Anyone else think atla is the best Western cartoon of all time?

Anyone else think atla is the best Western cartoon of all time?

Attached: Avatar-The-Last-Airbender-season-3-Poster.jpg (392x500, 206K)

Certainly one of my favorites, but I'm just a random human, so who cares. Right?

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2nd, steven universe beats it by a close margin


That’s not Steven Universe.

I think it's legitimately one of the greatest shows of all time, not just a great cartoon

I honestly prefer Korra

finna based

hot take but animated/cartoons > all other forms of tv

it allows for much more creativity in basically all fields

Not even close, and to think anime is better then western animation is laughable beyond belief. Though it makes sense why you'd overrate Avatar

Well crafter bait

venture bros is better cartoon

Probably my favorite.

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I think it WAS the best

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I didn't like it, it was just a bunch of kids doing silly dances.

I really love it, but no. It's easily in my top 10 though.

>Steven Universe

I wouldn't put that show near a top 20.

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It's one of the better ones but no. I find some cartoons to be better fun.

I always ignored it in favor of real anime as a kid.

overrated desu

Only the yanks do that.

Get a grip

It's certainly got a strong claim to the title.
Inb4 WITCHfag

>that pic
I see Eddy Gordo has fallen on some hard times.

That's not justice league

>Well crafter
How does one become a well crafter? Do you need a degree?

I'd put that show near the top 20 OF WORST CARTOONS EVER

>to think anime is better then western animation is laughable beyond belief
Why would it be laughable? And why are you even bringing up anime?

Agree, I'd take animated stuff over any of the critically acclaimed live action shows. Its all wanton violence and vulgarity for simple adults. Rahter watch BTAS, avatar, or Gargoyles than "Greasy mobsters hanging around and talking silly", "woah black gangbangers are so deep", or "a smart person like you could totally be a druglord!"


bold claim that I disagree with, but I did enjoy it.

Guaranteed replies

They're both in my top 10 but Avatar has better production values and pacing, everything else is subjective

Probably yeah

Eeeh, I dunno. Season 1 was too episodic and unfocused, the Water Tribe didn't get enough screen time, the world is too simplistic and some of its lore is kinda dumb.
Honestly, it peaked in Season 2.

what lore is dumb?


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I didn't know this was debatable. It's the only show that's ever been good from start to finish. Animated or not.

Honestly, why.

good taste

He thinks ATLA is anime