Gonna dump this comic over the day, I like it because I can relate to it but hopefully some of you find it cute or at least fap bait.
Gonna dump this comic over the day...
Other urls found in this thread:
Please tell me that you have the guest comics
how many times are you going to make this same larp thread
Maybe? I just used Ychan on a thread one day and got whatever was dumped
Has been a genuine thought
Why the fuck do you keep spamming this shit?
Where can I find a collection of the Big Dick Problems comics?
>tfw your testicles are hanging too low on a particular day and you accidentally shit on them because you forgot to lift them out of the way
These are feelings women will never understand
You make it sound like I make this thread weekly, yeah I did it once a couple months ago and again today because I was bored. Sue me I guess.
Get dunked on you old bitch
Spamming is spamming user, at this point this is no better than LOL threads
You're right, Yea Forums is all about original content. Like the weekly lisa simpson threads, or the daily 'star did nothing wrong' threads, or the hundreds of bait threads. Fuck me for having a topic.
>Dude who dumps the same shitty webcomic once a month complains about no original content on Yea Forums
Like poetry
Yes please.
this "comic" is shit and i could probably write a better comic with an actual story.
>no big dicks problems
o jeez
oh jeez
>all those broken bras
more like poorfag girls problems LMAO
but this is true?
she could be "happy" with her bra, but if it isn't fitting just right, she isn't gonna be fucking happy down the road. dumb unappreciative bitch.
Dude just lose some weight and go easier on beer if your boobs are such a problem
Waiting for the one with the thicc redhead showing off some tummy and underboob.
That one's fucking hot.
jesus, maybe sit AWAY from the table a little?
fuck, more like busty idiot problems
Yeah but it's unwarranted, what if a stranger said to you "hey your shirt is too small, wear a bigger one". You'd be a bit weirded out too
I think it's cute too but people get livid about it
Don't worry I've got you covered
Based pink shirt Chad just trying to give helpful advice to bitchy blue dress virgins
hey, they are just trying to help in a way that is positive. maybe a better fitting bra would be a good change? its a female exclusive problem being said between females, its not like a man is saying it to her, thus being really weird.
your example is completely different.
Nah, I'd take their advice to heart and try on a larger shirt, is getting pissed at getting helpful advice some sort of woman thing?
The place where all of those comics were collected at disappeared years ago.
god, where is THIS game?
i need my shitty unity engine game with stupid dick physics and an oh jeez-o-meter.
god, i remember that.
fucking rip the OG archives...
Sometimes when I don’t fap for a few days, precum drools out my flaccid dick and I have to go to the restroom to clean it up.
Someone should make a mega with all the Big Dick Problems comics.
Maybe it's just because I'm a more private person, but if a woman told me my bra sucks out of nowhere I'd be a bit annoyed. I get what you guys are saying though.
when does it stop being girl problems? like 17?
because these women are fucking ADULTS, girls are like age 5 to 17.
where are the busty ADULT problems?
like doing taxes or surviving the day sweltering in the office?
>I like it because I can relate to it
That one in particular I bet
Agreed, hottest thing I'll use my chest as a table for is a burger. Soup seems like a dangerous idea
There's one somewhere in here of a teacher wiping her chalkboard off with her boobs that I always get a kick out of because it's happened to me, or see
Except for attracting potential mates there's absolutely NOTHING useful about big tits.
Learn to make your own, it's saved me from a world of hurt
Not entirely wrong
This comic is SO fucking stupid. Everyone knows breasts are something only girls in comics and cartoons have to turn us on. They are a creation of the pen and the horny mind. They don't cause problems in the real world because women don't HAVE them. Women's bodies are NOT like that.
>only men have testicles
Go back to pol you nazi fuck
more like bursting girls problems amirite?
This really isn't what most big breasted girls think. They whine how their cowtits are pain in the ass but it's mostly just humble brag. They talk about their tits in public because they know men will find that attractive and flat chested women will be jealous.
I'm grateful that I can easily work out and do physical work because of the flat chest, but let's be honest here cowtits really don't want that. When you're flat chested you actually have to work for your charm, with big tits you don't have to do anything else than just exist and you get all the attention. Even if you're fat no one cares.
well, several of those problems can be fixed with a little bit of thinking. but thats too hard and wouldn't work for a joke, so.......
I don't know about all that, you might just know shitty people. I don't talk about my tits in public, I try my best to cover up. Everyone pretends like it's life on easy street being a titcow but your problems get ignored just as much as a flat girl.
Please don't enable them.
I don't get this
How often did you let your flat chested friends rub your tits?
Sure you crammed as much diversity as possible into those, wouldn't want to be called some 'ism'? Better have some trannys and midget comics coming you racist!
Sure, that's my excuse for not working out
Yeah I don't get it either
Sometimes when we've been drinking
i remember this in collage when i'd hang out with girls, i'd see some of them scurry from or to the showers like that. not all of them though, most girls were kinda fine with it, just walking like a normal person.
though it was usually after hours, when coed was over by like 2 hours and i am super glad no one found me out. i think they thought i was gay or something, which is probably why they never screamed when they saw me.
>ugh, sanitary reasons? bitch?
>your tits are not a fucking microwave!
Women are cunts to each other
This better?
Do people really break their bras that much?
>fap bait
>with that artstyle
Even Yea Forums - Save The Princess comics are more fappable.
she fucking broke both her tits doing that
are you making fun of parabooblegics?
Wow, wow. Is that a battery driven fan necklace? That's fucking genius. Where do they sell these? I am dying in this heat.
Not all that much, but it happens
Apu what are you doing in this dump. Get outta here lil guy
Just go for a quick drink
This is kind of sexy.
this capcha is killing me
I don't see how that would work without
oh there we go
If your going to give yourself an improvised haircut, you shouldn’t wear clothes when doing it.
>working at a bikini car wash but being uncomfortable with being seen as a sex object
>Tfw no busty middle eastern gf
They’re useful for clearing tables of breakable objects quickly...
I fail to understand the problem here, she needs a bra that wont show through the shirt, the salesperson has a shirt that wont show throw the shirt.
>t. SEETHING chestlet
What is the problem, here?
>When you're flat chested you actually have to work for your charm
Or just have a great ass.
You DO have that, right? You’re not a total beanpole? Because that would be sad.
girls, be nice
This desu
I'd be embarrassed I thought I could wear that small shirt and no one would notice in the first place.
Fuck off. I haven't even seen a thread like this in weeks, so at least OP's way better at moderation than other OPs.
She's offering her a "nude" bra that doesn't match her skin tone, so it's effectively worthless to her
Okay then. Try to write that comic and explain the outline to us.
I really hope you're being sarcastic right now.
lotta bouncing
>one vein
pff I wish, my cleavage looks like it was struck by blue lightning
Fun fact, this is a great way to get a black eye
Stop with your shitty relateable comic cancer.
Yea Forums is women this shit isnt larp
i can't believe this person made something of themselves off this boring, PRADICTABU shit
>im a girl by the way
every time
Just hide the thread, then.
Yes we get it already
No mentions of back pains?
That doesn't stop enabling this cancer when everyone else keeps it going. Hiding a thread is just a shitty fucking excuse and doesn't do anything about the issue..
I laughed at this more than any of the breast comics. Something about this is really funny.
god i wish that were me
I can't believe posts like this are actually made on this board.
I'm gonna huff, and I'm gonna puff, and I'm gonna cry this scary thread down!
post titties
>I laughed at this more than any of the breast comics.
Because it's funny and isn't just "us women and our suffering", it's an exaggerated joke where a dude slips on his own dick and falls off a cliff. Not
>girl tries to walk in public with big honkers and gets stared at and has an internal monologue about being eye candy while the poster is holding back saying "same tho baka"
So...because it's #relatable to you, and not to a scary female? Haha
first time i've ever used s m h even in that way, didnt know it was filtered
Then enlighten me. What do you think is a better comic than this?
And what comic ideas do you think is better?
Before I read this thread, someone tell me if it's a cheesecake thread or another femanon therapy session
Oh boy, these threads are usually comfy.
Yea, I prefer comics that demonstrate the issue of having a massive penis and how often it leads to us falling off cliffs. Raise some awareness please.
>TFW you accidentally sit on your own balls.
Preferably, threads about cocks.
In fact, every comic panel should have a big, meaty dick in it.
Because I'm heterosexual.
For girls.
>Then enlighten me.
You're already being a faggot. This isn't about better comics, it's about not enabling these kinds of posters.
Thanks doc
What kinds of posters?
Are you seriously doing this?
People who try to attach some form of identity to themselves on the board without adding anything of substance in return, I suspect.
>not enabling these kinds of posters
So your reasoning is basically: "if I don't like it then this shouldn't exist!"
Did you not read my post? GIRLS.
I hate em! They don't belong in my treehouse!
Oh...like "MCU fan"? Or "male poster"?
You get the idea, but there's a tone to posts like OP's and that isn't really brought up in that kind of explanation. If there's a term for it it isn't coming to mind but it'd be very helpful.
How oddly wholesome.
>keeping threads alive with free bumps and comedy
keep "not enabling" I guess, bitchboy
The term that comes to my mind is "joke"
Because it's a funny post and the idea that someone would get this offended by it is even funnier
You can say this about literally anyone. Everyone who uses that image seriously can't imagine why someone would go into a thread they don't like to say why beyond not expecting the content inside?
My bumps mean nothing, retard. If it were just me and one other person it'd be a different story but as usual these threads are usually kept alive by the people into itl
It is NOT a joke. She's threatening physical violence to men and this can't be allowed to continue.
Thanks for just continuing this. No one on this board gives a shit anyway or is even remotely able to understand why a post or poster might be annoying as shit.
It's easier to just summarize them as women posters, though there are women posters that aren't shit because not all of them do it, but then those kinds of women posters and these kinds are two different things.
Someone post the Big Penis Problems comic.
>MCU fan
No, because "oh btw I'm an MCU fan" will usually add something to a discussion.
>male poster
Yes, because "oh btw I'm a guy" or "oh btw I'm a girl" usually adds nothing, though "women" get more flak because it's usually attention whoring either by some guy pretending to be a girl or some cunt looking to be fawned over where they're not wanted.
I mean...at least you admit you're accomplishing nothing but giving us some laughs
Stick around, please
Yes, I'm aware it's funny to certain userbases when you tell them how annoying they are, and they would instead coast around it by doing "b-but women scare me" mock posts or "oh what, you mean having fun? yea thats a serious issue that needs to be stopped" responses.
Remember, support busty women in your life by showing them sympathy and listening to their problems!
I would listen to any woman's problems as long as they talk about it in a nonshitty way.
Except that you could've ignored the thread. Yet, here we are, arguing because you hate the comic because it's for girls.
I have never seen such a child-like mentality before, and I hope to never see it again after this argument is over.
if women talked about their boobs to me, do you think I'd be here?
>Except that you could've ignored the thread.
This issue goes well beyond this thread.
>because it's for girls.
Because of how they went about making it, but keep insisting I hate women just because that's easier.
>I have never seen such a child-like mentality before
Yours and everyone else doing this.
How exactly would I "show sympathy" without seeming like a creep
You can tell a woman you feel bad for them without whipping out your magnum dong.
compare them to the closest woman in your life: your mother
Okay then, user. What exactly do you not like about this comic?
>Getting a foil to the chest unprotected
I don't have have breasts and that still hurts like a bitch.
like, i can make a normal character who is also busty, its not hard at all. what do they want!?
I like how they made her a maid just to make it extra offensive and sexist.
I have this problem for being too tall
I fail to see how this one is a problem. You could argue that most fictional muscular guys are superheroes, who gives a shit?
If you would have been following my posts you would have seen that I'm not sure if there is a term for it. The fact you already refuse to look at this comic and think "the only way someone could dislike this were if they hated women" is already a sign that nothing I say, even if I knew the best way to describe the issue, would get through to you. In fact that's just a connected part of the issue, this entire board always fucking does that.
>TFW you met someone in a thread like this years and years ago and started chatting on AIM.
>TFW you were thiiis close to starting up a relationship.
>TFW you're LITERALLY AUTISTIC and fucking the whole thing. You just FUCKED IT, FOREVER, and she stopped talking to you, you FUCKING MORON.
Good times!
Prove it.
I'm not sure what the issue is, having big boobs means you have fat on your chest, a fat woman who looks like she doesn't keep in the best of shape and a fashion model are pretty much the basic ways to have big boobs, I'm not sure what they're asking for as an inbetween. Chubbier women with big breasts that don't look intentionally ugly with face sag and crowsfeet like they drew exist, but it wouldn't help their narrative if they didn't make it extremely shitty. Hence her in a maid outfit when that has nothing to do with breasts and is just extra sexism because.
I feel bad for the women in these threads that they have to constantly make everyone aware they're women just for the attention they can't get anywhere else. Sorry hang on my dick slipped out on its own I promise I didn't do that.
So how would you improve Yea Forums? Because to me, it sounds like you think your opinion encompasses all of this board.
I told you it's impossible.
There is nothing to do. The issue is just how people are and getting rid of certain types doesn't solve anything, the least you can do is attempt to give them awareness when they do things like this thread but that never works. Especially with so many easy runarounds to it, ranging from just calling them a mad incel to caricature responses.
Yeah, but I personally like the comic because of the fap bait.
Plus, the thread was comfy.
I don't know what to tell you, my dude. Can't change human nature, at least not here of all places. I just look at pretty pictures and threads I like and I advise you to do the same.
That doesn't mean anyone claiming to be a woman is one.
>the fap bait
If your standards are so high you can't get off to scribbles with boobies then that's entirely a you problem
You can easily tell in cases like this that women are here. The way they type and respond to things. The stuff they post. Is this really beyond you? It's very basic shit. No one else seeing it has to just be willful ignorance.
>But auntie, I insist. NOW!
I jerked it to a screenshot of an AT girl once, but this is just garbage.
Maybe you can, but I'm not sure your "discerning gender over the internet" skills are as widespread as you think...
I saw someone posting earlier that girls never make typos, what a riot
The writing/dialogue if you want to call it that in these are so awful. Also the kind of women designs they use half the time are the unlikeable grating kind. Did they go out of their way to make this bad and only enjoyable to a small group?
Soul crushing.
For now you can make do with the "My dick is SO big" audio recording from Drew Carey and friends
>I'm not sure your "discerning gender over the internet" skills are as widespread as you think...
It clearly isn't an always thing, there are shitposter larpers but a lot of them don't understand what it is that makes female posters obvious and instead just go for the "man i hate being a woman!" type of posts. There's a shocking amount of posts you can toss aside if they use an exclamation point.
Is that what women consider soul crushing?
>jerked it to a screenshot of an AT girl
>jerking it off
>to AT of all things
Now see, here's your problem. You only like flat girls, not girls with a healthy amount of bust.
y-you too desu
*le tip*
cry more fag
I dunno, do short guys consider consider it soul crushing? Because both scenarios are losing the genetic lottery while seeing everyone around you win...
Breasts are my primary fetish. I jerked it to PB back when they gave her slight curves because I didn't have anything else and the internet was dead. This is a different kind of bad. This isn't "how can you find that nasty fetish attractive" this is "how can you be aroused by this bad art and awful design". It's just tumblr art of women purposefully designed to not be that hot, sometimes maybe cute, bitching about how hard they have it.
The situations are hot sure, a woman can't read a book because her boobs are in the way, that isn't bad, but it's retarded for these because it's 'relateable problems' when you can work around that shit. In general you don't HAVE to have gigantic breasts, if it's so bad you can't sleep at night without making a comic you can't sleep at night with them then make effort to work them down. But they secretly don't want to. It's a mixture of being eye candy and getting to complain.
Being short isn't the same thing as not having breasts. They're in the loose category of genetics but they're two totally different things. Not sure why this would even be something you'd think is comparable.
That is a "caricature response", retard.
Well there's your problem right there
As shocking as it may be, women don't want to be felt up by some guy that just wants to cop a feel to make sure she doesn't have cancer. Too bad in some places it isn't required to have a woman do it officially and you can get a guy instead, it's messed up really. Especially since they know some will be too nervous or shy to make a direct request for a female examiner to work with you.
Can relate. GF won't buy anything with thin straps for this reason. Any dresses, night gowns, or lingerie with thin straps will break due to her bust weight.
>it isn't required to have a woman do it officially and you can get a guy instead
Wait, seriously?
Where I live, male police officers can't even search female suspects with clothes on, but it's ok if it's for medical reasons? Damn
>eating loud chips during a movie
Destroy all tittymonsters
>help people are doing their job it's like they RAPED me help help
What is wrong with wester women?
But user, you are gay
Lesson learned: If you think you might have breast cancer, it's better to get arrested than see a doctor.
When you're wearing tight pants for whatever the reason.
Your flaccid penis is pointing downwards
You get an erection.
Women will never understand.
Those wouldn't be busty archetypes then. The comic doesn't say, "These are the only characters that are ever busty".
Who even impregnated this flat slat?
this girl needs to wear an apron at the sink like everyone else with a brain and two tiddies
next we'll see a comic about a busty welder getting her face melted because she wasn't wearing a mask
the comic does say that!
its making it seem that busty women are only sexy lady or frumpy lady.
fuck you
>post dusky girl problem and call it a busty girl problem
the fuck?
this only happens if you aren't circumcised btw.
>not draping your neck and shoulders in newspaper
No that shouldn't matter.
>leaving "just enough" to get you to payday
Irresponsible and short sighted- accidents ranging from 20-500$ can and WILL happen and you should leave room in your budget for that shit.
Have you never learned to hide your erection?
I actually cancelled my exam when it was with a guy. Turned out my breasts were fine anyway. I am very glad my friend went the extra length to get me in with her doctor, now I feel entirely safe and won't have to play hooky with a potential life saving exam just because they won't automatically give me someone of the same gender who would know my body better than a guy. They always have that "I'm not here for your health" vibe that makes me internally scream lmao.
But yea anyways, I don't hate men but I don't want to pay them to examine my body, one they don't understand. Guys clearly only get that position for one reason.
Hmm. Is this a tranny LARPer?
>not just wearing a sportsbra for the uncomfy hell that is a plane ride
Yeah I mean, if you don't plan ahead, then you really deserve the discomfort. Keep those tiddies on lockdown.
Only on sitcoms or if there's a given reason.
I can't breathe.
Go back to /pol/, you're drunk.
Then go outside.
>not accessorizing with a belt
You dumb bitch
That's the most disgusting one so far.
user I have some bad news for you
This comic would be way better if they just changed the title to dumb bitch problems.
god, i knew a girl in high school with massive tits, but they sat like, at her bellybutton. i always felt bad for her
based and redpilled
very much. I remember I did an epee lesson where everyone kept hitting me in my right nipple too.
Fuck that hurt, no one understood why it was happening. Someone thought I had a magnet in there.
>busty archetypes
Most adult female characters have big(or big-ish, >C cup) tits because everybody likes big tits.
this one got a physical chuckle outta me
Yea Forums is one big femanon therapy session.
need milky edit
2nd panel face is cute
i have lil boobs but this is still an issue, specially when brushing teeth . physics doesnt discriminate
I've been a girl detective since I was around 9, and if you know anything about that line of work, you often end up tied up by the bad guy.
I was always amazing at making tricky rope escapes up til about age 13, when my boobs really started to come in. By then, captors had begun to tie the ropes around my chest, just to the top and bottom of my breast line, to the point where I could no longer slide them off my chest and then squirm out of them like I did so often as a young girl.
My tits are the primary reason I left that line of work; I would probably still be doing girl detective work now had I not gotten such enormous breasts. I was hoping there would be a comic about that.
>I was hoping there would be a comic about that.
me too
I don't see how being busty makes this more of a problem...
How else would a flat girl be "potentially" busty through hormones?
She's gotta be preggers.
I don't see how slight jiggling of the extremities is that much of an issue.
Men jiggle, women jiggle, unless you go full hungry skeleton you're going to jiggle slightly.
It's not even an unpleasant sensation.
She has to complain and let others know she's a girl
>I’m a boy btw
Women can't say anything even slightly negative about other women, I see.
I am curious: what are you going to do when you find out you have a doctor who's a hardcore lesbian?
If I go like a single DAY without cumming the next time I do it burns a little.
If you have to lean in to see out of your rear view mirror, it's not your boobs that are the problem.
>I like it because I can relate to it.
You'll never have tits like those tranny
I'm like half way done so I may as well keep going
There's like a hundred of these and they get worse and worse.
How would you even find that out?
Unless you were on a lesbian dating site and found her profile or something. Mega awkward
>tfw pectus carinatum and lying flat on things is horrible.
Shit man if I had a nickel
I hate how women talk about bad pick up lines, but never talk about good ones
user, medical here, that is a bad signal...have you ever apply for a STD's?
It's almost as if...
Hi Boobanon.
How this could be a problem?
saw the first half of this while scrolling. didn't read the text yet. first thought was, "damn, this artist really does a lot of muslims. maybe they aren't just virtue signaling. maybe they live in a muslim country or something."
Oh fuck you you unlikable piece of trash.
I like me some veiny tits. It means they belong to a living person and not some marble statue
This entire comic's purpose is to virtue signal.
That's some gymnastics to defend an ugly appearance.
humble-brag is related, but not identical to virtue-signal
Poking an eye out maybe?
Awe shit somebody's miffed
A lot of these are a mixture of bragging and "oh woe is me" but at a huge group of women and they even toss in sexist shit for good measure.
>Awe shit somebody's miffed
Literally underage
But that is impossible.
Would you like to talk about your anger sweetheart?
Airborne STDs are a thing, sorry user but all those dicks you inhaled were bad for you, even if "they aren't touching the inside of my mouth."
>E's in public stores
yeah I wish
What will you do to prove my point next.
Then what would you call yourself? Michaelangelo's David?
Where did the poster even say anything negative about women?
Nope, if you don't come and feel burn ot tickle, is possible you have some medical condition...even wizards can have SDT'S. How? use clothes from other people. One time, we have some wizard with VPH...and was because he used to use the same boxers as their dad
What is the point of reversible??
That she was complaining. Apparently that automatically makes you a guy if you shit on a woman complaining about something, because women can't do that to themselves.
Could just be a bacterial thing.
Something something Yikes? Thats what people say right?
Imagine a world
You know nothing about women clearly.
>tfw you will never see a boob in real life
Men are much more likely to burst into a thread crying about it unprompted tho
Seriously needs to be reiterated that the dialogue is insufferable.
Sure they are.
This one feels like it missed something.
How long are you going to go before making this thread again.
Probably another few months, fuck off.
It looks ugly. Women wear painful highheel shoes too but it looks better than sneakers with a dress.
So what kind of response do they want? I normally just agree with them and they get mad.
If women talk about their boobs like that to you, either you’re married or your opinion doesn’t matter
boobs strikes back
why doesn't this bitch just learn how to fucking eat instead
The user doth protest too much.
Breast reductions should be ILLEGAL
I've never understood the idea that I'm not allowed to have complaints
>everyone on Yea Forums is a fat chested women
I happen to be the queen of England, and I’m STACKED
The flatties dare not enter boob territory
The comic itself encourages people blessed with something great to wallow in poor me-ism. It contributes, however small, to victim culture and the idea that you shouldn’t be happy with your body. If even one girl thought about a breast reduction from this comic than it deserves to be purged from this earth.
Also you keep dumping this over and over.
So you are planning to make this a recurring thing even though it doesn't need to be.
Quit cherrypicking arguments in that deconstructive retard way.
You're reading waaay too far into it. It exists because it's nice to feel like you're not alone. Busty girls aren't looking at this and feeling bad.
Hey what's that thing over your head? It sort of looks like a joke, ah shit you just missed it
There. I'm done ruining co with a single thread. Happy?
>it's nice to feel like you aren't alone
Please just fuck off.
Yes. Bye.
Flat is justice
Why do you need to still shit on her when you've already won the argument?
So, what comics can we dump now?
Anyone who says this is unironically a pedo.
>Why do you need to still shit on her when you've already won the argument?
You managed to take this to an entirely different level of woe is me.
Something that isn't whiny tumblrshit, for starters. Ideally something that isn't spammed.
1. No
2. And?
Believe me, after handling thousands of breasts, it quickly stops being interesting. It's their job after all. Also, doctors who chose their profession to help patients do exist.
it's like a nightmare.
When they obviously do a half assed job just so they can off on your tits and you die of titty cancer of course.
>boohoo my sister made a joke god i hate having boobs
Most of these problems would be fixed if the women simply lost weight- many pictured are obese and their bodyfat poses a serious risk to their health.
You can't exactly make a comic series called "obese girl problems".
there is a single solution to obese girl problems.
>busty girl dieting problems
>you need to eat fewer calories to lose weight than a man of the same height
Right, just like how there is a fucking solution to the OP comic, back the fuck up, but then they can't bitch.
>how dare men like breasts
I came into this thread specifically looking for this comic.
I am vaguely disappointed at how long it took to find it.
Lose some weight and your man titties will go away you larping brainlet.
That category of these are the most annoying. Outside of the ones where their breasts get in the way because they can't act like god damn humans and adapt.
stop spamming faggot.
You will just make her want to post it again later even more with a "hopefully no salty seadoggies come in here this time X3"
Nah I'm done, not worth my time.
A nice guy look my boobs?
We'll see how long that lasts, or if someone else takes over. But really it wasn't worth anyone else's time either.
How do you know he’s nice?
Thread can die for all I care. Not like we'd be losing much
All men are nice with big boobs...except gays and black dudes
Nicer than the girl that's giving him the entire fuck off posture immediately because her dyed hair isn't pulling the attention she craved.
If only you could have come to this realization sooner. Add that to your busty girl problems.
It just makes me remember rude customers from when I was a wageslave
>busty girl problems
>"all the blood flow goes to my breasts which makes me incapable of doing anything, my breasts have actually made me retarded"
No, I'm saying that because you felt the need to throw one last insult at her.
You won, I got it. Just leave her alone
Fuck me for wanting to talk about boobs I guess. Thought we'd have a nice comfy thread but people threw a bitch fit.
So, why not do a Storytime of Pain with any of Bleedman's comics?
It's Yea Forums, of course they'd find a way to bitch about a comfy thread because they can't comprehend a board without constant flame wars and arguments.
How do you retards even find your way here?
Looks more like granny from the motherland instead of a maid.
I've been coming here since I was a shitty teen and just haven't broken the habit
Fat isn't busty, it's just fat, sorry to break it to you OP. I'm guessing you've either got curdled shapeless runny pancake tits because you're a landwhale or you're a deluded tranny who thinks the misshapen hormone knobs in your chest count as having boobs let alone being busty.
Okay then, user. Give me an image of what women should look like.
>a nice comfy thread
This comic was retarded on its own, you didn't have to make a thread about it at all, but no, you made two. If you want to talk about your problems as a woman stay on discord.
You attention seeking hypocrite. This thread was founded on the fact that you wanted to whine about your "busty" girl problems while enjoying it at the same time. Fuck off with your woe is me shit.
>"nice catch, boobs!"
OP here. I haven’t even posted beyond the first post. I don’t know who y’all think you’re talking to
Go back to Yea Forums, faggot with shit taste in women.
This isn't a fucking busty girl problem this happens to every god damn person that does the dishes. No fucking shit "every time".
Has it gotten that bad for you?
Yeah, it really devolved from a comfy (but admittedly flawed) thread to a bunch of assholes shitting on whoever's dumping the images and several of them with shit taste in women who consider breasts "fat".
Everything about your post is braindead.
Don't, I'm the one who fucked up and made the thread. I'm gonna hold the L
>shitting on whoever's dumping the images
Quit making her out to be this sad victim, jesus christ. She dragged herself into it by being cheeky to whoever didn't like the comic she was spamming. The direct issue isn't even her its shitty "relatable" comics in general. She just has shit taste and made the thread at a rare time when women wouldn't flock into it to blogpost so the comments shitting on it stood out more.
No, I’M the OP! I admit the deed! Cast your stones at me if you must!
Uh, the OP just admitted that she didn't post anything past the first post.
I like these chicks the breastest.
Try reading your own post.
It's just the usual shitposters sucking the fun out of a decent thread.
Everything about your taste in women is braindead.
>When your pubic hair gets stuck in your foreskin and you have to pull it out like fucking floss
I'm glad you could deduce that from that one post.
Don't listen to these fakers, anons. I'm the real deal OP, direct all your rage at me and I'll take full responsibility.
do you even know the absolute ass that that image comes from
Outside of the retardposting right now its clear she was the OP and posted this stuff like last time.
>sees word hormone
>assumes it's for transgenders
You spend too much time on the internet
Seriously. Only one boob caught it
Don't be talking shit about Vera
Maybe if OP only reposted all this shit after everyone's forgotten about it instead of spamming it every few weeks he wouldn't have this problem
Being a cute white girl with big boobs is basically life on easy mode though. You will never be homeless and you can basically get anything you want from any dumb guy.
If gladly deal with all this dumb shit if it meant an easy life.
can't relate
Is tit face!!!
is that real i need one
Do fat milkies make it harder to shoot rifles, is that why there's so few women in shooting sports?
have you ever tried watching a biathlon?
Because there are no 'bad' pick up lines, just undesirable guys they don't want to talk to.
I mean...yeah, until you adapt to it. You can’t put your hand where the instructions say. But it’s doable.
At least, that’s how it is for archery. I imagine guns are even worse. All that recoil...
Vera is s h i t
>All that recoil...
>tfw no big tiddy gf to take to the range and watch her jiggle with every shot
And that’s why you wear six sports bras to the shooting range
In my experience the dudes there are professional and respectful. Just there to shoot and leave.
but twitter told me that shooting ranges are full of creepy dudes
And one thread a week wouldn't be fucking spamming, let alone 2 over the course of months.
I mean you can run into one every once in a while, but keep in mind you're in a place where everyone is currently holding a fully loaded gun, most folk tend not to go out of their way to antagonize anyone around them.
Was it rape?
What the fuck?
Are you an E-cup?
Are you single?
I'm surprised there hasn't been one about back pain yet. That's the one my wife complains about the most. Second would be finding a bra that fits, they don't sell her size in stores and buying online is hit or miss. 3rd would be the boob sweat. I'm going to miss them when she does get the reduction done but she will be happier.
That one guy complaining is just an encel wanting to put women down and unsurprisingly a big trump fan.
Damn it, this made me sad. The dissolution of the American family is a fucking tragedy.
You know the rules lady!
Isn't back pain mostly a result of just not exercising your back and shoulders enough to be able to comfortably hold the weight?
that guy is missing a purple eye
>Guy is actually looking away
I'm calling bullshit, you'll stare like a deer in headlights until she turns her head, then you'll look away until you see the whites of her eyes disappear in your peripheral vision.
>took a year of intamacy to figure out he only liked her for her tits
Sorry, is the punch line that her tits have filled the space her brain should be in, too?
>just enough to get to pay day
>a bra strap breaks
What, she doesn't have other bras? Just the one bra? How fucked up is the life she's living?
>not fixing the bra strap if you're really that hard up
fuck this comic, seriously, it's just pandering
They're like $80 a pop, user. It's not exactly a trivial purchase.
W-wait, are you telling me that some chicks will own only one bra and just wear that shit for like a week straight before washing it.
Jesus, imagine the smell.
How is that a busty girl problem and not just a general women's issue?
The bigger the bra, the less likely they offer it in a wide enough variety of colors
It’s a problem for everyone, but larger sizes much more so
Stores in general are shit at stocking anything beyond a narrow band of sizes
The problem is at the other end of the spectrum too. For years the majority of things that fit me were kiddie Spongebob prints...
chestlets don't need a bra anyway, you're just wasting your money
Why would a titlet need a bra? There's nothing there for it to hold.
literally any woman with normal arm range of motion can do this
You gotta watch out for other people on the train too. The best way to do it is through the reflection on the window, and barring that, stare at something tit adjacent and disguise your glances as normal eye shifting.
We still got nipples! They're for concealing that as much as they are for support
Don't wear shirts that are both tight and thin, problem solved.
your 14, those tits won't be HUGE by age 22, gal
3rd world country where apartments and hotels don't have individual showers.
Back in high middle school I knew (and by knew I mean constantly watched from behind) a girl with tits about that big, some absolute titty monsters start real early user.
Brah, your social skills are the problem
14 means they’ve been growing for like 3 years already
What's the source
Try to carry 10 pounds around all the time and tell me how you feel.
Just, uh, buy a shirt that fits, dumbass.
Give me a FUCKING break.
Even small high quality bras are expensive. Again, just a normal problem but titcows need to cry victim.
This comic series:
Also this comic series:
This comic always reminds me of that Big Dick problems comic that was created in response.
Always seems like the people who hate breasts the most are the girls who have big ones. Everyone else likes them, they're visually beautiful and feel nice but girls with boobs are like "Ugh they're terrible though and they don't feel like anything anyway and they're garbage anyway, ugh they just feel like a cheek anyway they're nothing special. Why would you like them?" but it always comes off as a humble brag or worse. Feels rare to find someone who has decent sized ones and doesn't hate them a bit or underplay them." Like yeah I have a huge dick, pretty cool right?". Big dicks probably touch the toilet water whenever they take a shit, but the people that have them still got that big dick energy.
I am aware of how much bras cost. Her money management issue has nothing to do with her tit size, she just sucks at saving money. Like a lot of people.
And if she actually only owns one bra and doesn't immediately have the money to replace it, she could fix it and make due until pay day. Tie the snapped straps back together. Sew it back together with lots of reinforced thread. Fucking safety pin it back together.
I'm sorry, but most of this comic is humble bragging and bending universal problems to fit a narrative that falsely claims that having a big bust is waaaaay haaaarder than not. It's juvenile and so am I for letting something so transparent irk me.
Thats just negrophile problems.
A lot of these comics have nothing to do with boobs?
Are you familiar with the concept of "edits"?
its easy.................
fucking pleb.
i lift 40lbs on average at work, maybe if those LAZY women worked out, they wouldn't feel as bad.
Proper posture would fix a lot of what "busty girls" complain about
no, thats just impossible!
and doing back exercises? blasphemy!
so have men, do they need to wear little spongebob bras too now?
that's just how women take compliments
if someone says to them "wow you have beautiful big tits!" they can't just say "I know right?? I love them!"
because then you would think she's a selfish bitch, so she needs to be humble and shit and don't make the chestlets seethe and go "teehee no they aren't that great back pain and shit bla bla"
>they can't just say "I know right??
just say thanks or laugh