What the fuck was Jean thinking?
She must have known that Scott has been with Emma since she died, right? That he became a terrorist, killed Professor Xavier, and died a villain, right? She did this out in the open too. She straight up raped his mouth.
What the fuck was Jean thinking?
>died a villain
Hickman is going to retcon them as being pod people all along.
Emma is a thot
not canon
She's a thot that Scott managed to tame, though.
At the end of Morrison's run, Jean is the one who encouraged Scott and Emma get together in the first place.
Gods care not about the infantile passings of lesser beings.
>This is the only good thing Rosenberg did in his run
The part not written is that there was no way Jean would have known if Scott and emma were still together or not. She dry humped Scott anyway.
>Jean cucking Emma
Not as hard as Emma cucked Jean. This was barely cucking as Emma and Scott were already broken up. Emma took Scott while he was still married to Jean and she seethed hard.
well now i'm interested in xmen
which issue was this
Old Jean came back when Old Scott was already dead, Emma was back to being a crazy villain out of grief for Old Scott dying, and the Time-Displaced Scott was hanging around with X-Men. So Old Jean was probably aware that things had gotten different between Old Scott and Emma before his death.
The fuck did I just read. Comics are complicated.
Some time ago Cyclops had gone full terrorist, so Beast for some reason went back to the past and convinced the teenager versions of him, Cyclops, Marvel Girl (Jean Grey), Ice Man, and Angel to come to the future (actually the present) with him in order to stop Cyclops, telling them that in the future (present) Cyclops turned full villain and was going to destroy everything if not stopped.
The teenager versions then go and later find themselves stuck in the future (present). Eventually they found out Beast lied to them, disband to Cyclops side, the time-displaced teenager version of Jean almost end up fucking the Cyclops (not her Cyclops, but the older one), and after much drama Cyclops dies. The normal (not her teenager version) comes back from the dead and then SHE almost fuck the time-displaced teenager version of Cyclops before everybody find a way to bring the teenager versions back to their past.
Seething Emmafag
I don't think Emmafags are a thing
i'm just too beat down to bitch much
Emma is a cuckquean haha
Morrisonfags are Scemmafags.
Ironically enough Morrison ignored a bunch of major character development Emma was going through before he took over so if you actually liked Emma back then I doubt you'd like Morrison's take.
canonically Jean can't stand anyone not being attracted to her. It's why she teases Logan to love her while cucking him and why she made Bobby gay, she just can't stand anyone not wanting her.
She dated Warren during the classic series before ending together with Scott, and then there was that weird thing with Hank that was explored a bit more during Bendis' run when they came to the future. So as it stands Jean dated all the original boys other than Bobby, who never showed any sexual interest in her. So is it a wonder then that she made him gay?
ok but whats going on with Emma's hair?
>Morrisonfags are Scemmafags.
not at all, Many Scemmafags are more Whedonfags than Morrisonfag. I actually dislike Morrisons run and feel that Whedon is the one to make it the relationship work, Morrison seemed so fake. Further writers improved it even more
>ok but whats going on with Emma's hair?
Larroca ran out of stuff to trace
Was this written by a woman? I feel that they're fetshizing my boy's Scott's autism.
what kind of autism does he have?
I cant recall but i do remender they started with morrisons new xmen. Fuck even wolverine was like, fuck that shit....you can't mess with Scott and Jean.
Emmafags could care less, they already know Emma ruined Scott for all other woman. Jean will never make Scott cum as hard or as often than Emma and the best part is, she'll know she's less in bed becuase she can read his mind.
Na. His take was awesome. Anyone who says it was a step backwards for Emma was just a Jean can whos buthurt. It's implied Scott was bored of Jean. He would have fucked Emma if Jean hadn't cuaght them in bed together.
>Another thing no one can do
Jean proved a powerful enough psychic/telekinetic can do it.
that was The Pheonix, not Jean
Isn't that a plot point? Like Scott's super organized mind is telepathic catnip?
Not till Emma already dies it, and then they were like, well jean can do it to. Seeing his eyes that is. Jean will always be playing the first girlfriend that Scott will eventually move on from. She should just give up and give wolverine a chance. She deserves an undisciplined grunt to manhandle her.
Why are all Emmafags so into cucking shit? Whenever i see you guys posting is all about Emma cucking Jean by stealing Scott with her out of the world sexual prowess and shit like that. It's creepy as fuck. Who are you people?
We're chad.
it's just more that Jean is a piece of shit, so any time Yea Forums can insult her we do. I absolutely hate the character these days.
Oh, hi Jean! So I heard you took a page out of Emma's playbook and grinded against him in public. Pathetic.
You guys have serious problems. I bet you're all female and fucked up in the head. Get a life.
Go to bed Jean, you're boring.
Yes he did, what do you have to do to make a girl subconsciously sleep like this?
Yeah? Scott x Jean are canon again. And it will remain canon for A LONG WHILE. So fuck off.
fuck off
Is that Nate and Jean during Age of X-Man? He should throw at her face that she slept with Bishop without knowing.
Whats up with her mouth
sucking the authors cock
Bishop dislocated her jaw.
Nope, Bishop was such a bad fuck that she inmediatly cucked him with Cyclops without even thinking about Mr.baby killer for a second. Not even one issue of romance and she was already kissing other guy.
Bishop plowed about four chicks before being carted off to prison. Jean also had her mind erased about the whole thing. If that hadn't been the case, she'd be all over his dick. Bishop is the man. I'm sure that he'll eventually steal her from Cyclops back in the normal universe too. The fact that he tried to kill her son and granddaughter will just make Jean wetter for his dick.
Sure thing nigger. Bishop is the fastest cuck on the story of the X-men.
Not only Bishop fucked Jean, he's also probably going to fuck Emma in the new Marauders book. Just you wait.
I thought Jean was piping Bishop of all people
Jean and Logan are always terrible when it actually happens. Which is why it needs to happen, so it can be said and shown once and for all.
God she was sooo thirsty. She was looking to stay in mutant paradise, but one image of Scott alive , and she was willing to screw over everyone else. She gave no fucks about the others. I felt so sorry for Nature girl, she was sobbing so hard.
not just that she was so willing to let everyone die in that universe, she didn't give a fuck. at least Magneto and Nate found a work around to let it be rebooted but Jean was fine to let everyone die.
Its not like she was the only one that wanted to leave, the group that were thrown in prison and the ones turned into thought police wanted out too.
nothing wrong with Emma + Scott. Much more interesting than Jean + Scott. Just sayin'
Alt-Jeans are all pretty different character wise
>Scott and Emma haven't been together since AvX
>In 2012
>Emmafags pretending they were still together up to Scott's death and seething about this
Imagine having to invent things to be angry about so you can tell anons how angry you are.
I knew this would happen, as soon as Jean's brought back of course the brainlet writers can't wait to farm her off to their favourite self insert... Nu Marvel can only rehash, not create. So glad I don't pay for this shit anymore.
Jean and Scott getting together was interesting, but when anyone other than Morrison was writing them they were dull - Emma was just used as a trophy and to prop up Scott whenever he needed his own piggybank/cheerleader and went from being an independent force of nature to Jean lite.
Emma had far more chemistry with Banshee in Gen X back when she was still fun and fucking with Bobby Drake's head.