Post cute couples doing cute shit. I'm very lonely and I live vicariously through relationships on screen...

Post cute couples doing cute shit. I'm very lonely and I live vicariously through relationships on screen. I've been on a Miraculous binge.

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This ship is cute as fuck

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It's gonna be a lonnng wait until September 2nd.

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Reminder that the only way for this to happen is for Adrien to keep living the lie of his public persona for the rest of his life, which will slowly kill him inside.

Well, maybe not. There's a chance right?

>I've been on a Miraculous binge.
Why? Are you retarded?

>Why? Are you retarded?
No. I also watch Rick and Morty so I'm actually super intelligent

I'm lonely too. Feel better OP!


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Thanks fren

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I like this LB's suit design a lot. The added boots are nice.

We all are OP, we all are...

Right? I like it too.

Does this ever actually happen in this series, or are are they forever in shiptease limbo?

officially no, asstruck said they'll be involved, eventually. i wouldn't count on that too soon, tho, since the only reason people over 10 watches this crap is for the romance. once the official main ship is exhausted the mandatory happy ending will ensue, and so long sweet merch money. they will beat the dead horse for as long as they can before throwing the carcass, you can bet on it. mine? another 3 seasons at the least

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Post more of this

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Astruc will never ever allow this. Maybe after season 28

Worth the wait to me. Plus I think he'd be fine with it, but the suits want to be able to air the show in any order and we can't jump from preggo 20yo Marinette to 14yo.

>Adrien commits suicide at age 40ish, leaving behind his wife and three children.

Yes, please. I'm hard just thinking about it.

He better fucking allow this

>Wanting a hugbox.
Kill yourself user.
It will make you feel better.

He's a gay bondage fantasy and she's a French pedo fantasy. I see nothing cute there.

I hate how some korean artists make every character eyes super sharp, it looks like they are some kind of deadly autist like Cassandra Cain

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Adrien will snap far earlier than that. Probably will get enough of playing his perfect model charade, having an unfullfilling sidekick role as a superhero and being a trophy husband for Miss Goody-two-shoes. The next time marinette will ask him of trying a new tie he she sewed. while remarking that now she got a promotion because she's so talented, he'll cataclysm the loadbearing walls of their house and bury himself with his family under the rubble

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Fucking based.

>a few months later

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Still hoping, even if it's not real.

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These are cute

when i was growing up, every couple on TV was either someone's parents, or a married couple that were sick of each other. Or one of those perpetually unrequited love interests like Charlie Brown and the little red-haired girl.

Mickey and Minnie were the only young couple that were courting and enthusiastic with any level of success.

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Nah you’re both wrong. He would know that the person his wife REALLY fell in love with is the mask of Adrien and that as long as he wants to keep it, he was to keep wearing it, so he’d rely on Chat Noir as a way to vent all the aspects of himself that he’s repressing even more, turning it up to eleven. If anything, he’d be found out when Ladybug starts to noticing Chat getting progressively more insane.

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Jade and Seymour were cute together. She should've used the tiger talisman to split Hsi Wu. That way his demon half is sealed away and his human persona gets a body of his own.

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I think maybe I'm gay. Het ships just can't do it for me. They're too vanilla and forced.

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The stuff

That's a really wholesome pic.

Virgin/Chad is best couple.

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The best stuff

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I agree.


The best ones so far in the thread
Close seconds

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>too vanilla and forced
Kind of an oxymoron there. Also you’re saying forced while posting a ship that was literally forced into canon. Also that image is just plain bad. It’s far too busy and cluttered and impossible to tell what’s going on in it.

That's pretty pessimistic imo. I think that they both have the intelligence to be able to work it out. Not only is Adrien both personalities of himself and Cat Noir, he's also much better at communicating his feelings than Marinette.

Marinette is very understanding, and wants the best. So I think that as long as he can speak his mind to his closest friend and partner, they would be a perfectly functional family.


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That's why Chat Noir / Marinette is the ship for big brain individuals

It's not about pessimism, user. Adrien just triggers all my sadistic instincts and turns them up to eleven. I want to see him suffer so damn much - why is he such good bait, dammit?!

Dude already suffers enough. Overprotective dad that's also cold, kinda insane and more. He starts out with virtually no friends other than Chloe, and in that nightmare episode, his worst fear was being in an inescapable cage.

Based and Waltpilled

>that’s pretty pessimistic
How many seasons has it been and they still haven’t found each other out, still stuck in this same song and dance? Despite being the “obvious couple, they’re not particularly great at reading the other person or really understanding them. There’s little indication that they would be able to break a status quo before it reached it’s breaking pointz

They're still kids, man.. they're like 14/15. They'll be better once they grow up a little.

Anyone else just feel more depressed because of this thread?

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Maybe I will finally get the courage to kill myself.

My depression cannot be worsened by mere words on a random Yea Forums thread, user. I hit rock bottom a while ago.


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Please god let me love

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You have no idea.

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>these two
>has a total of like 3 braincells
>having a kid
well, atleast they look happy

No bully. They're a good family.

No more than I was already

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Well that’s fucked.

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What is this

Apollo and Midnighter.

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If I can't have my own relationship I can at least be happy for other people...even if they're fictional. Cute things give me hope.

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Don't date an actual raccoon, they're selfish lovers. Also rabies.

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