X-women thread

Which one is best anons?

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None. Fuck Muties

Psylocke. Fuck muties. In the ass.

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How tight do you think she is?

90's Rogue and Swimsuit Psylocke. No others matter.

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How kinky is she?

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Goodness me, all that bare skin and cleavage. Can't have that anymore.

Never liked X-Men, besides Dazzler.
Dazzler is cute.

Hope you like being dominated.

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Rogue ofcourse

There's a voice in my head that whispers 'Jean Grey'.

The ones written by competent and non-hack authors

A true ninja warrior trains to be as tight as an iron vice

Search your heart, you know it to be true

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3 way with psylock and emma

Top 3

>X-Treme X-Men
Rogue's design in this makes me so hard.

What the fuck happened?

Gillen/Bendis Magik
PAD Monet
Claremont Storm

Search your heart. Tough as nails, shrewd, and the most sexually appealing power.

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Tempus a cute

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I wonder if she's a switch.

Finally, another based Tempus bro. OP and cute, Tempus is top tier


How tight is Magik's pussy?

All of em

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Psylocke in her white body.

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Supernaturally tight.

And how rough does she like it?

Laura looked better in the cartoon than she does in the books.

Hellishly rough.

So she's covered in bruises and cuts?

As are you.

Would she be into rape roleplay?

I could see her dabbling in that.

I would hold her down and have her beg me to stop.

Not a believer in her preference for demon lovers?

Just keep in mind that she's going to want a turn being on top, user.

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Worth it. I wonder how much she would cry as I roleplay her rape.

Wait....Dagger is a mutant? I thought it was experimental drugs that gave them powers.

Laura's not in the picture though

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What mutant?

Scarlet Witch

Jubes is my girl.

She is not a mutant.

Yes she is.

Dani Moonstar forever and always