanbases for all they're worth
Occam's Razor, nigger. Not everything is a conspiracy just because it inconveniences you. There are individuals out there who are just terrible and we all have to live with it. Focus on the good shit and don't support the bad shit and you won;t be so butthurt on a cartoon image board for weirdos

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I feel like we're pushed further and further into the corner. The things I used to like, things that were cool to like, I can't like anymore. Things like Star Trek, Star Wars, and classic Disney movies are being taken and I can no longer indulge in them with the rest of the general population.

Could it be that theres concentrated effort to disassociate the bad consumers from the rest of the population? I feel like I can't have normal conversations anymore about anything in pop culture. I have no interest or love for anything being put out now and if I voice my concerns publicly, I'm outed as a weirdo. I truly feel like they're taking intentional steps to push us from conventional society.

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so you admit you're the worst part of the fandoms you're part of. why wouldn't anyone want to get rid of you?


>make She-Ra younger and less busty
>"Embrace of themes that antagonize traditional values or dynamics"

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There's 14 screenings of the lion king a DAY in my theater, it's been like this all week. It's gotten to the point where the movie with the second most screenings is only getting 5 a day there.

Maybe he was onto something.

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>movie is objectively inferior
>but because it's more modern
>more heavily marketed
>and has "le realistic graphixx xD"
>it is out performing the original by miles

I think its a side effect of an attempt to generate tribal politics, really.

A deal with the devil

Fake and gay

The box office system in the 90's is different from the box office system in the 10's.

Plus, prices are higher today.

>user, there are people itt calling for the deaths of anyone who goes to these movies.

Shouldn't you be reporting those posts then?

Then why aren't most government encouraging their citizens to have children?

>the people have spoken and they want to see dull remakes of timeless animation classics
gg western Animation you had a good run

*Yawn* Every time. Let me know when it pulls big numbers like that domestically.

>the point of immigration is to generate more tax revenue so aging boomers can get their free medications, 20 surgeries etc.
The point is to create more debt, so there will never be another generation of boomers. Governments have to take loans to take care of the illegals: Feed them, house them, entertain them, educate them and finally bail them. All of it helps debt go up, without causing major changes in economy. If debt doesn't increasingly go up, the working force zoomers could become the next boomers.

... user, is this your first day on here?

Examples aren't the best, but I get the meaning and have seen it done several times, like the new Star Wars trilogy. There is an idea that doing something against the norms is good or correct by itself. Rebellion for the sake of rebelling being a just virtue or heroism. It might be because of American left wing politics using the language of rebellion that it is often used and seen in media. Everyone wants to think of themselves as underdog, even when backed by government and mega corporations.

While you could call it bad writing, its far from ignorance and always done for heroism - wanting to appear rebellious in the public's eyes.

Read Watchmen where Ozymandias talks about marketing. You'll figure it out

Mary Poppins Returns. That was supposed to be the big Christmas movie but it got it's shit slapped hard by Aquaman and made way less than what The Greatest Showman pulled off the year before. And that film had even more competition with Jumanji and Star Wars. Think about it, that film came out less than a year ago and it's had zero cultural impact

Never heard anyone say they watched Lion King or Aladdin, other than reviewers.

I think what happened is that the parents that almost never go to the movies, noticed the live-action adaptions of one or other, knew they're based on beloved Disney's children's movies and decided its a good enough excuse to go watch cinema with their kids once in a long while.

The same reason businesses all want to hire someone with 5 years of experience for even entry-level rather than train someone new correctly.
If you bring an adult into your country, they can begin working and paying tax immediately. A baby on the other hand not only cannot work for 15 or so years, but will also often take out a tax-paying parent for a few months or even years.

Governments and corporations outside of banks rarely deal in the long-term. Voters need appeasement now or you get voted out. Shareholders need ever-increasing profits or management gets replaced.
Everything is short-term

This upsets me

the problem with that is that the immigrants we get are mostly poor

How the nigger is this comics or cartoons

I mean, the original was made in 1941, so there is form there.

>1 billion
>it's in the 100 million losers club

They went CRAZY with the marketing this time. Even my irrelevant shithole had WALLS of lions tracking me on my way to uni.

How are they ever going to make a profit at this rate? It's fucking Lion King. Shouldn't it sell itself?

Do people understand how box office works?

I'm really curious because to me it seems as if people think Disney made a billion dollars from the movie and they didn't.

Disney, unlike many other companies get to keep far more of the money (cause they bully the theatres in the USA) but they did not make a billion dollars.

The theater you see the movies in alone takes 40-45% of the box office total (they take less at the start and more the longer the run), the distributor takes a large cut too (they do the advertising and delivery of the movie all around the world to the theaters), in this case Disney self distributed via Beuna vista but they still had to pay for the things a dist company does.

In overseas markets they also have to pay taxes (VAT which is 10-20%), this varies from country to country. This is is on-top of the large cut the theaters take (which is higher than in the USA).

In China there are laws where the company has to partner with a Chinese company in order to show a movie there at all, they take around 40-50% of the box office (the theaters still take around 50% before this happens). So whatever money they made in China, they get back around 20-25% of the box office takings at best.

China is also corrupt as fuck so money goes missing etc, if the company tries to argue they can get future movies banned from being shown there in future.

To a movie studio, the USA is the most important region because of the things above, then other foreign markets, then China, then Blue ray sales, then merch etc

The profit margins for these movies isn't as good as people think, this is why they often take product (or agenda placement - hi2u feminist protaganist paid for by outside pressure groups) deals.

Also the prices of tickets has soared (above inflation) so making a billion dollars happens a lot more. It's not because movies are more popular or way more people are seeing them it's because the tickets cost way more.

How? Like I’ve heard nothing but bad things about this... Is Disney pulling a Captain Marvel and buying out theaters?

Ritualistic pedophiliac rituals.

Disney's audience isn't E-celebs and jaded Assburgers. They do not and do not have to give a fuck what pleases YOU.

>Also the prices of tickets has soared (above inflation) so making a billion dollars happens a lot more.
The highest grossing non-Disney movie this year is HTTYD sequel at $525 million.
Warner Bros. highest grossing movie so far is Detective Flopachu.

Making a billion is not easy nor automatic.

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Ritualistic rituals?
Tell me more, based retard.

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I watched it and it was good. Calling it "faithful to the original" would be an understatement - it's nearly the same exact movie - and the visuals are really nice. I don't know what are people complaining about.
>cartoon good
>live action bad

>dragged out in the street and shot
based Garfield

What are you talking about? I just asked how it made a Billion when the word of mouth for this movie has generally been terrible.

you are so deep in that religion you consider a nonbillion a flop. Get help or die, you aren't a person anymore.

The increase in box office I think has more to do with social media advertising than anything else.

20-30 years ago + you could easily miss that a movie is coming out if you didn't watch TV with adverts or bought newspapers, now it's impossible to not know.

>How does Disney keep doing it?
Okay Yea Forums how many of you fucking hypocrites went and saw this movie despite saying you wouldn't. I know most of you did.

For once I will blame Millenials for watching this shit, and Gen Xers, expecially the ones that decided their Zoomer kids needed to see this, fuck all of them

Welcome to late captialism, we're gonna die while companies gets bigger and shoves more crap down our dying throats

>you are so deep in that religion you consider a nonbillion a flop.
I had to listen to months of you idiots raving about how Pokemon was this immensely popular and lucrative franchise, and how it would absolutely wreak havoc on Disney's box office plans.
It would have been fine and dandy at $650-750 million, given the budget, power of the franchise, and a solid star in the title role.

It shit the bed, like everything else WB has put out this year so far.
We can pretend that the box office goal for these expensive licensed franchises with $150m + budgets is 400ish million, but that's idiotic and you know it as well as I do.

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>Fuck you Disney.

Why don't you go masturbate to more shitty tranny turtle TMNT comics from IDW, Boco.

Seconding this.

It's the same movie with a different drawing style, it was never not going to be a massive success.

After watching the remake I didn't even feel it was a bad movie, the problem is that the lion King is arguably the greatest animated movie ever and a remake of it is literally an impossible task.

Nothing they would do would hold a candle to what the original did.


Are you kidding me? Maybe the dollar is worth fuck all at the moment and movies can charge figuratively large prices for movies but doesn't translate to much actual money.

>highest grossing animated film is either going to be the Lion King remake or Frozen 2

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Me, but unironically.

>How does Disney keep doing it?
They fuck shit up on purpose, in order to make people mad.
Angry reviewers (and shills pretending, just to generate more buzz) shitting on thngs constantly, in turn generates awareness about the movie from normies that goes to see it, to see if it's really as much of a burning shitfueled trainwreck as the reviewers say.
If taking over marvel taught them anything, it is that there's no such thing as bad publicity.

It's not fucking rocket science, shill-kun.

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Soulless movie
Original was better

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No one ever gave a shit about dumbo

Is anyone really surprised? The RottenTomatoes score speaks for itself too. We live in a world where EA releases one clone of FIFA after the other and still makes big bucks.

Most people don't care that the lions aren't as expressive as Aslan in Narnia or every other well-animated movie, because most people don't engage with the works they consume, except on a surface level. Fans are the exception, it's the old rule: 90 casual viewers, 9 contributors, 1 content creator.
Really, most people just don't care about... things, in general. That includes me and (You). That's why we're shitposting on a taiwanese bottlemaking forum instead of trying to change the world.

Crazy how people manage to make this shit about SJWs and PC culture though. You should be more concerned that Disney can just drive competitors out of business, Uber style, whenever it wants and keep its monopoly going forever.

Why are you triggered when we're triggered, huh?

No, you don't get it; the lazy writing is the result of the carefully arranged plan, not the plan itself. There is no conspiracy because the conspiracy has already passed. The damage has been done; the plan has been enacted and succeeded; the animal is let loose. The animal is rampant stupidity and laziness, which is now accepted and supported in the name of inclusion and diversity and the like.

You may enjoy this movie, but you will never remember it. In a couple years when you think Lion King either this will be a flash memory or you will bring up the original, if not immediately now.

This issue with these films does boil down to what they bring that's new(or what they don't). The live action Disney films are using star power and nostalgia to sell tickets, and parents wanting to show their children it drag them along, children also want to see it because its pop culture + cute to them. Majority of the viewing audience doesnt think critically about anything, and even people who will say this film is shit will sometimes buy a ticket and watch it to shit on it. Just stop that. On top of that you guys talk about it over and over like it's literally the end of the world and you are essentially advertising it. People are going to trust the DISNEY label, not some random critics on the internet, because they have blind loyalty in the way any corporation sucks people in to mindlessly consume their product.

If you want to see this films disappear, dont acknowledge them, and if you do, do so in recognizing something better with actual points made, like maybe a cg remake of lion king in a cartoony style striving to be more like Frozen or Zootopia would be volumes better and actually pay respect to the source material. If you're going to ridicule bolster good ideas or solutions.

by pandering to the lowest common denominator

People who watched The Lion King and Aladdin in theaters are STILL ALIVE buddy.

Now I don't know nothing about comic books or video games but I'm pretty sure this is how an industry crashes

But just like the picture, Anger and outrage views can only get you a short bump Brevoort trying to cope is beside the point.

I think what they said it's true, people thought it was an unnecessary sequel with a divisive ending, and maybe they are right for once.
My country, though, just can't get enough of Toy Story as a whole, it's close to making $70 million in Mexico. That's insane when you factor that tickets are way much cheaper here than in other parts of the world, I didn't even pay $3 per ticket when I saw it.

then how does he know the that other guy is funny? what kind of retards weight these things? is this why western comics are a dying breed? looks like it.

Based Boco

ITT: Both sides are wrong!


What will they do after all disney 2D films have gotten a live action remake though?

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remake pixar films

>All these Disney trannies defending this soulless shitflick

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Fuck, you're right

Fuck 'muh realism'

You guys grossly underestimate how stupid the general populace is, and how little it takes to satiate them. A little bread and circus goes a long away... but not for a long time...

The flipside is that we could get a better Incredibles 2 since overall it seems outside the theatrical release, people just aren't too keen on that movie, I have seen the Blu-ray on clearance already.
Same goes for Brave since at that point Brother Bear would have already been remade, so I figure they would like to change up the story.
I can't wait to see the absolute insanity that would be the live-action remakes of A Bug's Life, Finding Nemo and....Cars (holy fuck).

China and also bullying into submission U.S theaters into giving it the biggest rooms and all premium screens.

>live action cars just make them all into real people with their cars looking pretty much like in the pixar original
Would work surprisingly well honestly

>most* people don't hate fun.

This is what Redditors and MCU drones say to justify crappy scripts.

The answer is normies. Rember how much money Bayformers and Venom made.

One of my friends really pushed the idea that everyone fucking loved Mary Poppins so the movie would absolutely kill at the box office. That always seemed like a bizarre assessment because I can't imagine anyone but actual boomers even knowing about her.

>Judging the brainwashing power of brands that are literally plastered everywhere and are becoming more and more shoved down our throats such as Pokemon or Disney

Idiots. All of ya.

But people are, hence the 1 billion bucks

>n-now it has to make a billion in JUST the US or it's a failure
I can't believe every movie ever failed

I just find it funny how now it's the right-wingers who are the anti-1% populists while the leftists are the staunch defenders of big corps capitalism in general.

Most people like "popular" things, that only means most people are ok with being followers and not thinkers. We don't take the media seriously so most people are fine with being mindless with it, but it is an attitude that bleeds into politics, religion, civil rights, etc. and we must keep pointing it out for the sake of a more critical population.

To be honest, a lot of movies nowadays feel like they're doing something specifically to get controversy or everyones' eyes turned for it so they can have everyone in the palm of their hands while they're talking about why X doesn't respect something or why we need to defend X due to "progressive" or "to adjust to nowadays standards" intentions.

>in short, black Ariel, muslim Blade, [sudden race and/or sexual orientation change or anything even different that goes far beyond to modify a character for 'diversification] (character), insert character here that for some reason, finds its identity suddenly changed to adapt to nowadays' diversity calls, knowing far well they're going to bring in controversy as well

Every time we discuss it, we are further bringing it to light, thus possibly making people suddenly want to defend it for some relatable and or "modern taste/accept the change" reason.

I wonder if you even see the irony or if you legit don't see how making yourself anti-anything popular is just as mindless if not more so then liking just popular things

Marketing and distribution. Nobody is interested in seeing Lion King specifically, but Disney made sure people know it exists and that it is playing in every fucking cinema on Earth. Money buys more money.

>Disney has official reached a point where a film can get nothing but criticism but still print money
I think people should be afraid of what this means for the future of film.

>nobody wanted to see it
>they just wanted to see it after hearing about it

Well I don't outright dislike anything that is popular, if something can be subjectively good and also happens to be popular I'm all for it. It just seems that a lot of people just like something because other people like it in order to fit in.

1) Remake all the older live action movies adapted from literature - 20,000 Leagues, Old Yeller, Swiss Family Robinson, etc

2) Remake all the Pixar films in live action

3) Remake all the remakes

>Never question
Good goy

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No bother, a lot of films are already tarnished by the power of self-awareness and being completely aware of the audience they're targeting nowadays, who mostly cares about things in a shallow surface level. Those are the masses, while the minority will always critique, but only because they respect the original films' vision for instance far too much and hate where all this is going, potentially leading to a future where creation of movies becomes more and more shallow for the sake of attracting the masses with what gains them points rather than their own creative vision despite anything.

People see movies more out of habit than because the movies actually interest them. That's why whatever's got the most media exposure wins by default, and Lion King is as safe of a pick as it gets because people already know the entire fucking movie.

How much have you been paid for this post?

I just wonder how fucking low they can take the bar of entry level before it starts to appeal to no one

>it's painfully obvious how people outside of the internet consume content just on the idea they might enjoy something. Ignorance is bliss.
>Implying this is good and it should keep happening

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Inflation, pure and simple. A billion dollars just officially isn't worth shit anymore as a mile stone due to prices of everything going up.

>he really believes this
>people who like the wrong kind of movies don't REALLY like them

Disney does it in the same way Mao did it with his Great Leap Forward. The steel output is gigantic, the rice and grain spills over from the granaries, but in reality no steel has been made and the peasenats are dying in their thousands from hunger.

It's all bullshit. It's all fictional numbers, fictional audiences. Nobody is watching these movies. How do you people not see this? HOW? It's so painfully obvious.

take your meds

The future is now, this isn't some new phenomena this has been the status quo in movies and gaming for years now. All that matters anymore is marketing and branding, if you've got a well-known brand behind you, and a beefy marketing budget, than literally all you have to do is make something bordering on mediocre and it'll make a small fortune.

EA Sports has released the same FIFA, Madden, NBA, NHL games every year for almost a decade with nothing but roster changes and minor cosmetic updates and they made $5 billion last year. Companies like Ubisoft and Bethesda can release blatantly unfinished or QA-less games like Watch Dogs and Fallout 76 and they'll still sell millions of copies on branding alone.

Movies have been doing the same thing for years now, it's just that now it's getting more obvious.

This. If fucking the lion king abortion break 1 billion we will never see the end of these remakes.

Didn't Spiderverse won the oscars?

You are all grievously underestimating how rare white intelligence is in the world.
Like only 50% of whites are even passably intelligent anymore.

It sold so it's good, right? No one believes Disney turds will flop.

Are there any papers on brand worship? That compulsion in some people to defend the honor of unimaginably wealthy corporations due to branding alone? I feel that's shaping up to be the religion of the new decade: corporatolatry

Watching a movie is not the same as liking it, no matter how you try to spin it.

Just like only 50% of every race are passably intelligent as well?

>Some famous brand churns out movie or project
>Black people: this doesn't have black representation
>Said company makes protagonist black or of specific race to pander
>Black people: I will buy your product now

Based Disney is the only company to have more than 20 movies that exceed the billion.
Universal follows it with 7, and the stupid Warner with only 5 in all its history.

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>itt: companies make mad bank vomiting out rehashed content but let me explain how you should be angry at trannies and feminazis and the diversity police and the (((agenda)))

normies don't care about rainbow logos you fucking idiots, let alone the more political stuff
they don't care about anything except consuming more of the thing they like on a surface level, that's why they're normies

You can be mad about both the rehashing and the social justice shit.

>It shit the bed
>by being the single highest grossing video game movie of all time

Live action remakes of the DTV sequels

This is proof that the normies have pleb tastes and is the greatest argument towards the need for a ruling elite we've seen in our generation.

Nostalgia bait and Disneydrones

>what is escapism
you absolute waste

frozen 2 looks like it might have taken something resembling creative risks, though

1 billion by today standards is like maybe banking 100 million by 1994 standards if you factor in population increase and inflation

Disney has become the quintessential American culture expire in China. This movie was made for both the 20 somethings who saw this movie in the 90's as well as a movie night grinder for the now-ripe-for-pickings middle class Chinks.

culture export*

Then I guess every non-Disney movie this year is a massive fucking flop you goddamn Yea Forums retard

1 billion is the new 100 million

>Everyone knew it was going to be a rehash that failed to meet the achievements of the original and also make a ton of money.
This is some hilarious Yea Forums revisionism

disney makes good movies. don't like it? you are just have shit taste

jewish accounting, it's a sham

Everyone in the world would only have to pay a tiny fraction of a dollar to equal that.

>It's just a fucking movie

Why are you defending Disney then?

Would they do it?

They make billions but you gotta cut some of that back to account for inflation when comparing it to older films.

>get anyone besides peter parker
>go broke

beep boop

It would have seriously helped if Venom credits weren't fucking 20 minutes long.

It's not revisionism based on the posting I saw, but to be fair I tend to avoid threads about media before they release so I wasn't reading every post, mostly just OPs and the most recent replies.

finally someone's got the fucking guts to say what the retards of Yea Forums don't want to hear

You keep thinking this is about the movie quality or how good/bad is compared to the old one? People haviing fun is not about people watching the movie, people having fun is about people going to watch the movie.
Couples go to theaters, group of friends go to theaters, families go to theaters, not for the movie itself but for doing something to do with their friends/lovers/families.
They leave the house, go to theater, buy some popcorn, see the movie, comment the movie a bit, that's it.

You keep thinging going to theater is about watching movies, and is about expending the afternoon, so doesn't really matter the contents of the movie as much as being something that everyone in the group (regardless this group is friends, family or lover) can agree to watch together.

Is not so hard to understand.

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>1 billion is the new 100 million
This just makes the other studios look worse....

that nigga got some big ass tits

So I guess this is Yea Forums's retarded new meme

Overseas markets

That came out??

normalfaggots have mostly shit taste because most people are shit

yeah but that's kinda like being mad about your house being on fire and stubbing your toe on furniture in the same breath and then blaming that table leg for the fire. doesn't make a lot of sense. although it's at least kind of understandable.

Boomers can see the bullshit through nostalgia. Millenials can’t

>people can't enjoy anything cause there's too much bad in the world, boo hoo!
I don't understand why you're okay with talking lions but not flying elephants

for once, I agree with Boco.
but I hate phantom spaceman.

They'll remake the CG ones.

If you think remaking Tangled and Toy Story in live action is beneath Disney oh boy are you in for a surprise.

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Unlike Dumbo there is a strong desire to see nature preserved given how many of these races are near extinction or have become extinct. So watching a movie like help sooths their soul.

Make good products people want to watch. It ain’t the difficult to figure out,chief.

>It ain’t the difficult to figure out,
apparently it is for the other 4 studios

Why not just film real animals in nature then? That would have actually been a bold and risk-taking venture, and Disney took the safest and lamest route possible. I am sure they made way more money doing it their way but it only furthure proves that Disney is artistically dead. The Motion Picture Academy gave Black Panther a Best Picture nomination just to make fun of Disney and the new diversity quota rules they're required to follow.

>Mouthbreathing retards fund shit I dont like to the tune of over billion dollars
>This will ensure there wont be things I like for the forseeable future because their not as profitable
Wow I am sure not bothered by this at all

Shill's, Bribes, Threats, Drones & Fags.

What sort of person would pay to see a worst version of a story that they already saw that also doesn't have a a big draw for kids (being animated) going for it anymore? I literally can't make sense of this. Are people tricked somehow? Are they very stupid? What's happening here?

stop projecting, normalfag

Less and less people are growing up who haven't watched the originals and they don't care to.

Who went?
Who looked at it and went
>Ah yeah, expressionless CG photo realistic lions.
>My kids will love this!

I don't even know anyone who went and I know a lot of people with kids.

Are people just watching things ironically?
I can sooner believe Disney is paying people to lie about sales numbers than that actual humans are seeing these shit movies in theaters.

The fast and the furious spin-off comes out in like 4 days.
I'm not going to see that.
I haven't watched the last 5 of them and I don't intend to.
I know it will make over a billion just like the last one did and the one before that.
I understand the appeal of silly action movie with cars and well known actors.
But with this bastardized Disney rehash shit I actually lose hope in humanity.

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I'm in the same boat. Fast and Furious presents: Quick and Angry actually has a real audience and purpose as a movie. It's silly, visually pleasing action with charismatic action stars going trough a wacky plot. It's what passes for an Arnie movie nowadays for people who still remember that action can and should be fun. Now, I'm not saying it's GOOD, and this is coming from a guy who thinks Running Man is a good movie, but there's still an audience for it and I can understand that audience. Why someone would go to see a Disney classic story again, except this time much worse, eludes me completely. I wonder if this is me going old: I look at the world and it seems to me that it's turning crazier by the year.

Because for better or worse we live in a culture in which anyone who tries to tell people what to do with their bodies/lives is vilified. If people don't want to have kids then they dont want to have kids. Furthermore kids are an investment and are largely a net-drain on social resources for a long time.

By comparison immigrants don't have to be encouraged to do anything. They WANT to come here and they WANT to work 60 hours a week. When someone immigrates here on a work visa they're contributing to the economy basically immediately.

Beyonce guaranteed put several million butts in theaters.