We have now been in the post-Rebirth era for longer than we ever had the Rebirth era. Which do you prefer? Do you consider it better or worse than the Post-New 52 (DC You) era?
We have now been in the post-Rebirth era for longer than we ever had the Rebirth era. Which do you prefer...
Worst period of DC.
It is at times either boring or cringy. There are even less nuggets of gold than the New 52 had. And with shit writers like Bendis, King, and DeConnick. Not to mention less books being put out made even worse by half of them being Batman/Joker related.
I haven't checked out the rebirth GL stuff but the post rebirth GL stuff has been great
Thanks Morrison
New 52>Rebirth>DC You
Pretty sure the only complain people have about New 52 is screeching not muh. The average book was a lot better than today. Better art, better stories, more diversity of genres.
Post-rebirth is garbage, but it's not even close to as bad as the new 52.
>better stories
>Mr Freeze
No, stop trying to feed us your bullshit.
I never said every New 52 comic was good, I never said every Rebirth comic was bad. You have one more chance to give me a post worth replying to
I liked rebirth, these days only comic i look forward too is detective comics
Hey, Dial H was great. Does anyone remember that comic? Open-Window Man? No?
Dial H was great but it doesn't excuse the rest of the line
Rebirth was better than what we have now.
Especially superman family books.
>$4 floppies
I miss DCYou a lot. I was buying more than half of DC's main line then, and now I'm down to Green Lantern, Shazam, Deathstroke and Wonder Twins.
You said that the new 52 on average had better stories.
You lied. The only current books with worse writing than the new 52 counterparts are Superman and Aquaman.
Rebirth was definitely the worst. Can't even think of anything great outside of Prieststroke. It was so bad that people retorted to praising Tomasi and Tynion, and every other hack. Post rebirth at least has Morrison.
New 52>DCYou>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Post Rebirth>Rebirth
In terms of overall quality, Rebirth was just as bad and arguably even worse in a few ways than what we're getting now. The only big difference is that people were willing to look past the issues with quality because they bought in to the great big lie that it was all part of a big plan that'd end in DC becoming good again.
I never hear anyone say this. I would say it’s a bit mixed though, for example I like Justice League more now than it was under John’s and the side books like Odyssey are much better. However even the best books now like Prieststroke aren’t as good as Batman Incorporated but then again that’s almost cheating.
New 52 pumped a lot of books, but most of them were bad and even the good books eventually turned bad thanks to editorial.
This. We’ve gotten to the point where Tomasi, Tynion, Vendetti, and Williamson are the writers people consider “good”. If Morrison didn’t throw DC a bone by coming to do Green Lantern what would be the point of their main line?
>However even the best books now like Prieststroke aren’t as good as Batman Incorporated but then again that’s almost cheating.
Batman Incorporated ended up in flames and tears precisely because it was forced by editorial to bow down to the shitty rebooted continuity.
Rebirth sucks because they started double shipping. The more you ship a book the worse is gets. See: Brand New Day. In an average Rebirth issue nothing happens. Decompression in comics has been taken to a new level.
I loved your New 52 OMAC series, Mr. Didio!
Reminder that All-Star Western, despite being somewhat good, was a very inferior product when compared to the Jonah Hex book.
Venditti's Hawkman is worse than whatever Lobdell was writing, Nightwing, Red Hood, Wonder Woman, Batman, Tec, Flash too.
It was also better than everything from Rebirth.
I liked what Morrison put out even if it wasn’t what he wanted entirely. Pretty sure it’s mostly the same ending he always planned. Even if it wasn’t it’s far and away better than any dc book now.
his Red Lantern run was also boring
reading his GL run and i'm not liking it
Venditti's Hawkman is no worse than any of the previous Hawkman books released before. Remember Savage Hawkman? That ended up having good portions of it written by Rob Liefeld? Yeah.
Red Hood and the Outlaws during the New 52 was the most embarrassing thing i've ever read.
I know I'm in the minority but for me, it's seeming pretty good. I'm hot and cold on Bendis (he writes a great Superman but his YJ is a messy shit all over my favourite characters and I hope he does a better job with Legion) but I'm reading more DC books than anytime since before New 52. Currently getting Prieststroke, Action, Jimmy Olsen, Wonder Twins, Yang's Terrifics and Green Lantern, plus looking forward to Azz's BoP, Ellis/Hitch's Batman, Lemire's Question, and Bizarro & Artemis returning to Red Hood. Are we back to 80s-90s kino level? Fuck no, but it's a lot better than the edgelord nonsense and Gen-Z bait that were New 52 and DCYou.
Venditti's New 52 GL is an unmitigated disaster. He improved by the time he started writing Hal n' Pals but it's still by no means actually good.
I was trying to read most of the GL stuff to catch up, but my god it's just so boring.
YEah DC isn’t edgy at all anymore. Heroes in Crisis and Batman Who Laughs are fun for the whole family
I mean, fair. But I'd rather read 20 more books Tom King suicide note comics than the soulless junk of most of New 52. Tom King might be mediocre but at least he tries to say something with his writing. (No defense for Batman Who Laughs, though.)
I don't know how you take Batman who Laughs seriously
On par.
>Red Hood
If you honestly think Red hood is worse now, I'll like to intoduce you to a book called Trouble, I think it will be one of your all time favorites.
>Wonder Woman
WAY better now then in new 52.
King's run is about the same quality, all other bat books are better.
Better now than when it was pushing the "new" and "better" Reverse Flash.
Bendis ruins everything he touches
Because the story he's in does? it's not written as a joke
It goes both ways.
>Tom King might be mediocre but at least he tries to say something with his writing.
The same thing over and over again.
DC in the "bendis era" or whatever you wanna call it is better than Rebirth. The "bendis era" at least includes Green Lantern, Black Label, and Wonder Comics, also known as the only readable books coming out of the company
user, I honestly find Kunll over at Marvel to be a less forced and more serious villain than Batman Who LOLs.
Post-rebirth is better than the New52, but let's not try to defend OCs that could have been made by a middle school kid.
What are you talking about? I'm not defending anything. Batman Who Laughs is an incredibly stupid idea
>On par
I would take Higgins and his Chicago and circus shit any day of the week over Ric Grayson.
Oh yeah, his writing is incredibly solipsistic. Even if Barda does spank Scott/Tom about it at the end of MM, it's still self-indulgent as hell. The Vision's still his best work because it's more about the characters around the hero than the hero himself.
Still, DC's got a half-dozen or so good-to-great monthlies and some more with potential on the horizon. That's the most good DC since, like, what, 1998 or so?
You think this is the best DC has been in 20 years? Are you fucking high? You shouldn't judge DC by the amount of "alright" books you should judge it by the amount of classic books.
Shit, the 00s had (off the top of my head)
>Johns JSA
>Johns GL
>Johns Action Comics/Secret Origin
>Morrison Batman
>All Star Superman
>Superman Secret Identity
>Superman For All Seasons
>Batman Black and White
>Batman Year 100
>Wednesday Comics
>Ed Brubaker's Catwoman
>Brubaker/Rucka's Gotham Central
>Rucka's (first) Wonder Woman
>Jonah Hex
>Dini's Detective Comics
>Dini's Zatanna
and all those awesome Vertigo series that were still running. Does that really sound worse to you than
>half-dozen or so good-to-great monthlies and some more with potential on the horizon
Have some standards man. DC is fucking SHIT this decade
Oh and
>Red Son
>All the Alex Ross stuff like the Paul Dini 1 shots and the Justice 12 issue series
>Dc New Frontier
The 00s was so good to DC man. And Marvel, but this thread is about DC.
Don't forget 52
On the other hands, 2010s DC had:
>Morrison Action
>Dial H
>The remainder of Morrison Batman and Johns GL
>New Super-man
>Lemire Animal Man
>Synder Swamp Thing
>Omega Men
>Gotham Academy
>All of Young Animal
>The Wild Storm
Plus some books that should be remembered but won't be, and some books that will be remembered but shouldn't be
Yeah it's not even close. Even the classics of the 10s don't look as good as the classics of the 00s. The 10s has been an excellent decade for comics, mostly because of the creator-owned explosion, and because of the collected edition market exploding due to all the successful movies and TV shows, but it has been extremely stale overall for Marvel and DC.
We're basically just stuck waiting for stars that left for creator comics to return and throw us a bone, like Morrison coming back to do GL, or Hickman coming back to do X-Men.
Those are awesome books but that's across an entire decade, I'm talking about a single year or maybe two. The late 90s had No Man's Land, Morrison JLA, Hitman, Starman, Peyer Hourman and the last gasp of the Super-diamond era before the Loeb era, just for starters. A bunch of the books you mentioned are minis or talent showcases like Wednesday or Solo (can't believe they fired Chiarello but anyway), I'm more talking about monthly in-continuity books anyway. Yes, 2002-5 or so was great, when Rucka and Brubaker were on their game but that's still only 2-3 books.
And including Dini and Johns? Whew, sorry, but swing and a miss, slugger.
>And including Dini and Johns? Whew, sorry, but swing and a miss, slugger.
Doesn't mean much coming from the guy who considers No Man's Land a highlight when barely 20 of the 100 issues are worth reading.
But man, those 20 issues... we should have gotten way more Bob Gale Batman.
Yeah, No Man's Land was a really interesting idea stretched wayyy too fucking thin. It's kind of like the Clone Saga, but not as stupid.
As usual for Yea Forums the current era of comics is always the worst.
I wasn't too into comics during DCYou, what made it different from the New 52? Any standout titles?
The clone saga had Sienkiewicz inking Sal Buscema, so at least there's that.
You seem like you have good taste, I hope I wasn't too dickish. I just happen to be buying the most DC in a while so I'm having fun.
I mean, you were right I am fucking high, so maybe just ignore my opinions.
Grayson was fun. Prez was fucking great. That's about all I read.
Just started Morrisons JLA run
So far it's good but i'm worried about the quality dipping when Waid takes over.
True but it was a fun ass book.
>I hope I wasn't too dickish
Not at all man.
> I just happen to be buying the most DC in a while so I'm having fun.
If you like what you're reading, keep reading. I just wish I liked more titles currently running.
>I mean, you were right I am fucking high, so maybe just ignore my opinions.
Lmao. Speaking of which I think I'll dip outside and join you.
/420co/ and /shelf/ is best Yea Forums
My nigga, I'm a /shelf/ regular too. The /shelf/ brotherhood is the most powerful force in the multiverse.
I keep hearing good things about both Rebirth GL and post-Rebirth GL. Is it worth it for someone who knows only the most basic information about GL lore?
Morrisons GL is amazing and you don't really need prier knowledge to enjoy it
no idea about Rebirth
Which is baffling because both New 52 and Rebirth RHatO were done by Lobdell, and yet it was honestly one of the better series in Rebirth up until Issue #25. I genuinely want to know what the fuck happened to him to make him go from making arguably THE worst series in New 52 to one of the best during Rebirth.
Wrong. Rebirth Supergirl was shit. Jurgens Action was worse than Bendis. The only Rebirth Superbook better than what we have now was Tomasi Superman and even that got as bad as Bendis Superman with shit like the family vacation.
>Bizarro and Artemis returning to RHatO
Source? Please have a source. Red Hood honestly went downhill so fast since they left.
The idea with DCYou was to have a broader array of styles and genres of comics compared to the New 52.
Stand outs:
>Gotham Academy
>Omega Men
>Dr. Fate
>All Star Section 8
>Martian Manhunter
>Superman (Yang, Superman's identity gets revealed)
>Action Comics
Books that were good at the time but not sure if worth seeking out
>Justice League (Darkseid War)
>Justice League of America (Bryan Hitch written and drawn, then delayed to all hell. Beautiful work, decent story but wrapped up by another writer and artist, and so eh)
>Justice League 3001 (Do you like Giffen and DeMatteis Justice League? Then you'll like the start of this book before it original premise falls apart)
>Robin: Son of Batman
>Secret Six
>Catwoman (mafia! and then dropped)
OK books
>Black Canary
>We are Robin
>Gotham By Midnight
>Constantine: The Hellblazer
It was an interview somebody on Yea Forums posted that was mostly about Flash Forward, but he said they'll be returning in the upcoming annual and the book will be reverting. I'm just ignoring the solo Outlaw stuff and picking it back up again when best boy and girl return.
Truly. I just took some new shelf pics with my new phone. Posting them shortly, /shelfbro/.
>Books that were good at the time but not sure if worth seeking out
>Justice League (Darkseid War)
>Justice League of America (Bryan Hitch written and drawn)
>Secret Six
Those books are horrible.
>Annual #3
>Release date is this week
Please let there be a storytime for this on /co. I need my fix of Bestzarro.
I miss Pup Pup dammit
I'm going to defend Darkseid War as a big dumb popcorn comics. That thing sparkles like few event comics. Batman in the Mobius Chair? Are you kidding me? That's the coolest shit ever. I would totally have done that if I ever had the chance. FUCK that's so cool.
Tom King's Green Lantern issue? Brilliant. King is the master of the short story. Shame he keeps getting ongoings and 12 issue limiteds.
Grail? One of the worst characters ever created. I can't believe the same man who created timeless characters such as Larfleeze and Atrocitus had it in him but he did. What a stinker, but I love it. It's so bad it's good. I can't get enough and think a sequel to this comic would make a lot of comic book fans happy.
Defenestration PUUUUNCH!
Not an argument.
Red Hood has always been bad. Back then shit was called shit, and now it's worshipped. Everything will be good when Tomasi's Superman is the gold standard.
No way any Wondy run since Azz' run ended has even been half as good.
>All other Batbooks are better
Like what?
Williamson's shit has surpassed that Manapul run in terms of mediocrity far long back.
Rebirth>New52>DCYou>Whatever the fuck we have now
Green Lantern is great, but it can't save us from King's Batman, Bendis' Superman, and KDS's Aquaman.
It's okay. I still call this period "Rebirth" because DC hasn't figured out a better branding and they haven't made any serious continuity shift to require the name change.
Of course, I still call DCYou the n52, even though it was supposed to be a different thing.
Hot take: if you don't change Batman's numbering or creative team for 4-5 years, that whole chunk of time is all part of the same thing.
That being said, the post-Rebirth branded period of DC - basically from 2018-now, has been really rough, with some good things. Tom King actually improved his Batman run, but suffered a lot of setbacks with fans because of marketing and narrative choices that don't payoff quickly. Deathstroke continued, even doubling its sagging numbers with the controversial Batman crossover, so that's good. However, nearly every other title (except for Flash, which nobody talks about) has undergone at least one, if not more creative changes. This instability led to bad runs (Robinson), mediocre runs, and a sense that no one knew where anyone else was going. The institution of Snyder on JL and Bendis on Superman/Action has returned a sense of direction, but unfortunately with as much controversy as success.
I personally think that January 2021 (after Batman/Catwoman wraps up) will be a massive marketing shift, similar to Rebirth and the n52. Either that or January 2020, when possibly Doomsday Clock will wrap up.
>Batman in the Mobius Chair? Are you kidding me? That's the coolest shit ever. I would totally have done that if I ever had the chance. FUCK that's so cool.
Batman did nothing. The whole thing went nowhere. That's why that arc stink so much. Everything that could be cool happens off-panel, and everything else is resolved in an instance in the most boring way possible. This is a comic where the main focus is Grail being the most embarrassing OC villain ever created and fucking Steve Trevor out of all characters being the most important character because he was literal the Deus Ex Machina.
>I personally think that January 2021 (after Batman/Catwoman wraps up) will be a massive marketing shift, similar to Rebirth and the n52. Either that or January 2020, when possibly Doomsday Clock will wrap up.
Yeah I imagine so. I think after Batman 100 (Flash will be 100 too) they will do a relaunch and everything will be back to #1 (which is the same 101 basically). My bet is that Tom Taylor does Batman 86-100 and Bendis takes over with a smash #1 issue.
>Tom King actually improved his Batman run, but suffered a lot of setbacks with fans because of marketing and narrative choices that don't payoff quickly
Come on, user. The only good arcs of his run were the first ones.
The Taylor/Bendis progression makes sense, though they'd have to figure out how to make 15 issues fit into a year without double shipping.
I Am Gotham was weak. I Am Suicide has one of the best first issues ever, but the ending was limp. I Am Bane was more consistent, but not nearly as strong as it should have been. The one to three shot arcs have been the best of the run, though Knightmares (basically 7 one-shots) and The Fall and the Fallen were very strong.
All they gotta do is double ship 3 months.
Alternatively they offer Taylor to stay on for the big #1 and use that offer to lock him for an exclusive contract. This would end his Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man series. Of course maybe giving him 15 issues (one of which is already a #100 smash hit) and then pivoting him to Detective Comics #1 for the relaunch is enough to lock him up.
>The one to three shot arcs have been the best of the run, though Knightmares (basically 7 one-shots) and The Fall and the Fallen were very strong.
You're crazy.
>The one to three shot arcs
Absolutely man. King is at his best when he's doing short stories. He does shorts better than anyone at Marvel or DC right now. And in an era of decompressed 12 parters, that shit is refreshing as hell.
Post-Crisis was the best time-period.
Thing about Post-Crisis that I think a lot of people don't remember is that it actually had a bunch of resets and relaunches.
All I remember are the books that made me
Red Hood is a significantly better book now that Lobdell's not trying to be edgy. It's still recognizably Lobdell, but he's very much driven by the trends and editorial's line mandates, so Rebirth was very good for him.
Tomasi Superman and Azz Wondy are the gold standard? Ugh. Okay.
Stop being poor
lern 2 code NPC SJW!
What is Yea Forums problem with Tomasi's run? I read 3 volumes and thought it great, relaxing, wholesome fun.
In general, New 52 had a bit more experimentation, which is missing post the Convergence/Burbank move period. Everything post (and including Convergence) has been, by and large, disappointing with a few arcs here and there and a few character beats and developments here and there, but nothing outstanding, of merit or worth, as part of an entire run.
Some of the mini's, for example, have been far more worthwhile, although some of the worst things have been the limited and particularly event series up to and including the New 52.
Dial H was ONE out of 52 on going books. And that doesn't count one shots and minis. New 52 had a decent bit of experimentation that DC hasn't approached in this century, but otherwise it's dross.
>Worst period of DC.
>It is at times either boring or cringy. There are even less nuggets of gold than the New 52 had. And with shit writers like Bendis, King, and DeConnick. Not to mention less books being put out made even worse by half of them being Batman/Joker related.
nice to see someone with taste around here
This is disappointing to hear. I'm marathoning my way through the entire New 52 for the first time in hopes of reaching Rebirth, as I thought the general consensus was that DC was worth reading again.
New 52 is really bad though. I can't understand why anyone would defend it. I'm inclined to believe people who rate Rebirth was worse just haven't read enough comics, and are sticking to their guns with their babby's first capeshit.
Wait till you reach Rebirth, where the worst writers of new 52 are the only ones remaining.
Post-Zero Hour
Post-Infinite Crisis
Post-One Year Later
===Post Flashpoint===
New 52
DC You
Post-Rebirth (now)
What did I miss?
Hypertime nigga
Rebirth era was the worst ever.
I miss Gotham Academy so much. And still want to see Prez get its promised second half.
Both “Green Lanterns” and “Hal Jordan & The GLC” were both pretty great.
Green Lanterns actually made me care about Simon and Jessica and really made them well rounded characters
Hal & Pals was just such a fun ride featuring The Four Corpsman
Aquaman was consistently great during Rebirth
Worst, its really bad that I only buy 2~3 books a month, Used to buy at least 6 books a week.
I loved Rucka's 2nd Wonder Woman run.
>New 52 is really bad though. I can't understand why anyone would defend it.
because it was quite a good time for weird little titles like OMAC and Dial H
>52 books
>Most of them crashed and burned
>Good books not selling and got drowned out by the shit
>Butchering Lois
>Superman x Wonder Woman
>Nigger Wally
>Snyder’s Batman being a complete retread of Morrison’s
>Shit event after shit event
>Earth-2 being a clusterfuck
Go fuck yourself dude.
What could be considered the long-term 'good' books of Rebirth? The only ones that come to mind are Aquaman, Green Lantern, Superman (up until Bendis got his claws into him) and RHatO (until Annual #2). I guess an honourable mention could be made for Supersons because it was fun, but that's still an abyssmal amount of good books.
None of those are good.
>Hot take: if you don't change Batman's numbering or creative team for 4-5 years, that whole chunk of time is all part of the same thing.
Absolute retard, Batman had the same numbering from 1940-2011. So you don’t even count a difference between pre and post-crisis?
New Super-Man
Hal & Pals
Green Lanterns
Super Sons
Shade the Changing Girl
Doom Patrol
Cave Carson has a Cybernetic Eye
The Flintstones
Sorry I’m retarded
>or creative team
But still that’s not a good way to look at it
Also Deathstroke and Red Hood
This. How can anyone consider Rebirth to be lacking in quality. Even Watchmen, Hitman, Swamp Thing and Starman fail to live up to the standards set by Abnett's Aquaman and Lobdell's Red Hood. How can any other era even compare? New 52 consisted of shit like pic related.
There are a lot of posters here who despise happy, white, rural families.
>Which do you prefer?
Rebirth if I could choose it, but if I have to choose between the Posts? Post New 52. DCYou gave a lot of opportunity to lesser known characters that were enjoyable and well done. It didn't undo so much of what was wrong like Rebirth did, but it minimized the worst parts of New 52, while allowing for solid creative decisions. It didn't have Rebirth's heart, but at least the entire line didn't feel so Marvel Architects-esque with respect to so few feeling so in charger of so much, even what they aren't writing. The best parts of post-Rebirth are the books that haven't been affected by Snyder's Justice League, King's Gotham, or Bendis' Superman/Leviathan. The worst part is, I think there are decent ideas in each of those bubbles, excluding Bendis' Superman which is thoroughly worse than what we had before.
What kills me is that I love the DCU and it's characters. in a vacuum I take it over Marvel 9 times out of 10, but right now outside of 1 or 2 books, I just can't be bothered to care about the vast majority of the line. It just does not interest me. If Brevoort and DiDio agree that antipathy is the true enemy of comic publishers, and the former is willing to produce stuff that at least elicits a response of anger, and Didio said pre-New 52 that the biggest problem they were having were fans not storming off in anger but just vanishing silently, guess what? He's doing it to himself again. I've stopped caring about DC, and find myself seeking superhero content from Marvel or even anime, and I've done so because DC was unable to give me anything to keep me from doing so.
Could have fooled me. Even as someone who is inclined to unfairly generalize them, Superman was my favorite Rebirth book. I loved it. It had stakes, there was growth, Superman was given a new facet where his powers were useless, that enriched him as a character, and he was every bit the incredible father I think we all want to believe he would be, and not because he was perfect, because he had moments of doubt, but was also sincere and earnest. I might have forgiven DC for taking it away from me, but to have done so to give it to Bendis, not for any reason but because he wanted to write Superman since he never had, and to write the schlock he has when given the opportunity? Fuck them. Fuck all of them. Burn DC to the ground and give the rights to someone else. These characters deserve better.
Not sure which I prefer...
Rebirth is the worst though. By far.
Rebirth was all fluff and no substance. It was a retarded idea to bait nostalgiafags that petered out immediately.
Post-Rebirth is everything wrong with Rebirth + Bendis.
Sorry, man. At least I'm not the only one:
I'm in the same boat - i just also remember all the weird little resets.
Tomasi's Superman was fine - it setup a really cozy status quo, and Gleason's art was glorious. However, his stuff is just really shallow and doesn't take any real risks.
Rebirth is pretty fun. It combines the n52 with the pre-Flashpoint stuff, sometimes awkwardly, but there's a sense that it's the best of both worlds.
Deathstroke, Aquaman, Batman have all been consistently engaging, though that last one will trigger the Kinghaters.
Kings Batman was good up until The Gift, then there was a steep decline in the books Quality
Maybe you just have shit taste. Actually, there's no maybe about it.
>but there's a sense that it's the best of both worlds
Are you coked out of your mind?
So just stupid then.
The Wild Storm is complete shit
I mean for the most part it was, there were some things that didn’t mesh but a lot did
have some standards
King's Batman was bad since the first arc
New 52 Red hood > Tomasi’s anything
Because DC treats him as serious so we have to suffer through his existence
god, rebirth was so comfy
why did DC decide to stop rebirth?
everything fell apart.
Without someone like Johns' to steer the ship, didio took over again.
Rebirth was predicated upon being what the people wanted, and essentially merging the best of "all" canons, but no Johns, and a massively delayed Doomsday Clock means its kill
Johns JL was messy but it at least had an actual flow instead of every arc being “things will never be the same!” like Snyder’s bull crap
Rebirth hasn’t produced a single all time classic book. Not one.
Morrison’s green lantern is post-rebirth
None of it did. Tell me one.
>but it at least had an actual flow
It didn't. It was messy as fuck. Arcs that went nowhere, characterizations that changed without reason, dropped plot-points, and cross-overs that closed some plot-points in a very rushed manner,
New Super-Man > Morrishit
Rucka's Wonder Woman, at the very least Year One, was excellent. And how dare you dismiss Prieststroke?
Because it turned to shit about a dozen issues in when it got into a shitty crossover with Titans and Teen Titans. Also
>Rucka's Wonder Woman
Okay, dude.
Lazarus Contract wasn't great, but Terminus Agenda was pretty solid. And Defiance was a really great arc.
>wasn't great
Holy fucking understatement. The only half decent issue was the Deathstroke one,r est were turds and was guilty of one of the worst sins of capeshit, filling the pages with nothing but pointless superfluous bickering. After that the plot shifts from Slade's family drama to a bunch of shitty ch characters nobody likes (omg but Priest is tooootally saving them) except he quickly abandons them to do a shitty Slade vs Batman arc that was just... retarded.
>Crtl+F Green Arrow
>0/0 Results
You pieces of shit. He had a great run in New 52 under Lemire. He had a great run in DCYou under Percy, which continued into Rebirth, and partially into New Age of Heroes up until the Benson sisters took over, but he recovered when Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly took over.
Green Arrow is cool but he's not an A list hero
The Percy run sucked, just had good art. Lemire run sets up interesting stuff but doesn't follow up on them and the last arc was a wet fart.
Percy run sucked. It was just Black Canary shitting on Green Arrow for every little thing, but specially being rich, while Ollie felt guilty about everything in his life.
To be honest, the only Rebirth books that actually were good were the Superman books. Batman, Green Arrow, Wonder Woman. All these books that jumped on classic shipping to win back readers support were really bad.
Lazarus Contract turned the best DC book into the worst and it never recovered
1) Even during Lazarus, Deathstroke was hardly the worst. It was just made overly simple and obvious for readers who were tuning in from the two other titles.
2) Defiance was a great arc, and Batman v. Deathstroke saved the title - it doubled sales and kept them up enough to get us to issue 50.
3) Arkham picked right up after Defiance, and was a really great mind-bender that set the whole series off on a new trajectory.
4) Terminus Contract got us right back to the excellent Slade/Damian dynamic, and gave us a brand new arc for his family, the heart of the series.
You are being so dishonest in an attempt to validate your opinions
Rucka's Rebirth Wonder Woman is much worse than his original run on Wonder Woman, and I never thought Prieststroke was all that good outside of the first volume.
I think Rucka's first run (195-221) is indeed better than his Rebirth run, but that doesn't mean his Rebirth run is bad.
Prieststroke's first volume was all building towards what happens in the later volumes. What turned you off?
I don't think his Rebirth run was "bad" but I would never consider it a classic. The whole time I was reading it I just kept thinking about how I'd rather read his first run.
As for Prieststroke, I guess I just really don't give a shit about him or his supporting cast. Like he has this daughter who is just mini-Deathstroke, and his son Jericho who I remember from Wolfman's Titans being the stupidest character ever created, and I hated how much attention was spent on his kids.
Also the writing style is novel but that novelty wore off for me. It's like "I was behind you the whole time, " "No, I was behind you being behind me," "No, I was above you being behind me being being behind you." It's just always jumping all over the place, jumping from one timeline to another. It's just so frenetic. I do not like Priests's writing style. It's a lot of flash.
I mean, if you don't like it, you don't like it. I'm just not sure what is so different from the first arc and the subsequent ones.
I don't know what else to tell you. I liked it enough to buy the first volume, I didn't like it enough to bother after that. And since it's a comic I didn't like I don't feel like going back to skim through it to give you a more satisfying answer
Fair enough. You can get sick of the same thing. I just happen to adore Priest's style.
I can see why people like his style. It's very different. I haven't written him off as a writer, but Deathstroke wasn't for me.
Wouldn't mind seeing him on Detective Comics or something like that.