I am the only one who hates himself for not disliking the show...

I am the only one who hates himself for not disliking the show? it had it's cringe pseudo feminist moments and it's not Bojack tier but... I find it enjoyable at some moments I don't mind to have a second season (shame on me)

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Maybe you shouldn't base your self-worth on what cartoons you like or dislike.

Maybe you should rethink your life.

You're free to like it but a lot of people didn't, which is why it got canceled.

>implying there was a grand concerted effort to get it canceled
People mostly just never heard of it.

it's a weird of mixed things, some jokes are meh, but it had it's moments I'm surprised women didn't like it more I think it had some topics really focused on them... maybe the majority of adult watching cartoons are guys.

The show was enjoyable and had it's good moments, the pseudo feminist moments were infrequent enough and felt organic to it that it never felt like it was a soap box.

You don't need to shill your show on here anymore Lisa.

It's related to one of Netflix's most popular shows. People knew about it.

>the pseudo feminist moments were infrequent enough and felt organic to it that it never felt like it was a soap box.

While I prefer those moments out (or made in a less cringe way) maybe this was the reason I watched it until the end...

different user but i only heard about it when it was announced and then when it was cancelled
watched a few episodes and i unironically love it
i think the problem is it wasnt advertised enough for it to get popular tho i only got a netflix recently so im just taking out of my ass

I vaguely heard about it when it premiered cause I'm a cartoon nerd and only watched recently. I can't imagine how else I might've found it cause it never showed up on my feed til I went out of my way for it.

Personally I refuse to watch any woke shit even if it's well-made and 'good'.

I think the labor union is what did it

they put bird tits on the show, this is how they hooked me I don't feel proud about myself, the models are not even sexy or something like that and their personalities are quite shitty

Did the bird have nips? Wtf, I didn't know birds have nips.

they have once the anthro ray hits them, the best human invention if you ask me

>being proud of needing an echo-chamber

I wish I had his will, nothing wrong about avoiding woke shit

The majority wins. That's how the owners decide what sells and what doesn't. Get over it.

>avoiding things that MIGHT cause you offense while knowing nothing about its actual substance
Enjoy your safe space.

more than enjoying or not is financing it, if there is something you disapprove you should vote with your wallet

Wow dude you're smart. I never knew what capitalism even was until this post. Thanks.

>non-woke user have the biggest safe space
>minor woke shows are so easy to avoid and get canned in a year.
>didn't even have to try
Oh the irony

Then why does OP act so surprised? A thread died for this.

Sorry, people aren't obligated to support things you like.

That's not an excuse when piracy exists. Just admit that you need trigger warnings .

>piracy exists
>show still dies due to lack of views
Are you retarded?

He didn't make the thread asking why it got canceled. Your post was a non-sequiter answering a question that no one asked.

I liked it, and had no idea it was femnazi bait until it was canned. I thought it was just making fun of them with how stupid and over-exaggerated the shit was.

That's fine. But not engaging with things solely because of their perceived ideology is pathetic and cowardly.

I never said I want anyone to stop it from getting canceled. I don't feel that strongly about the show.
>not engaging with things solely because of their perceived ideology is pathetic and cowardly

It got canceled because "the majority" didn't like/watch it. The answer was simplified.

I'm a male (male) and this show was really weird to watch

I'm not a feminist and I can't relate to any of the shit going on

Do you have any reading comprehension at all?

Theme song slaps. The show itself doesn't look like something I'd enjoy watching though.

OP hates himself for liking the show. He asks if others feel the same. The majority answer is no. The majority didn't like it, so they don't hate themselves.
Fucking braindead dude. You can't comprehend a generalized answer.

I didn't like the trailer but I was willing to give the show a go considering the early episodes of Bojack were pretty weak. I couldn't finish the first episode, they borrowed the artstyle but none of the wit and humor of Bojack.

>he thinks ratings are based on like/dislike ratio
>he thinks a critically well-received show was canceled because too many people disliked it
>he thinks liking the show and self-hatred are actually interlinked
You ain't the brightest tool in the henhouse, buddy.

In modern era, any level of validation you provide something warrants more of its production.
It doesn't matter if you liked or disliked it. All they care about it is that you watched it.
Watching things that you hate creates a vicious cycle where they start producing stuff that you hate, specifically because they know you're going to watch it. So in addition to wasting your time on something you didn't even like, the market is now saturated with even more of that garbage. And then all you have left is a swirling vortex of awful media that seeks nothing more than to piss you off. Just because they made you look.

That user's right. Fuck woke shit.
Welcome to the Media Gorgon.

>moving goalposts
>thinks hatewatching is a thing
>thinks haters will give it views when they know it will die if they ignore it.
And the saying goes, "it ain't the sharpest tool in the shed". Dumbass. Keep defending a corpse of a show, it's gonna hit page 10 soon.

>But not engaging with things solely because of their perceived ideology is pathetic and cowardly.
Even engaging things is considered support.

>Hating yourself for liking a show because inteenet culture wars

>Family Guy but with Birds got cancelled
Thank fuck, the only anthro shows on Netflix we need are Bojack and Aggrestuko.

If you hate something, don't watch it.
If you want to "hatewatch" it, use Kiss cartoon and pirate it.
Problem solved.

>And the saying goes, "it ain't the sharpest tool in the shed".
He was making a malaphor, you idiot.
He was intentionally bastardizing 3 common phrases at once.

>thinks haters will give it views when they know it will die if they ignore it.
This. Don't feed the trolls.
Pretending to be retarded is bad. Making excuses is worse.

>Sorry, people aren't obligated to support things you like
It's fucking dumb to feel bad about supporting a thing you did like because it might go against your identity politics.

How much of a snowflake can you be?

yeah but i dont mind be pathetic or a coward
theres nothing wrong with that, you can dislike or like whatever you want

>How much of a snowflake can you be?
Snowflake doesn't really work in this context. He is neither making special treatment nor demanding censorship to appeal to this sensibilities.

Pick up the contextual metaphor, retard.

Most women aren't really into sex jokes.
While the ones that are, are extremely vocal about it.

really? well... b-but you're exactly like the sjw you hate sweety

Nah, it's just that adult women who watch cartoons on Netflix prefer to schlick it to Shiro and Alucard instead

The fuck does that even mean.

Yeah, I agree that it's mediocre at best OP. tbdesu if they just switched bertie with speckles and used Tuca as the main driving force for wacky adventures in the same vein as something like superjail, I'd be down for a s2.

I guess she should have had made a good show that men would have enjoyed instead of trying to get men to hate watch it, huh.

If you really can't let yourself be open to enjoying something because your so attached to whatever group identity you've signed up to, then yes, you are a snowflake.

To reiterate;
That's not what snowflake means.
At best, that's reinforcing an echochamber.
Snowflakes don't make echochambers. They make hugboxes. I suspect you don't actually know the difference, so feel free to ask.

>complaining about muh feminists while letting this shithole of a board judge you for literally anything
yes user, you should hate yourself.

shut up, im right and you dont /pol/

To be fair if you went in because you know about Bojack, you'd walk away disappointed. T&B is a very much dumbed down version with less than a 10th of the bite.

The creator admitted it was the algorithm and lack of watchers.


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