What's the 2019 version?

What's the 2019 version?

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Is Meg even still in it? Got the feeling Mila Kunis felt she was too good for it several years back when she got all those film roles, not doing much these days though.

Peter: Retard
Lois: Nymphomaniac
Meg: Clinically Insane
Chris: Chronic Masturbator
Brian: Alcoholic Failure
Stewie: Straight Man

Tram param porn character to all of them

>20 years
Haha, oh fuck

the 2019 version has no individual labels. just one giant one with “OH MY GAD LOIS ITS SAMS UNDERTALE”

Apart from the like 1 major Meg and maybe like 3 side plots per season, all of her lines in episodes where she's not relevant to the plot are usually one liners and are inter changeable. She must have the easiest pay in voice acting history

They probably can't afford her for very long. All her lines for the season are probably recorded in one session.

I like Brian better as alcoholic failure, he's funnier and he's more in line with where that kind of personality is in middle age.

>Stewie: Straight Man

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brian was never the voice of reason, you just grew up and realized what a hypocrite he was

Lois is a bitch, and Chris is a horny retard, that's all that's changed really.

What about the neighbors? I haven’t watched a full episode in years but last I saw
>Quagmire: Casanova - Serial rapist (that tries to be the straight man)
>Joe: Pious cop/a family man - Pitiful cripple/spontaneously crooked cop
>Cleveland: Intentionally boring - Straight man

I disagree, a lot of his dialogue was poking at the ridiculousness of the plot early on. That morphed in to hypocritical preaching after that.

Woody Allen parody to JEEEEEW
Nice lady that was always pregnant to a woman to hates her husband for being handicapped
No personality to PTSD jokes
>Cleveland jnr
Hyper active kid to Chris but with a dark side
A harsh boss to old woman are gross

canonically an awful show now

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>Brian died 6 years ago
Where does the time go?

Well it has been implied dozens of times now that peter is a pedo.

>Peter is a pedo
>Lois had sex with several teenagers
>Quagmire fucks anything with a vagina
>Brian is a satitory rapist
>Herbert is just one pedophile joke
Have Cleveland, Adam West or Joe done anything yet?

>Stewie: Straight Man
There ain't nothing straight about Stewie.

joe's suicidal

>Brian is a full on scumbag narcissist
>Lois is dead inside and cheats
>Peter is still a retard
>Chris is Lenny from Of Mice and Men but hornier
>Meg is a serial killer sex freak
>Stevie is still gay

I know that but I was more so talking about how nearly every adult has some link to pedophilia

should also put scumbag in there. She slept with one of Peters sons from a sperm-bank, and somehow got forgiven for it after said son beat the shit out of Peter.

yes, this is real


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>Adam West

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Jesus, that's not how it works. You get payed by the episode you blundering retard. They even make jokes about it by giving characters one line just so they have to be payed.

Have they figured out what Chris and Meg's character traits are yet?

>Peter: True Neutral -> Chaotic Neutral/Evil
>Lois: Lawful Good -> True Neutral
>Meg: Neutral Good -> Chaotic Neutral
>Chris: True Neutral
>Stewie: Chaotic Evil -> True Neutral
>Brian: Neutral Good -> True Neutral

Simpsons are called zombie while this is still on air

What have you been doing all these years?

Nowadays you see zoomers saying Family guy didn't git gud until post-cancellation and that pre-cancellation was actually terrible.

based vinnyposter

Wasted my school years


All of them labelled either “murderer” or “rapist”.

The problem with Brian is that he was supposed to be the straight man, but they made him a huge asshole so there is no straight man. This is why they made fucking Quagmire call him out, but its retarded since NOBODY is the straight man anymore. Anybody who was interesting is now a retard and anybody with reason is now an asshole and wrong all the time.


Adam West died. That's something.

Also Bill Clinton

Everyone: Retard

this but replace stewie with "plot device"

Peter - Walking meme that never gets his just desserts
Lois - Selfish cunt who has checked out of being a decent mother or wife
Chris - Gross fat chronic masturbating retard that constantly has girls find interest him
Meg - Punching bag who has been driven to self harm and violence occasionally trying to step out away from that only to be bully back to the whipping girl
Brian - Representation of liberal douche bag who constantly finds a sword to fall on to cover up his womanizing, cowardly, selfish acts.
Stewie - A pretty cool guy.

Rip when it was all on xbooru

Adam West dated Meg

Best character really... Fuck off

>>Cleveland Jr.
>Hyper active kid to Chris but with a dark side
Oh I get it, because he’s black.

>Retard With Boobs
>Fat Retard
>Retard Dyke
>Young Fat Retard
>Liberal Retard Dog
>Gay Retard

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>Peter: Retard
and yet we've all seen bigger retards than Peter.

man, i wonder what the 2029 version will look like

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