Characters that would potentially be better fat

>Characters that would potentially be better fat

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Okay, I'm going to suspend my immediate knowledge that this is fetish shit. What are your reasons for black cat being better fat.

What the fuck else


At least you're giving some leeway there
But I'd say She-Hulk

It'll make for easy quips for Peter.

what a boring reason.

I don't know if fat would be better, but it sure as hell thicc would be

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Peter’s not making fat jokes these days especially towards a woman.

More realistic. The calories for all those saucers of cream she laps up have to go somewhere.

Even as a fatfag, saying black cat would be better fat is pretty nonsensical outside of the straight fetish shit.
She hulk and Power girl are my choices. She hulk would work great with a power lifter style physique, a layer of fat over a whole lotta muscle. Power girl could just be straight up chubby, her strength doesn’t come from training or exercise, it comes from her alien body, so she could easily be fat and still be the same power. Plus she eats a lot of fast food, it seems like.

You know who'd be better a bit chubby? Green lanterns.

Why the fuck are they all chiseled? They probably don't even walk to the bathroom, just have the ring float them. Have kyle at least be a bit soft. He's a goddamn comic artist.

Make her obese.

Fuck off feederfag

I hadn't considered Power Girl but that's a great point. All of that fast food could definitely get her chubby.

Post some pics lads.


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The reason plus sized superheroes don't normally exist is because you being a superhero requires being active and nimble
And healthy

Faith from Valiant Comics is fat

Literally Who?

If you can lift cars over your head like it’s nothing, being a hundred pounds over weight isn’t going to slow you down much.
Plus, a lot of what she does probably can’t be considered good exercise for her, taking into account what she can do if she really tries. She should look like someone who eats a lot of pizza and doesn’t exercise.


No human being is “better” fat
Its unhealthy
Its unattractive
Its a mentally unstable fetish, where you have something wrong with you. You like an unhealthy look and would sacrifice a partners health to feed said unhealthy mentality

Go on a diet and work out. Your excuses make us pity you.

Here's a comprehensive list of candidates.

You didn't list any.

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I unironically fucked a fat pretty black woman like that.


Based. How was it?

Dunces who speak of being "thick" should spend 1000 hours shoveling massive mounds of bull fat out of a farm.

>her power is telekinesis
>which lets her not excercise



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It would help better seduce kids.

It fills a quota.

We need a cute fatty super heroine so we can have more real cute fatties doing cosplay of her.

>this thread again


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Okay but I wanna jack off on Fat Black Cat’s belly.

I'd fuck it

I'd be totally down for this especially if I could convince my gf to cosplay whatever character that would be