Starting a thread with a Twitter screencap should be a bannable offense, let alone one with an unsourced inflammatory claim.
Nothing wrong with being trans
How about you post a source on that other than some dipshit on twitter or you fuck off back to Yea Forums forever?
I'm done with the MCU so I really don't care. Disney can do what they want to make back their billions with their failed Starwars property.
>Represent Muslims.
This guy knows 1 guy doesn't represent a motherfucking thing, right?
>Yea Forums - twitter screencaps
>twitter screenshot
>Yea Forums(nel) - twitter screencaps
He doesn't cut off people's heads. He cuts off vampire's heads.
Also muslims actually do cut off people's heads. Several muslim countries, including saudai arabia, where mecca is, decapitate people, and also dismember people for crimes.
whats the difference, lol
Based and redpilled
>Feige literally says the only reason they're making a blade is because Ali came to them asking to be blade
>Thinking Ali who is literally a Muslim wouldn't request to make blade a muslim
Y'all dum as shit
This thread is why this board is useless
>no source
>google it
>nothing in news about it
I think OP should stop spreading fake news
based as fuck
He probably shows up in WandaVision and beats the shit out of the Chthon controlled Grim Reaper.
Welcome to Obama's Republic of Hitlerstan
dumb as shit rumor being pushed by the big brains over at /poltv/ so they have something to be OUTRAGED about
This desu
why can't he just kill vampires?
Inhumans have been retconned from the MCU, so no Kamala
Well, this movie will be a box office bomb.
No, literally. You guys remember Hebbdo?
No way some crazy islamist will not go into a cinema, scream and blow the place up out of protest.
Didn't you already try this once today?
It makes me roll my eyes. It's symptomatic of what's wrong with current MCU. They're changing characters for no other reasons than to be different and diversified. It doesn't elevate the source material.
>It's symptomatic of what's wrong with current MCU.
Being the single most successful movie franchise in history?
Well somebody else on this board already told me that performance at the box office doesn’t matter.
lmao, thats a obvious lie made to bait people into responding, who would be so dumb as to take this rando seriously
Shut up cunt.
No u
Bruh, they did that a long time ago.
>Well, this movie will be a box office bomb.
Heard that song before.
Uncle Aaron isn't a muslim
>Source is some literal who on Twitter
Jesus fuck are y'all retarded
Yeah because Mahershala Ali, who also starred in Moonlight, House of Cards, Green Book and True Detective, forced each one of his characters to be Muslim, because he absolutely cannot stand the idea of interpreting a character that isn't canonically Muslim. Solid rationale at play here.
Literally who, and why should I believe his Twitter post?
Have you guys read the rest of the comment?
>Thinking the Disney Corporation has to make concessions for anyone
God himself could descend from the Heavens and ask the Mouse for something and they'd only do it if they think they can squeeze a pretty penny out of it.
The rest of what comment specifically?
This is a board, it’s full of nothing but comments.
this is mine personally
>implying there will be multiple head-cuttings in the mcu
So we're at the point where people will just believe whatever they find on some random persons twitter, all for the sake of having something to be outraged about.
>Actually believe Disney would bend to anyone requests
You're also implying the movie won't be rated R. They were already open to let Deadpool stay R-rated, chances are they'll do the same for Blade.
Not like it fucking matters, people forget that these comic books are rated T and have a lot of violence with censored swears and black blood. Not sure why everyone pretends these are all meant to be treated like Marvel MAX full of gritty violence and shit.
Isn’t he originally a black english guy?
This is the third time this thread has been on Yea Forums today.
would you rather have more of this?
How do muslim's feel about vampires, anyway? Vampires are sort of a northern European thing, or the weird jumping ones from China. Are there any similar monsters in muslim mythology?
Like being an Inhuman matters so much to her story. Fuck it might be the worst, most useless thing about her character. Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch got made in a lab in the MCU, Kamala can be bitten by a radioactive Allison Brie or something.
I feel like he works best as an atheist with the only higher power he believes in being his vampire-killing prowess.
Vlad The Impaler literally fought a horde of muslims if anything they have -10 all stats against vampires
Oh fuck, can't believe I forgot about that shit. Still, vampires as a general monster predate The Impaler's ass-impaling ass. The question was still more about the general monster archetype. Life stealing parasite monster thing.
And my Uncle works for Nintendo
This is based on quite literally nothing. This won’t happen. Why would I care?
Lamashtu and Lilith but they just suck baby blood and eat pregnant women so not really, I guess you could throw succubus into it but they don't really do anything to men.
Um yeah he’s an actor. They play people who aren’t themselves all the time. Why would he demand to just play himself in a movie?
This is Disney. They won't change anything even if its the request of the actor. Disney will only change things for easy brownie points from idiots that will eat it up.
In american medias, it does.
Islam progress in the US is already done through blacks in prisons in a few years, non-black muslims in American medias will be seen as "whitewashing", because they can only look at their country for references to the world.
>muh platform wars
When did vito turn black?
I read that in his voice.
Depends which part of the world you're talking about. Indonesia is full of muslims and they have their own share of folklore half-vampire half witches. For Middle-East, theres Emperor Zahhak, who was at first a young hero who dethroned his evil father, then later an evil emperor. He was helped by Ahriman disguised as a human being and who had Zahhak befriended at an early age. Only when Zahhak finally reached the throne, Ahriman cursed him with two snakes coming out of their shoulders who caused him great pain if he did not regularly feed them either with blood or human brains, depending which country's version of the story you're reading. Original story where he was not a human being at all came from Zoroastrianism.
And yes, The Darkness kinda looks like Zahhak, no idea if that was creators intention.
reminder that Barrack Hussein Obama was the first Muslim president
Trump is the first Jewish president (he converted secretly years ago; look it up)
the US is no longer a Christian country and it is GAME OVER for us whites and I'm fucking terrified, my dudes
Further proof they hate cute girls.
>the US is no longer a Christian country
never was, founders were agnostics poor attempt at derailing the thread you can do better
> Vampires are sort of a northern European thing
What the fuck? The term comes from the Balkans and it's a Slavic word.
I'm just an ignorant burger, so forgive me.
>Twitter threads are cancer
>forced waifu spam is okay though
Choke to death