What went wrong?

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Amphibia and Tangled generals

Cartoons rot your brain.

Fuck you i love amphibia

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Why "advertiser friendly" 4 Channel has the ass of a 14 year old girl as a banner?

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Too blue. Should be red instead.

Yea Forums

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Not enough sneed

We don't need two /aco/s or two Yea Forumss on this site. One's shit, and the other is just as shit.

You have to go back

Literally tumblr, Yea Forumsmblr is a cancer filled cesspool.

Amphibia, Tangled and Family Gay.

Cartoons and Capeshit

>What went wrong

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Wish Amphibia wasn't spammed.

You only love it because of meme frogs. You'll even ignore that the MC is a thai girl, that's how much of a cuck you really are.

>a third of OP pic is /pol/shit
>it t-t-tumlbr!
What did he mean by this?

Amphibia fans are just Star Vs fans who switched shows after it ended. That's why it is spammed.

Me too.
It's a legit good show that had an amazing finale.
Season 2 can't come fast enough.

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Sad part is it's better than /mu, Yea Forums and Yea Forums as of current


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Thank god Mask threads are deleted here


This. Sneedthreads are barely present either.

still much better than the rest of mainstream hobby boards

it's funny because before Amphibia was released amphibiafags said Owl House would become the new refuge for SvtFoEfags

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>Yea Forums rots your brain
This. Yea Forums has become shit as of lately, and that's coming from someone who decided to lurk at the height of Spooktober.
Definitely this

Irony at it's finest.

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i love clicking these and guessing which one it turns out to be

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Yea Forums is alright even if just for the shitposters.

cuz ur a faggot, lol


Not as good as /k/ due to there being a very real possibility that someone shoved a moist nugget up their ass, gassed themselves, detonated WWI ordinance, or making a getaway from British police with a bow and arrow.

I blame the tribal tendencies of this board. People seem to forget that this is a place to discuss cartoons and they attempt to ruin threads because they focus on a show or company they don't like. This board is just eating itself.

One of these days /k/ is going to realize how powerful they could be if they all worked together. I both anticipate and dread that day.


>Being overly kind to outsiders compared to other boards making them feel at home
>These outsiders come from tumblr, twitter, /pol/, and so on, creating a mix of political shitflinging and underage users
>Likely due to the above, a weird insistence on putting down literally any currently airing cartoon as "the worst ever"
>Wildly inconsistent moderation, which has also scared off content creators

there isn't a lot of good comics and cartoons to discuss

Yea Forums is still unironically one of the best boards on Yea Forums. It actually stays on topic most of the time, unlike Yea Forums or Yea Forums which turn into /pol/ or /r9k/ several times a day. Fuck I hate the current state of Yea Forums so much.

You browsing on a desktop in current year

It probably won't just be them. If /g/ got on the fuck-shit-up wagon with /k/, then I will truly know fear.

70% is capeshit and you are not allowed to discuss a lot of cartoons because they have animals in it...